AliceSoft Game 'Rance 01' to Receive Anime Adaptation
The Twitter posts mention that the animation studio is currently recruiting staff for the project and that fresh talent is welcome to apply.
AliceSoft is an eroge publisher which has been active sine 1989. Rance 01 is a 2013 remake of the first Rance game, released in 1989. Rance follows the namesake hero who is tasked with finding and protecting the daughter of a guild owner; however, the case turns out to be much deeper than it initially appears to be.
Source: Otakomu, Twitter post 1, Twitter post 2
Rance 01: Hikari wo Motomete on MAL
20 of 79 Comments Recent Comments
well it is a 25 year old game so most of the MAL userbase wasn't even born when the original came out... lol
there are ways
I played the first Rance game. It's buggy and overall shit aside from the dialogue but I played and beat it. I've played all the translated Rance games to date and beat them including all alternate routes.
Aug 8, 2014 10:28 PM by Rance-sama
Time for Rance to save anime.
he'll only save it if he can rape it later
I was just waiting for this kind of comment to come :v
After all, as a good Rance fanboy, I need to let the others to came first than me, 'cause I'm an awesome and invincible hero of justice.
Jul 31, 2014 7:32 PM by Danpmss
Time for Rance to save anime.
he'll only save it if he can rape it later
Jul 31, 2014 1:47 PM by Liquidacid
Jul 30, 2014 6:09 PM by JBird94
Jul 30, 2014 8:20 AM by Jakerams
I've played the first Rance, considering it got translated, I've played all those translated because I love Rance.
I have to download the first game or something... last time I wanted to play it I spent hours digging up my copy only to find it and then remember I don't even own a computer that has a floppy drive anymore
find the alice soft collection its on the modern pc ie windows based
Jul 30, 2014 5:42 AM by DateYutaka
there are ways
I've played the first Rance, considering it got translated, I've played all those translated because I love Rance.
I have to download the first game or something... last time I wanted to play it I spent hours digging up my copy only to find it and then remember I don't even own a computer that has a floppy drive anymore
Jul 30, 2014 5:40 AM by Liquidacid
well it is a 25 year old game so most of the MAL userbase wasn't even born when the original came out... lol
there are ways
I've played the first Rance, considering it got translated, I've played all those translated because I love Rance.
Jul 30, 2014 3:47 AM by Immahnoob
i recon only .00000000000000000001% of the uswer base has played the first rance [ and yes i]
well it is a 25 year old game so most of the MAL userbase wasn't even born when the original came out... lol
there are ways
Jul 29, 2014 8:17 PM by DateYutaka
Jul 29, 2014 6:02 PM by evilchris
i recon only .00000000000000000001% of the uswer base has played the first rance [ and yes i]
well it is a 25 year old game so most of the MAL userbase wasn't even born when the original came out... lol
Jul 29, 2014 4:46 PM by Liquidacid
Rance 4.2 is actually not canon
It's interesting you say that when you consider that a character from 4.2 mentions events that only occurred in 4.2 during Sengoku Rance.
Yeah never mind, flawed memories... Kichikuou Rance is one of the non-canons, oops.
Jul 29, 2014 2:30 AM by Immahnoob
To further explain Rance's personality, he was once building a sand castle (Rance 4.2) and a kid stepped on his sand castle. The kids were killed.
Rance 4.2 is actually not canon, but it's true that Rance does not spare children. Think of Sengoku Rance and what happens to our little hime, he goes into a fit of rage there.
Yep, not to mention that there's a couple kid commanders in SR. Rance is the true king.
Jul 29, 2014 12:02 AM by Rance-sama
Jul 28, 2014 10:28 PM by jizzaloo
Jul 28, 2014 2:54 PM by DateYutaka
Rance 4.2 is actually not canon
It's interesting you say that when you consider that a character from 4.2 mentions events that only occurred in 4.2 during Sengoku Rance.
Jul 28, 2014 2:51 PM by PieGod
To further explain Rance's personality, he was once building a sand castle (Rance 4.2) and a kid stepped on his sand castle. The kids were killed.
Rance 4.2 is actually not canon, but it's true that Rance does not spare children. Think of Sengoku Rance and what happens to our little hime, he goes into a fit of rage there.
Jul 22, 2014 2:46 AM by Immahnoob
Jul 22, 2014 12:30 AM by Magito
Jul 21, 2014 10:34 PM by Racaholic
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there are ways
I played the first Rance game. It's buggy and overall shit aside from the dialogue but I played and beat it. I've played all the translated Rance games to date and beat them including all alternate routes.
What? How is the first game buggy? It's short, linear and barely has any gameplay.
Aug 9, 2014 5:46 AM by Immahnoob