Cast and Staff of TV Anime 'Tsugumomo' Announced

Kazuya Kagami: Yuuko Sanpei (Seikon no Qwaser)
Kiriha: Naomi Oozora (Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha.)
Director, Series Composition: Ryouichi Kuraya (Kimi no Iru Machi Episode Director)
Character Design: Kiyotaka Nakahara (Ichigo 100%)
Chief Animation Director: Kiyotaka Nakahara, Masaaki Sakurai (Hayate no Gotoku!)
Color Design: Atsushi Furukawa (Date A Live)
Art Setting: Hiroyuki Ochi (Aa! Megami-sama!: Tatakau Tsubasa)
Art Director: Kenichi Tajiri (White Album 2)
Music: Yasuharu Takanashi (Fairy Tail)
Music Production: Pony Canyon
Sound Director: Fumihiroki Gou (Overlord)
Sound Production: Studio NOIX
Editing: Masaki Utsunomiya (Maken-Ki!)
Director of Photography: Ryouhei Matsuda (Amagami SS Photograpy)
Studio: Zero-G
Teaser PV
Source: Moca News
10 Comments Recent Comments
well, if you say its a harem, you are right. it has one male MC and a bunch of female characters around him.
is it an ecchi? yup. the mangaka himself said he wants to draw every female character naked and he did it so far. he just put some random scenarios to make up a reason for a character to be naked.
now about the 'Beta male' MC. well, this time its a just a little bit different. dont think its much of a spoiler, but the reason the MC doesnt "do" anything with the other female characters is not because he is afraid or shy around female bodies, its because he fears that if he does make a move and start a sexual relationship it will hurt his friendship with them or something along those lines.
overall it gives the same results though.
about the story.. well the start is not that amazing. there are several kinda cool fights but the story is pretty much non-existant and the anime will most likely be more episodic. only later on in the manga the story starts to actually form and its actually really nice. i enjoyed the manga regardless of all the cons the manga has, but i thought people here would like to know.
is it an ecchi? yup. the mangaka himself said he wants to draw every female character naked and he did it so far. he just put some random scenarios to make up a reason for a character to be naked.
now about the 'Beta male' MC. well, this time its a just a little bit different. dont think its much of a spoiler, but the reason the MC doesnt "do" anything with the other female characters is not because he is afraid or shy around female bodies, its because he fears that if he does make a move and start a sexual relationship it will hurt his friendship with them or something along those lines.
overall it gives the same results though.
about the story.. well the start is not that amazing. there are several kinda cool fights but the story is pretty much non-existant and the anime will most likely be more episodic. only later on in the manga the story starts to actually form and its actually really nice. i enjoyed the manga regardless of all the cons the manga has, but i thought people here would like to know.
Dec 25, 2016 2:40 AM by FangDongFeng
Man the anime has been getting a lot of hate from everybody. I'm just hoping that this doesn't suck too badly. I hope this gives the manga more exposure.
Dec 24, 2016 12:30 PM by Andy_REV
DatRandomDude said:
LOL, Zero-G.
They've only done 1 anime and they already have 3 animes coming in the future and they are all airing in a row this year. Piace: Watashi no Italian this winter, spring its Tsugumomo and summer its DIVE!!
Really wonder about how the quality will go with this studio this year.
Hopefully they won't pull an Actas and be a month late on all of them.
LOL, Zero-G.
They've only done 1 anime and they already have 3 animes coming in the future and they are all airing in a row this year. Piace: Watashi no Italian this winter, spring its Tsugumomo and summer its DIVE!!
Really wonder about how the quality will go with this studio this year.
Dec 24, 2016 7:06 AM by hpulley
LOL, Zero-G.
They've only done 1 anime and they already have 3 animes coming in the future and they are all airing in a row this year. Piace: Watashi no Italian this winter, spring its Tsugumomo and summer its DIVE!!
Really wonder about how the quality will go with this studio this year.
They've only done 1 anime and they already have 3 animes coming in the future and they are all airing in a row this year. Piace: Watashi no Italian this winter, spring its Tsugumomo and summer its DIVE!!
Really wonder about how the quality will go with this studio this year.
Dec 24, 2016 6:03 AM by DatRandomDude
The guy who worked on fairy tail's soundtrack is there, that is a good thing.
But yeah just another ecchi harem, will watch for faps.
But yeah just another ecchi harem, will watch for faps.
Dec 24, 2016 2:17 AM by removed-user
kadiro said:
Looks like another harem show with beta male main character.
Looks like another harem show with beta male main character.
You shouldn't say that if you don't know what this show is about, for example the main male lead is actually
Dec 24, 2016 2:08 AM by Inferno_Cop
zero-g... unexpected pick...
Dec 24, 2016 12:11 AM by Kuma
I was hoping for better
Dec 23, 2016 10:34 PM by lighthalzen-kun
Looks like another harem show with beta male main character.
Dec 23, 2016 9:51 PM by kadiro
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