FUNimation Acquires Phantom
Source: FUNimation official blog
News credit: lee3319
20 of 112 Comments Recent Comments
Aug 16, 2009 10:24 AM by the_seventh_l
Huh. First time I've heard it is illegal to sell R1 DVDs out of region. Interesting. D'you know the legalities behind all of that? :
(And does that mean buying R2 DVDs is illegal, even the legit ones? :o)
It's illegal to sell them in another region. For example, it would be illegal to sell R1 DVDs outside of R1. But is based in and ship from Hong Kong, which is why it's fine to buy it from them and have it shipped to you.
The DVDs from Hong Kong are listed for both R3 and R6 but Japan is R2. I'm just thinking that maybe Japan releases DVDs in R3 or R6 also since Hong Kong is nearby.
I could be wrong I just extrapolated from a Wikipedia article so don't quote me on this one.
Aug 16, 2009 10:23 AM by quark
For the people who live outside North america you can always use the internet the too buy your dvds by funi.They have subs you know. -.-
As for airing anime lol,well there obviously is some places you can look too find them your just too stupid. >_>
Except, y'know, they'd be R1 DVDs, which are illegal to sell outside of R1. So you may as well just pirate it.
Huh. First time I've heard it is illegal to sell R1 DVDs out of region. Interesting. D'you know the legalities behind all of that? :\
(And does that mean buying R2 DVDs is illegal, even the legit ones? :o)
Aug 16, 2009 7:56 AM by the_seventh_l
For the people who live outside North america you can always use the internet the too buy your dvds by funi.They have subs you know. -.-
As for airing anime lol,well there obviously is some places you can look too find them your just too stupid. >_>
Except, y'know, they'd be R1 DVDs, which are illegal to sell outside of R1. So you may as well just pirate it.
I don't see how it's illegal....I buy R2 dvds from play-asia all the time.Is that supposed to be illegal if so why would they be selling them too people in R1?
Aug 16, 2009 7:47 AM by biitchstick
Hey, I realize there are morons in this thread who can't detect sarcasm, but don't make me look like a moron in the process -_-.
You know I <3 you Kuyuchi. And we both agree people are being pretty daft about this, as always happens with every license announcement. But I dislike people ignoring the fact there is a world outside of R1. D:
Aug 15, 2009 9:04 PM by Asako
Aug 15, 2009 8:58 PM by Kuyu
A) It's not a Japanese company handling it, so it's going to be butchered/maimed/destroyed/whathaveyou.
B) It means there'll be a dub, which as you are aware is some sort of horrendous crime against all creation.
C) These people have even less life than I do, so they spend the time bitching about things that ultimately don't affect them at all.
You're being silly, Kuyuchi.
1) Funi is quite loyal with their translations, for the most-part. They certainly don't edit things, and most people are aware of that, so this isn't a gripe.
2) Everybody also knows that DVDs are always dual audio. Again, this isn't an issue.
3) You're missing the point, because these licenses do affect people who live outside of R1, yet because of Funi's DMCA takedowns, can no longer download said show. While there are some distributors who sub-license most series (not all!) to other regions (See Madman here in R4) they seem few and far between. So this kind of thing upsets people as it prevents them watching the show entirely, so yeah, it does affect a lot of people. Quite a few billion outside of R1, in fact.
That's why people complain when licenses occur. Because the majority of the world is outside of R1, and a title being licensed in R1, by a company as aggressive as Funi, means people can't watch the series at all unless they illegally buy the DVDs or illegally download them, if they remain available with DMCA.
So yeah, if I have no life for pointing out the problems with the industry, I guess that's fine.
Aug 15, 2009 8:50 PM by Asako
I Don't see why people are complaining.
There's still subs and torrents ready.
Why complain?
A) It's not a Japanese company handling it, so it's going to be butchered/maimed/destroyed/whathaveyou.
B) It means there'll be a dub, which as you are aware is some sort of horrendous crime against all creation.
C) These people have even less life than I do, so they spend the time bitching about things that ultimately don't affect them at all.
Aug 15, 2009 6:23 PM by Kuyu
There's still subs and torrents ready.
Why complain?
Aug 15, 2009 12:18 PM by Sohei
I wonder, if i make a site with all the funi anime for download but i put a block in IPs from America will i still get a letter from Funi.
Funi are very aggressive about protecting their IP. They will send you DMCA notices if you host it within a nation that is a member of the WIPO.
Aug 15, 2009 12:13 PM by Asako
For the people who live outside North america you can always use the internet the too buy your dvds by funi.They have subs you know. -.-
As for airing anime lol,well there obviously is some places you can look too find them your just too stupid. >_>
Except, y'know, they'd be R1 DVDs, which are illegal to sell outside of R1. So you may as well just pirate it.
And not only that but you will have to double the price with the cost that you will have for bringing it from America.
I wonder, if i make a site with all the funi anime for download but i put a block in IPs from America will i still get a letter from Funi.
Aug 15, 2009 6:42 AM by Monad
For the people who live outside North america you can always use the internet the too buy your dvds by funi.They have subs you know. -.-
As for airing anime lol,well there obviously is some places you can look too find them your just too stupid. >_>
Except, y'know, they'd be R1 DVDs, which are illegal to sell outside of R1. So you may as well just pirate it.
Aug 15, 2009 4:43 AM by Asako
As for airing anime lol,well there obviously is some places you can look too find them your just too stupid. >_>
Aug 14, 2009 11:40 PM by biitchstick
There wouldn't be any FUNi hate, if it would just leave the subgroups alone. Americans go FUNi, Europeans and others get fansubs
It's jut not right to deny the right from other regions outer America, to watch subbed anime
Again, Funimation is a US licensing company, their licenses don't extend past North America so they can not offer it anywhere else. It's not that they are denying you anime it's that they can't distribute it outside of their region.
I do however empathize with you about the subs but I really can't see it as a reason to hate them. Maybe, if I lived elsewhere where anime wasn't as available as it is here in NA I would feel the same but I do see the reason why they go after sub groups and I imagine any other company would do the same if they felt it would effect their company in a negative way.
also if the company that licences the show starts to sub it they use absolutly no japanese in the subs (noteing viz subbing naruto) which alot of words lose some of there meaning when translated directly into english
so damn you funimation
Err, I own a good number of DVDs and a few of them do use Japanese in the subs, my Mushi-shi dvds (licensed by Funimation)being a good example of this as a good majority of the Japanese words are kept intact in both the dub and the sub.
Why is there hate also for Funi, even though they send license only for NA, they do tend to send C&D to every subgroup including those out of NA reach. Add to that that fact is that about more then 50% of sub groups of english subtitles is originating from NA. This is not a fact but a mere guess that i have based on all subgroups and those who post where they are from.
Protecting the company from getting negative profits is nice and i support that whole heartedly, but dominating the market liek they do i see it as wanting to own everything that an anime fan wants and sell it at high ridiculous prices for some profit, this is a reason why people watch anime on the net, because it is free , well you pay your internet provider for it. If they would sell it at lower prices and the production costs stays the same their profit margin could increase by the lower pricings so that there can be a larger public to buy it
So yeh European, African, Eastern people are basicly screwed thanks to Funi licensing the NA... Hate me for hating that. However do not tell me that I don't pay for what i watch, next to watching new shows on the computer I do have a case full of bought DVD's, some imported because i had no other choice but to to watch them, others not.
If it were up to them I'm sure they would license outside of North America. But of course they can't. One it would take a tremendous more amount of money to do so, not to mention Japan also has to give the go to distribute in those Markets. FUNi is for NA, if you feel you are getting the cheap end of the deal, then FUNi is not the one to bitch too, it's the Japanese producers.
And one case hardly gives you any justification to say that "you still buy your anime." if the ratio is 99/1
Aug 6, 2009 2:40 PM by ShadowBlazer3000
There wouldn't be any FUNi hate, if it would just leave the subgroups alone. Americans go FUNi, Europeans and others get fansubs
It's jut not right to deny the right from other regions outer America, to watch subbed anime
Again, Funimation is a US licensing company, their licenses don't extend past North America so they can not offer it anywhere else. It's not that they are denying you anime it's that they can't distribute it outside of their region.
I do however empathize with you about the subs but I really can't see it as a reason to hate them. Maybe, if I lived elsewhere where anime wasn't as available as it is here in NA I would feel the same but I do see the reason why they go after sub groups and I imagine any other company would do the same if they felt it would effect their company in a negative way.
also if the company that licences the show starts to sub it they use absolutly no japanese in the subs (noteing viz subbing naruto) which alot of words lose some of there meaning when translated directly into english
so damn you funimation
Err, I own a good number of DVDs and a few of them do use Japanese in the subs, my Mushi-shi dvds (licensed by Funimation)being a good example of this as a good majority of the Japanese words are kept intact in both the dub and the sub.
Why is there hate also for Funi, even though they send license only for NA, they do tend to send C&D to every subgroup including those out of NA reach. Add to that that fact is that about more then 50% of sub groups of english subtitles is originating from NA. This is not a fact but a mere guess that i have based on all subgroups and those who post where they are from.
Protecting the company from getting negative profits is nice and i support that whole heartedly, but dominating the market liek they do i see it as wanting to own everything that an anime fan wants and sell it at high ridiculous prices for some profit, this is a reason why people watch anime on the net, because it is free , well you pay your internet provider for it. If they would sell it at lower prices and the production costs stays the same their profit margin could increase by the lower pricings so that there can be a larger public to buy it
So yeh European, African, Eastern people are basicly screwed thanks to Funi licensing the NA... Hate me for hating that. However do not tell me that I don't pay for what i watch, next to watching new shows on the computer I do have a case full of bought DVD's, some imported because i had no other choice but to to watch them, others not.
Aug 6, 2009 7:24 AM by Balto
Jun 20, 2009 5:28 PM by ukonkivi
i love you.
Jun 20, 2009 5:25 PM by Kuyu
people just like subs, it cant be helped^_^
Umm, so do I? Liking subs isn't an excuse, since DVDs always have a subtitle track.
Why do people insist on ignoring this detail? It's like no one has ever actually held an official anime DVD before and just repeat the same uninformed bullcrap over and over again. >.>
computers better^_^ lol the thing is lots of people dont wanna ave to pay for it when they can get it for free, its the way to "stick it to the man"
......You have no idea how much i hate you for saying that.
Diagnosis: Fansub watchers are jackass douchebags who have no right calling themselves "fans".
And you are awesome,i watch the anime subbed but only if its still airing and has not been realesed to the USA yet when it has i buy it.I hate people who don't support the company.
Jun 20, 2009 3:10 PM by biitchstick
I was trying to see if I could still watch Pantom even though I am in Australia.
I like the fact that Funimation now releases there DVD's subbed and dubbed because I like to watch both. My only problem is that the DVD sets are so expensive I hate having to pay $75 - $100 dollars for every DVD set that I get. It usually costs about $30 per volume when they are released and usually takes a long time after they are released in America before they are released over here. If I really like a show that I watched subbed I like to buy them when they are released on DVD.
I don't have a problem with watching Pantom streamed (as long as I can get access to it) since I watch Code Geass season 1 dubbed streamed on ABC Iview (Australian Broad Casting) every week when it is released.
Jun 8, 2009 4:56 PM by Feball3001
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