Anime & Manga News

Manga 'Prison School' to Get Anime Adaptation

by tsubasalover
Aug 3, 2014 11:21 PM | 161 Comments
An anime adaptation of Akira Hiramoto's manga Prison School has been announced for production, according to the wraparound jacket band on the 14th manga volume. The current type of anime is unknown.

Source: ANN, Yaraon

News submitted by Stark700 & Moonchipz

Prison School on MAL

20 of 161 Comments Recent Comments

Hahalollawl said:
If this is going to be a tv series, I would not be surprised if it got censored a lot...if it's an OVA though, then maybe it won't be censored much. So which would be better, a censored full tv series, or an uncensored OVA that's not a full season? Hmmm...
a censored full season with BD's...And first part of Manga dont have much Nudity...

Sep 11, 2014 12:35 AM by LoneWizzy

If this is going to be a tv series, I would not be surprised if it got censored a lot...if it's an OVA though, then maybe it won't be censored much. So which would be better, a censored full tv series, or an uncensored OVA that's not a full season? Hmmm...

Sep 10, 2014 4:41 PM by Hahalollawl

TheFeilong4 said:
They went all out showing tits and shit and I don't even remember if there was even a nip slip or ANYTHING in Prison School if I'm not mistaken.


Sep 10, 2014 4:00 PM by gedata

Dayum, I was tearing up when I heard this was gonna get an anime adaptation. Like THANK YOU SO MUCH LIKE ARIGATOU VERY MUCH.

But man, hopefully it's going to be a crazy ass ride watching this (assuming it gets adapted into a TV series) and hopefully it won't get censored too much like look at High School DxD. That show was a fucking fanservice fest of a show and whoever says otherwise is lying behind their huge ass erection. They went all out showing tits and shit and I don't even remember if there was even a nip slip or ANYTHING in Prison School if I'm not mistaken.

Man, I pray that it's a TV adaptation and that it's in good hands AND that it doesn't get heavily censored cause the manga is fucking brilliant (At least up until the boys were let go then it went downhill in my opinion).

Sep 10, 2014 2:26 PM by TheFeilong4

I absolutely love the manga. I don't know if it will go well as an anime though.

Aug 30, 2014 10:26 PM by AidanTheGreat

Man I wanna see what the anime character designs look like already!

Aug 30, 2014 10:23 PM by VioLink

This would make a great series :)

Aug 30, 2014 9:10 PM by ShanaFlame

I hope they don't alter or revise this one to be a little wholesome...
and I really really hope Vice Pres. has a good art, cause she's the sexiest one in there(IMO)...

Aug 30, 2014 7:26 PM by hentaishima

Kay_Lite said:
I have a mixed feeling about this, coz the series is not really appropriate for all ages...
It gonna get censored heavily then...
and I bet they gonna cut lots of parts from the manga too.

Or they will air it on late nights, or make two different version like what you see for the akame ga kill gif above ^

Aug 28, 2014 7:11 PM by keragamming

I have a mixed feeling about this, coz the series is not really appropriate for all ages...
It gonna get censored heavily then...
and I bet they gonna cut lots of parts from the manga too.

Aug 28, 2014 6:54 PM by Kay_Lite

Dayum, sounds awesome.

Aug 28, 2014 4:56 PM by Makuro

keragamming said:
This manga is the king of ecchi, if this is going to be a anime series, the amount of censoring they will have to do. Heck they would probably censor the entire screen, since every movement have some fanservice in it.
i think it will be something like this:

Aug 26, 2014 4:26 AM by LoneWizzy

They should air it online instead of airing it on TV. This way, they won't have to censor it. Unless they decide to do what the Pupa bastards did, who streamed it online, censored 90% of the screen anyway, and made it mandatory to buy the BD in order to see the uncesored scenes.

Aug 26, 2014 2:45 AM by SailorKagome

This manga is the king of ecchi, if this is going to be a anime series, the amount of censoring they will have to do. Heck they would probably censor the entire screen, since every movement have some fanservice in it.

My bet if it's a tv series they might air it in light night times and take out the censoring.

Aug 26, 2014 12:32 AM by keragamming

Ropnap said:
Not exactly the best manga to get an anime adaptation.

Just get out.

Aug 25, 2014 11:03 PM by likeLightning

UnoPuntoCinco said:
Nidhoeggr said:




Hory shitto

Aug 25, 2014 5:21 AM by OLDNEWGOODBAD

No ... just No.

Aug 25, 2014 4:48 AM by Hazanka

ThePimp said:
This is awesome, about time this manga gets an anime, now I just hope it gets a good studio and doesn't get censored the fuck out of. Anyway, this is a glorious announcement.

If it gets censored, I wont bother watching it until the BD's come out.

tsudecimo said:
VanishingKira said:

Hope Madhouse adapts this.

They might be able to do the art justice.

It's a pretty difficult feat, considering the art is traced.

Aug 25, 2014 4:14 AM by Deliriant

Not exactly the best manga to get an anime adaptation.

Aug 16, 2014 7:35 AM by Toradora

Nidhoeggr said:
Zero said:
well...I might watch it, we shall see. More likely I will read the manga considering the high quality art.

This mangaka however does have a brilliant manga, Me and the Devil Blues, unfortunately it got canceled, that is the only reason I gave it a 9, it was definitely going for a 10. And after that got canceled the mangaka had to go this way...sad.




Aug 15, 2014 11:45 PM by UnoPuntoCinco

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