TV Anime Series of 'Persona 5' Announced

Makoto Niijima: Rina Satou (Mahou Sensei Negima!)
Futaba Sakura: Aoi Yuuki (Aho Girl)
Haru Okumura: Haruka Tomatsu (Sword Art Online)
Persona 5 is the latest game in the Persona series. The TV special aired in September 2016 to commemorate the game released a few weeks prior. The game itself has sold 1.5 million copies worldwide.
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Source: Moca News
Persona 5 the Animation on MAL
20 of 107 Comments Recent Comments
Aug 4, 2017 3:49 AM by removed-user
Aug 2, 2017 7:25 AM by Slarkero
Aug 2, 2017 12:53 AM by Swagernator
Aug 1, 2017 4:52 PM by albertbrown
Jul 31, 2017 5:16 PM by AeroSN
Jul 31, 2017 1:17 PM by Yuri-Kun
Jul 31, 2017 10:42 AM by SHOCKJOHNSON
Well, in the end I kinda got the jist you would mention that since I may be wrong (correct me) but the game is around 80-100 hours of play-time depending on the user's speed reading. But yeah that's something that I can understand to an extent.
For me no matter what options I have there's always something or either limitations or the way I can go through it. I will probably put this as well as how Comic_Sans responded and give a bit of conversation, I'll go into the series with no knowledge of the original source (the thing I'll check for this adaptation would be the news before it actually releases example: PVs, Staff, additional info etc) and after the anime series ends, I'll try to get the game somehow if I get the chance to.
Maaaybe it would be risky because of what you said earlier but well for me I guess I don't really mind spoilers? (Maybe that would sound contradicting) unless I REALLY, REALLY do not want to know about the contents or future events of a series at all.
Buuuut this is just me.
I really must say the story is so predictable that you probably would be able to guess who the villain is just by looking at them, and how much exposure they get in the story. Spoiling it isn't exactly that damaging since the plot isn't really trying to hide who the villain(s) is.
Really really up to you. I'm being lenient compared to Rewrite where I pretty much felt like smacking people who said it was a substitute for the VN.
Well I guess that won't be much of an issue then in that case.
Also, an unrelated note: Not going to lie I died laughing at the last part because I then imagined you literally smacking anyone that does that.
Though I would do that too... but well, for a different reason. :T
Jul 31, 2017 7:44 AM by removed-user
After the massive fuck up with what was Occultic;Nine, which has a similar theme to Persona 5 by the way [1][2], I have doubts that A-1 Pictures can do justice with their Persona 5 anime series.
*Heavy spoilers incoming. Don't click if you haven't played Persona 5 or watched Occultic;Nine*
Jul 31, 2017 3:34 AM by lolatusenpai
Jul 31, 2017 2:53 AM by thefreeloader
@wasshio yeah well that's up to the viewer in the end, but it really sits in the same corner as Rewrite where there's absolutely too much to cover for it to be a decent adaptation. Too much stuff happens. A lot of the transitions between plot elements will be sudden and confusing, I believe. If you really can't get a copy of P5, I would stay away from the anime since it will only succeed in spoiling the experience. Up to you (and whoever else is reading) whether that matters, I suppose.
Well, in the end I kinda got the jist you would mention that since I may be wrong (correct me) but the game is around 80-100 hours of play-time depending on the user's speed reading. But yeah that's something that I can understand to an extent.
For me no matter what options I have there's always something or either limitations or the way I can go through it. I will probably put this as well as how Comic_Sans responded and give a bit of conversation, I'll go into the series with no knowledge of the original source (the thing I'll check for this adaptation would be the news before it actually releases example: PVs, Staff, additional info etc) and after the anime series ends, I'll try to get the game somehow if I get the chance to.
Maaaybe it would be risky because of what you said earlier but well for me I guess I don't really mind spoilers? (Maybe that would sound contradicting) unless I REALLY, REALLY do not want to know about the contents or future events of a series at all.
Buuuut this is just me.
I really must say the story is so predictable that you probably would be able to guess who the villain is just by looking at them, and how much exposure they get in the story. Spoiling it isn't exactly that damaging since the plot isn't really trying to hide who the villain(s) is.
Really really up to you. I'm being lenient compared to Rewrite where I pretty much felt like smacking people who said it was a substitute for the VN.
Jul 30, 2017 9:20 PM by Syrup-
Jul 30, 2017 8:05 PM by Kuma
@wasshio yeah well that's up to the viewer in the end, but it really sits in the same corner as Rewrite where there's absolutely too much to cover for it to be a decent adaptation. Too much stuff happens. A lot of the transitions between plot elements will be sudden and confusing, I believe. If you really can't get a copy of P5, I would stay away from the anime since it will only succeed in spoiling the experience. Up to you (and whoever else is reading) whether that matters, I suppose.
Well, in the end I kinda got the jist you would mention that since I may be wrong (correct me) but the game is around 80-100 hours of play-time depending on the user's speed reading. But yeah that's something that I can understand to an extent.
For me no matter what options I have there's always something or either limitations or the way I can go through it. I will probably put this as well as how Comic_Sans responded and give a bit of conversation, I'll go into the series with no knowledge of the original source (the thing I'll check for this adaptation would be the news before it actually releases example: PVs, Staff, additional info etc) and after the anime series ends, I'll try to get the game somehow if I get the chance to.
Maaaybe it would be risky because of what you said earlier but well for me I guess I don't really mind spoilers? (Maybe that would sound contradicting) unless I REALLY, REALLY do not want to know about the contents or future events of a series at all.
Buuuut this is just me.
Jul 30, 2017 6:25 PM by removed-user
Jul 30, 2017 6:15 PM by Syrup-
Jul 30, 2017 5:49 PM by _Kairu_
@Wasshio You could always play the game after you've watched the anime. Of course it's not the ideal option but it's still better than nothing.
Might try to take that option then. I'll just go with no knowledge with this one then, and depending how this goes on my end I'll go and play or go through the game... somehow.
{Sorry I just have triggers of internet problems x.x so yeh}
Jul 30, 2017 5:29 PM by removed-user
Jul 30, 2017 5:28 PM by Comic_Sans
@Wasshio It's available on both PS3 and PS4. Also it's probably going to be emulated sooner or later.
Oh so PS3 too? Alright then.
Now that you mentioned that I just remembered my friend had a PS3 (unfortunately we don't live nearby, we're in different countries Lol).
But yeah if it gets emulated depending on the size itself for the game I might try to consider it. But still I'm going to lean in the second option. It's more of debating whether I should have knowledge, or jump with none from the source. I don't really know on my decisions so far.
Jul 30, 2017 5:24 PM by removed-user
Jul 30, 2017 5:22 PM by Comic_Sans
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