'Space☆Dandy' to Simulcast in North America and Asia
Funimation will release and simulcast the English dubbed version in North America. This will be the first time Adult Swim broadcasts an anime series simultaneously with Japanese networks.
Odex, a Singaporean company, has secured the license for broadcast on Animax Asia. Australian distributor Madman is preparing the series for release in Oceania. Licensing for South Korea and Europe is still being arranged.
Sources: Official blog, Anime! Anime!
Previous related thread: New Original TV Anime 'Space☆Dandy' by Watanabe Shinichiro and BONES Due in Jan 2014
20 of 60 Comments Recent Comments
Most non franchise bandai stuff gets bady ratings in Japan too Bebop for example got god aefull tv ratings in Japan so bad in fact Bandai at to pay the Japanese tv Channel tp finsh its run
its the only anime they done in Japan that overall made a loss for sunrise cuase the lack of merchendising and lack and anylarge multimidia cross over
compare is you will the Money bebop lost to what there other Franchses made that year bebeopwas faliure in Japan
But this isn't Cowboy Bebop.
Also isn't that a good reason to try and push it on the US and other countries rather than air it in Japan first considering it may not be very successful in Japan?
Oct 28, 2013 6:21 PM by removed-user
how much money do you think this will make
do oyu predict next year it will make more money than any of Bandai other big names
that make tonnes of money
between paying for the time slot and primering at a slot that wil not get high ratings with make a loss for bandai
They actually added an extra half hour to the anime block and are airing it the earliest they can. Which where I am means 10:30PM. Trust me. People will still be up and it'll still get good ratings. And don't forget, Adult Swim likely had to pay good money to Bandai to make this happen. And its also still going to air in Japan, so its still going to get ratings there too. It'll be fine.
Most non franchise bandai stuff gets bady ratings in Japan too Bebop for example got god aefull tv ratings in Japan so bad in fact Bandai at to pay the Japanese tv Channel tp finsh its run
its the only anime they done in Japan that overall made a loss for sunrise cuase the lack of merchendising and lack and anylarge multimidia cross over
compare is you will the Money bebop lost to what there other Franchses made that year bebeopwas faliure in Japan
Oct 28, 2013 5:04 PM by DateYutaka
how much money do you think this will make
do oyu predict next year it will make more money than any of Bandai other big names
that make tonnes of money
between paying for the time slot and primering at a slot that wil not get high ratings with make a loss for bandai
They actually added an extra half hour to the anime block and are airing it the earliest they can. Which where I am means 10:30PM. Trust me. People will still be up and it'll still get good ratings. And don't forget, Adult Swim likely had to pay good money to Bandai to make this happen. And its also still going to air in Japan, so its still going to get ratings there too. It'll be fine.
Oct 27, 2013 9:58 PM by removed-user
Oct 27, 2013 9:33 PM by Kaizoku_Mugiwara
Oct 27, 2013 2:36 AM by MellowJello
do oyu predict next year it will make more money than any of Bandai other big names
that make tonnes of money
between paying for the time slot and primering at a slot that wil not get high ratings with make a loss for bandai
Oct 26, 2013 2:47 PM by DateYutaka
Oct 26, 2013 2:13 PM by soulless4now
Cool, now I'm getting pretty hyped about this next year. It could be the next big thing.
ehhhh NO...
It really does look like the next big thing dude. The music, the artwork, the character design...It looks lovely. And the people working behind it are big name people.
Oct 26, 2013 12:08 AM by removed-user
Space Dandy AOTY 2K14
Oct 25, 2013 10:02 PM by HungLikeaZombie
Cool, now I'm getting pretty hyped about this next year. It could be the next big thing.
ehhhh NO...
Oct 25, 2013 9:59 PM by HungLikeaZombie
Oct 25, 2013 8:46 PM by babymilo91
i wonder who will be the anime of the year for 2014 is it Space Dandy or Sailormoon remake
You're forgetting about Fate/Stay Night.
Oct 25, 2013 8:32 PM by elbaldo
Wow, this sure is different. I'm even more pumped up for this show. But it's being directed by Watanabe Shinichiro and it's supposed to be a comedy, he's not really much of a comedy director is he?
He makes some really funny stuff
he no Nabe-shin now is he
Oct 25, 2013 6:50 PM by DateYutaka
Wow, this sure is different. I'm even more pumped up for this show. But it's being directed by Watanabe Shinichiro and it's supposed to be a comedy, he's not really much of a comedy director is he?
He makes some really funny stuff
Oct 25, 2013 6:48 PM by JizzyHitler
Oct 25, 2013 4:29 PM by Sanguis
I have never heard of something like this happening before. This kind of coordination and cooperation with the west is just amazing, and I really appreciate the effort Bones and Funimation are putting forth with this.
I will definitely be watching the show when it airs. Not just because I'm excited for the show, but I want to show my support for this kind of action and business model in the future.
Oct 25, 2013 1:44 PM by Frediloc
Oct 25, 2013 1:09 PM by who_dat_ninja
I'll be watching sub still, but it's still pretty exciting none the less.
Oct 25, 2013 11:10 AM by Harmonium94
Oct 25, 2013 11:01 AM by TheWanderingWind
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Most non franchise bandai stuff gets bady ratings in Japan too Bebop for example got god aefull tv ratings in Japan so bad in fact Bandai at to pay the Japanese tv Channel tp finsh its run
its the only anime they done in Japan that overall made a loss for sunrise cuase the lack of merchendising and lack and anylarge multimidia cross over
compare is you will the Money bebop lost to what there other Franchses made that year bebeopwas faliure in Japan
But this isn't Cowboy Bebop.
Also isn't that a good reason to try and push it on the US and other countries rather than air it in Japan first considering it may not be very successful in Japan?
why even with its good us sales bebeop did brake even was cause the fact that Home Midia princing srtcture is so differant in the us
Space Dandy will suffer the same fate for the same reason going after the us market will naver maker an anime surcssful cuase
less money from adverisers [ even in prime time i guess]
Pricing stetuer is so differeant with the exchange rate and all bandai will make i huge loss on eacth DVD unit sold
say in japam thwy would make 50-200 usd per unit sold but thay make pittnace in the us
Fyi Bandai visual does not have a us branch any more unless they disrure Dvd of this Via there Game Div
so unless they charge prices that are closer the Japanese rates on Home Midia this will make no money what so ever
Oct 29, 2013 5:42 AM by DateYutaka