NY Times Manga Best Seller List for Jul 13 - 19

*1. Naruto Vol.66
*2. Attack on Titan: No Regrets Vol.1
*3. Attack on Titan Vol.1
*4. Sword Art Online: Fairy Dance Vol.1
*5. Sword Art Online: Aincrad Vol.1
*6. UQ Holder Vol.2
*7. Nisekoi: False Love Vol.4
*8. Attack on Titan Vol.2
*9. Attack on Titan Vol.3
10. Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal Vol.5
Source: NY Times Manga Best Seller List
Previous Week's List
20 of 31 Comments Recent Comments
You aint fooling anyone you don't like the series nor the spin off nor the ova, you do likes these more than the original since in the anime you gave snk a 2, but the spin off and ova and the manga you gave a 3, so you slightly like those a bit more, it still doesn't change the fact that you're a masochist. I don't even know why you're beating around the bush for, if you don't like the series I have no problem with that, but you don't like the fact that I'm calling you a masochist which you're.
....I wonder if you're aware that, right now, you totally look like the troll wanting attention, not him
Well, I don't care.
Jul 27, 2014 1:28 AM by keragamming
Please find me posts where I have called series on these lists garbage. I don't say that, I merely say what series interests me and on occasion say the rest of the list doesn't interest me. You appear to twist my words to attack me for whatever reason. You're ever so charming.
You love the series, I don't get all pissy when you keep expressing your admiration for it so why do you get so defensive when I post something that isn't in the slightest an attack on it? It's like you're deliberately looking for an argument because something you like may not be by someone else.
For the record, I like parts of SnK and Naruto (the latter more so), the spin offs, OVAs etc I watch because from past experience can be more enjoyable than the main series what with being handled by different mangaka, directors etc.
You aint fooling anyone you don't like the series nor the spin off nor the ova, you do likes these more than the original since in the anime you gave snk a 2, but the spin off and ova and the manga you gave a 3, so you slightly like those a bit more, it still doesn't change the fact that you're a masochist. I don't even know why you're beating around the bush for, if you don't like the series I have no problem with that, but you don't like the fact that I'm calling you a masochist which you're.
....I wonder if you're aware that, right now, you totally look like the troll wanting attention, not him
Jul 27, 2014 12:43 AM by NemuriNezumi
Attack on Titan, of course.
Jul 27, 2014 12:29 AM by Tengai
Jul 26, 2014 11:19 PM by DerpHole
Jul 26, 2014 11:02 PM by soulless4now
I wonder if UQ Holder will get an anime adaptation someday...
It would be awesome if it gets one.
Only after they do a proper Mahou Sensei Negima adaptation :D
Sigh, I know it will never happen. One of my favorite manga's that had huge potential and got one of the worst adaptations ever made.
Still though a UQ Holder adaptation would be good maybe after it hits 100 chapters.
OT: It's nice to see UQ Holder is selling well in the US at least.
Jul 26, 2014 5:59 PM by FullmetalRaikou
I was giving him the attention that he wants, every week when this list is out, he would come and list all the ones he's interested in, and then he would say something like the rest is garbage.
It's just something I notice any time he post here, and it was just bugging me. He should Just say he don't like the series every week when he's making a comment than coming every week pointing out 98% of the series he likes on the list, then saying the rest is meh, which obviously is attack on titan.
Don't worry this is the first and last I'll reply to his comments. It was just getting annoying, and I felt that I had to reply to him.
If this was the first time he had posted that it wouldn't annoy me, but he's done it multiple times.
He's also a masochists he watches all the ova and he's also reading all the attack on titan spin off manga, and he's update to the latest chapter of snk. His life must suck, if he's willing to watch/read all that garbage, when he could have done something more productive, like watching/reading something he actually likes.
Please find me posts where I have called series on these lists garbage. I don't say that, I merely say what series interests me and on occasion say the rest of the list doesn't interest me. You appear to twist my words to attack me for whatever reason. You're ever so charming.
You love the series, I don't get all pissy when you keep expressing your admiration for it so why do you get so defensive when I post something that isn't in the slightest an attack on it? It's like you're deliberately looking for an argument because something you like may not be by someone else.
For the record, I like parts of SnK and Naruto (the latter more so), the spin offs, OVAs etc I watch because from past experience can be more enjoyable than the main series what with being handled by different mangaka, directors etc.
You aint fooling anyone you don't like the series nor the spin off nor the ova, you do likes these more than the original since in the anime you gave snk a 2, but the spin off and ova and the manga you gave a 3, so you slightly like those a bit more, it still doesn't change the fact that you're a masochist. I don't even know why you're beating around the bush for, if you don't like the series I have no problem with that, but you don't like the fact that I'm calling you a masochist which you're.
Jul 26, 2014 2:11 PM by keragamming
I wonder if UQ Holder will get an anime adaptation someday...
Personally, I'd prefer to see a full anime of Negima first.
A full anime that tells the entire story properly, that is. But I think the OVAs are as close are we're going to get...
That said, UQ Holder is awesome, I bought the first volume and fell in love. Still need to buy the second.
Jul 26, 2014 1:34 PM by Nabris
I was giving him the attention that he wants, every week when this list is out, he would come and list all the ones he's interested in, and then he would say something like the rest is garbage.
It's just something I notice any time he post here, and it was just bugging me. He should Just say he don't like the series every week when he's making a comment than coming every week pointing out 98% of the series he likes on the list, then saying the rest is meh, which obviously is attack on titan.
Don't worry this is the first and last I'll reply to his comments. It was just getting annoying, and I felt that I had to reply to him.
If this was the first time he had posted that it wouldn't annoy me, but he's done it multiple times.
He's also a masochists he watches all the ova and he's also reading all the attack on titan spin off manga, and he's update to the latest chapter of snk. His life must suck, if he's willing to watch/read all that garbage, when he could have done something more productive, like watching/reading something he actually likes.
Please find me posts where I have called series on these lists garbage. I don't say that, I merely say what series interests me and on occasion say the rest of the list doesn't interest me. You appear to twist my words to attack me for whatever reason. You're ever so charming.
You love the series, I don't get all pissy when you keep expressing your admiration for it so why do you get so defensive when I post something that isn't in the slightest an attack on it? It's like you're deliberately looking for an argument because something you like may not be by someone else.
For the record, I like parts of SnK and Naruto (the latter more so), the spin offs, OVAs etc I watch because from past experience can be more enjoyable than the main series what with being handled by different mangaka, directors etc.
Jul 26, 2014 12:16 PM by VulgarLife
I wonder if UQ Holder will get an anime adaptation someday...
Personally, I'd prefer to see a full anime of Negima first.
Jul 26, 2014 11:42 AM by EHero09
Jul 26, 2014 8:50 AM by Mr_Gutts
Seriously,i don't know why the people gain to fuck down S.A.O,AoT and other works.... if you don't like it,allright... but,this don't give you the right to say bad or mad thing about the work... In the end,nice sales...
Well, I guess people want to bash it because it takes away attention from other shows, heck, for every Attack on Titan manga sale 1 other manga volume wont be bought( I know it doesnt work on a 1 in 1 basis like that but please indulge me).
However, AoT will be fine without that 1 sale, a lesser known manga may be not, and if we fear one thing its cancelation...Be it of the source manga or the english edition.
Besides, its kinda sad that new volumes get beaten by something that has been out for well over a year.
It indeed says that AoT is popular but it also says something about the longevity of the volumes that didnt made the list
^ lol you again. We get it you don't like attack on titan or naruto, big fucking deal. I also find it funny, for a series you hate so much and think it's garbage, you've watch the ova's for attack on titan, all the spin off manga and the original manga, and you're also up to date to the latest chapter for the original attack on titan manga. You're such a masochists, I applaud you.
I get your point, however in the same vein we also get that you love Attack on Titan =p
Jul 26, 2014 8:06 AM by Punkbeetle
Jul 26, 2014 6:18 AM by Montinihabato13
Jul 26, 2014 5:03 AM by Salamander2170
Jul 26, 2014 4:53 AM by illiara
I was giving him the attention that he wants, every week when this list is out, he would come and list all the ones he's interested in, and then he would say something like the rest is garbage.
It's just something I notice any time he post here, and it was just bugging me. He should Just say he don't like the series every week when he's making a comment than coming every week pointing out 98% of the series he likes on the list, then saying the rest is meh, which obviously is attack on titan.
Don't worry this is the first and last I'll reply to his comments. It was just getting annoying, and I felt that I had to reply to him.
If this was the first time he had posted that it wouldn't annoy me, but he's done it multiple times.
He's also a masochists he watches all the ova and he's also reading all the attack on titan spin off manga, and he's update to the latest chapter of snk. His life must suck, if he's willing to watch/read all that garbage, when he could have done something more productive, like watching/reading something he actually likes.
I do use the word "meh" a lot myself, but not particularly in a bad or horrible way, it's just a short way to describe something I'm not really interested into
real masochist or not, if he wants to read/watch them he has the total right to do so, maybe he does that because he thinks one of the ovas or spin-offs may worth it, you actually don't know! that's why you should stop flaming when there's absolutely no need
and even if he didn't liked Attack on Titan... or more like, he hates it, the only ones who should feel slightly bad is the author or the producers of the anime, after all they're the one who made the manga and anime (I would somehow understand your annoyance if he was one of your friends or a person close to you and you would want him to understand why you love the series so much etc etc but as far as I can see that doesn't seem to be the case here)
after all everyone has their own taste, respect them the same way you want your opinions to be respected, those things doesn't only go one way
PD: if his last comment didn't annoy you but the previous did you should have spoken up in that moment, not later, because now it just seem you attacked someone for no particular reason
Jul 26, 2014 4:17 AM by NemuriNezumi
^ lol you again. We get it you don't like attack on titan or naruto, big fucking deal. I also find it funny, for a series you hate so much and think it's garbage, you've watch the ova's for attack on titan, all the spin off manga and the original manga, and you're also up to date to the latest chapter for the original attack on titan manga. You're such a masochists, I applaud you.
I seriously think you should stop starting flames
he didn't say anything offensive over the series at all (or at least not right now) so calm down, jeez!
I was giving him the attention that he wants, every week when this list is out, he would come and list all the ones he's interested in, and then he would say something like the rest is garbage.
It's just something I notice any time he post here, and it was just bugging me. He should Just say he don't like the series every week when he's making a comment than coming every week pointing out 98% of the series he likes on the list, then saying the rest is meh, which obviously is attack on titan.
Don't worry this is the first and last I'll reply to his comments. It was just getting annoying, and I felt that I had to reply to him.
If this was the first time he had posted that it wouldn't annoy me, but he's done it multiple times.
He's also a masochists he watches all the ova and he's also reading all the attack on titan spin off manga, and he's update to the latest chapter of snk. His life must suck, if he's willing to watch/read all that garbage, when he could have done something more productive, like watching/reading something he actually likes.
Jul 26, 2014 2:14 AM by keragamming
^ lol you again. We get it you don't like attack on titan or naruto, big fucking deal. I also find it funny, for a series you hate so much and think it's garbage, you've watch the ova's for attack on titan, all the spin off manga and the original manga, and you're also up to date to the latest chapter for the original attack on titan manga. You're such a masochists, I applaud you.
I seriously think you should stop starting flames
he didn't say anything offensive over the series at all (or at least not right now) so calm down, jeez!
Jul 26, 2014 1:22 AM by NemuriNezumi
Jul 25, 2014 10:55 PM by malvarez1
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I'm going to buy AoT: No Regrets right now even though I haven't read the main manga yet. *___*
Just saw that you have seen the anime though... so you really shouldn't have any problems following the Levi spin off, only a few things got changed from the manga to anime.
Jul 27, 2014 3:36 AM by Punkbeetle