Anime & Manga News

Kamachi to Start New Novel Series

by tsubasalover
Apr 9, 2014 4:25 PM | 59 Comments
As a part of Kazuma Kamachi's 10th anniversary of publishing, it was announced in the upcoming May issue of Dengeki Bunko Magazine that he will publish a new orthodox school novel series. The title and the date of publishing will be announced at a later time.

Kamachi is famous for author of Toaru series such as Toaru Majutsu no Index and Toaru Kagaku no Railgun.

Kamachi's 10th Anniversary Website:

Source: ANN, Otakomu

News submitted by ichi_1

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20 of 59 Comments Recent Comments

I wonder if this will be another Toaru series or a completely different LN

Apr 26, 2014 8:10 AM by jjpasay777

Hakuryuukou said:
Marthgun said:
Touma punching women is a big plus for me.

I thought Index was paced really well, so that's a weird criticism to me. I haven't read the LN's, just the anime.

But Railgun really does steal the show. Those two series were fantastic. The first season really blew me away

Index season 1 = 6 volumes
Index season 2 = 8 volumes

No, the anime adaptations were rushed like hell.

To put this into perspective, 6 episodes a volume is pretty much standard and it is considered rushed in most cases.

Some series are even more rushed than that, index is sadly one of them.

Apr 14, 2014 7:17 PM by Alycen

Marthgun said:
Touma punching women is a big plus for me.

I thought Index was paced really well, so that's a weird criticism to me. I haven't read the LN's, just the anime.

But Railgun really does steal the show. Those two series were fantastic. The first season really blew me away

Index season 1 = 6 volumes
Index season 2 = 8 volumes

No, the anime adaptations were rushed like hell.

Apr 14, 2014 6:54 PM by Cainthazar

Touma punching women is a big plus for me.

I thought Index was paced really well, so that's a weird criticism to me. I haven't read the LN's, just the anime.

But Railgun really does steal the show. Those two series were fantastic. The first season really blew me away

Apr 14, 2014 11:11 AM by Marthgun

You guys are forgetting how popular and successful this series is so it really doesn't matter whether you want a third season or not. It's most likely going to happen.

Apr 12, 2014 10:09 AM by Calculus94

Amiluhur said:
Nowhere did i say that Touma punching women is bad, i just find myself offended by that. You can call me sexist as you want, i just don't like your apparent disregard by the fact that some people might find things differently than you do.

But whatever, since we're on two different sides from each other, i'll just leave it at that.

I think that when people are offended by something they do find it bad but ok...

Apr 12, 2014 8:47 AM by AngelAccelerator

Nowhere did i say that Touma punching women is bad, i just find myself offended by that. You can call me sexist as you want, i just don't like your apparent disregard by the fact that some people might find things differently than you do.

But whatever, since we're on two different sides from each other, i'll just leave it at that.

Apr 12, 2014 8:44 AM by Amiluhur

Amiluhur said:
AngelAccelerator said:
I am 100% sure that there are no plotholes in Raildex YET.

Really? I guess you didn't watch the entire first season. Infodumps everywhere with barely any implications on later episodes, characters consistently spewing random things with little to no significance to their actions at hand, certain characters having "mysterious" power that the show didn't even bother to explain. If that's not plothole, then what is?

AngelAccelerator said:
As for punching female villains? Seriously? Were you THAT offended?

Just because it doesn't offend you doesn't mean it doesn't offend anybody else. Trying to justify everything based on your own preference is simply retarded and illogical.

Talking out Railgun manga/novels and Index novels.
Now if you can talk about those and pinpoint those "plotholes" that would be a lot better than vague statements.

Why it bad to punch the villains/antagonists?
Sorry but THIS is what is retarded. Just because they are women? Would it be fine if they were men? As dniv said that is pretty sexist.

Apr 12, 2014 8:29 AM by AngelAccelerator

AngelAccelerator said:
I am 100% sure that there are no plotholes in Raildex YET.

Really? I guess you didn't watch the entire first season. Infodumps everywhere with barely any implications on later episodes, characters consistently spewing random things with little to no significance to their actions at hand, certain characters having "mysterious" power that the show didn't even bother to explain. If that's not plothole, then what is?

AngelAccelerator said:
As for punching female villains? Seriously? Were you THAT offended?

Just because it doesn't offend you doesn't mean it doesn't offend anybody else. Trying to justify everything based on your own preference is simply retarded and illogical.

Apr 12, 2014 8:21 AM by Amiluhur

icantfeelmyarms said:
Better animate the rest of Index and no more fucking Railgun.

You mean you want them to continue the shitty adaptation instead of continuing the one which isn't shitty?

Index's anime suck. They paced it like retards (even went as far as adapting one whole novel in one single episode (your usual rushed series have 6 episodes per novel if that can say anything) because they were scared it wouldn't sell otherwise.
Things don't make sense, they excuse anything that lack explanation (that actually exist but they didn't put because of time constraint because of their retarded pacing) on it being magic or religious stuff.
Index is a weak attempt at making money.

Railgun's anime is a hundred of time better made than the train-wreak that is Index's anime.
I agree that Index could and should have better than Railgun tho, giving that it had much more potential.

Apr 12, 2014 6:51 AM by Alycen

alexpte said:
Kazuma Kamachi, the author of the blessed Toaru series? I'm definitely excited to see what's next on his plate.

Same here!!
I still haven't watched any of the Toaru series yet, but I will surely watch them sooner or later, all of them.

icantfeelmyarms said:
Better animate the rest of Index and no more fucking Railgun.

Why not both??

shirayuki75 said:
This guy must be on writing steroids or something; how can he write so many stories simultaneously?

Writing steroids.

Apr 12, 2014 4:23 AM by Tengai

That guy really needs to get a rest. Js06 is going to go into coma soon.

As a side note, he also write the scenario of the mobile game Million Arthur which is available in English in the Singapore and Malaysia store. Although I strongly suggest avoiding it unless you just want to read.


Apr 12, 2014 4:03 AM by FiveOVER

dniv said:

Amiluhur said:
Couldn't find myself interested with Index franchise at all (Both LN and anime). I dunno, i just find the premise and worldbuilding in Index very silly and mostly contrived and, like Nidhoeggr said, full of plotholes. And Touma's tendency to punch women at the face, even when they're villains, just made me cringe. On the other hand, i thoroughly enjoyed A simple survey LN on Baka-Tsuki. This one is just great. Kamachi's snarkiness and goldmine of tsukkomi totally shines thoroughly that i found myself laughing several times from its powerful ability to throw jabs at several intricacies and tendencies in otaku subculture. Now that is the kind of novels that i'd love Kamachi to write. No need for flashy actions or complicated worldbuilding like Index, but just a simple wordplays and strong sense of humor.

Well, that depends on what you read. If you read some of his earlier books, you may feel that way. After book 12 he's fantastic. Books 6 and on are pretty good. The first few have "some" problems, but no plotholes. Give me a single plot hole in this series? I haven't found one, and I've read many, many of the books.

I can say with about 98% confidence that there are no plotholes in this series...

Also, Touma punching women is bad if they're villains? That's pretty sexist (I'm a guy...). Maybe it was once Chivalrous, but this is a city of science, that cares about modern themes... not medieval themes like that... wrong setting...

I understand personal preference, but I disagree about the contrived premise. If his premise is one thing, it definitely isn't contrived. It's absolute genius.

I am 100% sure that there are no plotholes in Raildex YET.

As for punching female villains?Seriously?Were you THAT offended?

Dniv, I don't think that women had it better during medieval times or any other era.

Zefyris said:
I don't know about a simple survey, but people thinking that Index is extremely good needs to read more LN. Or to choose what they read better imo. While the average quality goes up after the 11th volume indeed, it's still not enough to be called very good, let alone praising it even more.
Also, 9th volume of the first series is definitely the worst LN volume I ever read up to this day. And I sure hope that this fact will never change, as I'm not particularly into masochism ^^". I really enjoyed some of the volumes and the world build is fairly interesting, sure enough. If you're interested in that type of world (and I am), it's definitely worth the read. You're going to suffer for a while before passing the 11th volume though.
But is that enough to praise it as much as some people did it above, I don't think so. Kamachi has proven to be able to do really good stories, YES. But he's inconsistent with his quality. Hence, the average quality cannot be called very good, even by excluding the volumes 1 to 11.

I disagree.The worst of the volumes is the 11th.

The quality may be inconsistent, but the characters, powers, etc aren't.That is what I am looking for in a series.So far I see a series that the author(s) really likes him/her/themselves and doesn't ruin it, by random bullshit(See Bleach), just to keep it alive.Yes instead of Othinus he could just write about Aleister and end it.But the volumes are still good and don't make you wish it had ended arcs ago.

Apr 12, 2014 3:04 AM by AngelAccelerator

I don't know about a simple survey, but people thinking that Index is extremely good needs to read more LN. Or to choose what they read better imo. While the average quality goes up after the 11th volume indeed, it's still not enough to be called very good, let alone praising it even more.
Also, 9th volume of the first series is definitely the worst LN volume I ever read up to this day. And I sure hope that this fact will never change, as I'm not particularly into masochism ^^". I really enjoyed some of the volumes and the world build is fairly interesting, sure enough. If you're interested in that type of world (and I am), it's definitely worth the read. You're going to suffer for a while before passing the 11th volume though.
But is that enough to praise it as much as some people did it above, I don't think so. Kamachi has proven to be able to do really good stories, YES. But he's inconsistent with his quality. Hence, the average quality cannot be called very good, even by excluding the volumes 1 to 11.

Apr 12, 2014 12:32 AM by Zefyris

I just want more Index maaaaaan.

Though I want to check this out too.

Apr 11, 2014 9:22 PM by Kaiigoroshi

Nidhoeggr said:
Just what we need...more lazy novels.

shirayuki75 said:
This guy must be on writing steroids or something; how can he write so many stories simultaneously?

If I just made everything up and never cared about plotholes I could write 20 books a year as well.

Well... I heard you don't read the novels. The novels are way better than the anime. The novels definitely aren't lazily written. It's fine if you don't like the anime, just don't use that as an excuse to criticize the novels. The novels are fantastic, the anime was ok, and of course the anime version might have plot holes, but the light novels definitely don't...

Everyone's fine to their own opinions, but please read them first before calling it lazy writing. Everything after volume 13 (season 2's ending) are some of the best books I've ever read in my entire life, especially NT 8, NT 9.

Kamachi is one of the most talented writers I have ever seen/read. He never writes lazily. The only lazy people are the one's adapting his series in J.C. staff... just making that clear.

Also, even if you wrote 20 books a year, each one probably wouldn't sell 150,000 copies consistently every time you published one...

That means at least 150,000 people enjoy his series and think it is well-written. It's hard to get that much of a consistent following no matter who you are. By the way, most LN series sell 10,000 and that's a hit, so 150,000 for LN's is ridiculous. (it works differently than popular manga series).

Amiluhur said:
Couldn't find myself interested with Index franchise at all (Both LN and anime). I dunno, i just find the premise and worldbuilding in Index very silly and mostly contrived and, like Nidhoeggr said, full of plotholes. And Touma's tendency to punch women at the face, even when they're villains, just made me cringe. On the other hand, i thoroughly enjoyed A simple survey LN on Baka-Tsuki. This one is just great. Kamachi's snarkiness and goldmine of tsukkomi totally shines thoroughly that i found myself laughing several times from its powerful ability to throw jabs at several intricacies and tendencies in otaku subculture. Now that is the kind of novels that i'd love Kamachi to write. No need for flashy actions or complicated worldbuilding like Index, but just a simple wordplays and strong sense of humor.

Well, that depends on what you read. If you read some of his earlier books, you may feel that way. After book 12 he's fantastic. Books 6 and on are pretty good. The first few have "some" problems, but no plotholes. Give me a single plot hole in this series? I haven't found one, and I've read many, many of the books.

I can say with about 98% confidence that there are no plotholes in this series...

Also, Touma punching women is bad if they're villains? That's pretty sexist (I'm a guy...). Maybe it was once Chivalrous, but this is a city of science, that cares about modern themes... not medieval themes like that... wrong setting...

I understand personal preference, but I disagree about the contrived premise. If his premise is one thing, it definitely isn't contrived. It's absolute genius.

Apr 11, 2014 8:27 PM by dniv

Couldn't find myself interested with Index franchise at all (Both LN and anime). I dunno, i just find the premise and worldbuilding in Index very silly and mostly contrived and, like Nidhoeggr said, full of plotholes. And Touma's tendency to punch women at the face, even when they're villains, just made me cringe. On the other hand, i thoroughly enjoyed A simple survey LN on Baka-Tsuki. This one is just great. Kamachi's snarkiness and goldmine of tsukkomi totally shines thoroughly that i found myself laughing several times from its powerful ability to throw jabs at several intricacies and tendencies in otaku subculture. Now that is the kind of novels that i'd love Kamachi to write. No need for flashy actions or complicated worldbuilding like Index, but just a simple wordplays and strong sense of humor.

Apr 11, 2014 7:31 PM by Amiluhur

i just want to know what this means for people wanting to see a third and fourth season of Index?

Apr 11, 2014 3:31 PM by Marthgun

Orthodox school here doesn't mean it's about a school. Just that it's orthodox. the word school here comes from the kanji 派, which is a school as in " a school of thinking", not a school as in "high school". A faction, a way to do see things.

Also, it's true that the first half of the first Index LN series is mostly awful as far as quality goes. I don't agree with Nidhoeggr's habit to criticize things he never read, but even without reading them if you keep saying that everything is bad one day or another you're going to be right on one title which actually happen to be bad. Second part of the first series has a better level though. Volumes 15,19,20,21,22 especially.

Also, some people here seems to think that kamachi is the LN author who write the most pages per year. That's very far from being true. IIRC authors like ichirou sakaki, akira and kawakami write far more than him.

Apr 10, 2014 2:01 PM by Zefyris

Sweet, I really wanna read it.

Apr 10, 2014 1:01 PM by duderus

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