Anime & Manga News

Toonami to Air 'Akira', 'Summer Wars', 'Full Metal Alchemist', and 'Trigun' Movies

by Wind_Sr
Nov 15, 2013 10:41 PM | 74 Comments
According to an announcement on Toonami's official tumblr page, the following films will be airing on Toonami in December of this year.

December 7th: "Akira"

December 14th: "Summer Wars"

December 21st: "Fullmetal Alchemist: The Conqueror of Shamballa"

December 28th: "Trigun: Badlands Rumble"

Source: Toonami tumblr page

Story by Battlechili1

20 of 74 Comments Recent Comments

LinkSeasonMaster said:
I'd heard of Akira in the past, but it didn't seem like my kind of film. But last night, I saw it for the first time, on Toonami. Wow. Just wow.

For those who have never seen it before and didn't get to see it last night, let me make two things VERY clear. First of all, personally, it isn't the kind of movie I'd normally go out of my way to see. There's little to no humor throughout the entire film, and that's even including stealth puns. It's dark in tone, the imagery is often grotesque, the world and story is unforgiving, and there's plenty of blood and gore. People who know me will probably be amazed that I watched this film of my own volition, late at night, and by myself, straight through to the end.

But second, and more importantly, it's a fantastic film that should not be missed. The themes hit straight home, the characters are all distinct and complex, the use of the soundtrack (as well as silence) is insanely effective, the animation is absolutely stunning, the atmosphere walks this bizarre line between depressing and optimistic and effectively becomes neither, and there's never a dull moment to be found. The story WILL suck you right in, whether you want it to or not.

It really is no wonder that it's credited with opening the anime floodgates and allowing the medium to be introduced to the rest of the world outside of Japan. I'm even seriously debating reading the manga it's based on, which apparently has even more meat on its bones, and as I said before, that's saying something considering my usual feelings for this sort of material. Perhaps it's a similar deal to Fruits Basket, where the anime is still pretty darn good, but the manga STILL blows it right out of the water. But I guess there's only way to know for certain. *goes to add add manga to plan to read list*.

Safe to say I was not expecting any of this when I decided to watch Akira. Leave it to Toonami to do this to me, and I'm not complaining one bit. I may not love it the way some do, but I'm definitely glad I saw it. And even better, Toonami is following it up with my favorite film of all time: Summer Wars. Now I'll be able to say that Toonami has aired by my favorite TV show (Outlaw Star) AND my favorite movie. Toonami, you have my gratitude.

Awesome, glad you enjoyed it. Its always cool to see the reactions from new fans that have never witnessed this visual masterpiece before. I always say that the anime industry should of actually developed and went in the direction that akira did. What i mean is the pen and paper method style has alot more fluidity to it.That is why you hardly ever see any still frames and movies like metropolis and akira just really show you how animation can really become motion picture in every sense of the word.

You look at anime now a days, their are so many shows with still back grounds, still images, still frames because how they rather use CG art, then pen and paper drawings. Of course its kind of become the norm for anime now a days so im very used to it. But every now and then when i see a movie like akira, or even hao myisaki's films, i just have to question if the future of production was like that. Anime would of evolved into something far greater imo.

Yes part of what makes akira so exceptional is not just the animation or production quality, but also the sounds affects, the theme, the characters and the dubbing is one of the best ive seen also, so if its your first time watching it on toonami, then that is definitely a movie that should be watched in English.

filmftw1 said:
link9us said:

Btw anyone who has not seen this movie, WATCH IT!!! It is quite possibly the greatest anime motion picture film in history.

In regards to its animation and music, yes, go and watch it. But in regards to its story... yeah, this is where the original graphic novel, that the film was based upon, shines. I'm aware that the creator of the graphic novel is also the director and writer of the film, but it seems that it's not fully fleshed out as much as the original provides. It's great, but not a masterpiece as everyone proclaims. People should also check up the original graphic novel for the ultimate experience.
Anyway, glad to see that it's finally presented on Toonami. (at least, nearly intact to the uncut version outside of the small bit of nudity edited out) Seen it before so I didn't stay up seeing it.

I agree with "filmftw" if you really want to see the complete version in terms of story and characters and a more indepth story, then read the manga. Though i do recognize the fact that the story is confusing at times due to the fact that they leave a bit out behind the origins of akira and other such material, but i still can't fault such a masterpiece of a movie. Everyone else is just carefully executed and the enjoyment lvl of this movie is off the scale, i could watch akira over and over if i had to. So i really do not see no reason to lower my score, despite the fact that the manga is a bit more improved.

Dec 8, 2013 12:06 PM by ArtimesGamer

I'd heard of Akira in the past, but it didn't seem like my kind of film. But last night, I saw it for the first time, on Toonami. Wow. Just wow.

For those who have never seen it before and didn't get to see it last night, let me make two things VERY clear. First of all, personally, it isn't the kind of movie I'd normally go out of my way to see. There's little to no humor throughout the entire film, and that's even including stealth puns. It's dark in tone, the imagery is often grotesque, the world and story is unforgiving, and there's plenty of blood and gore. People who know me will probably be amazed that I watched this film of my own volition, late at night, and by myself, straight through to the end.

But second, and more importantly, it's a fantastic film that should not be missed. The themes hit straight home, the characters are all distinct and complex, the use of the soundtrack (as well as silence) is insanely effective, the animation is absolutely stunning, the atmosphere walks this bizarre line between depressing and optimistic and effectively becomes neither, and there's never a dull moment to be found. The story WILL suck you right in, whether you want it to or not.

It really is no wonder that it's credited with opening the anime floodgates and allowing the medium to be introduced to the rest of the world outside of Japan. I'm even seriously debating reading the manga it's based on, which apparently has even more meat on its bones, and as I said before, that's saying something considering my usual feelings for this sort of material. Perhaps it's a similar deal to Fruits Basket, where the anime is still pretty darn good, but the manga STILL blows it right out of the water. But I guess there's only way to know for certain. *goes to add add manga to plan to read list*.

Safe to say I was not expecting any of this when I decided to watch Akira. Leave it to Toonami to do this to me, and I'm not complaining one bit. I may not love it the way some do, but I'm definitely glad I saw it. And even better, Toonami is following it up with my favorite film of all time: Summer Wars. Now I'll be able to say that Toonami has aired by my favorite TV show (Outlaw Star) AND my favorite movie. Toonami, you have my gratitude.

Dec 8, 2013 11:05 AM by LinkSeasonMaster

link9us said:

Btw anyone who has not seen this movie, WATCH IT!!! It is quite possibly the greatest anime motion picture film in history.

In regards to its animation and music, yes, go and watch it. But in regards to its story... yeah, this is where the original graphic novel, that the film was based upon, shines. I'm aware that the creator of the graphic novel is also the director and writer of the film, but it seems that it's not fully fleshed out as much as the original provides. It's great, but not a masterpiece as everyone proclaims. People should also check up the original graphic novel for the ultimate experience.
Anyway, glad to see that it's finally presented on Toonami. (at least, nearly intact to the uncut version outside of the small bit of nudity edited out) Seen it before so I didn't stay up seeing it.

Dec 8, 2013 9:22 AM by filmftw1

And, I am so watching Summer Wars thanks to Toonami by the trailer of the movie.

Dec 8, 2013 5:38 AM by LegendGoldDark

link9us said:
MajinSaga said:
Battlechili1 said:
link9us said:
Watching Akira right now, they actually edited it a bit. It was not completely butchered though because it was aired on adult swim during the midnight time slot.

Btw anyone who has not seen this movie, WATCH IT!!! It is quite possibly the greatest anime motion picture film in history.

They had to edit it a little, though they tried to edit it as little as possible.
Nudity removed, but the film still contains most if not all of the strong language. It also seems to have a lot of the violence and blood and gore intact, if not all of it intact.
From what I saw, censors were really low here, thankfully.

They edited out the part where Kaori has her tank top ripped off and she's punched in the face. I expected that though.

That was a given, but they also edited out some dialogue, language and some blood parts were a little censored.

Yes. I was wondering to myself what happened to them after each commercial break. I feel that they kinda skipped some scenes a little.

Dec 8, 2013 5:37 AM by LegendGoldDark

Just finished airing over here, thank you Toonami for giving me a reason to experience this masterpiece again.

Dec 8, 2013 3:00 AM by VioLink

MajinSaga said:
Battlechili1 said:
link9us said:
Watching Akira right now, they actually edited it a bit. It was not completely butchered though because it was aired on adult swim during the midnight time slot.

Btw anyone who has not seen this movie, WATCH IT!!! It is quite possibly the greatest anime motion picture film in history.

They had to edit it a little, though they tried to edit it as little as possible.
Nudity removed, but the film still contains most if not all of the strong language. It also seems to have a lot of the violence and blood and gore intact, if not all of it intact.
From what I saw, censors were really low here, thankfully.

They edited out the part where Kaori has her tank top ripped off and she's punched in the face. I expected that though.

That was a given, but they also edited out some dialogue, language and some blood parts were a little censored.

Dec 8, 2013 12:42 AM by ArtimesGamer

Battlechili1 said:
link9us said:
Watching Akira right now, they actually edited it a bit. It was not completely butchered though because it was aired on adult swim during the midnight time slot.

Btw anyone who has not seen this movie, WATCH IT!!! It is quite possibly the greatest anime motion picture film in history.

They had to edit it a little, though they tried to edit it as little as possible.
Nudity removed, but the film still contains most if not all of the strong language. It also seems to have a lot of the violence and blood and gore intact, if not all of it intact.
From what I saw, censors were really low here, thankfully.

They edited out the part where Kaori has her tank top ripped off and she's punched in the face. I expected that though.

Dec 8, 2013 12:37 AM by MajinSaga

MajinSaga said:
link9us said:
Watching Akira right now, they actually edited it a bit. It was not completely butchered though because it was aired on adult swim during the midnight time slot.

Btw anyone who has not seen this movie, WATCH IT!!! It is quite possibly the greatest anime motion picture film in history.

Second best. Ghost In The Shell blows it away :P.

If your taking bout the original GITS then yeah its great, but stand alone complex, hell no.

I just love cyberpunk, world politics and military industrial complex settings all wrapped around a theme of science. Blame, nassika, Eden its the endless world, metropolis, etc.

Dec 8, 2013 12:36 AM by ArtimesGamer

link9us said:
Watching Akira right now, they actually edited it a bit. It was not completely butchered though because it was aired on adult swim during the midnight time slot.

Btw anyone who has not seen this movie, WATCH IT!!! It is quite possibly the greatest anime motion picture film in history.

They had to edit it a little, though they tried to edit it as little as possible.
Nudity removed, but the film still contains most if not all of the strong language. It also seems to have a lot of the violence and blood and gore intact, if not all of it intact.
From what I saw, censors were really low here, thankfully.

Dec 8, 2013 12:23 AM by removed-user

link9us said:
Watching Akira right now, they actually edited it a bit. It was not completely butchered though because it was aired on adult swim during the midnight time slot.

Btw anyone who has not seen this movie, WATCH IT!!! It is quite possibly the greatest anime motion picture film in history.

Second best. Ghost In The Shell blows it away :P.

Dec 8, 2013 12:20 AM by MajinSaga

Watching Akira right now, they actually edited it a bit. It was not completely butchered though because it was aired on adult swim during the midnight time slot.

Btw anyone who has not seen this movie, WATCH IT!!! It is quite possibly the greatest anime motion picture film in history.

Dec 7, 2013 10:27 PM by ArtimesGamer

DangerMouseDM said:
JizzyHitler said:
oh just saying, if showing akira is fine then they better show sword of the stranger one day

Awesome movie. Sword of the Stranger would be great on Toonami some day.

That movie is awesome.... and I'm pretty excited to see akira on toonami, I havent seen the dub.

Dec 7, 2013 7:06 PM by whately

aw man, I'm gonna end up missing the first two! Why must I miss out on wonderful things?

Dec 7, 2013 1:23 PM by bennitori

^Thank you so much for posting right now, the bump reminded me that Akira is airing tonight! I haven't seen it in years

Dec 7, 2013 1:21 PM by VioLink

JizzyHitler said:
oh just saying, if showing akira is fine then they better show sword of the stranger one day

Awesome movie. Sword of the Stranger would be great on Toonami some day.

Dec 7, 2013 1:06 PM by DangerMouseDM

They still airing One Piece? DVR'd it over summer when I was back home... probably have an assload of episodes to catch up on.

Nov 23, 2013 5:51 AM by icantfeelmyarms

This is good since I have yet to check out most of these movies
(so thanks Toonami for saving me the time from downloading these!)

Nov 20, 2013 12:27 AM by bakaboy

Koukyoukyoku said:
Summer Wars is a very good cartoon !
Yep, even if its just the digimon movie repasted its still pretty damn good.

Nov 19, 2013 10:55 AM by JizzyHitler

Summer Wars is a very good cartoon !

Nov 19, 2013 10:54 AM by Koukyoukyoku

It’s time to ditch the text file.
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