Winter 2016 Preview
• Series are sorted by airing date of the first episode. Kids' series are not listed.
• One video of each anime has been selected and embedded under the accompany spoiler for an easy overview (except if the sources are not from YouTube).
January 5

Visual Novel | Madhouse | Sports
Promotional Video | Additional Videos
January 7

Original | Production IMS | Mecha, Police, Sci-Fi
Promotional Video | Additional Videos

Novel | P.A. Works | Mystery, Romance, School, Slice of Life
Promotional Video | Additional Videos

Light Novel | Kyoto Animation | Action, Fantasy, Supernatural
Promotional Video | Additional Videos

Light Novel | Kinema Citrus | Adventure, Fantasy, Romance, Shoujo
Promotional Video | Additional Videos

Visual Novel | Project No.9 | School
Promotional Video | Additional Videos

Original | KOO-KI | Comedy, Police
Trailer | Additional Videos
January 8

Sequel | Lerche | Action, Comedy, School, Shounen
Promotional Video | Additional Videos

Manga | A-1 Pictures | Psychological, Seinen, Supernatural
Commercial | Additional Videos

Manga | Feel | Comedy, Shounen
Promotional Video | Additional Videos

Game | Studio Pierrot | Action, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Promotional Video | Additional Videos

Game | Studio Gokumi | Action, Comedy, Ecchi, Sci-Fi
Commercial | Additional Videos

Manga | Creators in Pack | Comedy, Slice of Life | 5 min.

Manga | Feel | Comedy, School, Slice of Life
Promotional Video | Additional Videos

Game | Telecom Animation Film | Sci-Fi
Promotional Video | Additional Videos

Original | LIDENFILMS | Comedy, Music
Promotional Video | Additional Videos
January 9

Original | SANZIGEN | ?
Promotional Video | Additional Videos

Sequel | Studio Shuka | Action, Mystery, Supernatural
Commercial | Additional Videos

Sequel | A-1 Pictures | Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Military
Promotional Video | Additional Videos

Original | Doga Kobo | Action, Fantasy
Promotional Video | Additional Videos

Novel | Studio Deen | Comedy, Fantasy, Magic
Promotional Video | Additional Videos
January 10

Manga | Studio 3Hz | Sci-Fi, Seinen
Promotional Video | Additional Videos

Manga | Production Reed | Comedy, Shoujo, Slice of Life
Promotional Video | Additional Videos

Original | Tatsunoko Production | Comedy, Magic, Parody
Commercial | Additional Videos

Manga | Seven Arcs | Comedy, Slice of Life
January 11

Light Novel | A-1 Pictures | Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy
Promotional Video | Additional Videos

Light Novel | Lerche | Action, Ecchi, Fantasy, Harem, Romance, School, Supernatural
Promotional Video | Additional Videos

Light Novel | ixtl, LIDENFILMS | Action, Drama, Mecha, Military, Sci-Fi
Promotional Video | Additional Videos

Sequel | Millepensee | Comedy, Shounen, Sports | 2 min.

Sequel | ILCA | Dementia, Horror, Supernatural | 4 min.
Commercial | Additional Videos
January 12

Sequel | Bones | Drama, Fantasy, Romance, Shoujo
Promotional Video | Additional Videos

Visual Novel | Gonzo | Drama, Romance, School, Sci-Fi
Promotional Video | Additional Videos

Sequel | Feel | Comedy

Manga | Pine Jam | Comedy, Magic
Commercial | Additional Videos
January 14

Light Novel | Studio Deen | Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, Supernatural
Promotional Video | Additional Videos
January 16

Manga | Polygon Pictures | Adventure, Horror, Mystery, Seinen, Supernatural
Promotional Video | Additional Videos

Manga | Studio Deen | Drama, Josei
Promotional Video | Additional Videos
February 5

Original | CoMix Wave Films | Fantasy, Magic, Shounen Ai
Promotional Video | Additional Videos
20 of 102 Comments Recent Comments
Jan 12, 2016 12:11 PM by Shinimiras
Jan 5, 2016 6:35 PM by ksoub
Active Raid
Akagami no Shirayuki S2
AssClass S2
Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm
Boku Dake ga Inai Machi
Bubuki Buranki
Dagashi Kashi
Dimension W
Divine Gate
Gate S2
Hai to Gensou no Grimgar
Kono Subarashii
Koukaku no Pandora
Luck & Logic
Mahou Shoujo Nante Mouiidesukara
Musaigen no Phantom World
Nurse Witch Komugi-chan R
Oshiete! Gyaruko-chan
Phantasy Star Online 2
Reikenzan: Hoshikuzu-tachi no Utage
Saijaku Muhai no Bahamut
Shoujo-tachi wa Kouya wo Mezasu
Lotta people already shitting on Saijaku Bahamut, but it's being done by Lerche, who has been on fire with accurate adaptations lately, so I have faith in them.
Will Watch:
- Durarara!!x2 Ketsu.
- Dimension W - second best op in the season it seems. Unique setting. Great designs. Seinen. What's not to like?
- Ajin - The setting and the cgi seems promising enough.
- Sushi Police - its always nice to see self-aware political satire. Its nice to see that the silly bullshit the politicians said about overseas sushi restaurants has long since become a meme. Dig the stylized design and the music in the pv.
- Boku dake ga Inai Machi - always dig a good mystery show(as long as it is good and not...well...Perfect Insider). The PV looks good and devoid of usual anime tropes too.
- Divine Gate - badass op song, top notch character designs. Unless the studio manages to turn this into a horrible trash,this should be watchable.
- Sekkou Boys - ALL OF MY YES to this.
- Bubuki Buranki- even if story ends up a mess, worth solely for top notch cgi animation already.
- Schwarzesmarken - Hopefully this leads to eventual adaptation of Muv Luv and Muv Luv Alternative.
- Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu
Will Try:
- Macross Δ - pls don't suck, pls don't suck. Macross usually is good but the character designs so far do not inspire confidence.
- Luck & Logic - It all depends on how generic this will get and whether action will be good.
No hopes:
- Active Raid: well out of all pvs this was amongst one of most generic. The op sounds awful, the highschooler filled cast looks horrible, the art style is generic. Might try but I don't expect anything from this.
- Norn9 : obligatory "bunch of masculine jackasses abuse a bland submissive female mc for whole series" show. also known As otome game adaptation. Unless they start singing(like with Dance with Devils), don't see any reason to watch this.
- Hai to Gensou no Grimgar: Ughhhh. Will try and see I guess. PVs look trashy as all hell tho :/
Musaigen no Phantom World - holy chuuni gods. What will it take for kyoani to go finally defunct instead of spewing out this crap? IF the studio, the setting and horrible character designs was not cringe enough, the synopsis filled with the most outlandish chuuni "terminology" makes it clear at how trashy this will be.
Dagashi Kashi - character designs that can cause nightmares.
Koukaku no Pandora - obligatory "we cater to neets with moe" show.
Saijaku Muhai no Bahamut - obligatory generic ln adaptation, with very cancerous genre tags. And the boob grab. Obligatory LN adaptation boob grab. Pass.
Mahou Shoujo Nante Mou Ii Desukara. - Why is this a thing? Oh right. Neets.
>says grimgar PVs look trashy...praises Aijin eye-cancer CGI. Wot?
>saying something about Dagashi character designs...not sure if you're autistic or not...since the character designs almost completely match the manga, and their wacky looks and facial expressions are one of the manga's funniest features.
>shitting on Musaigen character designs...I hate KyoAni probably more than most people, but even I admit that their visuals are always stellar even if the show is trash. Sounds more like you hating for the sake of hating.
Well considering how you have DRRRR, Aijin, and Sekkou Boys on your watch list, I'm not sure if you even know what good visuals and character design look like.
Jan 4, 2016 4:18 PM by Jonesy974
Jan 4, 2016 1:49 AM by Quantization
Gate is a good series and I can't wait for the second season. I'm also curious about the Rewrite anime and I do wish there was more Hajime No Ippo. I like that boxing anime.
Jan 4, 2016 1:43 AM by LoremasterEolas
Musaigen no Phantom World
Haruchika: Haruta to Chika wa Seishun Suru
Dagashi Kashi
Niji-iro Days
Oshiete! Galko-chan
and maybe AssClass~
Jan 3, 2016 11:31 PM by Tanya_Bun
Jan 3, 2016 1:42 PM by KneelBeforeMe
Active Raid (Alright Gorou, let me see what you've got next.)
Dimension W. (Seems interesting, plus Funimation is involved. Sadly, the manga is ongoing so this anime series will most likely be incomplete, which doesn't give me high hopes.)
Durarara Ketsu (I don't when the magic was lost, but at this point I'm just watching DRRR for the sake of completion.)
Erased (The opening rocks, sadly I fear that might be the best part of the series. It's Noitamina so I'll watch it regardless.)
Ace of Diamond
Gundam IBO
Ajin (The CGI is a turn off, but the premise sounds interesting.)
Jan 3, 2016 1:38 PM by prtorpedo
Watching Gundam Tekketsu no Orphans is enough though.
Jan 3, 2016 11:28 AM by dolly94
<br />
<br />
while I agree, MH is still good & a top name of the industry. Imagine if MH had suffered the same fate as Gonzo, gainax, manglobe or current deen.<br />
<br />
Death parade had it's flaws, but it's a sign that the old madhouse everyone loved it for isnt dead. They've changed to survive.
<br />
Death Parade is overrated edgy garbage. <br />
<br />
Its a proof that Billards worked better as a short work and there was not much in it to extend into full show. The only decent part of it was the OP and even that was not the best of the year.
hey I did say Death parade had it's flaws. Plus you know that's not the important point I made.
Jan 2, 2016 10:33 PM by JetNoir
<br />
<br />
Madhouse before Mappa =/= Madhouse now.
while I agree, MH is still good & a top name of the industry. Imagine if MH had suffered the same fate as Gonzo, gainax, manglobe or current deen.
Death parade had it's flaws, but it's a sign that the old madhouse everyone loved it for isnt dead. They've changed to survive.
Death Parade is overrated edgy garbage.
Its a proof that Billards worked better as a short work and there was not much in it to extend into full show. The only decent part of it was the OP and even that was not the best of the year.
Jan 2, 2016 1:25 PM by Ahenshihael
<br />
<br />
Madhouse before Mappa =/= Madhouse now.
while I agree, MH is still good & a top name of the industry. Imagine if MH had suffered the same fate as Gonzo, gainax, manglobe or current deen.
Death parade had it's flaws, but it's a sign that the old madhouse everyone loved it for isnt dead. They've changed to survive.
Jan 2, 2016 10:25 AM by DatRandomDude
<br />
hilarious statement considering MadHouse was one of the studios that started the ln-adaptation trend in the industry with boogiepop phantom in 2000. Not to say that the only ln-adaptation they did last year was overlord.
<br />
Madhouse before Mappa =/= Madhouse now.
while I agree, MH is still good & a top name of the industry. Imagine if MH had suffered the same fate as Gonzo, gainax, manglobe or current deen.
Death parade had it's flaws, but it's a sign that the old madhouse everyone loved it for isnt dead. They've changed to survive.
Jan 2, 2016 10:09 AM by JetNoir
hilarious statement considering MadHouse was one of the studios that started the ln-adaptation trend in the industry with boogiepop phantom in 2000. Not to say that the only ln-adaptation they did last year was overlord.
Madhouse before Mappa =/= Madhouse now.
Jan 2, 2016 8:52 AM by Ahenshihael
it doesnt look a bad season at all , but the only studio that didnt fail me was MadHouse , people underate so much this studio , the others where kind of meh ,
MadHouse is actually one of the two most really popular studios from japan (other being ghibli). If anything their name attracts a large amount of attention
Madhouse is one out of two studios(the other being ufotable) that westerners eat up no matter what - even if they were to shit on a plate, most people still would assume it will be "hyyype". <br />
<br />
<br />
That is of course because most people don't take into account that Madhouse is creatively bankrupt ln-adaptation factory since all the relevant people from it went on to form Studio Mappa
hilarious statement considering MadHouse was one of the studios that started the ln-adaptation trend in the industry with boogiepop phantom in 2000. Not to say that the only ln-adaptation they did last year was overlord.
Jan 2, 2016 5:26 AM by JetNoir
it doesnt look a bad season at all , but the only studio that didnt fail me was MadHouse , people underate so much this studio
>Madhouse underrated
Jan 2, 2016 2:50 AM by Z4K
it doesnt look a bad season at all , but the only studio that didnt fail me was MadHouse , people underate so much this studio , the others where kind of meh ,
Madhouse is one out of two studios(the other being ufotable) that westerners eat up no matter what - even if they were to shit on a plate, most people still would assume it will be "hyyype".
That is of course because most people don't take into account that Madhouse is creatively bankrupt ln-adaptation factory since all the relevant people from it went on to form Studio Mappa
Jan 2, 2016 2:36 AM by Ahenshihael
it doesnt look a bad season at all , but the only studio that didnt fail me was MadHouse , people underate so much this studio
bruh, thats like the most hyped up studio in pretty much every western countries. The hell are you smoking ?
(inb4 someone coming to say that madhouse is overrated)
Jan 1, 2016 11:16 PM by DatRandomDude
gonna watch all the sequels (durarara and AssClass HYPE) and keep watching the leftovers (Gundam and Haikyuu) , probably will give it a try to everthying else but i can already see that i am droping half of this season.
Jan 1, 2016 10:35 PM by tribopower
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