Smartphone Game 'Girls' Frontline' Gets TV Anime

A livestream program for Sunborn Network's Girls' Frontline smartphone game announced a television anime on Friday. Warner Bros. Japan opened an official website, revealing a commemorative illustration (pictured), Asahi Production as the animation studio, and its 2021 debut.
China-based doujin circle MICA Team, later incorporated as Sunborn Network Technology Company, began developing the smartphone game in early 2015 and released it in Mainland China in May 2016, in South Korea the following June, and in English in May 2018. The game was released in Japan under the title Dolls Frontline in August 2018 due to another registrant already acquiring the original trademark.
Girls' Frontline serves as a prequel to MICA Team's 2013 role-playing game Codename: Bakery Girl, an enhanced version of the doujin circle's 2009 kinetic visual novel Girl of the Bakehouse.
BigFireBird Animation (Dahuo Niao Donghua) produced a 24-episode net anime series that ran between July and December in 2019. A second season streamed from October to December last year.
The game is set in a war-torn future where tactical dolls, more commonly known as T-Dolls, are almost exclusively used for combat in place of humans, some having been repurposed from their previous life as civilian androids. The majority of the world is uninhabitable due to contamination from the Collapse Fluid, and much of humankind is dead.
In 2062, the artificial intelligence of Sangvis Ferri spontaneously rebels, with their T-Dolls and robots killing their human masters and taking over nearby areas. In response, the private military company Grifon & Kryuger is hired to contain and eliminate Sangvis Ferri forces. (Source: Wikipedia, edited)
Official site:
Game official site (Chinese):
Game official site (Japanese):
Game official site (Korean):
Game official site (English):
Game official Twitter (Japanese): @GirlsFrontline
Game official Twitter (Korean): @girlsfrontlinek
Game official Twitter (English): @GirlsFrontlineE
Source: Moca News
Girls' Frontline on MAL
20 of 37 Comments Recent Comments
the story is quite good in the later arcs aka events but i lately found them a drag to get through due to how annoying they can get and no voice overs spoiled by gbf
if this anime can cover some of the better spots and make interesting i'll be excited also they got our favorite artist for char designs
Jan 29, 2021 3:47 PM by katsu044
Also I should probably mention T-dolls are are humanoid robots not personified guns.
Jan 29, 2021 2:20 AM by Tenzen12
Jan 26, 2021 7:28 AM by Tokai7
Jan 25, 2021 1:10 PM by Hannatach
It seems pretty interesting. I've heard of the game, but never looked into it at all. I'll probably watch the first episode if it ends up being a series, but I'm not sure if I'll follow it.
Jan 23, 2021 10:33 PM by Ponja__
damn the info around this is confusing, YZ teased that a movie might follow if its successfull. And idk if its a full season or just a 30 min standalone
Jan 23, 2021 6:14 PM by Comander-07
How is GFL on its deathbed? It's been really successful for 5 years, enough to warrant a sequel, a remake of the game it's a prequel to and two spin-offs.
Thanks for that insight. It makes sense, the game company is putting money into the pot to make the show, hoping to boost the fortunes of the franchise.
The bad part is that when they do this, it becomes unlikely that the show gets a sequel, for people who end up liking the show, since it's not being made with the direct intention of making a show that's profitable in its own right.
If the anime works and boosts the game they might decide it boosted it well enough and not care to fund a sequel, since a second season is never going to create the same buzz for the game, or it might fail and they don't want to fund a sequel either.
Jan 23, 2021 4:51 PM by cipheron
Jan 23, 2021 1:03 PM by DeadlyRaven
I hope is going to be male free, and have strong Yuri vibes
Cute gun lesbians are awesome. And most importantly I want some lesbian kissing,,,,,YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES
All I can say is that there will at least be 1 male character (being a guy from HQ, he won't appear very often tho) and mayybeee the commander (depending on what gender they give them, though it wouldn't affect the story anyways, at least i hope).
Just sayin, but if they adapt the actual game's story, I highly recommend you don't expect some sort of yuri vibe. Pointing it out now before you get disappointed or something.
Lol I am used to get disappointed when it comes to Yuri =P
And sometimes I can accept a support male. If he keeps away from my females I can live with it =P
I haven't play the game myself but accordingly to others who have they claim it have Yuri vibes. But its not a big deal either way. I hope for Yuri but not expecting to much. At least I have the lovely lesbian fan art,,,YEEEEEEEEES
Jan 23, 2021 8:59 AM by Yuri-Crusader
Jan 23, 2021 8:42 AM by Erimda
I hope is going to be male free, and have strong Yuri vibes
Cute gun lesbians are awesome. And most importantly I want some lesbian kissing,,,,,YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES
All I can say is that there will at least be 1 male character (being a guy from HQ, he won't appear very often tho) and mayybeee the commander (depending on what gender they give them, though it wouldn't affect the story anyways, at least i hope).
Just sayin, but if they adapt the actual game's story, I highly recommend you don't expect some sort of yuri vibe. Pointing it out now before you get disappointed or something.
Jan 23, 2021 8:36 AM by Boazanian
...I just waiting that finally also Phantom of the Kill his/her deserved TV-adaptation gets - the 20 min. mini movie about few years ago wasn't enough for me...>_y
Jan 23, 2021 8:22 AM by Tenryuu1
Cute gun lesbians are awesome. And most importantly I want some lesbian kissing,,,,,YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES
Jan 23, 2021 8:09 AM by Yuri-Crusader
Just hoping the adaptation would be good.
Jan 23, 2021 8:04 AM by Magito
another HIGH potential for my favorites list<333333
Jan 23, 2021 7:17 AM by EcchiGodMamster
Jan 23, 2021 6:36 AM by evoniee
Yet here I am, still waiting for Honkai Impact to receive it's own.
Jan 23, 2021 5:22 AM by Piromysl
Jan 23, 2021 4:56 AM by Atlos
Jan 23, 2021 3:48 AM by Papa_Scorch
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Why do people think this is gonna be some yuri sht, it’s the complete opposite and you will get ptsd
Some anime fans can't cope with two characters interacting and need to satisfy their fantasies, even when its a work about the horrors of war, lol.
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