TV Anime 'Super Lovers' Announces Cast

Ren Kaidou: Junko Minagawa (Akatsuki no Yona)
Haru Kaidou: Tomoaki Maeno (Amagami SS)
Aki Kaidou: Yoshitsugu Matsuoka (No Game No Life)
Shima Kaidou: Takuma Terashima (Kokoro Connect)
Ikuyoshi Sasaki: Ayumu Murase (Gatchaman Crowds)
Junzen Kurosaki: Jun Fukushima (Yowamushi Pedal)
The BL manga has been in serialization since 2009 and currently has eight volumes in print. An anime adaptation of the series was announced in April of this year, with Shinji Ishihira directing the series at Studio Deen.
Source: Official Twitter
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20 of 105 Comments Recent Comments
Can't wait to see how this will turn out. ( ͡- ͜ʖ ͡-)<br />
I really liked the manga.<br />
Hope they don't ruin it.
<br />
I'm confident DEEN won't ruin this one. Despite their notorious reputation, I have faith when it comes to BL.
Remarkable, isn't it? I did not watch many DEEN titles except for their yaoi anime. But I often hear they don't produce quality anime and their adaptions are mostly seen as bad or mediocre at best.
But it seems with the adaption of BL titles DEEN found it's niche on the anime market. As I said before I cannot judge the quality of their non-BL titles. But the BL anime they producd are great. Hybrid Child's visuals and OST - for example - were stunning!
Dec 30, 2015 6:32 AM by Helenus
Can't wait to see how this will turn out. ( ͡- ͜ʖ ͡-)
I really liked the manga.
Hope they don't ruin it.
I'm confident DEEN won't ruin this one. Despite their notorious reputation, I have faith when it comes to BL.
Dec 30, 2015 4:45 AM by Dull_Lull
I really liked the manga.
Hope they don't ruin it.
Dec 30, 2015 2:32 AM by Lufe
But yeah, it's pretty sad that BL has become so limited lately. Though, I don't dislike all the series above (especially, SH), I just wished that more series can be adapted, only if there's a dedicated studio available for BL to avoid censorship. Hahaha
Dec 29, 2015 7:44 AM by Mayuka
I can die peacefully, if Hadaka Shitsuji finally gets an OVA .... not happening, though x'P
Dec 29, 2015 7:42 AM by Helenus
But there's also no telling if other series can be animated or not. But popularity is a big factor, it doesn't have to be a whole season, just some OVA would be okay. Ai no Kusabi (though, the source is a novel) , Vassalord, Tight Rope and Okane Ga Nai are just a few examples of recent titles.
I meant recent titles as in with the last five years, sorry for the confusion. :)
But yeah, it's pretty sad that BL has become so limited lately. Though, I don't dislike all the series above (especially, SH), I just wished that more series can be adapted, only if there's a dedicated studio available for BL to avoid censorship. Hahaha
Dec 29, 2015 7:26 AM by Loyalty06
I'm a guy, lol, but thanks for seconding my opinion I suppose. Nakamura isn't terrible, but her stories are mediocre and overuse their tropes. People can like whatever, but people can criticize whatever they want to. Some people on this forum need to understand that and realize that someone not liking their trash show does not mean it's an insult upon their person.
Oh sorry, I usually assume people are girls when they talk about yaoi so fondly.
I don't think it would detract from the work if you hinted/were smart with your camera angles.
But there's also no telling if other series can be animated or not. But popularity is a big factor, it doesn't have to be a whole season, just some OVA would be okay. Ai no Kusabi (though, the source is a novel) , Vassalord, Tight Rope and Okane Ga Nai are just a few examples of recent titles.
Dec 29, 2015 4:56 AM by Mayuka
But there's also no telling if other series can be animated or not. But popularity is a big factor, it doesn't have to be a whole season, just some OVA would be okay. Ai no Kusabi (though, the source is a novel) , Vassalord, Tight Rope and Okane Ga Nai are just a few examples of recent titles.
Of course, you can go with your decision that Ten Count has no chance to be adapted. My compromise is we'll just have to see. :)
I am just happy that Super Lovers got its chance because it really deserves it.
Dec 29, 2015 4:50 AM by Loyalty06
In the drama CD Ren got different seiyuu for child and teen?
Dec 28, 2015 12:51 PM by Ioryogi-kun
I wait for the first episode to judge of the voices fit or not.
Dec 28, 2015 12:47 PM by Helenus
Dec 28, 2015 12:36 PM by Ioryogi-kun
Troll posts and spam removed.
Please keep things friendly don't troll and don't spam.
Dec 28, 2015 12:31 PM by Aversa
But Kaji Yuki voice is so cute, WE NEED CUTE VOICES FOR REN T____T
Finish, We can't do anything right now :( Let's wait for the PV <3
The other day I dreamt he's the seiyuu for Ren, both the child and the teen version :3 Sulky!Yukine voice would be so cute XD Though if it were true people would come here to bash the yaoi setting and the seiyuu choice.
hey the thread is cleaned! cool
Yup ^^ It's cleaned XD But I think Kaji fit Ren voice right? Or it's not nice?
Dec 28, 2015 12:27 PM by removed-user
But Kaji Yuki voice is so cute, WE NEED CUTE VOICES FOR REN T____T
Finish, We can't do anything right now :( Let's wait for the PV <3
The other day I dreamt he's the seiyuu for Ren, both the child and the teen version :3 Sulky!Yukine voice would be so cute XD Though if it were true people would come here to bash the yaoi setting and the seiyuu choice.
hey the thread is cleaned! cool
Dec 28, 2015 12:24 PM by Ioryogi-kun
Dec 28, 2015 11:31 AM by removed-user
Hak x Yun forever kek kek xD
Dec 28, 2015 11:27 AM by Helenus
I can't understand why not many are happy with Ren's seiyuu. I think a woman would do best if she isn't Ayumu Murase or Yonaga Tsubasa.
I know I'm SO happy it isn't Kaji Yuki. =.=
But Kaji Yuki voice is so cute, WE NEED CUTE VOICES FOR REN T____T
Finish, We can't do anything right now :( Let's wait for the PV <3
Dec 28, 2015 11:13 AM by removed-user
Also, what you said is just a means of figurng out what series can be adapted. No one ever thought SL would be animated because of the somewhat misleading shota theme. But SL gave me hope for other series.
Nope, I knew that Super Lovers is getting animated. You want a prove? Check in this, I posted it on 2014 December that it's getting animated and then it happened.
I have to agree with @Username.
If we look back at the yaoi anime projects of the recent years, it is quite clear that it were almost exclusively Kadokawa Shoten titles (Shinguku Nakamura titles to be more precise).
This - of course - doesn't neccessarily mean that works from other authors/publishers (e.g. Love Stage) won't get anime adaptions. But there is a unlikely higher possibility if they're Kadokawa titles.
Excatly, thanks for understanding, that's why you're an Yaoi God <3
Dec 28, 2015 11:06 AM by removed-user
I know I'm SO happy it isn't Kaji Yuki. =.=
Dec 28, 2015 10:35 AM by reiynii
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