New 'Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu' Anime Adaptation Announced

The news was then confirmed by an assistant of Yoshiki Tanaka, writer of the novel series, along with the announcement that the new series will not be a remake, but rather, will be adapting more from the original novels.
The original adaptation for the series was a long-running OVA series which included 110 episodes between January 1988 and March 1997.
Source: Yaraon, ANN, Tweet 1 (reveal), Tweet 2 (confirmation), Post by assistant (adapting more from novel series)
20 of 305 Comments Recent Comments
Mushishi, Stardust Crusaders, Fate Stay/Night and now this. Wow
Feb 23, 2014 7:38 PM by Kvshi
Bronchitis = free time.
Having no sense of humour = no life.
Think about it.
A more measured response to the news is here:
Did anyone see the reboot of Full Metal Alchemist? I think that might be a similar scenario to what's going on here. How did that reboot pan out? Did it feel like a shot for shot remake of the previous anime but with different aspects? I mean the concept of a reboot was weird to me because you'd think the original run would have been a faithful shot for shot of the manga in the first place, so seeing it animated all over again with different character designs and music would have felt a waste of time. But I suppose aesthetics can really change the tone of a series.
Another danger with LotGH. The tone was pitch-perfect in the original OVA. This reboot will feel modern, and that could go either way. I guarantee you over half the cast will look young, even if their ages remain faithful to the books, the character designs will look youthful. That's the cynic in me talking, but how many modern ensemble anime out there focus on middle aged characters?
Mod Edit: double post merged.
I'm explaining this because from the way you wrote it suggests you've never seen either series, so forgive me if I'm mistaken: The original Full Metal Alchemist has two halves: The first half, basically think of Dragon Ball Z--the story adds a bit of filler and draaaaaaaags a lot of things out, because they didn't want to catch up to the manga too soon. Then the second half goes completely off book, adding new characters and taking things in a completely different direction from what the original author was doing, mostly at the author's behest because she didn't want it to be too close to where she was going since it caught all the way up.
So Brotherhood, being created just as she was finishing, got a chance to redo it all but accurate to the series with updated animation. It covers over 20 episodes in about 12, which is off-putting because a major turning point occurs mid-way through the original that actually doesn't have near the impact because of the "lack" of development. But understand that the story isn't *bad* per se, it just had so much else to get to. The next 50 or so episodes are actually completely and utterly different from the original. So much so, that while the original bored me to tears after a point, the remake was much better and pretty much invalidates the need to ever watch the original. A rare, but welcome occurrence.
Now with this series that's actually impossible. I'm not really sure what changes could be made, since the OVA began production about a year after the novels ended so it had room to move at its own pace. At most they can maybe reshoot the whole thing in HD for the plebians who can't stand glorious 80's-style animation, but that's pretty much it. Still, long series like this are less daunting when watched weekly rather than seeing a pile of episodes, so on the bright side it will push people like me to give it a try.
Feb 23, 2014 2:16 AM by SageShinigami
Feb 22, 2014 9:04 AM by eyerok
Feb 16, 2014 2:00 PM by Nidhoeggr
Off-topic comments removed.
Feb 16, 2014 1:46 PM by ThangLong
Feb 16, 2014 4:23 AM by Kleferi
Surprise me people! Give me hope in anime again! I just want a mature intelligent story with mature intelligent characters who are animated well, with no stupid otaku baiting perverse bullshit.
I will say that one area this remake could improve on the original, is something I mentioned in my stupidly long review: the depiction of religion in the epic story. The Earth cult were always portrayed as cartoonish in their evil plots. If they can improve that aspect and show how characters treat religion in their lives and careers, either as personal salvation or as a cynical tool and weapon to control the masses, then that alone could justify another attempt at telling this tale.
Feb 16, 2014 4:01 AM by Beatnik
Did anyone see the reboot of Full Metal Alchemist? I think that might be a similar scenario to what's going on here. How did that reboot pan out? Did it feel like a shot for shot remake of the previous anime but with different aspects? I mean the concept of a reboot was weird to me because you'd think the original run would have been a faithful shot for shot of the manga in the first place, so seeing it animated all over again with different character designs and music would have felt a waste of time. But I suppose aesthetics can really change the tone of a series.
Another danger with LotGH. The tone was pitch-perfect in the original OVA. This reboot will feel modern, and that could go either way. I guarantee you over half the cast will look young, even if their ages remain faithful to the books, the character designs will look youthful. That's the cynic in me talking, but how many modern ensemble anime out there focus on middle aged characters?
If I've understood correctly, it won't be a remake of the original story. They just adapt more from the novels, like side stories. Just saying, as I got the impression from your post that you think it is.
I could be wrong though, that's just the impression I got from the tweets and the news post.
"The news was then confirmed by an assistant of Yoshiki Tanaka, writer of the novel series, along with the announcement that the new series will not be a remake, but rather, will be adapting more from the original novels."
Feb 16, 2014 3:47 AM by cupc
Having no sense of humour = no life.
Think about it.
A more measured response to the news is here:
Did anyone see the reboot of Full Metal Alchemist? I think that might be a similar scenario to what's going on here. How did that reboot pan out? Did it feel like a shot for shot remake of the previous anime but with different aspects? I mean the concept of a reboot was weird to me because you'd think the original run would have been a faithful shot for shot of the manga in the first place, so seeing it animated all over again with different character designs and music would have felt a waste of time. But I suppose aesthetics can really change the tone of a series.
Another danger with LotGH. The tone was pitch-perfect in the original OVA. This reboot will feel modern, and that could go either way. I guarantee you over half the cast will look young, even if their ages remain faithful to the books, the character designs will look youthful. That's the cynic in me talking, but how many modern ensemble anime out there focus on middle aged characters?
Mod Edit: double post merged.
Feb 16, 2014 3:09 AM by Beatnik
Feb 16, 2014 1:52 AM by Ston3_FreeN7
Feb 15, 2014 9:16 PM by einonymous
Is it bad when I say I never heard of this series? It still looks interesting though.
Under a quite big rock indeed.
Greatest news ever since F/SN adaptation was announced.
Sieg Kaiser Reinhard! Kampai Democracy!
Feb 15, 2014 5:49 PM by HaruMitsuboshi
Is it bad when I say I never heard of this series? It still looks interesting though.
Feb 15, 2014 1:36 PM by RX-782
Feb 15, 2014 12:34 PM by OLDNEWGOODBAD
Feb 15, 2014 12:28 PM by Yhuuro
Oooh. So does that mean all the characters are going to look different. I like the way Yang Wenli looks lol i hope they don't change that.
It could be anything from totally original appearances to a 'modern artstyle' version of the characters we know.
Feb 14, 2014 7:49 PM by Ckan
Wait so is it gonna be a remake or not? Im confused
Oooh. So does that mean all the characters are going to look different. I like the way Yang Wenli looks lol i hope they don't change that.
Feb 14, 2014 7:46 PM by Young_Kurd
Wait so is it gonna be a remake or not? Im confused
Feb 14, 2014 7:38 PM by RX-782
Feb 14, 2014 7:36 PM by Young_Kurd
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