Toonami to Feature 'Evangelion: 2.22 You Can (Not) Advance'
Evangelion 2.22 is the second of four films in Hideaki Anno's re-make of the famous Neon Genesis Evangelion anime series. It originally premiered in theaters in Japan on July 27, 2009 and internationally at the Hawaii International Film Festival on October 24, 2009. The third film, Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo, is currently being screened at the Jpop Summit Festival 2013 in San Francisco.
Source: Toonami Tumblr Profile, ANN
Story by Dunois
20 of 48 Comments Recent Comments
I'll pass on this though since I have seen the movie before.
Aug 31, 2013 5:28 PM by Stark700
haven't seen the movie, so that's good i guess?
It's surprisingly good for something that's meant to milk.
Aug 31, 2013 4:24 PM by agaffe
Aug 31, 2013 4:19 PM by GbluestarH
The obvious "goodie" will be a BD/DVD release date for the third movie.
that would make sense but I doubt it since if it was an actually release date or even a trailer for 3.33 then Funi would be hyping the special that comes on after 2.22. And Funi hasn't been promoting much, they only mentioned it once on the main site with no mention of the special, on face book they mention it more times but call it a special screening of 2.22 which doesn't mention a special coming on afterwards, on twitter they mention it will be airing but no mention of a special. So if it was a 3.33 release date or trailer they would be promoting the special in addition to 2.22 in all likely hood it is something related to Toonami like a new show or something. Would be cool if it was a announcement for adding NGE to the line up.
Aug 31, 2013 4:18 PM by KnightmareX13
Toonami is apparently going to have a tv premiere after Eva. As to what it is, I don't know.
Aug 23, 2013 10:49 PM by removed-user
Aug 5, 2013 6:52 AM by Mr_Gutts
But I sumbitted this just a few days ago....
Oh well.
This is great news anyway! I loved Evangelion 1.11. They aired it on Toonami earlier this year, I believe.
Dissapointed that the thing replacing Eureka Seven is Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
Was hoping for Eureka Seven AO. Guess it was too soon. Oh well. I heard they are skipping some Clone Wars episodes. Would've preferred if they aired the older Genndy Tartakovsky Clone Wars, and not the CGI one.
Totally agree, would have much preferred Eureka Seven AO, and I really thought that they were going to do it since they re-aired Eureka Seven so soon after AO was announced that I thought they were definitely planning to smoothly run them back-to-back. Perhaps it really is just too soon since the first set is only just coming out in August or maybe it will be the next addition and they just didn't want to run it starting in the summer?
I enjoyed Clone Wars, it was ok, but always prefer anime over other additions if possible.
Aug 4, 2013 4:12 PM by DangerMouseDM
Aug 4, 2013 6:23 AM by Nikin
Subbed anime on TV lead to bad ratings, which will lead to Toonami's demise, which will eventually lead to the death of anime on TV. Subtitled anime is never going to happen on Toonami or any other network that's not made to show foreign programming.
Eh! what makes you so sure about that?
The Toonami staff said it themselves that subbed anime will never happen and would cause a ratings nightmare. If Toonami doesn't get enough good ratings, say goodbye to it and any new anime pickups on Adult Swim.
Does that have something to do with the voicing and stuff, if so then could it be that the people from America are not of listening to any foreign languages?
Aug 4, 2013 3:36 AM by kandiiyuutaamu
They should air the 3rd one
I have a feeling they will, but:
1) English dub has to be announced
2) American Blu-ray/DVD would be released first
3) Wait either less than a year or more than a year from the DVD/Blu-ray release to be seen on Toonami.
Aug 3, 2013 8:23 PM by filmftw1
Oh well.
This is great news anyway! I loved Evangelion 1.11. They aired it on Toonami earlier this year, I believe.
Dissapointed that the thing replacing Eureka Seven is Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
Was hoping for Eureka Seven AO. Guess it was too soon. Oh well. I heard they are skipping some Clone Wars episodes. Would've preferred if they aired the older Genndy Tartakovsky Clone Wars, and not the CGI one.
Funimation probably did a deal with them to show it on Cartoon Network. For Funi getting it on TV is a big deal, as it could be a huge block buster (as it is already in anime fandom) but not so much as a big deal for Cartoon Network.
SAO is held by Aniplex, not Funimation.
Looking forward to the English Dubbing
Its been English dubbed and out on DVD/Bluray with an English dub for a while now.
Aug 3, 2013 5:26 PM by removed-user
They should air the 3rd one
Agreed. I imagine they will though since they will have aired both the first two if they really are airing this at the end of the month. :)
Aug 3, 2013 4:08 PM by DangerMouseDM
Aug 3, 2013 3:41 PM by Avato-chan
cool I guess
Aug 3, 2013 2:27 PM by MissHeed
Aug 3, 2013 2:19 PM by Kokiri-Kid
Subbed anime on TV lead to bad ratings, which will lead to Toonami's demise, which will eventually lead to the death of anime on TV. Subtitled anime is never going to happen on Toonami or any other network that's not made to show foreign programming.
Eh! what makes you so sure about that?
The Toonami staff said it themselves that subbed anime will never happen and would cause a ratings nightmare. If Toonami doesn't get enough good ratings, say goodbye to it and any new anime pickups on Adult Swim.
Aug 3, 2013 2:14 PM by Kokiri-Kid
Aug 3, 2013 1:06 PM by ShojoSamurai
Subbed anime on TV lead to bad ratings, which will lead to Toonami's demise, which will eventually lead to the death of anime on TV. Subtitled anime is never going to happen on Toonami or any other network that's not made to show foreign programming.
Eh! what makes you so sure about that?
Aug 3, 2013 11:15 AM by kandiiyuutaamu
Toonami keeps getting better and better!
I won't accept Toonami again until they show Subs & drop Dubs. Dub is Sacrilege.
Ain't gonna happen. Toonami was always providing dubs for Anime since the beginning, cause... it's aired on an American channel, on a kid's channel no less (despite Toonami/Adult Swim airing some content intended for older audiences late at night), so... yeah, no chance of Original Language with subtitles on Toonami.
... and fyi, some dubs aren't always considered "sacrilege". There are a few good ones that can be as entertaining as the original. Yes, I know many would prefer the original, but when one option is only provided for the time being, better get used to dubbing, then.
There's no point to showing subbed anime on TV. Anime fans who watch subs just download them a day after they air in Japan anyway.
... or buy it on DVD/Blu if one would not want to use streaming. ... can be a bit more handy than streaming when you think about it.
Aug 3, 2013 9:43 AM by filmftw1
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