Anime & Manga News

Second Season of 'Super Lovers' Announced for Winter 2017

by tsubasalover
Jun 8, 2016 9:11 AM | 158 Comments
Following the conclusion of the Spring 2016 anime Super Lovers on Wednesday, it was announced that a second season of the series will air beginning January 2017.

Super Lovers is an adaptation of the BL manga drawn by Miyuki Abe, which has been publishing since 2009. An OVA episode will be released with the manga's tenth compiled volume on January 1.

The first Blu-ray and DVD volume of the anime series (pictured) will go on sale on June 17.

Source: Nijipoi

Super Lovers 2nd Season on MAL

20 of 158 Comments Recent Comments

AHHHHH SUPER LOVERS SEASON 2 IN 3 DAYS!! I already read the chapters 11-21 so yea... It'd be cool if they stopped at Chapter 20 at Ali's birthday for season 2 and then have season 3 Ch 21-30 and so forth. Omg Natsuo!!! He looks so good! SPOILERS: I can't believe that (Spoilers) the cousin slept with the doc on Ali's birthday XD

Jan 9, 2017 7:46 PM by Minjaeii

How exactly did this get a sequel? I guess anything is possible when it comes to Deen. Even now I'm still puzzled how Junjou Romantica managed to get its third season...

Nov 6, 2016 4:47 PM by Chaldene

... I'm just really excited.
I miss haruren so much!

Nov 6, 2016 7:32 AM by cottonpie

Miss me with that discourse ^

Why are people still complaining, there's been at least half a year for all the hate to get out of people's systems and just move on.

Nov 4, 2016 5:43 PM by Kyofushibibi

nice, even more pedophilia and people supporting this :) !

Nov 4, 2016 2:13 PM by namjoonsangel

Kyofushibibi said:
Username said:
Btw, is the manga same as the anime? If yes, then I won't read manga.

Hope Hakkenden get 3rd season. I can't read the manga because no one is scanning it nor it's not license T_T

And sadly, Love stage is ending with 7th volume. Hope the ending will be awesome.

For additional information that have been skipped over in the anime, I suggest reading the manga. I prefer the manga over the anime for this one.

The twins have more moments in the manga as well. Story wise, anime is following faithfully but chapters 10 and half of 11 were condensed in episode 10 of the anime. I love Super Lovers and I totally suggest that other fans do read the manga, it gives off a different vibe cause Abe's art is simply gorgeous!

Shit! Thanks for the info. I already read the manga, so I will read and watch the anime XD

Jun 15, 2016 2:33 AM by removed-user

oyasumeme said:
krazykillerkurt said:

Haru's not even manipulative. If anything, Ren's the one who's manipulative. You should really read the manga because you don't seem to know much about the relationship Ren and Haru has. You needn't tell me to not mess with older people because I know most older people are shit and just treat me like a kid that's why I like this anime because I can relate to Ren a bit.

I agree Ren's the "manipulative" one here. He knows that Haru felt responsible

We aren't even talking about a minor/underaged kid here. Japan's age of consent being 13 does make me roll my eyes a bit but Ren (SIXTEEN!! YEARS!! OLD!!) is surprisingly mature for his age. If you've read the manga, you'd know what he's been through and how he thinks or acts. I think he's even more emotionally mature than Haru. It's even explicitly said in the manga (also in the anime!!)

I believe Ren is more emotionally mature because that accident that Haru got into, I need to look into such effects from being in a coma and getting amnesia.

Ren was forced to mature at a very young age because of his abusive past. It's relatable, to me at least and around chapters 14, Natsuo Arc, Ren is way more aware and very perceptive (especially when he says he wants to possess Haru).

In future chapters such as ch.25 ( I believe) he tells Natsuo and Takamura-sensei that he knows Haru won't stay with him forever so he'll "play his cards while he has them". Ren is well aware of what he wants and he'll do anything to get it.

I love Ren sooooon much and yes, this series is so dramatic and just amazing. Renharu's is something I can write an essay about.

Jun 13, 2016 5:24 PM by Kyofushibibi

Username said:
Btw, is the manga same as the anime? If yes, then I won't read manga.

Hope Hakkenden get 3rd season. I can't read the manga because no one is scanning it nor it's not license T_T

And sadly, Love stage is ending with 7th volume. Hope the ending will be awesome.

For additional information that have been skipped over in the anime, I suggest reading the manga. I prefer the manga over the anime for this one.

The twins have more moments in the manga as well. Story wise, anime is following faithfully but chapters 10 and half of 11 were condensed in episode 10 of the anime. I love Super Lovers and I totally suggest that other fans do read the manga, it gives off a different vibe cause Abe's art is simply gorgeous!

Jun 13, 2016 5:16 PM by Kyofushibibi

Btw, is the manga same as the anime? If yes, then I won't read manga.

Hope Hakkenden get 3rd season. I can't read the manga because no one is scanning it nor it's not license T_T

And sadly, Love stage is ending with 7th volume. Hope the ending will be awesome.

Jun 13, 2016 6:55 AM by removed-user

krazykillerkurt said:

Haru's not even manipulative. If anything, Ren's the one who's manipulative. You should really read the manga because you don't seem to know much about the relationship Ren and Haru has. You needn't tell me to not mess with older people because I know most older people are shit and just treat me like a kid that's why I like this anime because I can relate to Ren a bit.

I agree Ren's the "manipulative" one here. He knows that Haru felt responsible

We aren't even talking about a minor/underaged kid here. Japan's age of consent being 13 does make me roll my eyes a bit but Ren (SIXTEEN!! YEARS!! OLD!!) is surprisingly mature for his age. If you've read the manga, you'd know what he's been through and how he thinks or acts. I think he's even more emotionally mature than Haru. It's even explicitly said in the manga (also in the anime!!)

Jun 13, 2016 5:37 AM by velourskies

marx-chan said:

For someone who described themselves as "mature" you're not acting very mature. You're actually behaving very much like a child, but I understand. Your amygdala develops much more rapidly than the prefrontal cortex, so I understand the reaction. You're just proving my original point though. Again though, it's no fault of the minor if they're into an older person.

Actually, it's kind of hilarious how it's basically like looking in the mirror of my former self right now. I used to have the same mindset.

But that's just it. I'm not even describing myself as mature. All I'm saying is I have room to grow and I can do what I want while I'm young and I can have my own opinions on what I want to watch. Regrets are for later, not now, and I'm prepared for that. You're a good person, and I think you speak from experience a bit, do you not? I don't know... Maybe I was just enchanted with how Shinobu and Miyagi fell in love in Junjou Romantica and I thought maybe age really doesn't matter. I mean he was 17 when he fell in love with Miyagi who was 35 at the time, but hey, they became a couple when Shinobu became 18 at least. You know what, I'll take up your word for it and wait until I am 18 before making decisions like this because at least by then I'll be a bit wiser than how I am now. However, I think my thoughts won't change about being attracted to someone older than me. Oh and one more thing. Don't treat me like a fucking child. No one likes being treated like a child. But thanks anyway

Jun 12, 2016 3:08 PM by krazykillerkurt

marx-chan said:
krazykillerkurt said:

"Ren doesn't know any better" you lost me there... It is obviously implied that Ren is more mature than Haru... Since you're saying that, you're also saying that I don't know any better. So it's fucked up of me to think that I could date someone older than me? AM I NOT ALLOWED TO DATE ANYONE OLDER THAN ME? PEDOPHILIA IS A SERIOUS CASE IRL WITH HELPLESS INNOCENT KIDS AND YET YOU'RE YAMMERING HERE LIKE A CYNICAL SELF-RIGHTEOUS VIGILANTE AT ME WHEN THERE ARE FAR MORE SERIOUS CASES IRL. I'M 16 FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! I CAN THINK FOR MYSELF BUT OFC I'M STILL DEPENDENT ON OTHERS BECAUSE I'M STILL YOUNG BUT I DO HAVE A SENSE OF MORALITY AND YES PEDOPHILIA BUT I'LL BE DAMNED IF I ALLOW ANYONE TO CALL ANYONE OLDER THAN ME A PEDOPHILE. I know you didn't say that but you're obviously implying it.

For someone who described themselves as "mature" you're not acting very mature. You're actually behaving very much like a child, but I understand. Your amygdala develops much more rapidly than the prefrontal cortex, so I understand the reaction. You're just proving my original point though. Again though, it's no fault of the minor if they're into an older person.

Actually, it's kind of hilarious how it's basically like looking in the mirror of my former self right now. I used to have the same mindset.

Kyofushibibi said:

Ah no I was replying to KKkurt, just MAL on mobile makes it harder to cut some stuff. Most topics have already been covered concerning this series yet a new circle is always started. Mods had to delete some posts.

Oh but IRL? A minor dating an adult? I'd say just to be wary, I know some 16 y/o's that did date 20 something y/o's and they dated for a few years, had kids, and are now living happily. For me, it would have to depend on maturity on both parts and well depending on what country you live in as well. It'd be a slippery slope in America but a few commenters said that they're from Switzerland (if I remember) and that they're used to these age gaps in their country.

One bad experience doesn't make the whole issue bad. It's a sensitive topic that varies from person to person, there's no "correct" answer I suppose. That's about it for me. Just be wary who you date in general.

I understand there are particular cases where sometimes "it works" (though I'm skeeved by the very idea as someone who was manipulated in a relationship at a young age with an adult), but it's something I would rarely if ever mess with because for the most part it's not going to be healthy for the younger party.

I understand. Sometimes things happen that leave you feeling a certain way about a thing.

Jun 12, 2016 1:29 PM by Kyofushibibi

krazykillerkurt said:

"Ren doesn't know any better" you lost me there... It is obviously implied that Ren is more mature than Haru... Since you're saying that, you're also saying that I don't know any better. So it's fucked up of me to think that I could date someone older than me? AM I NOT ALLOWED TO DATE ANYONE OLDER THAN ME? PEDOPHILIA IS A SERIOUS CASE IRL WITH HELPLESS INNOCENT KIDS AND YET YOU'RE YAMMERING HERE LIKE A CYNICAL SELF-RIGHTEOUS VIGILANTE AT ME WHEN THERE ARE FAR MORE SERIOUS CASES IRL. I'M 16 FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! I CAN THINK FOR MYSELF BUT OFC I'M STILL DEPENDENT ON OTHERS BECAUSE I'M STILL YOUNG BUT I DO HAVE A SENSE OF MORALITY AND YES PEDOPHILIA BUT I'LL BE DAMNED IF I ALLOW ANYONE TO CALL ANYONE OLDER THAN ME A PEDOPHILE. I know you didn't say that but you're obviously implying it.

For someone who described themselves as "mature" you're not acting very mature. You're actually behaving very much like a child, but I understand. Your amygdala develops much more rapidly than the prefrontal cortex, so I understand the reaction. You're just proving my original point though. Again though, it's no fault of the minor if they're into an older person.

Actually, it's kind of hilarious how it's basically like looking in the mirror of my former self right now. I used to have the same mindset.

Kyofushibibi said:

Ah no I was replying to KKkurt, just MAL on mobile makes it harder to cut some stuff. Most topics have already been covered concerning this series yet a new circle is always started. Mods had to delete some posts.

Oh but IRL? A minor dating an adult? I'd say just to be wary, I know some 16 y/o's that did date 20 something y/o's and they dated for a few years, had kids, and are now living happily. For me, it would have to depend on maturity on both parts and well depending on what country you live in as well. It'd be a slippery slope in America but a few commenters said that they're from Switzerland (if I remember) and that they're used to these age gaps in their country.

One bad experience doesn't make the whole issue bad. It's a sensitive topic that varies from person to person, there's no "correct" answer I suppose. That's about it for me. Just be wary who you date in general.

I understand there are particular cases where sometimes "it works" (though I'm skeeved by the very idea as someone who was manipulated in a relationship at a young age with an adult), but it's something I would rarely if ever mess with because for the most part it's not going to be healthy for the younger party.

Jun 12, 2016 12:57 PM by marx-chan

Laciie said:
KoreaWS said:

Is this the pinnacle, one of those "one of a kind" movie/series that I will never have the pleasure to re-experience, or are there shows out there with a similar "excellency", so to speak?

Ty for the rec though. Gonna find time to watch it.

Not many animated BL unfortunately but in terms of manga I can point you towards Junko's works and Takarai Rihito's stuff. Also check out Yamamoto Koutetsu, Yoneda Kou, Scarlet Beriko, Suzuki Tsuta, Yukue Moegi (she doesn't have that many things rn but the stuff she does have is nice), and Ogeretsu Tanaka.

If you want things that are a little bit on the darker side then try Ogawa Chise.

EDIT: I forgot to mention Enzou!! I love their stuff. And Natsume Isaku

(god I'm sorry for the longass pile of author recs but I just feel like instead of recommending specific stories I'd rather recommend the authors themselves so you can choose from a group of stories type of deal)

Gonna give 'em a try if BL is good for me to keep reading. First I'm gonna look for that movie comic_sans rec'ed me, and from there keep looking.

I'm currently watching certain series that has 110 OVA's, and my attention span is pretty bleak to watch 2 different things at the same time and appreciate it.

Thanks to everybody!!

Jun 12, 2016 11:56 AM by Thievery

Laciie said:
KoreaWS said:

Is this the pinnacle, one of those "one of a kind" movie/series that I will never have the pleasure to re-experience, or are there shows out there with a similar "excellency", so to speak?

Ty for the rec though. Gonna find time to watch it.

Not many animated BL unfortunately but in terms of manga I can point you towards Junko's works and Takarai Rihito's stuff. Also check out Yamamoto Koutetsu, Yoneda Kou, Scarlet Beriko, Suzuki Tsuta, Yukue Moegi (she doesn't have that many things rn but the stuff she does have is nice), and Ogeretsu Tanaka.

If you want things that are a little bit on the darker side then try Ogawa Chise.

EDIT: I forgot to mention Enzou!! I love their stuff. And Natsume Isaku

(god I'm sorry for the longass pile of author recs but I just feel like instead of recommending specific stories I'd rather recommend the authors themselves so you can choose from a group of stories type of deal)

Signed! Nice recommendations. I read literally all of them :D

Jun 12, 2016 9:36 AM by Helenus

marx-chan said:
krazykillerkurt said:
Haru's not even manipulative. If anything, Ren's the one who's manipulative. You should really read the manga because you don't seem to know much about the relationship Ren and Haru has. You needn't tell me to not mess with older people because I know most older people are shit and just treat me like a kid that's why I like this anime because I can relate to Ren a bit.

I'm not talking about Haru, though you can argue that the fact that Haru implies his actions are "brotherly" could be manipulative since Ren doesn't know any better. The series doesn't delve int the darker parts of the attraction though cause this is meant to be a fun, escapist anime. Do you honestly think I don't get that when I said that something this creepy doesn't matter in fiction the first time? Also, I've read the manga. I know. Me not liking it doesn't equal me not "understanding" their relationship.

Kyofushibibi said:

I'd like to tack on to this, people do realize this is fictional?

Maybe you should finish reading an entire post for context before tacking on a comment that has already been covered? I said in my first comment that things in fiction do not matter, but my reply to krazykillerkurt was in response to them declaring that they could date someone much older then them despite still being a minor which is fucked up for a number of reasons.

Ah no I was replying to KKkurt, just MAL on mobile makes it harder to cut some stuff. Most topics have already been covered concerning this series yet a new circle is always started. Mods had to delete some posts.

Oh but IRL? A minor dating an adult? I'd say just to be wary, I know some 16 y/o's that did date 20 something y/o's and they dated for a few years, had kids, and are now living happily. For me, it would have to depend on maturity on both parts and well depending on what country you live in as well. It'd be a slippery slope in America but a few commenters said that they're from Switzerland (if I remember) and that they're used to these age gaps in their country.

One bad experience doesn't make the whole issue bad. It's a sensitive topic that varies from person to person, there's no "correct" answer I suppose. That's about it for me. Just be wary who you date in general.

Jun 12, 2016 9:26 AM by Kyofushibibi

marx-chan said:
krazykillerkurt said:
Haru's not even manipulative. If anything, Ren's the one who's manipulative. You should really read the manga because you don't seem to know much about the relationship Ren and Haru has. You needn't tell me to not mess with older people because I know most older people are shit and just treat me like a kid that's why I like this anime because I can relate to Ren a bit.

I'm not talking about Haru, though you can argue that the fact that Haru implies his actions are "brotherly" could be manipulative since Ren doesn't know any better. The series doesn't delve int the darker parts of the attraction though cause this is meant to be a fun, escapist anime. Do you honestly think I don't get that when I said that something this creepy doesn't matter in fiction the first time? Also, I've read the manga. I know. Me not liking it doesn't equal me not "understanding" their relationship.

Kyofushibibi said:

I'd like to tack on to this, people do realize this is fictional?

Maybe you should finish reading an entire post for context before tacking on a comment that has already been covered? I said in my first comment that things in fiction do not matter, but my reply to krazykillerkurt was in response to them declaring that they could date someone much older then them despite still being a minor which is fucked up for a number of reasons.

"Ren doesn't know any better" you lost me there... It is obviously implied that Ren is more mature than Haru... Since you're saying that, you're also saying that I don't know any better. So it's fucked up of me to think that I could date someone older than me? AM I NOT ALLOWED TO DATE ANYONE OLDER THAN ME? PEDOPHILIA IS A SERIOUS CASE IRL WITH HELPLESS INNOCENT KIDS AND YET YOU'RE YAMMERING HERE LIKE A CYNICAL SELF-RIGHTEOUS VIGILANTE AT ME WHEN THERE ARE FAR MORE SERIOUS CASES IRL. I'M 16 FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! I CAN THINK FOR MYSELF BUT OFC I'M STILL DEPENDENT ON OTHERS BECAUSE I'M STILL YOUNG BUT I DO HAVE A SENSE OF MORALITY AND YES PEDOPHILIA BUT I'LL BE DAMNED IF I ALLOW ANYONE TO CALL ANYONE OLDER THAN ME A PEDOPHILE. I know you didn't say that but you're obviously implying it.

Jun 12, 2016 6:49 AM by krazykillerkurt

krazykillerkurt said:
Haru's not even manipulative. If anything, Ren's the one who's manipulative. You should really read the manga because you don't seem to know much about the relationship Ren and Haru has. You needn't tell me to not mess with older people because I know most older people are shit and just treat me like a kid that's why I like this anime because I can relate to Ren a bit.

I'm not talking about Haru, though you can argue that the fact that Haru implies his actions are "brotherly" could be manipulative since Ren doesn't know any better. The series doesn't delve int the darker parts of the attraction though cause this is meant to be a fun, escapist anime. Do you honestly think I don't get that when I said that something this creepy doesn't matter in fiction the first time? Also, I've read the manga. I know. Me not liking it doesn't equal me not "understanding" their relationship.

Kyofushibibi said:

I'd like to tack on to this, people do realize this is fictional?

Maybe you should finish reading an entire post for context before tacking on a comment that has already been covered? I said in my first comment that things in fiction do not matter, but my reply to krazykillerkurt was in response to them declaring that they could date someone much older then them despite still being a minor which is fucked up for a number of reasons.

Jun 12, 2016 6:27 AM by marx-chan

KoreaWS said:
Comic_Sans said:
Obligatory Doukyuusei recommendation

Is this the pinnacle, one of those "one of a kind" movie/series that I will never have the pleasure to re-experience, or are there shows out there with a similar "excellency", so to speak?

Ty for the rec though. Gonna find time to watch it.

Not many animated BL unfortunately but in terms of manga I can point you towards Junko's works and Takarai Rihito's stuff. Also check out Yamamoto Koutetsu, Yoneda Kou, Scarlet Beriko, Suzuki Tsuta, Yukue Moegi (she doesn't have that many things rn but the stuff she does have is nice), and Ogeretsu Tanaka.

If you want things that are a little bit on the darker side then try Ogawa Chise.

EDIT: I forgot to mention Enzou!! I love their stuff. And Natsume Isaku

(god I'm sorry for the longass pile of author recs but I just feel like instead of recommending specific stories I'd rather recommend the authors themselves so you can choose from a group of stories type of deal)

Jun 12, 2016 12:07 AM by Laciie

Kyofushibibi said:
krazykillerkurt said:

I think I have to tumblr but I think it's been years since I was last active lol. Yea I just followed you. I still barely understand how tumblr works tho lol

I post/reblog so much SL on there. I left tumblr for a few months and now I'm back cause SL, funny. The gifs are adorable.
Yeah I see it lol it's full of it alright

Jun 11, 2016 6:42 PM by krazykillerkurt

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