Japan's Yearly Manga and Light Novel Rankings for 2016
Manga Sales by Series

*2. *6,887,192 Ansatsu Kyoushitsu
*3. *6,595,968 Kingdom
*4. *6,544,081 Shingeki no Kyojin
*5. *6,474,394 Haikyuu!!
*6. *5,115,573 Nanatsu no Taizai
*7. *5,114,916 Boku no Hero Academia
*8. *4,278,599 Tokyo Ghoul:re
*9. *3,979,760 One Punch-Man
10. *3,477,128 Shokugeki no Souma
11. *3,019,944 Chihayafuru
12. *3,013,816 Terra Formars
13. *2,719,478 Fairy Tail
14. *2,622,350 Detective Conan
15. *2,507,468 Boku dake ga Inai Machi
16. *2,449,593 Prison School
17. *2,253,028 Bleach
18. *2,234,851 World Trigger
19. *2,231,751 Gintama
20. *2,215,458 Magi
21. *2,034,806 Diamond no Ace Act II
22. *2,021,612 Kimi ni Todoke
23. *1,986,335 Days
24. *1,914,613 Nisekoi
25. *1,879,623 Bungou Stray Dogs
26. *1,835,668 Golden Kamuy
27. *1,816,669 Major 2nd
28. *1,809,055 Orange
29. *1,735,680 Owari no Seraph
30. *1,679,180 Ajin
Manga Sales by Volumes

*2. *2,696,528 One Piece Vol.81
*3. *2,532,488 One Piece Vol.82
*4. *2,287,521 One Piece Vol.83
*5. *1,983,248 Shingeki no Kyojin Vol.18
*6. *1,746,669 Shingeki no Kyojin Vol.19
*7. *1,554,398 Shingeki no Kyojin Vol.20
*8. *1,272,692 Hunter x Hunter Vol.33
*9. *1,027,550 Ansatsu Kyoushitsu Vol.18
10. *1,009,268 Ansatsu Kyoushitsu Vol.17
11. *1,002,154 Haikyuu!! Vol.19
12. **,997,020 Tokyo Ghoul:re Vol.5
13. **,957,057 Tokyo Ghoul:re Vol.6
14. **,956,003 Haikyuu!! Vol.20
15. **,939,893 Ansatsu Kyoushitsu Vol.20
16. **,930,105 Ansatsu Kyoushitsu Vol.19
17. **,912,269 One Punch-Man Vol.10
18. **,882,840 Haikyuu!! Vol.22
19. **,875,062 Haikyuu!! Vol.21
20. **,867,287 Tokyo Ghoul:re Vol.7
Rank 21 - 100
Light Novel Sales by Series

*2. *1,174,562 Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo!
*3. *1,020,673 Sword Art Online
*4. *1,007,381 Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu
*5. **,711,154 Overlord
*6. **,602,256 Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei
*7. **,562,187 No Game No Life
*8. **,450,791 Monogatari Series
*9. **,449,192 Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka
10. **,435,482 Kokuhaku Yokou Renshuu Series
11. **,422,569 Boukyaku Tantei Series
12. **,380,144 Hai to Gensou no Grimgar
13. **,361,088 Sword Art Online: Progressive
14. **,294,478 Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken
15. **,292,746 Bungou Stray Dogs "Dazai Osamu no Nyuusha Shiken"
16. **,287,728 Saijaku Muhai no Bahamut
17. **,282,826 Kimi no Na wa. Another Side: Earthbound
18. **,282,077 Netgame no Yome wa Onna no Ko ja Nai to Omotta?
19. **,281,195 Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index
20. **,256,782 Haikyuu!! Shousetsu-ban!!
21. **,236,127 Kagerou Daze
22. **,225,229 Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! Spin-off
23. **,195,199 Ansatsu Kyoushitsu
24. **,185,710 Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru.
25. **,181,314 Ensemble Stars!
26. **,180,275 Imouto sae Ireba Ii.
27. **,174,175 Orange
28. **,168,542 Gakusen Toshi Asterisk
29. **,163,829 Rokudenashi Majutsu Koushi to Akashic Records
30. **,162,562 Date A Live
Light Novel Sales by Volumes
*1. *1,196,994 Kimi no Na wa. (Kadokawa Bunko)
*2. **,321,834 Sword Art Online Vol.17
*3. **,298,674 Sword Art Online: Progressive Vol.4
*4. **,288,839 Sword Art Online Vol.18
*5. **,282,826 Kimi no Na wa. Another Side: Earthbound
*6. **,220,667 Kimi no Na wa. (Kadokawa Tsubasa Bunko)
*7. **,213,663 Mahouka Koukou no Rettouse Vol.19
*8. **,187,833 No Game No Life Vol.8
*9. **,177,519 Overlord Vol.10
10. **,169,814 Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Vol.20
11. **,161,438 Monogatari Series: Off Season Vol.2 "Wazamonogatari"
12. **,156,725 Kotonoha no Niwa
13. **,155,634 Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! Vol.1
14. **,155,363 Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu Vol.1
15. **,148,378 Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei SS
16. **,145,803 No Game No Life Vol.9
17. **,135,511 Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! Vol.2
18. **,131,893 Byousoku 5 Centimeter (Kadokawa Bunko)
19. **,131,173 Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka Vol.10
20. **,131,170 Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! Vol.3
Rank 21 - 46
Source: Oricon Youtaiju
← First Half
20 of 77 Comments Recent Comments
Tired to see One Piece up there to be honest... Well some series dropped compared to last year, but some did much better. Good to see Chihayafuru, Kingdom and Diamond no Ace doing well.
Well one piece will remain on top every year till it's end
Jun 27, 2017 6:20 AM by DEVILKILLER1234
yeah a shitty live action movie and shitty novels that wont even be written by kubo .Looks promising lmao.
Kubo is involved in all of them and there's more to come, nice try thou XD
Dec 12, 2016 9:01 AM by ichii_1
RIP bleach... one of the worst series ever written. it will be forgotten quickly
Sorry, there's already more bleach stuff planned all the way to 2018, keep hating.
Dec 11, 2016 10:36 PM by Bleach_Is_Trash
RIP bleach... one of the worst series ever written. it will be forgotten quickly
Sorry, there's already more bleach stuff planned all the way to 2018, keep hating.
Dec 11, 2016 10:32 PM by ichii_1
>threshold is 1,679,180
Lowest threshold in a while , last year it was almost 2 million, it'll get even lower next year with all the series that ended.
Very few new series are big hits.
Take a good rest Kubo, please come back :'(
17. *2,253,028 Bleach
*5. **,711,154 Overlord
Dec 11, 2016 10:24 PM by Bleach_Is_Trash
Wouldnt be surprised to see this one getting an anime seems to be quite popular
Dec 5, 2016 7:08 AM by KurumiNightmare
SAO only 2 volume releases still selling over 1 million copies. Progressive also adds 360k. Beautiful
Sword Art Online and Overlord were both on the series rankings top 20 almost every week in the year covered, which is very definite signs of strong back volume sales. This yearly rankings puts figures on this - 410958 copies of Overlord back volumes, 410000 copies of SAO ones. Surprisingly close, there.
Dec 5, 2016 12:23 AM by kuuderes_shadow
Dec 4, 2016 11:51 AM by Justbored
Dec 4, 2016 11:46 AM by TapuTapuu
Dec 2, 2016 11:35 PM by julyan
Glad seeing some of my favourite manga making it to the top 30 Hunter x Hunter selling more than 1 million copies with just a singe vollume realiased this year makes you wonder how much it would sale if it was regular. I am not suprised at all seeing one piece first it is always first Lol and snk did great but compered to the previous year the sales have dropped i think its probably because fans got bored of waiting for the anime if we dont get this second season next year it will drop even more
Second season of SnK is scheduled for next year Spring Irrc.
HxH sold 1,600,002 so it almost made it in the top 30.
They said the same thing this year too they had anmounced snk second season for spring 2016 but changed it again for next year so many fans don't believe it will actually be realised next year i personally don't mind the manga is epic so i am not dropping it for such a stupid reason
Hunter x Hunter 1,600,002 in less than half a year that's awesome we need more chapters asap dark continent arc is epic well actually all the arcs of H x H are epic but we get to see kurapika in action after such a long time i need to see what my boy will do
Dec 2, 2016 5:48 AM by otakugirl10
If the author of kingdom pulls something as big as "that arc" in 2017 I can see Kingdom remaining in top 5 easily.
Dec 1, 2016 6:50 PM by short_review
My proudest hit in this list, they made it! It could've been #1 if not for that masterpiece movie. Come on guys... don't buy the LN, just keep on re-watching the movie. You ruined KonoSuba's chance to be #1. Ah well...
even if you totaled that, KonoSuba still can't beat Kimi no Na Wa lol.
I also just realized that KonoSuba vol. 1-8 all reached 100k sales for this year.
Oh hey... this actually made to the list... Vol. 15 was okay I guess. We need more Kotori and Kurumi, Tachibana-sensei.
there's also
>17. **,282,826 Kimi no Na wa. Another Side: Earthbound
so adding spin-off to the count doesn't really help :(
Dec 1, 2016 2:40 PM by Toadesstern
Glad seeing some of my favourite manga making it to the top 30 Hunter x Hunter selling more than 1 million copies with just a singe vollume realiased this year makes you wonder how much it would sale if it was regular. I am not suprised at all seeing one piece first it is always first Lol and snk did great but compered to the previous year the sales have dropped i think its probably because fans got bored of waiting for the anime if we dont get this second season next year it will drop even more
Second season of SnK is scheduled for next year Spring Irrc.
HxH sold 1,600,002 so it almost made it in the top 30.
Dec 1, 2016 2:31 PM by Larkanite
Dec 1, 2016 1:59 PM by Kerozinn
*2. *6,887,192 Ansatsu Kyoushitsu
*4. *6,544,081 Shingeki no Kyojin
*5. *6,474,394 Haikyuu!!
*6. *5,115,573 Nanatsu no Taizai
*7. *5,114,916 Boku no Hero Academia
*9. *3,979,760 One Punch-Man
10. *3,477,128 Shokugeki no Souma
11. *3,019,944 Chihayafuru
15. *2,507,468 Boku dake ga Inai Machi
21. *2,034,806 Diamond no Ace Act II
23. *1,986,335 Days
24. *1,914,613 Nisekoi
28. *1,809,055 Orange
All of the series I am especially happy for. Love seeing One Piece dominate as usual, and seeing all these other series I enjoy in the top 30 as well really make me happy.
Dec 1, 2016 1:48 PM by sman3579
My proudest hit in this list, they made it! It could've been #1 if not for that masterpiece movie. Come on guys... don't buy the LN, just keep on re-watching the movie. You ruined KonoSuba's chance to be #1. Ah well...
even if you totaled that, KonoSuba still can't beat Kimi no Na Wa lol.
I also just realized that KonoSuba vol. 1-8 all reached 100k sales for this year.
Oh hey... this actually made to the list... Vol. 15 was okay I guess. We need more Kotori and Kurumi, Tachibana-sensei.
Dec 1, 2016 1:08 PM by DarklordVor
Dec 1, 2016 12:47 PM by otakugirl10
Let's just say I'd consider 2cours of anime an advantage in "active advertisement" over just 1cour as well so theres that :P
With season2 hitting Winter 2017 (next season) I'm not sure if just increasing the timespan would change a lot
But yeah, as much as I loved doing that "get rekt ReZero" joke for the sake of the rivalry on here between the two, being up there with SAO and even above it was the first thing I quoted elsewhere as well
Well I consider the boost and overall increase in average outside of the period the anime was airing as "active advertisement" pretty much before the boost, probably expressed myself a bit sloppily there :P.
I get what you mean, tho said rivalry isn't really there anymore since both series collaborate. So it's more like a give and take :3
Dec 1, 2016 11:25 AM by Fappa
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