Video Game 'Legend of Mana' Gets Anime Adaptation

Square Enix published the first game in the Seiken Densetsu (Mana) series as a Final Fantasy spin-off, titled Seiken Densetsu: Final Fantasy Gaiden (Final Fantasy Adventure) in 1991 for the Game Boy console. The second and third games, Secret of Mana and Trials of Mana, were released for SNES in 1993 and 1995, respectively. The game franchise has sold a cumulative 8 million copies worldwide.
Legend of Mana, the fourth game, was released on PlayStation in 1999. Square Enix published an HD remaster for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and PC on Thursday.
Shiro Amano (Kingdom Hearts manga) serialized a five-volume manga adaptation in Monthly Famitsu Bros magazine from 2000 to 2003.
Official site:
Source: Press Release
Seiken Densetsu: Legend of Mana - The Teardrop Crystal on MAL
20 of 29 Comments Recent Comments
Jul 1, 2021 12:24 AM by Gator
Jun 29, 2021 8:51 AM by Satyr_icon
Jun 29, 2021 6:00 AM by removed-user
Jun 28, 2021 10:26 PM by andreariona
and you dont use "que pena" that way, its funny[/quote]
Ay benditoooo, ahora este me va a decir como hablar en español. Mi amor, dejame dejarte unos cuantos "links" pa que n pases trabajo :)
INCLUSO, me encanta que tú y él se estan haciendo como si salen juegos nuevos cada dos meses o algo así lol no me joda
Jun 28, 2021 8:15 PM by Gio_Graphy
Dude you just named a bunch of games that came out half a decade ago or more. Theres your answer as to how hot horror games are.
I love that I said I dont wish to go back and forth anymore yet you clearly did not care. Are you one of those guys that just NEED to have the final word? Que pena. [/quote]
hes right though
and you dont use "que pena" that way, its funny
Jun 28, 2021 6:21 PM by Mendeleev
Jun 28, 2021 4:36 PM by Alecarvalho
I love that I said I dont wish to go back and forth anymore yet you clearly did not care. Are you one of those guys that just NEED to have the final word? Que pena.
Jun 27, 2021 8:38 PM by Gio_Graphy
Horror games arent that hot? Are we just forgetting Outlast, The Evil Within, Alien Isolation, Dead by Daylight, freaking UNTIL DAWN? Come on, buddy. And I wasnt saying they aint NEVER gonna do something with PE, just that they'd rather do anything BUT something related to PE. Like they'd rather do another damn Final Fantasy instead of it lol
Im over this conversation now, we aint gonna see eye to eye and thats fine. Have a good night~
Jun 27, 2021 8:35 PM by JizzyHitler
Mana, a franchise that was neglected WAAAAAAAAAAY longer than parasite eve was, getting a revival from teams not even remotely tied to PE, is gonna stop a PE revival, its such an insane correlation to make. The last new mana game was in 2006, parasite eve had a 3rd game years after that[/quote]
Horror games arent that hot? Are we just forgetting Outlast, The Evil Within, Alien Isolation, Dead by Daylight, freaking UNTIL DAWN? Come on, buddy. And I wasnt saying they aint NEVER gonna do something with PE, just that they'd rather do anything BUT something related to PE. Like they'd rather do another damn Final Fantasy instead of it lol
Im over this conversation now, we aint gonna see eye to eye and thats fine. Have a good night~
Jun 27, 2021 8:33 PM by Gio_Graphy
Is it REALLY though? I dont need to be a market researcher to know that for the last couple of years, horror games its where its been AT. Capcom has been making BANK (rightfully so, IMO the games are great) with Resident Evil. Meanwhile Square got time for Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, hell even a COMPLETELY NEW IP (Forspoken) but Parasite Eve is collecting dust. The same can be said for Konami and SH (but thats a whole other 20 dollars as they say). Maybe the Fatal Frame relaunch will make Square remember they have Parasite Eve but I doubt it at this point lol These are just my opinions, its not that serious at the end of the day lol
Yes it is bizzare, cause Square is showing all indications that they very well could be using that IP in the near future alongside a billion other IP's, also don't know what universe your in where horror games are where its at when RE is borderline the only real one of note, a franchise that even in its worst state sold millions. Outside of that horror games arent all that hot. Past that it makes about as much sense to bring up as me going, well why don't they make a new nanashi no game, why PE over that one?
Jun 27, 2021 8:22 PM by JizzyHitler
Is it REALLY though? I dont need to be a market researcher to know that for the last couple of years, horror games its where its been AT. Capcom has been making BANK (rightfully so, IMO the games are great) with Resident Evil. Meanwhile Square got time for Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, hell even a COMPLETELY NEW IP (Forspoken) but Parasite Eve is collecting dust. The same can be said for Konami and SH (but thats a whole other 20 dollars as they say). Maybe the Fatal Frame relaunch will make Square remember they have Parasite Eve but I doubt it at this point lol These are just my opinions, its not that serious at the end of the day lol
Jun 27, 2021 7:38 PM by Gio_Graphy
Wasn't a remake announced recently? Or am I mixing things up? Maybe this is to sell more copies of that remake? Unless I'm completely mixing games up. xD
Parasite Eve is WASTED on Square. They got time for anythinggggg else, except for that.
What an absolutely bizarre thing to bring up when square is showing an open focus on reviving their dormant properties.
Jun 27, 2021 7:24 PM by JizzyHitler
.........another video game adaptation from Square Enix right after ANOTHER Square Enix video game adaptation ended, huh...?
....I really don't want to be a Debbie Downer or anything, but... *sigh* People tried to warn me with that last one and how video game adaptations generally end up failing in some way or another. I didn't listen and now I've been feeling kinda awful for the last couple of days... way worse than I did back when the Ace Attorney anime was still airing, because at least that show actually adapted most if not all of its source material and actually had a filler episode in between adapting the first and second games that I remember was actually great. That aside, I highly suggest some of you who are just as passionate about this game as I am for TWEWY and Ace Attorney to try to lower your expectations as much as possible, at least until some more information about this anime's staff and runtime comes out.
My bet is that this is gonna just gonna be a rushed video game adaptation made just to advertise a possible upcoming entry for the Mana series.
Haven't played this game, but it is definitely fairly popular.
It's possible that a remake could be coming out soon just because of this announcement, actually.
At least it's not a Secret of Mana adaptation, there's barely any "story" in that one imo haha
Its going to be crap on arrival so you're not wrong to be skeptical.
Jun 27, 2021 5:25 PM by Disapeared_Ghost
Jun 27, 2021 5:11 PM by CataOrShane
Legend of Mana was pretty good but lacked challenge for me but it was fun exploring, even still this isn't the game people talk about when they talk about the Mana series so I'm sure people would've wanted Secret of Mana or Trails of Mana to be adapted, but it's okay I feel like this adaptation will be about the world of the game and the fun characters rather than a big story arc
Jun 27, 2021 1:42 PM by RokkuDash
Jun 27, 2021 12:27 PM by Gio_Graphy
....I really don't want to be a Debbie Downer or anything, but... *sigh* People tried to warn me with that last one and how video game adaptations generally end up failing in some way or another. I didn't listen and now I've been feeling kinda awful for the last couple of days... way worse than I did back when the Ace Attorney anime was still airing, because at least that show actually adapted most if not all of its source material and actually had a filler episode in between adapting the first and second games that I remember was actually great. That aside, I highly suggest some of you who are just as passionate about this game as I am for TWEWY and Ace Attorney to try to lower your expectations as much as possible, at least until some more information about this anime's staff and runtime comes out.
My bet is that this is gonna just gonna be a rushed video game adaptation made just to advertise a possible upcoming entry for the Mana series.
Haven't played this game, but it is definitely fairly popular.
It's possible that a remake could be coming out soon just because of this announcement, actually.
At least it's not a Secret of Mana adaptation, there's barely any "story" in that one imo haha
Jun 27, 2021 12:12 PM by Fario-P
I should play the remaster and actually beat the game this time lol.
Jun 27, 2021 11:19 AM by Nette
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