TV Anime Adaptation of 'Akebi-chan no Sailor-fuku' Manga Announced

Aniplex opened an official website for a television anime adaptation of Hiro's Akebi-chan no Sailor-fuku (Akebi's Sailor Uniform) manga on Friday, revealing the main staff, a concept art (pictured above), and concept movie.
Akebi Komichi lives out in the countryside with her family. She's won entrance to the prestigious Roubai Academy middle school for girls and now she wants only two things—to wear the school's sailor uniform and to make a hundred friends!
Director: Miyuki Kuroki (The iDOLM@STER SideM, Occultic;Nine assistant director)
Series Composition, Script: Rino Yamazaki (Darling in the Franxx)
Character Design: Megumi Kouno (Fate/Grand Order: Zettai Majuu Sensen Babylonia chief animation director)
Studio: CloverWorks
Hiro began drawing the slice of life manga on the Tonari no Young Jump website in August 2016. Shueisha published the seventh volume last August, with the eighth volume scheduled for release on April 19. Akebi-chan no Sailor-fuku has a cumulative of 500,000 copies of its volumes in circulation.
Concept Movie
Official site:
Official Twitter: @AKEBI_chan
Source: PR Times
Akebi-chan no Sailor-fuku on MAL
20 of 24 Comments Recent Comments
For example? I find it hard to remember another all-female SOL that was visually incredible.
This show has male self-isert, so I never thought of it as all-female.
Mar 30, 2021 8:55 AM by RobertBobert
like any other visual SOL adaptation?
For example? I find it hard to remember another all-female SOL that was visually incredible.
Mar 27, 2021 2:46 AM by Kuma
Shippers will try to look for subtext here anyway, personally I'm more worried about how the studio is going to adapt the strong visual focus from the original manga. It hardly makes sense as a regular intimate CGDCT.
For example? I find it hard to remember another all-female SOL that was visually incredible.
Mar 27, 2021 2:11 AM by RobertBobert
well, those kind of guy probably have no intention to read original source, so..
Shippers will try to look for subtext here anyway, personally I'm more worried about how the studio is going to adapt the strong visual focus from the original manga. It hardly makes sense as a regular intimate CGDCT.
Mar 27, 2021 1:59 AM by Kuma
Non-romance SOL, huh. This manga reminds of a kind of rustic Hibike without music, so I bet after the first 2-3 episodes there will be a bunch of fanboys pretending to have yuri subtext romcom in it. I still remember the dude who thought Jashin-chan Dropkick was "actually" about Medusa and Jashin's deep love story.
Shippers will try to look for subtext here anyway, personally I'm more worried about how the studio is going to adapt the strong visual focus from the original manga. It hardly makes sense as a regular intimate CGDCT.
Mar 27, 2021 1:44 AM by RobertBobert
Awwww I think she is looking forward to do some lesbian kissing with her girlfriend,,,,YEEEEEEEEEEEEES
Now I am also looking forward to this =P
Mar 26, 2021 7:15 PM by Yuri-Crusader
the last time we have successful non romance SOL things in young jump is himouto umaru-chan and that was years ago and already ended. current young jump line up is full of romcom and action. need something fresh.
Non-romance SOL, huh. This manga reminds of a kind of rustic Hibike without music, so I bet after the first 2-3 episodes there will be a bunch of fanboys pretending to have yuri subtext romcom in it. I still remember the dude who thought Jashin-chan Dropkick was "actually" about Medusa and Jashin's deep love story.
Mar 26, 2021 7:11 PM by Kuma
This is Young Jamp, two-thirds of the works there are those that did not make it to Shonen Jump due to age restrictions or genres. For example, they even released several volumes of yuri anthology.
the last time we have successful non romance SOL things in young jump is himouto umaru-chan and that was years ago and already ended. current young jump line up is full of romcom and action. need something fresh.
Non-romance SOL, huh. This manga reminds of a kind of rustic Hibike without music, so I bet after the first 2-3 episodes there will be a bunch of fanboys pretending to have yuri subtext romcom in it. I still remember the dude who thought Jashin-chan Dropkick was "actually" about Medusa and Jashin's deep love story.
Mar 26, 2021 6:57 PM by RobertBobert
Akebi Komichi lives out in the countryside with her family. She's won entrance to the prestigious Roubai Academy middle school for girls and now she wants only two things—to wear the school's sailor uniform and to make a hundred friends!
Joke aside... hmm PV seems okay, animation looks decent and piano is nice. Yet another "idk if i'd watch it tho" though.
And here I was, clicking your link and expecting to find this. I may need to put Komi-san on my radar.
Mar 26, 2021 6:53 PM by jal90
jump need more non action series, so count me in.
This is Young Jamp, two-thirds of the works there are those that did not make it to Shonen Jump due to age restrictions or genres. For example, they even released several volumes of yuri anthology.
the last time we have successful non romance SOL things in young jump is himouto umaru-chan and that was years ago and already ended. current young jump line up is full of romcom and action. need something fresh.
Mar 26, 2021 6:46 PM by Kuma
Akebi Komichi lives out in the countryside with her family. She's won entrance to the prestigious Roubai Academy middle school for girls and now she wants only two things—to wear the school's sailor uniform and to make a hundred friends!
Joke aside... hmm PV seems okay, animation looks decent and piano is nice. Yet another "idk if i'd watch it tho" though.
Aikatsu Friends had a similar premise as well.
Mar 26, 2021 5:25 PM by Hoppy
jump need more non action series, so count me in.
This is Young Jamp, two-thirds of the works there are those that did not make it to Shonen Jump due to age restrictions or genres. For example, they even released several volumes of yuri anthology.
Mar 26, 2021 5:19 PM by RobertBobert
Mar 26, 2021 5:00 PM by Kuma
I really didn't expect this, I thought Akebi manga were just some unknown one.
This title's strong point is the manga's beautiful drawings, not really sure if the anime could also project the same magic as the manga did.
Well, this is the case when work is popular in Japan but not in the West. I saw illustrations from the author for several years, until someone started translating it into English. But yeah, I'm also wondering how this will be handled, given that the chapters are pretty short and very drawing-oriented.
Mar 26, 2021 8:19 AM by RobertBobert
This title's strong point is the manga's beautiful drawings, not really sure if the anime could also project the same magic as the manga did.
Mar 26, 2021 8:11 AM by Rinrinka
Probably the most uninteresting title and synopsis i have ever read, also seems like it'll be an all girls cast, so it's a hard pass for me.
This manga is fairly typical cute girls SoL about how innocent teenage girls interact innocently, ignoring the fact that their actions are not always subtly sexualized for a male audience.
Mar 26, 2021 8:09 AM by RobertBobert
Mar 26, 2021 12:59 AM by Xenocrisi
Mar 26, 2021 12:04 AM by Dauphine
Mar 26, 2021 12:01 AM by MegamiRem
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