Maeda Jun Takes a Temporal Leave From Key
Source: Angel Beats official blog
20 of 55 Comments Recent Comments
In retrospect, given the massive workload that was Little Busters!, I suppose no one should be surprised at this break.
The Angel Beats! OST had some excellent pieces, however.
The OST was very bad. Only 4 Tracks were good. Compare this soundtrack to his other works and you will see what I mean. Download links are on my profile.
I'm aware of Maeda's other works, thank you. While Angel Beats!' OST is not as deep as his other works, there are still a few shining moments in this album that while may pale in comparison to his other works still presents a handful of enjoyable tracks nonetheless.
I agree but I can't wait for little busters! um do you know how long will he be off o.o?
Apr 2, 2011 9:37 AM by holyflamez
In retrospect, given the massive workload that was Little Busters!, I suppose no one should be surprised at this break.
The Angel Beats! OST had some excellent pieces, however.
The OST was very bad. Only 4 Tracks were good. Compare this soundtrack to his other works and you will see what I mean. Download links are on my profile.
I'm aware of Maeda's other works, thank you. While Angel Beats!' OST is not as deep as his other works, there are still a few shining moments in this album that while may pale in comparison to his other works still presents a handful of enjoyable tracks nonetheless.
Jan 5, 2011 1:02 AM by KirikaYuiko
Jan 4, 2011 6:02 PM by removed-user
Jan 4, 2011 4:29 PM by Bladeguy
and work your ass off on another project !!!!!!!!!
Oct 7, 2010 6:15 PM by guruguru19
But yeah, I hope he cools down after all those years and brings us back something with the good old Key spirit.
Meaning hentai?
i think the one without hentai,since old key's stories don't have hentai...
for LB anime,i some rumors said it will be animated,although there's no rumors bout when will it be animated >.< sad...
For every key visual novel they create an all age version too.
KyoAni is still busy with more K-ON. <-- god damn it!
In retrospect, given the massive workload that was Little Busters!, I suppose no one should be surprised at this break.
The Angel Beats! OST had some excellent pieces, however.
The OST was very bad. Only 4 Tracks were good. Compare this soundtrack to his other works and you will see what I mean. Download links are on my profile.
he need it.
after all great works he had done.
True words.
Oct 7, 2010 10:36 AM by removed-user
The Angel Beats! OST had some excellent pieces, however.
Aug 3, 2010 7:46 PM by KirikaYuiko
'Good for a break. I just hope its not too long of a break. D:
Jun 23, 2010 9:55 AM by Eka
This break might give him inspiration for the next masterpiece!
Jun 23, 2010 5:34 AM by gerb234
After his return, there will be a super ultimate great masterpiece anime called Little Busters!
Well, Maeda and Key have a choice: PA Works or KyoAni? Which house produce LB! ?
My biggest hope is on KyoAni....
Jun 22, 2010 12:46 AM by nobody_knows
temporal leave
Jun! You can't do that! You'll create a time paradox!
Snake! You have created a time paradox!
Jun 22, 2010 12:42 AM by nobody_knows
You don't need to have much talent to use the same character stereotypes and the same storytelling patterns in everything you write. And that's what Key and Maeda are doing.
I think that's more of what any visual novel companies are doing. Not just this particular company. I think it's better to do it this way (unless it's not commercially viable), since people are bound to grab the same company's product again for the similar experience they had before. No need to go out to create something completely new and fail if the existing formula works.
You could probably compare a lot of anime/manga/games in their own company and see that they often use similar character stereotype and storytelling and having enough popularity to survive. If you are going to call the buyers stupid for buying the 'same thing' over and over again. That's just plain stupid. Fictional depictions of people who would be visiting sites like this buys three of the same manga volume, prioritizes anime to the point that they would be willing to watch it in the middle of the night before tommorrow's schedule.
Let's start production!
Jun 9, 2010 5:17 PM by whiteday26
Jun 6, 2010 6:21 AM by Seto_Akari
I think he'll definitely be rested alright you guys are doing a greatoh job of blowing off some of that steam Maeda-San might be having.
Jun 5, 2010 6:46 PM by Daimyo
But yeah, I hope he cools down after all those years and brings us back something with the good old Key spirit.
Meaning hentai?
i think the one without hentai,since old key's stories don't have hentai...
for LB anime,i some rumors said it will be animated,although there's no rumors bout when will it be animated >.< sad...
Jun 5, 2010 7:48 AM by poseidon21
May 19, 2010 8:21 PM by xTachibana
But yeah, I hope he cools down after all those years and brings us back something with the good old Key spirit.
Meaning hentai?
May 16, 2010 8:07 PM by Grmo
Hopefully he'll realize during his break that he need to write something original for a change, not milking the same idea and the same types of characters over and over again under different names...
It has nothing to do with "style". How the characters look and what are they on the inside are completely different things. You don't need to have much talent to use the same character stereotypes and the same storytelling patterns in everything you write. And that's what Key and Maeda are doing. Basically, it's like that:
Okay, we have a tsundere, a kuudere, a weirdere, a girl in coma and one normal girl. So, the tsundere will be doing A stuff, the kuudere will be doing B stuff, the weirdere will be doing C stuff, the girl in coma will appear before other characters as if she's alive, and the normal girl will do what a normal girl is supposed to do. Yay, the screenplay is done! Let's start production!
*a year after*
Okay, we made a profit with that previous thingo we did. Let's make another one! We have a tsundere, a kuudere, a weirdere, a girl in coma and one normal girl. How about this time the tsundere will be doing B stuff, the kuudere will be doing C stuff, the weirdere will be doing A stuff, the girl in coma will appear before other characters as if she's alive (like the previous time), and the normal girl will do what a normal girl is supposed to do cause there's really nothing we can do about that. Yay, the screenplay is done! Let's start production!
*a year after*
Hey, we made an even bigger profit with that thingo we did last year. People who bought it sure are idiots. Let's make another one! Now we have a tsundere, a kuudere, a weirdere, a girl in coma and one normal girl. Can anyone notice a difference? We can't ourselves. So, this time the tsundere will be doing C stuff, the kuudere will be doing A stuff, the weirdere will be doing B stuff, the girl in coma will appear before other characters as if she's alive (as usual), and the normal girl will do what a normal girl is supposed to do cause we don't really want to do anything about that. Yay, the screenplay is done! Let's start production!
*repeat as much as you want*
That's the quick guide of how to make money the Key way. I hope even the most hardcore Key fanboys smiled at least once while reading that. ;)
Yeah, no. Just get out.
Btw, they didn't know they were going to adapt the visual novels into an anime when they were creating them. Therefore you using the word "screenplay" fails.
May 6, 2010 10:11 PM by Yanoflies
after all great works he had done.
Apr 26, 2010 12:53 AM by Raxeluxe
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I agree but I can't wait for little busters! um do you know how long will he be off o.o?
Don't think he's coming back until next year.
Apr 2, 2011 2:57 PM by Rezurrekt