Anime & Manga News

BL Manga 'Ten Count' Gets Anime Adaptation

by tsubasalover
Mar 25, 2018 9:41 PM | 73 Comments

An anime adaptation of Rihito Takarai's Ten Count boys-love manga was revealed on the wraparound band of its sixth and final volume on Monday.

Corporate secretary Shirotani suffers from obsessive-compulsive disorder. One day he meets Kurose, a therapist who offers to take him through a ten-step program to cure him of his compulsion. As the two go through each of the ten steps, Shirotani 's attraction to his counselor grows. (Source: SuBLime)

The manga ran in Shinshokan's Dear+ magazine from July 2013 to November 2017, and currently has more than two million copies in print. VIZ Media licensed the series in English and published the fifth volume under its SuBLime label last August. The manga has also been published in multiple foreign languages. 6 Lovers, which will include an episode of the series in "in motion" animation, is currently planned to release this summer and is unclear if the new anime announcement would be related to this series.

Source: Nijimen

Ten Count on MAL

20 of 73 Comments Recent Comments

I was so excited when this was announced but it got cancelled. I cry.

May 5, 2024 5:11 AM by EmmyBomb

I wonder if this ended up in development hell?

Sep 22, 2023 12:18 AM by AnchiBananchi

I wish we'd hear more news about this.

Jun 25, 2022 6:55 PM by removed-user

Apricck said:
Disappointed, why can't good shounen-ai like Seven Days get anime adapations instead of shit like Ten Count, a rapey, abusive, OCD fetishizing mess. Only shit like this getting adapations is why the malexmale anime genre is doomed.
people like you ruin everything istg

Mar 27, 2022 2:09 AM by Omankolover69

I can't wait for this to be adapted! I just finished the manga & really liked it.

Mar 7, 2022 2:49 PM by removed-user

Apricck said:
Disappointed, why can't good shounen-ai like Seven Days get anime adapations instead of shit like Ten Count, a rapey, abusive, OCD fetishizing mess. Only shit like this getting adapations is why the malexmale anime genre is doomed.

it could, but honestly what's wrong with more yaoi? we barely have any good yaoi anime anyway. compared to hentai we fojoshis only have manga and doujins on our side.

Apr 7, 2020 1:38 AM by Mewra

I am soo excited... this was the first BL I really fell in love with. And I really REALLY hope they do it justice. I have very high expectations. And I hope to see more BL anime coming out soon!!

Dec 28, 2019 12:00 PM by CharliKamisama

Apricck said:
Disappointed, why can't good shounen-ai like Seven Days get anime adapations instead of shit like Ten Count, a rapey, abusive, OCD fetishizing mess. Only shit like this getting adapations is why the malexmale anime genre is doomed.
100% agreeing with you. Seven Days was really nice (although the story was from someone else), Hana no Mizo Shiru was fine too. But I dropped Ten Count a long time ago, even though I love Takarai's art style so much. If you're looking for actually good series with m/m, you have it rough.

Dec 25, 2019 8:02 AM by Yamidee

Araragiri-san said:
there seem to be a lot BL adaptation lately
I guess they realized girls too, want some of that


Jun 26, 2019 1:57 AM by SirAnimeSan

I have a reason to live until next year.

Jun 18, 2019 7:03 PM by jrry_kn

It's been 84 years.

I can't believe it's finally happening and for TV like I wanted so much. 2020 suddenly feels very faraway but I have Given for this year so I can't complain. Lovely teaser visual by sensei. I'm loving the piano music for PV. I can't wait to see those two animated. Hoping here for a full adaptation.

Mar 23, 2019 3:21 PM by Shadow-Chan

Disappointed, why can't good shounen-ai like Seven Days get anime adapations instead of shit like Ten Count, a rapey, abusive, OCD fetishizing mess. Only shit like this getting adapations is why the malexmale anime genre is doomed.

Mar 23, 2019 2:33 AM by Apricck

Mar 22, 2019 8:42 PM by tsubasalover

oh,,,i love this manga and all, but yaoi/shounen ai anime adaptations tend to be pure shit. i’ve yet to see one that’s actually good.

Jan 31, 2019 5:35 PM by olive7008

I'm soo excited omg, the hype's real.

Dec 21, 2018 7:54 AM by Alaiyoooo

OMG! I'm so happy about this! I love this manga and i just know that the anime will be amazing!

Nov 26, 2018 4:19 AM by Kitty-Kate

All of Rihito's manga to choose from, and this one gets adapted?
Then again since most BL anime adaptations tend to suck maybe I'll stick with manga...

May 24, 2018 12:52 AM by removed-user

Oh gosh! I'm so happy!! This manga was actually not my usual type of manga at all (even out of my BL faves; I usually go for the sweet type (Given) and occassionally dark ones with a good plot (Moritat), and I actually like sensei's Hana no Mizo Shiru better) but it somehow still wormed its way into my list of favourite manga ever so I can't help but be excited!!!

I've never been more excited since I've never actually waited for an anime adaption of a manga before but - Oh my Kamisama!

I read everywhere that it might be hard to adapt 'cuz of the censoring etc. But Junjou Romantica managed it, so I'm not too worried. I guess they can't cut out the scenes otherwise the series wouldn't really make any sense but yeah...

Anyways! I can't wait to watch this and I really think this manga deserves an anime adaption. The art was beautiful and the plot was outstanding for a BL (from my experience, Manga usually have less plot and more steamy stuff while manhwa and manhua have better plots... But I'm always being proved wrong, this is just most of the time :) I really hope this turns out well and that the adaption won't ruin the manga ;)

May 22, 2018 1:35 AM by Yuki-Nezu-Grimms

So nice, more BL anime was necessary in this world, thank you god

May 4, 2018 3:36 PM by Gohanintendo

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