Prologue Anime of 'Final Fantasy XV: Episode Ardyn' Announced

A YouTube Live to commemorate 2nd year anniversary of Final Fantasy XV game has announced on Thursday that a new anime for the franchise titled Final Fantasy XV: Episode Ardyn - Prologue is in production. This is to commemorate Final Fantasy XV Episode Ardyn release next March, and will focus on the painful past of Ardyn Izunia (Ardyn Lucis Caelum), a character voiced by Keiji Fujiwara.
Final Fantasy XV is the latest Final Fantasy franchise with original work released on November 29, 2016. Its anime movie premiered on June 2016 while 5-episode ONA released between March to September of the same year. There are also additional contents released. The staff members also mentioned that they are thinking about releasing the stories, such as episode Lunafrena and episode Noctis, that cancelled in other formats.
Source: Nijimen
Final Fantasy XV: Episode Ardyn - Prologue on MAL
17 Comments Recent Comments
Type-0 had great potential, but it was ruined by a poor choice of platform, bad gameplay designs, and a lackluster HD remaster. But then, a game initially never released outside of Japan didn't have much chance to begin with.
"I don't know why they they still continue to make content for FFXV when FFVII the remake and Type 0 are promising."
Maybe because FFXV was, on launch, the franchises second biggest seller? Under FF13. Seems like a pattern of people hating the most successful games.
As for KH3? On launch, it has so far sold only 600k. 300k less than FFXV launch. So much for KH3 "saving their asses"...
Also, doesn't seem likely for there to be any KH3 DLC. So, not only does it sell less, but it doesn't even get extra content? Really saving the company there.
That's not to say KH3 isn't a good game. From all accounts, it's an awesome game. But financially? It's not doing as well as FFXV has.
As for the FFVII remake? It looks set to have some similar gameplay to FFXV. So if you hate FFXV so much, I wouldn't get your hopes up for FFVII to be different.
I'm really excited for this anime. Ardyn was one of my favorite characters, and so I'm glad that despite the cancelled DLC, Episode Ardyn will still be going ahead.
- In consideration of FFXV's first day launch sales, it was a highly anticipated game that was in development for 10 years. The hype surrounding it was because fans were thirsty for another entry in the main series. Besides, marketing and technology play a factor in first day sales, as well as the amount of platforms and options to purchase the game that are available at the time. So in my opinion first day sales aren't a credible way when looking at a video game's succcess, specifically in Final Fantasy franchise, as most games span different console generations. Looking at copies sold to me is. FFXV has sold rough 8 million copies making it the franchise's fourth best seller. The other three games that beat it out are FFVII, FFX, and FFVIII. The point is, I'm not hating "successful" games. I'm hating on poorly written ones. And this is coming from someone who loves FFXIII, a game that quite frankly hated by the majority of the community and a poorly written game.
- Secondly you act like first week sales are the only tell tale sign of how successful a game is. It's not as a described before. General reviews and copies sold are good way to determine that. KH3 will definitely out sell FFXV. Kingdom Hearts is way more profitable than FF. That's a fact. Everybody is more familiar with Kingdom Hearts than they are with Final Fantasy. Kingdom Hearts doesn't need DLC to sell their games. They can produce a well written game within half the development time and still not have to continually update it because the content and story were finalized when the game released.
- I mean how do you even explain the director of FFXV Hajime Tabata leaving and the cancellation of almost all their DLC plans? That doesn't look to me a "successful" game. That to me looks like a company scrambling to keep their game relevant and people jumping ship.
It's clear you are a FFXV fanboy.
KH3 was also a highly anticipated game that fans were "thirsty" for". KH2 was released in 2005. The last game besides a mobile release was in 2012, KH3D:DDD, which as a handheld game, doesn't really quench the appetite quite as well as a full scale console game would.
If you consider Final Fantasy Versus as the original version of what became FFXV, that was announced in 2006. So, people actually waited longer for a full scale sequel to KH2. (handhelds back then really didn't count)
If we define success as number of sales, first day sales do count but as you say, most important is overall sales. I only mentioned FF13 because in terms of launch sales, it was the best in the FF series in launch sale, and I was drawing a parallel between FFXV and FFXIII. In that some people like to hate on both 15 and 13 only because it is "popular to hate them".
Also regards to FF7, FF10, and FF8, do those sales also include digital re-releases, ports, etc? or is that only sales from the original release?
I think that it is hard to judge these things accurately because game consoles have become more popular and widespread than say... 10 or 20 years ago. It's easier to buy a game. Most consoles ditched region locking a long time ago. (looking at you, nintendo new 3ds). You can get games online, you can get games on credit... etc.
I'm merely pointing out the stats here. THUS FAR KH3 has not sold as well, despite having been being hyped and anticipated just as much as FFXV.
To be fair, no-one can comment on whether it will "outsell" or not, since it's been out for less than a month. But for now at least FFXV is ahead.
Hajime Tabata quitting.
One might consider that the DLC was cancelled because one of the directors quit. By all accounts, the DLC was going quite well in development, since the first one of the bunch (Episode Ardyn) will be released as planned.
So a few details;
1. Apparently, Square was planning to shift the direction of Luminous Productions (in-house dev's who did FFXV) to creating a new IP, and making new AAA games in general. and less "multimedia" stuff like the Kingsglaive movie. Sticking only to games. Apparently this decision resulted in a $33 million dollar loss for the studio. My guess is that the loss is at least partially from development on movies, FFXV dlc, etc, that was then cancelled. Total waste of money.
2. While it was announced that he left for "personal" reasons, my first suspicion is that perhaps he didn't like the new direction of the studio, and thus decided to leave. It was allow announced that he is creating his own studio. Perhaps he feels like he can't make the game he wants to make under the watchful eye of a big company? Similar to Hideo Kojima and Konami (though... He was sadly fired instead of quitting.)
3. Hajime Tabata actually made an announcement that in 24 hours, FFXV had broken even on the costs of developing it. So it's not like it was "unsuccessful" in terms of money. There is little reason for people to "jump ship", at least regarding FFXV. If anything it's due to the direction shift and the loss, which is not directly related to FFXV.
As for the fanboy comment... 1) I am not a boy. 2) I am not a "fan" in that way you seem to think. I could dedicate paragraph after paragraph of all the flaws that FFXV if you so desired. I am as much a "fanboy" of FFXV as you are of FFXIII. Which seems to be... not at all.
I think I addressed all your statements but if I missed something please do say so. I have difficulty reading blocks of text so I may have missed something.
Feb 8, 2019 5:35 AM by quercifolia
Honestly with how rushed and forced FFXV feels there is no way adding additional DLC will ever fix the mess that is the story-line. It's like presenting someone a bag of trash as a gift, but the only difference between this bag of trash from being called garbage and your "gift" is that you threw wrapping paper on it and a ribbon.
In addition with the recent news of Tabata leaving Square Enix and the cancellation of the three DLC plans I have no doubt FFXV will end up like Marvel Infinite - a dead game with no support and a lack of direction on what to do with the game.
I just hope in the future that we still have development continuing on FFVII the remake (although it looks like it's going through the same type of behavior FFXV with it's development) and Type 0 -2. Type 0 was actually good game and had a ton of interesting lore/side stories, one of the few FF games to come out in the last few years in my opinion. But it's probably safe to say both projects are probably the least of SE's worries rn unfortunately and are probably on the backburner. I don't know why they they still continue to make content for FFXV when FFVII the remake and Type 0 are promising. Most likely because Kingdom Hearts 3 will save their asses from this mess FFXV created and save some face for the company.
But one can only hope.
Type-0 had great potential, but it was ruined by a poor choice of platform, bad gameplay designs, and a lackluster HD remaster. But then, a game initially never released outside of Japan didn't have much chance to begin with.
"I don't know why they they still continue to make content for FFXV when FFVII the remake and Type 0 are promising."
Maybe because FFXV was, on launch, the franchises second biggest seller? Under FF13. Seems like a pattern of people hating the most successful games.
As for KH3? On launch, it has so far sold only 600k. 300k less than FFXV launch. So much for KH3 "saving their asses"...
Also, doesn't seem likely for there to be any KH3 DLC. So, not only does it sell less, but it doesn't even get extra content? Really saving the company there.
That's not to say KH3 isn't a good game. From all accounts, it's an awesome game. But financially? It's not doing as well as FFXV has.
As for the FFVII remake? It looks set to have some similar gameplay to FFXV. So if you hate FFXV so much, I wouldn't get your hopes up for FFVII to be different.
I'm really excited for this anime. Ardyn was one of my favorite characters, and so I'm glad that despite the cancelled DLC, Episode Ardyn will still be going ahead.
- In consideration of FFXV's first day launch sales, it was a highly anticipated game that was in development for 10 years. The hype surrounding it was because fans were thirsty for another entry in the main series. Besides, marketing and technology play a factor in first day sales, as well as the amount of platforms and options to purchase the game that are available at the time. So in my opinion first day sales aren't a credible way when looking at a video game's succcess, specifically in Final Fantasy franchise, as most games span different console generations. Looking at copies sold to me is. FFXV has sold rough 8 million copies making it the franchise's fourth best seller. The other three games that beat it out are FFVII, FFX, and FFVIII. The point is, I'm not hating "successful" games. I'm hating on poorly written ones. And this is coming from someone who loves FFXIII, a game that quite frankly hated by the majority of the community and a poorly written game.
- Secondly you act like first week sales are the only tell tale sign of how successful a game is. It's not as a described before. General reviews and copies sold are good way to determine that. KH3 will definitely out sell FFXV. Kingdom Hearts is way more profitable than FF. That's a fact. Everybody is more familiar with Kingdom Hearts than they are with Final Fantasy. Kingdom Hearts doesn't need DLC to sell their games. They can produce a well written game within half the development time and still not have to continually update it because the content and story were finalized when the game released.
- I mean how do you even explain the director of FFXV Hajime Tabata leaving and the cancellation of almost all their DLC plans? That doesn't look to me a "successful" game. That to me looks like a company scrambling to keep their game relevant and people jumping ship.
It's clear you are a FFXV fanboy.
Feb 4, 2019 9:11 AM by _Iconic
Honestly with how rushed and forced FFXV feels there is no way adding additional DLC will ever fix the mess that is the story-line. It's like presenting someone a bag of trash as a gift, but the only difference between this bag of trash from being called garbage and your "gift" is that you threw wrapping paper on it and a ribbon.
In addition with the recent news of Tabata leaving Square Enix and the cancellation of the three DLC plans I have no doubt FFXV will end up like Marvel Infinite - a dead game with no support and a lack of direction on what to do with the game.
I just hope in the future that we still have development continuing on FFVII the remake (although it looks like it's going through the same type of behavior FFXV with it's development) and Type 0 -2. Type 0 was actually good game and had a ton of interesting lore/side stories, one of the few FF games to come out in the last few years in my opinion. But it's probably safe to say both projects are probably the least of SE's worries rn unfortunately and are probably on the backburner. I don't know why they they still continue to make content for FFXV when FFVII the remake and Type 0 are promising. Most likely because Kingdom Hearts 3 will save their asses from this mess FFXV created and save some face for the company.
But one can only hope.
Type-0 had great potential, but it was ruined by a poor choice of platform, bad gameplay designs, and a lackluster HD remaster. But then, a game initially never released outside of Japan didn't have much chance to begin with.
"I don't know why they they still continue to make content for FFXV when FFVII the remake and Type 0 are promising."
Maybe because FFXV was, on launch, the franchises second biggest seller? Under FF13. Seems like a pattern of people hating the most successful games.
As for KH3? On launch, it has so far sold only 600k. 300k less than FFXV launch. So much for KH3 "saving their asses"...
Also, doesn't seem likely for there to be any KH3 DLC. So, not only does it sell less, but it doesn't even get extra content? Really saving the company there.
That's not to say KH3 isn't a good game. From all accounts, it's an awesome game. But financially? It's not doing as well as FFXV has.
As for the FFVII remake? It looks set to have some similar gameplay to FFXV. So if you hate FFXV so much, I wouldn't get your hopes up for FFVII to be different.
I'm really excited for this anime. Ardyn was one of my favorite characters, and so I'm glad that despite the cancelled DLC, Episode Ardyn will still be going ahead.
Feb 3, 2019 10:08 AM by quercifolia
In addition with the recent news of Tabata leaving Square Enix and the cancellation of the three DLC plans I have no doubt FFXV will end up like Marvel Infinite - a dead game with no support and a lack of direction on what to do with the game.
I just hope in the future that we still have development continuing on FFVII the remake (although it looks like it's going through the same type of behavior FFXV with it's development) and Type 0 -2. Type 0 was actually good game and had a ton of interesting lore/side stories, one of the few FF games to come out in the last few years in my opinion. But it's probably safe to say both projects are probably the least of SE's worries rn unfortunately and are probably on the backburner. I don't know why they they still continue to make content for FFXV when FFVII the remake and Type 0 are promising. Most likely because Kingdom Hearts 3 will save their asses from this mess FFXV created and save some face for the company.
But one can only hope.
Nov 12, 2018 6:34 PM by _Iconic
Sigh, I hope Square Enix can get their shit together.
Nov 9, 2018 7:29 AM by Stark700
Nov 9, 2018 3:26 AM by LunarCharm
Nov 8, 2018 2:18 PM by Lelouch0202
Nov 8, 2018 9:53 AM by BluaPapilio
I don't care how much shit FFXV gets, it is a freaking epic game and is much more fun than critically acclaimed games like BotW. People really have shit taste. Sad!
Word of advice, when defending a controversial product don't take a potshot at a more comparatively well-liked product.
It does not help to sell your point in any way, it just does the opposite in that it makes you look like a contrarian prick.
This is all ignoring that the games are very dissimilar, with the only likeness they share being that they are both open-world games but that's where the comparison ends.
Nov 8, 2018 3:56 AM by Slimcoder
Nov 8, 2018 3:05 AM by removed-user
I'm not sure if play this game or not yet; these 3 DLCs were cancelled and Tabata left SE, I wonder if apart from Episode Ardyn there'd be other stuff coming soon.
After episode ardyn the support of the game is finished, this game is really broken with the story. They could have fixed it but no instead they cancel on the anniversary all 3 dlc’s *facepalm*
Yeah, that was my concern; without anymore DLCs, Royal Edition wouldn't be bad, its price is pretty low
Nov 8, 2018 2:54 AM by Mithdran
I'm not sure if play this game or not yet; these 3 DLCs were cancelled and Tabata left SE, I wonder if apart from Episode Ardyn there'd be other stuff coming soon.
After episode ardyn the support of the game is finished, this game is really broken with the story. They could have fixed it but no instead they cancel on the anniversary all 3 dlc’s *facepalm*
Nov 8, 2018 2:47 AM by AcceleratorAngel
Nov 8, 2018 1:34 AM by Mithdran
looking forward to, hope we get noctis episode at the end.
Episode noctis, lunafreya, and aranea were cancelled.
Nov 7, 2018 11:39 PM by AcceleratorAngel
Nov 7, 2018 10:10 PM by ReaperCreeper
2nd Year Anniversary PV
Nov 7, 2018 9:31 PM by tsubasalover
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releasing the stories, such as episode Lunafrena and episode Noctis, that cancelled in other formats.
Final Fantasy XV: The Dawn of the Future Novel will be Released on April 25. They are the DLC that got cancelled (Also includes Episode Ardyn).
Feb 17, 2019 7:19 AM by tsubasalover