Countdown to Final 'Bleach' Chapter Teased [Update 7/3]

Bleach entered its final arc in September 2013, 12 years after it began serialization.
Source: Otakomu
Update July 3
It was announced via volume 73 that volume 74, to be released this Fall, will be the final volume.
Source: Otakomu
20 of 76 Comments Recent Comments
Got tired of editing the texts so I'll just condense this in one quote. Feel free to interpret the whole message whichever way you like. It's more fun that way.
Shit can also be used as an endearment. Who knows what kind of meaning you used since you're fanboying this arc so much I assumed you meant it as a compliment.
Yeah that's all I need. A 30 sec clip of a girl crying tragically. It doesn't have to be a whole episode lmao. You have amazingly low standards. I'm not surprised though.
Lel you didn't even get my point. I'm saying it was a horrible backstory because of the terrible execution like every backstory in the Xcution.
I fail to see what's interesting in that lel. He's basically a mindless servant to Ginjo. He's shallow without any notable qualities aside from being the villain. "Oh look a cute little backstory about how he met Ginjo" and then he died. Sugoi desu
You're making no sense. You said it had nice art. I failed to see what's nice in the art and brought up my personal opinion on its dull backgrounds and then you tell me bullshit "why are you bringing up the backgrounds hurr durr..." Background is art and I consider Bleach's to be dull but then again art is subjective so if you found it the best in the world then I won't argue any further.
Your point? Throughout the whole course of Bleach, Ichigo never had any dilemmas regarding killing off humans and this arc doesn't have it either. He's willing to kill any enemy who he deems a threat to his family and nakamas whatever entity they are.
Oh great another pointless rebuttal. You're just repeating yourself and making no sense "No one gives a fuck about Chad, blah blah blah" so I won't even bother responding to this any further considering how ignorant you are.
No it really fucking isn't.
Oh go back to fucking fanboying over Fate since you like pointless long narratives so much.
I will sum up your art points in "hurr durr background art is all that matter, I would prefer if the characters stopped getting in the way".
Yeah, that's why Ichigo has always made a big point of not killing his opponents, why there three entire sections with Kenpachi, Grimmjow and Ulquirra about that aspect of his character. Point out one other time he has been willing to kill other than Aizen, who was literally threatening all existence. Hollow's don't count BTW, they are not human until they come back ground with the Arrancar, don't even try and argue that point.
I'm done here, you have no idea what you're talking about and are content to repeat the same arguments ad infinitum with no actual basis for it from the text and no actual knowledge of Bleach. Your entire post displays your ignorance and I don't have the energy to educate someone who doesn't want to admit that they don't know everything about a series they don't even want to know anything about.
Fun fact, I don't even like Bleach that much, I used to sure but now I am just watching it plot along. I like the art and I think Kubo can do good stories when he wants to but it has a million and one flaws - none of which you actually managed to competently bring up. Feel free to go look at how I never even rated Bleach highly to start with. I also actually pay attention to the series I watch so, again, I know something about them.
Jul 23, 2016 12:02 PM by Kreion
muh backgrounds that I won't even look at for more than 3 seconds even if they were double spreads.
Every time.
Kubo: "Backgrounds distract the reader from what's going on inside the character.
Whenever I leave backgrounds out, this is to allow my readers to see the heart of the character."
Jul 23, 2016 9:47 AM by ichii_1
Got tired of editing the texts so I'll just condense this in one quote. Feel free to interpret the whole message whichever way you like. It's more fun that way.
Shit can also be used as an endearment. Who knows what kind of meaning you used since you're fanboying this arc so much I assumed you meant it as a compliment.
Yeah that's all I need. A 30 sec clip of a girl crying tragically. It doesn't have to be a whole episode lmao. You have amazingly low standards. I'm not surprised though.
Lel you didn't even get my point. I'm saying it was a horrible backstory because of the terrible execution like every backstory in the Xcution.
I fail to see what's interesting in that lel. He's basically a mindless servant to Ginjo. He's shallow without any notable qualities aside from being the villain. "Oh look a cute little backstory about how he met Ginjo" and then he died. Sugoi desu
You're making no sense. You said it had nice art. I failed to see what's nice in the art and brought up my personal opinion on its dull backgrounds and then you tell me bullshit "why are you bringing up the backgrounds hurr durr..." Background is art and I consider Bleach's to be dull but then again art is subjective so if you found it the best in the world then I won't argue any further.
Your point? Throughout the whole course of Bleach, Ichigo never had any dilemmas regarding killing off humans and this arc doesn't have it either. He's willing to kill any enemy who he deems a threat to his family and nakamas whatever entity they are.
Oh great another pointless rebuttal. You're just repeating yourself and making no sense "No one gives a fuck about Chad, blah blah blah" so I won't even bother responding to this any further considering how ignorant you are.
No it really fucking isn't.
Jul 23, 2016 8:03 AM by Dull_Lull
He was nothing more than a plot device to return Ginjo's memories. Oh you mean that extremely short backstory about how he met Ginjo? Laughable. He was only there to act as an enemy and fuel Ichigo's conviction to become a Fullbring in order for him to "mamoru" his loved ones.
I'll go into why this is wrong later down the line.
Yeah, notice how I called him a little shit and didn't say he had a good backstory, GOOD READING COMPREHENSION.
That's all you need, you would be complaining just as much if we got an episode. In a short arc like this all you need it a little snippet to show character motivation, which also explains more of her character and why she never cared much about the fighting itself.
Which explained her power and her general point of view, which is what a backstory is supposed to do.
Fine. Tsukishima was devoted to Ginjou whilst the guy with the knuckledusters was devoted to him. He used the blind devotion of his follower whilst following someone else, by the end of the arc he finally understands that and sees himself in his follower. That is more interesting to me than 'Oh ho, look it's Aizen Mk.0.5 with slightly more mind-fucky powers'.
I brought up the matter regarding backgrounds because you stated that that particular arc had nice art. You didn't even care to elaborate further on that subject. "Nice art"... How am I supposed to know what you mean by nice art?
Because you're not blind? Because I assume you are capable of understanding we are talking about Bleach in comparison to Bleach as opposed to Bleach in comparison to other series at this moment? Take your pick.
Not even the point - Ichigo was willing to kill TUKISHIMA out of rage, the Ginjou thing is less relevant. The last person Ichigo 'killed' was Ulquiorra and he has never killed a human before, I don't care what you try to bullshit that is the definition of character development.
Did you realize that each arc in Bleach has one of Ichigo's friends became a prominent character in it? So you can't say that no one gives a fuck about Chad because even if it's true, you still can't deny that this arc was supposed to give him a spotlight because of all the Fullbring stuff. What did he do though? Nothing. He didn't even introduce Ichigo to Xcution because it was them who actually contacted Ichigo so basically he was useless and irrelevant despite him being a Fullbring himself.
Yeah I can, watch me - no one gives a fuck about Chad, not even Kubo. The arc may have been intended for that but it clearly changed track along the way. I like how you are trying to explain to me that he was useless when I already said that he was useless, but please go on.
Yes, it was.
Actually he did, it was something to do with him rewinding time for his family IIRC. Regardless it wasn't very interesting and he was a boring character.
Jul 23, 2016 3:10 AM by Kreion
Interesting character motivations? Only Ginjo was even worth mentioning. The rest of the Fullbrings were nothing more than a bunch of training partners for Ichigo. They're almost hollow because of the little substance in them. Even the cool guy Tsukishima became a pawn to Ginjo and was demoted to being merely a plot device. This arc's purpose was basically returning Ichigo's powers back for the Thousand Year arc and the Shinigamis being assholes once more by letting Ichigo take care of the mess they created. Not to mention, that unsatisfying boss fight.
What nice art are you talking about? Character design? Yes, that has always been one of the good points of Bleach. It only evolved as Kubo's amazing drawing skills improved but as far as I can remember there were no sceneries or backgrounds that ever stood out since the beginning of Bleach. Even the montage of Soul Society looks dull and Hueco Mundo's castle was just plain. If those two didn't stand out, how much more is the real world where the Fullbring arc is set.
What development? No characters actually developed. Even Chad, who's supposed to be one of the prominent characters in this arc didn't. Ginjo never developed because that initial personality wasn't even his to begin with.
One good thing about the arc was that it's short. I give you that.
Ginjou, Tsukishima were good bad guys with their own motivations, Tsukishima especially considering we saw him as just the asshole for the whole thing but he actually had more of a character outside that.
He was nothing more than a plot device to return Ginjo's memories. Oh you mean that extremely short backstory about how he met Ginjo? Laughable. He was only there to act as an enemy and fuel Ichigo's conviction to become a Fullbring in order for him to "mamoru" his loved ones.
Yukio? That little shit who had no purpose other than being Ichigo's little training partner and only spouted nonsense about his crappy life the moment he was about to die?
Hmm lets see. We saw less than 30 secs of her backstory. Yeah good shit.
The tsundere who just like most of the cast only got a short backstory at the moment of her defeat.
Elaborate further.
I brought up the matter regarding backgrounds because you stated that that particular arc had nice art. You didn't even care to elaborate further on that subject. "Nice art"... How am I supposed to know what you mean by nice art?
Ichigo was willing to kill Ginjo because of that big twist that revealed his real character. He basically became the bad guy so of course he had to kill him and also to clean up the mess that the assholes in Soul Society made.
Did you realize that each arc in Bleach has one of Ichigo's friends became a prominent character in it? So you can't say that no one gives a fuck about Chad because even if it's true, you still can't deny that this arc was supposed to give him a spotlight because of all the Fullbring stuff. What did he do though? Nothing. He didn't even introduce Ichigo to Xcution because it was them who actually contacted Ichigo so basically he was useless and irrelevant despite him being a Fullbring himself.
No it wasn't.
Edit: Oh I forgot someone. That old Fullbring guy. Lol he was so irrelevant that I actually didn't remember him. At least the rest of the organization had some form of backstory in them but he actually had none. Lel
Jul 19, 2016 3:59 AM by Dull_Lull
You're kidding?
The Fullbring arc was one of the best arcs of the manga - interesting character motivations, nice art, development, it wasn't dragged out like some of the other arcs.
The Fullbring arc was fucking great tbh, the problem was how long the Fake Karakura arc lasted and Kubo's constant problem of adding more characters but refusing to kill any off.
Interesting character motivations? Only Ginjo was even worth mentioning. The rest of the Fullbrings were nothing more than a bunch of training partners for Ichigo. They're almost hollow because of the little substance in them. Even the cool guy Tsukishima became a pawn to Ginjo and was demoted to being merely a plot device. This arc's purpose was basically returning Ichigo's powers back for the Thousand Year arc and the Shinigamis being assholes once more by letting Ichigo take care of the mess they created. Not to mention, that unsatisfying boss fight.
What nice art are you talking about? Character design? Yes, that has always been one of the good points of Bleach. It only evolved as Kubo's amazing drawing skills improved but as far as I can remember there were no sceneries or backgrounds that ever stood out since the beginning of Bleach. Even the montage of Soul Society looks dull and Hueco Mundo's castle was just plain. If those two didn't stand out, how much more is the real world where the Fullbring arc is set.
What development? No characters actually developed. Even Chad, who's supposed to be one of the prominent characters in this arc didn't. Ginjo never developed because that initial personality wasn't even his to begin with.
One good thing about the arc was that it's short. I give you that.
Ginjou, Tsukishima were good bad guys with their own motivations, Tsukishima especially considering we saw him as just the asshole for the whole thing but he actually had more of a character outside that. The kid was a little shit, Jackie had a fairly good backstory as did Rurika imo, nothing spectacular I grant you but interesting enough to keep my attention. The point of Tsukishima was that he was paralleling his followers devition, it wasn't exactly complex but it was interesting to see. He would have been a worse character if he was 'just' the bad guy ala Aizen. I don't think it was unsatisfying at all, it was never a matter of power, Ichigo has that in an overwhelming amount -
Lol, actually bringing up backgrounds when talking about Bleach art in a serious discussion? If we're talking about the art in Bleach in contrast to itself the lack of a background makes no difference because none of the series does - I should add I normally find the backgrounds in some of the other big shounen often too over-complex and distracting more than anything else. That's not to say that some series don't do it well or that even the big shounens always have distracting background art, but sometimes I really do find them more messy than anything else. The character art in that arc was great, Ichigo's expressions were great and the more minimalist style that Kubo started developing over the later parts of the HM arc really came forward in the Fulbring arc.
No development?! Ichigo was willing to straight up kill another human. You can't tell me that's not a big deal for him - no one gives a fuck about Chad and one of Bleach's biggest failings is that Chad should have died about three arcs ago. Orihime starts to stand on her own two feet a lot more so than in previous arcs, Karin starts to come more into her own though admittedly she falls off because Kubo can't focus on one character for more than a fraction of an arc before he starts getting bored and moves to another...
It was a great little arc.
Jul 17, 2016 11:56 AM by Kreion
Now if only they make another season of Bleach to somehow redeem themselves from Fullbring arc.
You're kidding?
The Fullbring arc was one of the best arcs of the manga - interesting character motivations, nice art, development, it wasn't dragged out like some of the other arcs.
The Fullbring arc was fucking great tbh, the problem was how long the Fake Karakura arc lasted and Kubo's constant problem of adding more characters but refusing to kill any off.
Interesting character motivations? Only Ginjo was even worth mentioning. The rest of the Fullbrings were nothing more than a bunch of training partners for Ichigo. They're almost hollow because of the little substance in them. Even the cool guy Tsukishima became a pawn to Ginjo and was demoted to being merely a plot device. This arc's purpose was basically returning Ichigo's powers back for the Thousand Year arc and the Shinigamis being assholes once more by letting Ichigo take care of the mess they created. Not to mention, that unsatisfying boss fight.
What nice art are you talking about? Character design? Yes, that has always been one of the good points of Bleach. It only evolved as Kubo's amazing drawing skills improved but as far as I can remember there were no sceneries or backgrounds that ever stood out since the beginning of Bleach. Even the montage of Soul Society looks dull and Hueco Mundo's castle was just plain. If those two didn't stand out, how much more is the real world where the Fullbring arc is set.
What development? No characters actually developed. Even Chad, who's supposed to be one of the prominent characters in this arc didn't. Ginjo never developed because that initial personality wasn't even his to begin with.
One good thing about the arc was that it's short. I give you that.
Jul 17, 2016 8:06 AM by Dull_Lull
Now if only they make another season of Bleach to somehow redeem themselves from Fullbring arc.
You're kidding?
The Fullbring arc was one of the best arcs of the manga - interesting character motivations, nice art, development, it wasn't dragged out like some of the other arcs.
The Fullbring arc was fucking great tbh, the problem was how long the Fake Karakura arc lasted and Kubo's constant problem of adding more characters but refusing to kill any off.
Jul 17, 2016 6:31 AM by Kreion
Jul 16, 2016 4:22 PM by tsubasalover
Jul 11, 2016 8:18 PM by zurgboy00
Jul 9, 2016 12:38 AM by Arzkath
Jul 8, 2016 1:10 AM by Satan-sama
The manga is nowhere near being ready to end.
Jul 7, 2016 10:09 AM by Askorti
Man, sasuga Kubo, troll till the very end.
Jul 5, 2016 2:45 AM by Kitsu-nee
Jul 4, 2016 8:54 PM by Dull_Lull
Jul 4, 2016 9:54 AM by Snappynator
Not sure how I would feel if there would be a sequel.
Jul 4, 2016 2:33 AM by Viz
Jul 3, 2016 9:52 PM by malvarez1
Jul 3, 2016 9:02 PM by Adome
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Got tired of editing the texts so I'll just condense this in one quote. Feel free to interpret the whole message whichever way you like. It's more fun that way.
Shit can also be used as an endearment. Who knows what kind of meaning you used since you're fanboying this arc so much I assumed you meant it as a compliment.
Yeah that's all I need. A 30 sec clip of a girl crying tragically. It doesn't have to be a whole episode lmao. You have amazingly low standards. I'm not surprised though.
Lel you didn't even get my point. I'm saying it was a horrible backstory because of the terrible execution like every backstory in the Xcution.
I fail to see what's interesting in that lel. He's basically a mindless servant to Ginjo. He's shallow without any notable qualities aside from being the villain. "Oh look a cute little backstory about how he met Ginjo" and then he died. Sugoi desu
You're making no sense. You said it had nice art. I failed to see what's nice in the art and brought up my personal opinion on its dull backgrounds and then you tell me bullshit "why are you bringing up the backgrounds hurr durr..." Background is art and I consider Bleach's to be dull but then again art is subjective so if you found it the best in the world then I won't argue any further.
Your point? Throughout the whole course of Bleach, Ichigo never had any dilemmas regarding killing off humans and this arc doesn't have it either. He's willing to kill any enemy who he deems a threat to his family and nakamas whatever entity they are.
Oh great another pointless rebuttal. You're just repeating yourself and making no sense "No one gives a fuck about Chad, blah blah blah" so I won't even bother responding to this any further considering how ignorant you are.
No it really fucking isn't.
Oh go back to fucking fanboying over Fate since you like pointless long narratives so much.
I will sum up your art points in "hurr durr background art is all that matter, I would prefer if the characters stopped getting in the way".
Yeah, that's why Ichigo has always made a big point of not killing his opponents, why there three entire sections with Kenpachi, Grimmjow and Ulquirra about that aspect of his character. Point out one other time he has been willing to kill other than Aizen, who was literally threatening all existence. Hollow's don't count BTW, they are not human until they come back ground with the Arrancar, don't even try and argue that point.
I'm done here, you have no idea what you're talking about and are content to repeat the same arguments ad infinitum with no actual basis for it from the text and no actual knowledge of Bleach. Your entire post displays your ignorance and I don't have the energy to educate someone who doesn't want to admit that they don't know everything about a series they don't even want to know anything about.
Fun fact, I don't even like Bleach that much, I used to sure but now I am just watching it plot along. I like the art and I think Kubo can do good stories when he wants to but it has a million and one flaws - none of which you actually managed to competently bring up. Feel free to go look at how I never even rated Bleach highly to start with. I also actually pay attention to the series I watch so, again, I know something about them.
Have you forgotten that I actually brought up that Bleach had good character designs? Or were you too fixated on my dislike for its backgrounds? Good heavens.
The feeling is mutual. I don't need education from someone who knows nothing in the first place and I couldn't care less if you don't even like Bleach. I rest my case.
Jul 23, 2016 5:01 PM by Dull_Lull