Anime & Manga News

Winners of the 18th Animation Kobe Awards

by tsubasalover
Oct 25, 2013 7:53 AM | 106 Comments
According to the official website, the winners of the 18th Animation Kobe are as follows:

Individual Award
Mizushima Tsutomu (Director: Girls und Panzer, Shinryaku! Ika Musume, xxxHOLiC, Yondemasu yo, Azazel-san., Joshiraku, Genshiken Nidaime, etc.)

Special Awards
Kawamori Shoji (Anime Director, Mechanical Designer, "Vision Creator": Sousei no Aquarion, Macross Plus, Macross Frontier, Aquarion Evol, AKB0048, etc.)
Precure Production Team

Best TV Series
Shingeki no Kyojin

Best Anime Movie
Kotonoha no Niwa

Best Theme Song
Guren no Yumiya (Shingeki no Kyojin)

Lifetime Achievement Award
Miyazaki Hayao

Source: Animation Kobe official website

20 of 106 Comments Recent Comments

He deserved that Lifetime Achievement Award.

Nov 29, 2013 6:06 AM by removed-user

The winners deserve it. I really enjoyed both Shingeki no Kyojin and Kotonoha no Niwa. And Guren no Yumiya is my favorite opening. Especially for Miyazaki Hayao, he's like a legend.

Nov 10, 2013 7:53 PM by Zeppen

well shingeki no kyojin is the best anime of the year!

Nov 10, 2013 5:10 PM by Habagat

tsubasalover said:

Special Awards
Best TV Series
Shingeki no Kyojin
Best Theme Song
Guren no Yumiya (Shingeki no Kyojin)

yesss, I agree with both!! Kotonoha no niwa was a good movie too..

Nov 10, 2013 4:54 PM by vitaminh

Happy because of Shingeki :3

Nov 3, 2013 6:25 AM by Kyo-

tsubasalover said:
According to the official website, the winners of the 18th Animation Kobe are as follows:

Individual Award
Mizushima Tsutomu (Director: Girls und Panzer, Shinryaku! Ika Musume, xxxHOLiC, Yondemasu yo, Azazel-san., Joshiraku, Genshiken Nidaime, etc.)

Special Awards
Kawamori Shoji (Anime Director, Mechanical Designer, "Vision Creator": Sousei no Aquarion, Macross Plus, Macross Frontier, Aquarion Evol, AKB0048, etc.)
Precure Production Team

Best TV Series
Shingeki no Kyojin

Best Anime Movie
Kotonoha no Niwa

Best Theme Song
Guren no Yumiya (Shingeki no Kyojin)

Lifetime Achievement Award
Miyazaki Hayao

Source: Animation Kobe official website

Not really surprised, because I'm expecting for this. Well deserved!

Nov 2, 2013 10:34 PM by TicklingThoughts

Higashi_no_Kaze said:
@itsvero: Ookami Kodomo aired in the middle of 2012 so it wasn't even eligible I guess.
I would have loved to see Aura or Berserk III win though.
Since the standard used by the judge panel puts a stress on "market creation" I would say that any winner would have to demonstrate that it can draw in newcomers or casual fans, meaning the anime must be popular. This may disadvantage movies like Aura and Berserk III I think.

Higashi_no_Kaze said:
Were short movies like Little Witch Academia also eligible?
According to the guideline, it has to be animation for commercial purpose and it does not matter even if the animation is used in game, ordinary video contents (i.e. not mainly anime) or mobile phone. I think the key here is if LWA is made for commercial purpose. If it is deemed yes, then it is eligible. At least from the brief guideline I do not see a restriction for the length of the anime.

Oct 29, 2013 6:42 PM by symbv

Thanks as always for the insight. I can't argue with the backgrounds, they were definitely superb. I just found without them the story and characters weren't particularly original or exciting, that's all. Not that I disliked it, I was just more impressed by other movies.

@itsvero: Ookami Kodomo aired in the middle of 2012 so it wasn't even eligible I guess.
I would have loved to see Aura or Berserk III win though.

Were short movies like Little Witch Academia also eligible?

Oct 29, 2013 4:04 PM by Alcoholicide

Higashi_no_Kaze said:
@symbv: Do you know what reasons were given for Kotonoha no Niwa or what other movies were considered? I didn't think it was that great so I'm a bit surprised.
The standard for the prize given to Kotonoha no Niwa is the same as the one given to Shingeki (which I stated here: ) As for the specific reasons to give the Movie Award to this movie, it can be summarized as follows:

- It brings to us the attention of the everyday beauty so close to us and so easily missed by us. It reminds us to care about what surrounds us: The streets, the landscape, the interaction with people.

- The intricate details and tireless effort that Shinkai put into depicting scene after scene of background of nuances of green that contrast with the subtlety of interactions and shifts in feelings during the process of communication for the couple who are trying to find their places is superbly done . As an example, it is hard to say we have seen such beautiful depiction of the rainy season in anime before.

- This work is maximizing how beauty can be expressed in anime, and it gives everyone the courage and strength to face tomorrow and the future, and it also tells everyone how beautiful it is for this place that is called Japan.

There is no list of shortlisted films. The standard only mentions what works are eligible: Any animation aired between 2012 Sep to2013 Aug

As I said before, as much as I would say some other film may be better in my opinion, I also think many films are deserved, and this includes Kotonoha ni Niwa. And this is FAR FROM SUBPAR - the reasons given by the panel are also pretty convincing to me.

Oct 28, 2013 8:30 PM by symbv

tsubasalover said:

Best Anime Movie
Kotonoha no Niwa

I vehemently disagree with this. Ookami Kodomo should've gotten it.

Higashi_no_Kaze said:
@symbv: Do you know what reasons were given for Kotonoha no Niwa or what other movies were considered? I didn't think it was that great so I'm a bit surprised.
Sorry if it was already posted somewhere, I didn't want to go through five pages of Karneval and SnK bashing/praising.

Preach it, buddy. Kotonoha no Niwa was subpar at best.

Oct 28, 2013 7:34 PM by yamagoop

@symbv: Do you know what reasons were given for Kotonoha no Niwa or what other movies were considered? I didn't think it was that great so I'm a bit surprised.
Sorry if it was already posted somewhere, I didn't want to go through five pages of Karneval and SnK bashing/praising.

Oct 28, 2013 7:12 PM by Alcoholicide

-MgZ_ said:
Worthy winners indeed.

I'm glad Production IG's hardwork paid off. I still can't get over how well they adapted SnK.

Congratulations to Miyazaki Hayao. Lifetime achievement award :D Totally deserving!

Shouldn't it be WIT Studios, not Production IG? Or did they co-op on this project, with WIT getting more of the fame? Or Production IG owns WIT?

Oct 28, 2013 6:31 PM by Xinception

tsubasalover said:

Lifetime Achievement Award
Miyazaki Hayao

Well deserved.

Oct 28, 2013 2:34 AM by xchee

One thing I want to STRESS AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN is that people who know little about this award would assert that the award is just for popularity not for (however subjectively and emotionally defined) "quality", but there are clear outlines from the award panel about the standard they use to judge for an award.

In the best title (TV series or movie) there is the outline stated:

The key points that stand out are:
- it has to be a product for entertainment. How entertaining is considered an important factor
- how much it makes use of various knowhow and appeal of the work (great story, new idea in project execution, originality, state of the art animation technology etc) to *create new market* is a key consideration too.
- although foreign works will also be considered, it must have made a substantial contribution to building up talent base in Japan.

Even though some of the criteria will translate into "popularity", here they are spelled out clearly in terms that is more than just "it sells well" or "it is popular". Instead a heavy emphasis is placed on linking both popularity and technical achievement (and not just on the animation itself but the whole project).

Oct 28, 2013 12:53 AM by symbv

Mikenzb said:
Best TV Series
Shingeki no Kyojin

Everyone saw that one coming.

It was inevitable.
SnK was really that good imo. Well deserved.

Oct 28, 2013 12:45 AM by Janethan23

Best TV Series
Shingeki no Kyojin

Everyone saw that one coming.

Oct 27, 2013 10:59 PM by removed-user

moomoonya1 said:

The thing is, I try and make friends on here with people who have the same interests as me, and stuff like that. But when I make a single review, I get a ton of hate comments because I gave it a 7.
If all you want is to make friends who share the same taste as you are, perhaps it is better to join clubs instead of posting reviews, because reviews, where you give praises and criticisms (and often even with a score), are likely to draw people who disagree with the praises or criticisms, and debate would ensue. And if those people are not being nice, then arguments, bickering and flame war become likely. At least in a club people are sharing their love about a certain thing, be it a genre or a particular anime, it is much easier to make friends this way.

moomoonya1 said:
And yes, I know I behaved inappropriately, but I was just angry that, yet again, SnK is being praised as the best of the year. So, I'm sorry for behaving inappropriately.
Thanks for your understanding. I wish you the best of luck (and joy) finding fellow friends in this forum.

Oct 27, 2013 8:19 PM by symbv

symbv said:
moomoonya1 said:

No, I'm not talking about in private. I mean everywhere. Internet and real life. It's just that the people on the internet is what makes me so mad.
I know, but the thing is you did not come out as being nice on internet, at least from how you behaved in this thread. So if you are telling me that you are really nice, people do not see strong evidence to believe you; then it just leaves the possibility that you are really nice in private, and for that I have already explained that even if true it does not hold much water as long as we only know you from internet. And so far I did not see why you should have got mad from posts made in this thread in the first place - if you could get mad just because of the posts here, you might want to think twice before posting because you may be a bit too sensitive to people's comment and your reaction due to your "being mad" is likely to provoke people who then challenge your tone, and a negative spiral will form - and you will just keep getting mad (or madder).

The thing is, I try and make friends on here with people who have the same interests as me, and stuff like that. But when I make a single review, I get a ton of hate comments because I gave it a 7. And yes, I know I behaved inappropriately, but I was just angry that, yet again, SnK is being praised as the best of the year. So, I'm sorry for behaving inappropriately.

Oct 27, 2013 8:10 PM by SnazzGary

moomoonya1 said:

No, I'm not talking about in private. I mean everywhere. Internet and real life. It's just that the people on the internet is what makes me so mad.
I know, but the thing is you did not come out as being nice on internet, at least from how you behaved in this thread. So if you are telling me that you are really nice, people do not see strong evidence to believe you; then it just leaves the possibility that you are really nice in private, and for that I have already explained that even if true it does not hold much water as long as we only know you from internet. And so far I did not see why you should have got mad from posts made in this thread in the first place - if you could get mad just because of the posts here, you might want to think twice before posting because you may be a bit too sensitive to people's comment and your reaction due to your "being mad" is likely to provoke people who then challenge your tone, and a negative spiral will form - and you will just keep getting mad (or madder).

Oct 27, 2013 7:59 PM by symbv

symbv said:
moomoonya1 said:
I'm aloud to post on forums. I can voice my opinion if I want to, and most of the time, I don't say it in the nicest ways.
This is the kind of defense even irresponsible or troll posters use but does it mean that you can say anything you like and people are not allowed to respond or react against the comments you make? Remember you are in a FORUM, which is interactive by definition, meaning people interact with each other's comments. So if you write something that is provocative or you make some arguments that do not make sense, you should be prepared that people would take you to task and challenge the statement you made.

moomoonya1 said:
Trust me, I'm nice.
I am sure a lot of trolls can be nice people in private too, but the thing is all of us can only tell who you are by what you say online. It is very unlikely we will be able to meet you in private to see how nice you really are. So who you are here is defined by what you say here.

No, I'm not talking about in private. I mean everywhere. Internet and real life. It's just that the people on the internet is what makes me so mad.

Oct 27, 2013 4:13 PM by SnazzGary

It’s time to ditch the text file.
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