Yen Press New License Announcements
LN titles include:Also included is Reki Kawahara's newly announced LN series Zettai naru Isolator which is planned to be released as close to the Japanese release date as possible.
Manga titles include:Most titles announced will begin being released in early 2015.
It was also announced that the last two volumes of Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days and the next omnibus volume of Kingdom Hearts II will be released late 2014.
Source: Yen Press official news post
News submitted by docoda & Stark700
20 of 55 Comments Recent Comments
You have no idea how sad this post made me just now.
I would like to read a good Jinrui translation.
You and me both, brother. You and me both.
Jun 16, 2014 8:15 AM by NanoZero
if I remember well Vertical mentioned once (via tumblr) the possibility to translate the novels, but in the end it come to nothing
Shinsekai Yori only has a manga...
Jun 16, 2014 2:43 AM by NemuriNezumi
if I remember well Vertical mentioned once (via tumblr) the possibility to translate the novels, but in the end it come to nothing
Shinsekai Yori only has a manga...
Shinsekai Yori is a novel before everything else.
Jun 16, 2014 1:38 AM by Zefyris
No Shinsekai Yori yet. :(
if I remember well Vertical mentioned once (via tumblr) the possibility to translate the novels, but in the end it come to nothing
Shinsekai Yori only has a manga...
Jun 15, 2014 9:13 PM by docoda
Is Sword Art Online: Progressive better than Aincrad?
It's much more detailed, I'll tell you that.
Jun 15, 2014 8:45 PM by -Karoshi-
No Shinsekai Yori yet. :(
if I remember well Vertical mentioned once (via tumblr) the possibility to translate the novels, but in the end it come to nothing
Jun 15, 2014 8:02 PM by NemuriNezumi
Jun 15, 2014 2:43 PM by Mayuka
Utsuro no Hako to Zero no Maria (waiting)
Someday, I hope.
I'm glad I'm not the only one (of the few) that's actually hoping that this LN series gets ported to NA. Granted I doubt it ever would happen but I would totally go bonkers if it ever did.
For the time being, though, I am going to be thoroughly content with the Kagerou Project adaptations, especially the Light Novels. I've been lacking in the whole "reading-a-physical-light-novel-department" ever since I caught up with the SuzuHaru adaptations.
Jun 15, 2014 12:01 PM by KirikaYuiko
When I was asked about what LN could work well among those I read on the occidental market before, Baccano was one of my answer, for several reasons. I think it would work pretty well.
As for sales, it's not as good as Durarara and by far; not even a third of Durarara's sales, I think. LAst volume only showed up for the first week, with a little less than 10k in the three days it was out. Since it didn't appear the next week it means less than 15k in 10 days.
So while that title would probably go quite well with the occidental market, if english publishers only look at sales/ranking in kono ln wa sugoi for example, it's never going to be licensed. Maybe if they listen to fan's request and/or want to try something that didn't sell well on the japanese market, since sales in japan aren't a good indicator imo of how well a series would fare in Europe/America.
As for additional content in adaptation. I would have said that it's completely impossible not that long ago. But since Durarara got an new adaptation, maybe we'll get a little something for baccano as well next year? I do'nt have a lot of hope, but why not. I could certainly see dengeki bunko thinking that a new anime would make baccano's 21 current volumes sales far more. There is content to sell, and market is definitely not saturated for this one.
So well, both chances are quite low, but not they're not 0 ImO.
You have no idea how sad this post made me just now.
I would like to read a good Jinrui translation.
Jun 15, 2014 6:46 AM by Nidhoeggr
As for sales, it's not as good as Durarara and by far; not even a third of Durarara's sales, I think. LAst volume only showed up for the first week, with a little less than 10k in the three days it was out. Since it didn't appear the next week it means less than 15k in 10 days.
So while that title would probably go quite well with the occidental market, if english publishers only look at sales/ranking in kono ln wa sugoi for example, it's never going to be licensed. Maybe if they listen to fan's request and/or want to try something that didn't sell well on the japanese market, since sales in japan aren't a good indicator imo of how well a series would fare in Europe/America.
As for additional content in adaptation. I would have said that it's completely impossible not that long ago. But since Durarara got an new adaptation, maybe we'll get a little something for baccano as well next year? I do'nt have a lot of hope, but why not. I could certainly see dengeki bunko thinking that a new anime would make baccano's 21 current volumes sales far more. There is content to sell, and market is definitely not saturated for this one.
So well, both chances are quite low, but not 0 ImO.
Aside from Accel World, I don't think there's any Yen On LN releases that I'm looking to buy so far. I might get Kieli and the re-release of Haruhi Suzumiya, but I'm not too fussed about them. They have the Durarara manga, so I assume the LN will come at some point. I'd also like to see:
Monogatari Series
Legend of the Legendary Heroes
Kokoro Connect
Log Horizon
Unbreakable Machine-Doll
Forget about monogatari series, this would be a really bad choice for obvious reasons. NisiOisiN's way to write isn't something made to be translated. Too much play on words that would be lost. DenYuuDen is too long, too risky I'd say. Gosick could work quite well... Except that it was already attempted and dropped. And be aware that the last 4 volumes don't have a single illustration.
Toradora... Not sure that a book centered over japanese school life is a good idea. Lots of specificities. Although I guess Toradora is still OK compared to a lot of school life title on this point.
Jun 15, 2014 6:33 AM by Zefyris
Monogatari Series
Legend of the Legendary Heroes
Kokoro Connect
Log Horizon
Unbreakable Machine-Doll
Jun 15, 2014 6:27 AM by smileyboyrocks
Baccano only has like 3-4 volumes remaining before it ends. I guess a second season won't happen now... But it may be a good time to start licensing it indeed for yen press?
How are sales for Baccano and how realistic do you think is a localization or at least addtional content in other mdeia?
Jun 15, 2014 6:09 AM by Nidhoeggr
Yen Press really want to bring all that light novel mediocrity to this side of the world , don't they?
Are they really that bad compared to a lot of english literature?
I mean I have read a fair share of YA and all it is are love triangles, dystopia, vampires, revenge and suicide.
I would assume LNs would be in the same genre as they are mainly aimed/directed to YA (Well..... this is an assumption, who knows, it could be aimed at little boys.. or much older guys).
So compared to what they have to compete with, the mediocre is just competing with repetitive garbage.
Quoted for truth.
Depending on which LN you choose to use as a comparison with occidental novels, you could actually even come up with the conclusion that novels in occident aren't as good as light novel. That conclusion would be wrong obviously, but concluding the opposite is just as wrong ImO. There are extremely good light novel around, which are definitely worth the read. Same can be said with novels. Just ignore what you don't like, as usual. Shouldn't even have to say it.
Jun 15, 2014 4:45 AM by Zefyris
Yen Press really want to bring all that light novel mediocrity to this side of the world , don't they?
Are they really that bad compared to a lot of english literature?
I mean I have read a fair share of YA and all it is are love triangles, dystopia, vampires, revenge and suicide.
I would assume LNs would be in the same genre as they are mainly aimed/directed to YA (Well..... this is an assumption, who knows, it could be aimed at little boys.. or much older guys).
So compared to what they have to compete with, the mediocre is just competing with repetitive garbage.
Jun 15, 2014 4:26 AM by Zelot
Jun 15, 2014 3:50 AM by jiwoo1024
Jun 15, 2014 2:16 AM by Jet_Nice_Guy
Kagerou Days LN, wait for me.
Jun 15, 2014 1:03 AM by _Hatsune
That guy is seriously writing up ANOTHER light novel?
What happened to quality over quantity? Authors usually don't fare well when they expend their resources across multiple universes of works.
Just a bit curious, but who is this 'guy' you are referring to ?
Is it Reki ?
On topic, wow they even licensed the Progressive book. It's kinda shame since they could have licensed an entirely new series instead of a mere SS book.
I hope that they will consider to license Hakomari,Baccano or even Jinrui in the future
Jun 15, 2014 12:43 AM by Cainthazar
Jun 15, 2014 12:06 AM by Ale1212
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