Anime & Manga News

'Diabolik Lovers' OVA Announced

by tsubasalover
Sep 6, 2014 8:17 AM | 61 Comments
According to a Diabolik Lovers event today, an OVA of anime Diabolik Lovers has been announced. The OVA will be included with the upcoming game Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE which is set to be released in 2015.

The preview announcement at the event showed the four Mukami brothers from Diabolik Lovers MORE,BLOOD. Further information will be announced at a later time.


News submitted by Shadow-Chan

Diabolik Lovers OVA on MAL

20 of 61 Comments Recent Comments

yukishiromei said:
We can expect more ineptitude from the heroine.

LOL this

Sep 12, 2014 2:26 PM by Kenchiin

We can expect more ineptitude from the heroine.

Sep 12, 2014 1:26 PM by Heiize

Iktoro99 said:
20000? Surprising, truly surprising.

Yup :O The first game even supposedly has sold more than 30.000 copies now, so since its first week, the number of sold copies now has increased by half of its original sales (I believe there was one ranking noting 10.000 copies in its first week somewhere, so if that was the case, the number would have tripled). Not as surprising as TokiMemo, UtaPri or Hakuouki-senpai, but with the numbers changing that much, it's not strange they bundle the OVA with one of the games that will follow. Then again, even if there will be 20.000 copies sold again, that won't equal to 20.000 copies of the OVA...

@ the airing dates:
I expect Norn to take a while longer for any news, but I believe there are some events for MeiKoi in the next few months, so maybe there will be some information regarding the anime then...

Laciie said:
Granted the game is MUCH better and the guys are less asshole-ish (this goes for Shu and Subaru mostly... you'd feel sort of bad for Kanato. Ayato is meh and Reiji is forever an asshole although he did nicer things in More Blood but THAT game was bad). So yeah, the game is very popular unlike the actual anime.

I'm pretty sure there were some things which would be hard to have shown on TV (not sure at what time this was running, though) and if they end up purposely not showing that in the anime adaption, then that means that the game is "worse" (+ CDs, I guess). If we include MB, then that may even easilier apply because the game was for 17 and above. (I do sometimes read some extreme things about this on the net, but I cannot be sure if that is only content regarding the original game, not to mention I couldn't bring myself to play all routes, so I don't know for sure, though)

catkittycool321 said:
(except for Subaru, he is freaking awesome.)


Sep 12, 2014 1:23 PM by Face_Faith

Yayay fanservice coming >:o

Ayatooooo <3

Sep 11, 2014 3:46 PM by zricecakez

Great, now we will have even MORE a-holes than before -.- (except for Subaru, he is freaking awesome.)

For so I shall wait for the OVA to come out to watch it......................only watching because maybe Subaru will be like a Batman and "try" to save the heroine again.

Sep 9, 2014 7:31 PM by catkittycool321

not really interested in this anime

Sep 8, 2014 1:41 PM by Mr_Gutts

I'm surprised this was popular enough to get an OVA. This series would have been better if the heroine actually had a brain and a personality.

Sep 7, 2014 4:03 PM by tplusent

phoenixalia said:
Meanwhile, I'm still waiting on news about Meiji Tokyo Renka and Norn9.

Yeah, where the hell are they? I need my seasonal dose of reverse harem.

Makuro said:
Wtf? Diabolik Lovers??? Fucking yaoi

>Death Note and Bleach in your favourites

SolviteSekai said:
No rational human being would like something this terrible.

See, that's the thing with otaku/fujoshi pandering things. It's terrible (most of the time), but its targeted specifically for people that like this stuff. Say that for DiaLovers but we have plenty of dating sim and visual novel adaption for the boys and there are way less complaints.

Sep 7, 2014 10:57 AM by Mayuka

OH LORD. Please, we dont need's this shit.

Sep 7, 2014 10:56 AM by 121th

I can't wait!!!!more hot vampires!!!
Gotta love Kou and Ruki!!

Sep 7, 2014 10:17 AM by RosyXkid

NO, please, just NO !

Sep 7, 2014 9:38 AM by SailorKagome

Iktoro99 said:
Makuro said:
Wtf? Diabolik Lovers??? Fucking yaoi

... It's not yaoi. It's, basically, a bunch of vampires sucking the heroine's blood.

Face_Faith said:

For an otoge, it will probably, despite then being released for the Vita. Both the game and fandisk have crossed the 20000 line in their first weeks and while for the following games there will probably also be additional buyers who bought the games later or because of the anime (the fandisk was released sometime when the broadcast was a few episodes in so we can expect that the number of (first week) buyers is going to grow a bit), the only otoge for the Vita to have sold more than 10000 copies are the new Hakuouki and Amnesia games, so it wouldn't be strange if DiaLover succeeded in doing so as well. Aside from that, before DF being released, there is also VC at the end of the year (unless they change the release date again...), which will probably be more affected by PSP->Vita than DF as the latter is supposedly going to be released in 2015.

20000? Surprising, truly surprising.

Granted the game is MUCH better and the guys are less asshole-ish (this goes for Shu and Subaru mostly... you'd feel sort of bad for Kanato. Ayato is meh and Reiji is forever an asshole although he did nicer things in More Blood but THAT game was bad). So yeah, the game is very popular unlike the actual anime.

Sep 7, 2014 8:25 AM by Laciie

Why? The anime was so bad I don't even know why I started watching it, and now an OVA?

Sep 7, 2014 7:58 AM by Samii

Great. I missed this shit so much.

Sep 7, 2014 7:50 AM by Aquane

Wtf? Diabolik Lovers??? Fucking yaoi

Sep 7, 2014 6:40 AM by Makuro

Welp, good for the fans, at least.

Sep 7, 2014 5:47 AM by Tengai

SolviteSekai said:
how did this get an ova with its horrendous sales?

SolviteSekai said:
sometimes a shitty anime can make the visual novel more popular.


Iktoro99 said:
Face_Faith said:

Promotion, as usual, probably.
Even if the DVD sales weren't good for an anime (while there were problems with the estimations, it was an anime for a female audience, so I wouldn't be expecting anything outstanding), it's still doing well in terms of it's original work and the games that worked as a base for the anime adaption and while there are also the increased sales because of the anime broadcast (I believe there was a re-run, too), this time, this will probably also work as an additional aid as the sequels of the games will be released on the Vita instead.

Ah, I see. I highly doubt this will sell well though

For an otoge, it will probably, despite then being released for the Vita. Both the game and fandisk have crossed the 20000 line in their first weeks and while for the following games there will probably also be additional buyers who bought the games later or because of the anime (the fandisk was released sometime when the broadcast was a few episodes in so we can expect that the number of (first week) buyers is going to grow a bit), the only otoge for the Vita to have sold more than 10000 copies are the new Hakuouki and Amnesia games, so it wouldn't be strange if DiaLover succeeded in doing so as well. Aside from that, before DF being released, there is also VC at the end of the year (unless they change the release date again...), which will probably be more affected by PSP->Vita than DF as the latter is supposedly going to be released in 2015.

phoenixalia said:
SolviteSekai said:
how did this get an ova with its horrendous sales?

Think is, we don't really know if the sales really were horrendous. I'm sure it was no big seller but you couldn't even buy the limited editions on Amazon! It was probably sold in a lot of stores not reported by Oricon, or so I hear/think/believe.

Maybe this will be just like with the limited editions of the anime: If the OVA will be available with the Animate set, buyers will probably go for that (and if the price for the set will be about the same as usual, that sounds like a pretty good deal), so it's a win for Animate and a win for the game (and possibly other related) sales.
Moreover, not only shouldn't there be as much of a bad influence because of the Vita as mentioned above, but if they add the OVA to DF instead of VC, then the people interested in the OVA because of the Mukami brothers (even if they should have bought MB and were disappointed) may also come to like DF's new characters which may again boost some (i.e. CD) sales.

SolviteSekai said:
I want to have a shred of faith in humanity [...]

You say this in a discussion about anime? XD

Sep 7, 2014 5:19 AM by Face_Faith

Looking forward to it! I didnt know what to think of Diabolik lovers at first, but it ended really well, so i really enjoyed it, ;3

Sep 7, 2014 2:34 AM by MitsukiisCupcake

phoenixalia said:
SolviteSekai said:
how did this get an ova with its horrendous sales?

Think is, we don't really know if the sales really were horrendous. I'm sure it was no big seller but you couldn't even buy the limited editions on Amazon! It was probably sold in a lot of stores not reported by Oricon, or so I hear/think/believe.

I want to have a shred of faith in humanity, so ill just assume the sales were bad and this is a fluke.

No rational human being would like something this terrible.

Sep 7, 2014 2:28 AM by SolviteWoTaberu

I hope that this OVA will be better than the rest of DL >.<

Sep 7, 2014 2:24 AM by Mangetsu-san

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