'Black Lagoon' to Begin Airing on Toonami Beginning March 2014

The Black Lagoon anime originally aired back in April 2006 with a second season airing back in October 2006.
Source: Toonami Tumblr
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Why is this good news?
More anime airing on television. And a good anime at that.
Jan 31, 2014 12:08 PM by removed-user
Jan 30, 2014 8:39 PM by Average-Jo
Jan 29, 2014 8:25 AM by keragamming
Jan 29, 2014 2:57 AM by icantfeelmyarms
Except it is unless you're confusing fuck with other 4 letter words. And as for Roberta's Blood Trail that's only another 2 minutes worth of fucks. Plus that's even if those 5 episodes air on Toonami to begin with seeing as how each episode easily exceeds the 30 minute mark and it was just dubbed and released last year so chances are Funimation probably didn't give Toonami the right to air those episodes since it's still selling pretty good.
Because a video that shows 259ish fucks told you so right? Not even the original author.
By the time Black Lagoon finishes airing on Toonami it'll be almost 2015, or it will be 2015 already if they decide to wait a few weeks to a month on airing the second season, you realize this right? By that time, sales of the OVA will probably have reached a tipping point. Even so, it wouldn't be the first time Funimation or any dubbing group gave rights for any show to air that was released within a year even with decent sales (GitS best example). What does exceeding the 30 minute mark have to do with anything? They have shown anime movies on Adult Swim in the past, they show barely 15 minute episodes of most shows. Needless to say, Adult Swim doesn't follow standard episodic length for the most part, so your argument about that is invalid.
- No because I watched the series enough times to know that 259 is within the ball park of the number of times the word fuck is said in those 24 episodes.
- Season 1 & 2 will air back to back since it's revival Toonami has been constantly rotating shows after they finish. And this wouldn't be the first time multiple seasons of an anime have aired back to back on Saturday nights.
- Roberta's Blood Trail is a special case since Funimation wasn't the original company that dubbed the first 2 seasons. Funimation got rights to RBT and outsourced the dub to the original team in order to keep the original cast together when they could've just as easily dubbed it themselves with a new cast since it would've been cheaper.
- Yeah but considering Toonami's schedule is tight enough as it is already I really doubt that they'll drop another half hour show for 5 weeks just to air those 5 episodes of RBT + commercials. Plus if Naruto and the other uncut anime or any indication they sure as hell won't cut content from the episode. Plus I hardly doubt Funimation will allow this to air seeing as how they could milk more sales for RBT once the 2 seasons finish airing.
Jan 26, 2014 1:42 AM by StardustCharisma
Jan 26, 2014 1:03 AM by testlist7
It was meant to be an exaggeration, the point being it's still a better move to pick up the DVDs, Revy's vulgarity is half the show's charm.
Most definitely the DVDs are better, but part of a good reason to watch the show on Toonami is to find out whether or not its good enough to buy on DVD/Bluray. If someone decides they like the show enough after watching it on TV, they can get it on Bluray. Not only is liking it an incentive, but also to view the show uncensored in all its glory.
Part of the reason I'm so happy about this airing (even with censorship)is so I can find out whether or not I like the show.
Jan 26, 2014 12:57 AM by removed-user
1. I've seen the first episode and nothing more.
2. 60% is likely an extreme exaggeration. And as far as a large number of bleeps go....I give you this from when Deadman Wonderland aired:
Show was still entertaining when it aired. The bleeps actually made that part super hilarious.
It was meant to be an exaggeration, the point being it's still a better move to pick up the DVDs, Revy's vulgarity is half the show's charm.
Jan 26, 2014 12:53 AM by Venom900
Jan 26, 2014 12:46 AM by Nekira
The edits will be bleeps on F words and nudity (if there's any in the show) will be blurred or edited. That'll likely be the only differences. (maybe some other bleeps. I don't know the specific words Adult Swim doesn't like).
It's not for kids.
To the kid that's stated he's never seen Black Lagoon, and it couldn't be any more obvious that you haven't seen it....
The word "Fuck", and all of it's variations alone make up 60% of the script, Enjoy listening to Revy being bleeped out every 15 seconds.
1. I've seen the first episode and nothing more.
2. 60% is likely an extreme exaggeration. And as far as a large number of bleeps go....I give you this from when Deadman Wonderland aired:
Show was still entertaining when it aired. The bleeps actually made that part super hilarious.
*Facepalm* that's because the black characters are saying it. It is also because it is used out of text.
Black Lagoon is going to get censored to death, and its a shame because it is one of the few dubs out there that WAS NOT censored at all when it comes to the fuck.
Except it is unless you're confusing fuck with other 4 letter words.
Most other vulgar 4 letter words on Toonami don't get bleeped out.
so chances are Funimation probably didn't give Toonami the right to air those episodes since it's still selling pretty good.
Mod Edit: Fixed BBCode
Jan 26, 2014 12:44 AM by removed-user
Except it is unless you're confusing fuck with other 4 letter words. And as for Roberta's Blood Trail that's only another 2 minutes worth of fucks. Plus that's even if those 5 episodes air on Toonami to begin with seeing as how each episode easily exceeds the 30 minute mark and it was just dubbed and released last year so chances are Funimation probably didn't give Toonami the right to air those episodes since it's still selling pretty good.
Because a video that shows 259ish fucks told you so right? Not even the original author.
By the time Black Lagoon finishes airing on Toonami it'll be almost 2015, or it will be 2015 already if they decide to wait a few weeks to a month on airing the second season, you realize this right? By that time, sales of the OVA will probably have reached a tipping point. Even so, it wouldn't be the first time Funimation or any dubbing group gave rights for any show to air that was released within a year even with decent sales (GitS best example). What does exceeding the 30 minute mark have to do with anything? They have shown anime movies on Adult Swim in the past, they show barely 15 minute episodes of most shows. Needless to say, Adult Swim doesn't follow standard episodic length for the most part, so your argument about that is invalid.
Jan 26, 2014 12:27 AM by Venom900
I knew you were going to show that video. That is not all the f bombs. Read the comments they say it to.
Show me the comment that says that cause I can't find it.
3 minutes? Stop understating that isn't even close to the actual number of minutes.
Too bad that isn't nearly all of them....plus your not even including Blood Trail which most likely will follow
Except it is unless you're confusing fuck with other 4 letter words. And as for Roberta's Blood Trail that's only another 2 minutes worth of fucks. Plus that's even if those 5 episodes air on Toonami to begin with seeing as how each episode easily exceeds the 30 minute mark and it was just dubbed and released last year so chances are Funimation probably didn't give Toonami the right to air those episodes since it's still selling pretty good.
Mod Edit: Fixed BBCode
Jan 26, 2014 12:10 AM by StardustCharisma
Anyway, good for Funimation! Glad to see one of my favorites is being broadcasted on TV
Jan 25, 2014 11:58 PM by F0RMATION
3 minutes? Stop understating that isn't even close to the actual number of minutes.
Too bad that isn't nearly all of them....plus your not even including Blood Trail which most likely will follow
Jan 25, 2014 11:42 PM by Venom900
60%? Stop exaggerating that isn't even close to the actual percentage. Fuck only makes up a total of 3 minutes worth of the dialogue between all 24 episodes.
3 minutes? Stop understating that isn't even close to the actual number of minutes.
I knew you were going to show that video. That is not all the f bombs. Read the comments they say it to.
Jan 25, 2014 11:39 PM by Oni_Link
I don't know the specific words Adult Swim doesn't like).
It's not for kids.
*Facepalm* that's because the black characters are saying it. It is also because it is used out of text.
Black Lagoon is going to get censored to death, and its a shame because it is one of the few dubs out there that WAS NOT censored at all when it comes to the fuck.
Jan 25, 2014 11:37 PM by Oni_Link
60%? Stop exaggerating that isn't even close to the actual percentage. Fuck only makes up a total of 3 minutes worth of the dialogue between all 24 episodes.
3 minutes? Stop understating that isn't even close to the actual number of minutes.
Jan 25, 2014 11:35 PM by StardustCharisma
60%? Stop exaggerating that isn't even close to the actual percentage. Fuck only makes up a total of 3 minutes worth of the dialogue between all 24 episodes.
3 minutes? Stop understating that isn't even close to the actual number of minutes.
Jan 25, 2014 11:29 PM by Venom900
The edits will be bleeps on F words and nudity (if there's any in the show) will be blurred or edited. That'll likely be the only differences. (maybe some other bleeps. I don't know the specific words Adult Swim doesn't like).
It's not for kids.
To the kid that's stated he's never seen Black Lagoon, and it couldn't be any more obvious that you haven't seen it....
The word "Fuck", and all of it's variations alone make up 60% of the script, Enjoy listening to Revy being bleeped out every 15 seconds.
60%? Stop exaggerating that isn't even close to the actual percentage. Fuck only makes up a total of 3 minutes worth of the dialogue between all 24 episodes.
Mod Edit: Fixed BBCode
Jan 25, 2014 10:32 PM by StardustCharisma
Related Database Entries
Anime: | Black Lagoon, Black Lagoon: The Second Barrage |
Jan 31, 2014 1:49 PM by StardustCharisma