Anime & Manga News

New 'Wake Up! Girls' TV Anime Announced for 2017

by tsubasalover
Dec 11, 2016 8:46 AM | 32 Comments
It was announced via the "Wake Up, Girls! Festa 2016 Super Live" event on December 11, 2016 that a new Wake Up! Girls TV anime to air in 2017. There will also be an audition for the new characters which will take place between December 11 and January 16, 2017.

Director: Shin Itagaki (Teekyuu)
Original Story, Script: Green Leaves
Original Character Design: Sunao Chikaoka (Wake Up, Girls!)
Character Design: Miyuki Sugawara (Usakame)
Music: Satoru Kosaki (Anne Happy♪), MONACA (Wake Up, Girls!)
Music Production: DIVE II entertainment
Studio: Millepensee

Wake Up! Girls is an original anime franchise created by Yutaka Yamamoto. The story is based in the Tohoku area of Japan and revolves around seven new idols.


Official site:

Source: Moca News

News submitted by edge13

Wake Up, Girls! Shin Shou on MAL

20 of 32 Comments Recent Comments

Fall 2017 premiere

OP: "7 senses"
ED: "Shizuku no Kanmuri (雫の冠)"
Both by Wake Up, Girls!

Jul 23, 2017 2:08 AM by tsubasalover

Idolm@ster > Love Live > dog crap > Wake Up! Girls

Dec 14, 2016 7:37 PM by removed-user

Shin Itagaki coming to save anime once again.

Dec 12, 2016 6:17 PM by DatRandomDude

I was hoping for something like this to come along. WUG is nothing spectacular, but it's always just warmed up a corner of my heart to want to see more. I just hope that's not the official art. It's lighter and seems more cutesy but it's not even good in comparison to the original.

Dec 12, 2016 3:11 PM by Zekkenshin

i was happy WUG still having new season but when i saw the trailer



Dec 12, 2016 2:17 AM by Nozila

OppaiSugoi said:
Pertaining to the original series, is WUG more "serious" compared to iM@S or rabu raibu?

Im@ster: producer is a god who can easily make an idol out of any girl he sets his eyes on
reason for idol: "it's our dream"

Love Live: self-produce's cute girls doing cute things type of show, except the girls are idols (that's way too much of an oversimplification, but hey i described im@ster with one line)
reason for idol: "to attract more people to study here and save our school from closing"

WUG: producer is a loser working on an almost bankrupt agency with an irresponsible manager. his ability as a producer falls below that of an average kid in high school and is very gullible and is often taken advantage of. the girls he rounds up are nothing special, least at first. the extreme lack of even a modest budget is evident in the movie (not giving spoilers, just see the movie)
reason for being an idol: "because we're dirt poor"

Dec 11, 2016 7:43 PM by DreamingBeats

I worry about a change in tone, WUG is a serious idol anime and one that's good unlike Idol Memories which would've been alright if full length, the anime is darker than WUG but it doesn't have the episode duration to be good. The designs are going more towards typical idol anime especially Locodol.

Dec 11, 2016 6:33 PM by Hoppy

Oh my god i'll take ever cute idol girl anime especially wake up girl, after recently i watched the subbed version of movie i really need continuation of this anime

Banzai hatters gonna hate

Dec 11, 2016 5:55 PM by Duck_knight

Shunaria said:
SymphoniacTippy said:
I like Wake Up Girls but I don't know about this change of director much. As for the staff, it looks decent, although the director... I'm not gonna lie I still have somewhat of a grudge for this guy because of Berserk 2016 (yes he directed that adaptation which was the worst adaptation I have ever seen in the entire year, no show can top this off with adaptation wise) but I won't say that he should stop directing, and despite how I'm not the biggest fan of Tekyuu I do see his directing style could work into this honestly, but we'll see how it goes from there.

Agree with you

I still wonder why berserk committed choose him as director for berserk 2016?

I am not sure myself too much honestly. I need to ask someone who knows about why did they took the initiative to take him as a director.

And as I said, I don't have anything against the guy, I just don't think he would work well with Berserk to begin with. This seems more like his cup of tea since in Tekkyuu you can kinda see that he likes upbeat and energetic stuff, he loves that stuff, so since this is an Idol series, this works in his favor since Idol shows tends to have a lot of energy when it comes to movements.

Dec 11, 2016 5:28 PM by removed-user

SymphoniacTippy said:
I like Wake Up Girls but I don't know about this change of director much. As for the staff, it looks decent, although the director... I'm not gonna lie I still have somewhat of a grudge for this guy because of Berserk 2016 (yes he directed that adaptation which was the worst adaptation I have ever seen in the entire year, no show can top this off with adaptation wise) but I won't say that he should stop directing, and despite how I'm not the biggest fan of Tekyuu I do see his directing style could work into this honestly, but we'll see how it goes from there.

Agree with you

I still wonder why berserk committed choose him as director for berserk 2016?

Dec 11, 2016 5:07 PM by SSSS_Shunaria

Can't wait for WuG S8, I-1 spin off and Katayama Minami spin off.

Dec 11, 2016 2:58 PM by ZetaZaku

Damn, this series just WILL NOT die. It just keeps getting new stuff. I have yet to see the two latest movies, but I don't think the series was good enough to warrant another TV series. I'm not particularily happy, but I'm not annoyed either. However, there are much more deserving series that will sadly never get a second season, yet this does...

I'm interested to see how this goes. The new animation looks a a bit odd though...

Dec 11, 2016 1:40 PM by Nintendofan204

Pertaining to the original series, is WUG more "serious" compared to iM@S or rabu raibu?

Dec 11, 2016 1:23 PM by OppaiSugoi

I'm not a fan of WUG or something, but I watched TV series and movies, so I will watch second season too. And this trailer looks so much better than the movies, especially character design and drawing style.

Dec 11, 2016 1:02 PM by HidenNinpo

Nidhoeggr said:
SymphoniacTippy said:

Well, I mean it happens? Though I'm not really complaining. At least this is better than the Berserk Sequel announced for Spring for me I guess.

In the darkest timeline this, Berserk and Ledouche S3 air at the same time...

Don't think so I guess.

I mean saying at the same time is a bit of a stretch imo.

Dec 11, 2016 11:53 AM by removed-user

SymphoniacTippy said:
Nidhoeggr said:
I hate the anime industry so much at times.
I thought I was done with this franchise after finishing that awful movie a few weeks ago....

Well, I mean it happens? Though I'm not really complaining. At least this is better than the Berserk Sequel announced for Spring for me I guess.

In the darkest timeline this, Berserk and Ledouche S3 air at the same time...

Dec 11, 2016 11:34 AM by Nidhoeggr

Excited to see another season of WUG, as its my favourite idol anime. Different character design looks a bit odd to me but no big deal. Director though....

Dec 11, 2016 11:28 AM by BeamyZinger

This reminds me to watch that other Wake Up Girls movie. Hope the season 2 will be better than S1.

Dec 11, 2016 11:13 AM by Stark700

Robiiii said:
A sequel noone asked for.
So here ya go ppl

I mean... I think not a lot would want one but some would want one, you can't really pin point if nobody wanted it. Unless it's something that ended completely well or doesn't need a sequel.

Dec 11, 2016 11:00 AM by removed-user


I just saw the movies! totally wanting a new season!!

Dec 11, 2016 10:58 AM by Hamazura

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