Anime & Manga News

Anime 'Little Witch Academia' to Get Sequel [Updated July 8th]

by symbv
Jul 6, 2013 9:03 PM | 114 Comments
According to the Twitter from Otsuka Masahiko, chief executive of studio Trigger, the anime "Little Witch Academia" will get a sequel. No more details have been released yet.

Update July 8th
A Kickstarter page has been created by studio Trigger to increase the total episode length of the sequel: Little Witch Academia 2 Kickstarter

Source: Twitter of Otsuka Masahiko

Little Witch Academia 2 on MAL

20 of 114 Comments Recent Comments

Ejc said:
symbv said:
TallonKarrde23 said:
This wasn't popular at all in Japan, so I'm not sure why anyone would be surprised. This is more of an extremely western-pandering cartoon rather than an anime.
ANN again reported only the partial story. Heck, even the source Yaraon, quoted by ANN and not known for rigorous journalism, gives a good reason on its report: The Tokyo event is scheduled to take place on Aug 22, which is a weekday - Thursday and the event is supposed to end at 1am when all the trains and metros will have stopped running. I agree that LWA is not as popular in Japan than in the west, but at least ANN should have pointed out the date/time of the event so that the reader of the article can make the judgement himself instead of jumping to conclusion that the poor response must have been due to low popularity alone.

It resulted in 88 comments for the "article" on ANN. I don't even need to read the comments to know what is being said in there... it'll all be based on "Japan having shit taste" and that elitist attitude anyway. What a shame...

lol it's funny you say this because that was the first comment.

Aug 13, 2013 12:06 AM by GD1551

At least Trigger staff alone said they're always aiming to make animes that they themselves would watch and don't try to make shows that will be liked separately in Japan or by the western audience. So I hope the cancellation of this event won't dispirit them too much. Kill La Kill seems like a more mature anime series, so I guess it'll do better and be popular in both parts of the world.

Aug 13, 2013 12:00 AM by Atemues

symbv said:
TallonKarrde23 said:
This wasn't popular at all in Japan, so I'm not sure why anyone would be surprised. This is more of an extremely western-pandering cartoon rather than an anime.
ANN again reported only the partial story. Heck, even the source Yaraon, quoted by ANN and not known for rigorous journalism, gives a good reason on its report: The Tokyo event is scheduled to take place on Aug 22, which is a weekday - Thursday and the event is supposed to end at 1am when all the trains and metros will have stopped running. I agree that LWA is not as popular in Japan than in the west, but at least ANN should have pointed out the date/time of the event so that the reader of the article can make the judgement himself instead of jumping to conclusion that the poor response must have been due to low popularity alone.

It resulted in 88 comments for the "article" on ANN. I don't even need to read the comments to know what is being said in there... it'll all be based on "Japan having shit taste" and that elitist attitude anyway. What a shame...

Aug 12, 2013 11:50 PM by Ejc

TallonKarrde23 said:
This wasn't popular at all in Japan, so I'm not sure why anyone would be surprised. This is more of an extremely western-pandering cartoon rather than an anime.
ANN again reported only the partial story. Heck, even the source Yaraon, quoted by ANN and not known for rigorous journalism, gives a good reason on its report: The Tokyo event is scheduled to take place on Aug 22, which is a weekday - Thursday and the event is supposed to end at 1am when all the trains and metros will have stopped running. I agree that LWA is not as popular in Japan than in the west, but at least ANN should have pointed out the date/time of the event so that the reader of the article can make the judgement himself instead of jumping to conclusion that the poor response must have been due to low popularity alone.

Aug 12, 2013 9:21 PM by symbv

bippo said:
Many people didn't know about the event. Even me lol. Some people don't even know what LWA is here in japan. Even fantasista doll is more known than this lol.

They could have done this shit in the US where most of the people who pitched in on the little project are. They would've sold those 200 tickets in a flash.


Yeah people would've killed for those tickets in the US and EU.

Aug 12, 2013 8:17 PM by Hoppy

Many people didn't know about the event. Even me lol. Some people don't even know what LWA is here in japan. Even fantasista doll is more known than this lol.

They could have done this shit in the US where most of the people who pitched in on the little project are. They would've sold those 200 tickets in a flash.

Aug 12, 2013 8:10 PM by bippo

Yvese said:
Rebas said:
Kicktraq is showing projections beyond 1 million. Whatever the amount it will end up with, it will clearly be much more than 150,000.

They'll probably be able to make several episodes or a movie, and it'll be a good thing for the anime industry and its relationship with western fans. Should result in more and more anime catering to western fans.
The last thing the anime industry needs is to cater to an audience consisting of 99.9% pirates.

I'm going to be brutally frank with what I have to say here but do you have any business sense at all? Many of those pirates can be turned into paying customers with the right approach and pricing.

Infact, I'll just use an example. Look at valve's situation with the Russian video game market.

Aug 12, 2013 1:11 PM by GD1551

This wasn't popular at all in Japan, so I'm not sure why anyone would be surprised. This is more of an extremely western-pandering cartoon rather than an anime.

Aug 12, 2013 12:59 PM by TallonKarrde23

Atemues said:
An image announcing the sequel and some questions and answers at the bottom of the page, if someone feels inspired to translate. :)

interview said:

Q:Please introduce yourself

A:My name is Handa Shuuhei, I'm an animator.

Q:How did you become an animator?

A:I was lucky. I'm really grateful.

Q:What work left the biggest impression on you?

A:Tokyo Godfathers. People that haven't seen it, should definitely
watch it.

Q:What's this image about?

A:Yesterday LWA2 was announced, so I tried to draw Akko, the protagonist. It's Twin Shiny Arc.

Q: Please leave a message to the readers.

A: Please continue supporting Trigger works.


Aug 12, 2013 12:53 PM by VioLink

An image announcing the sequel and some questions and answers at the bottom of the page, if someone feels inspired to translate. :)

Aug 12, 2013 11:41 AM by Atemues

I'll be looking forward to the series adaptation. Guess they make an enough budget for the series.

Jul 10, 2013 10:46 PM by AniOtaWhoDied

For less than one day the studio received over 170,000 $ from the fans, when the minimum was 150,000 $. This is fantastic! The kickstarter expires after 29 days, and if everything continues this way, studio Trigger will have enough money for at least an one hour movie, and may be even longer. :) This surely is exciting and I'm sure the team making LWA is even more excited and surprised than us. :D

The fans expect great things from you people, so use the budget wisely and make one really wonderful movie of Little Witch Academia!

Jul 9, 2013 4:00 AM by Atemues

This is so exciting! PWAAHH! >3<

Jul 9, 2013 2:26 AM by iHeartYou

The project was funded in like 4 hours and 35 minutes. That. Is. Just. Awesome.
And there is still so much time left. It would be pretty great if a movie came out of this, or at least more episodes :D

I'm really considering backing the project with either $20 or $50 (unfortunately that's about as much as I can spare, I'm kind of poor compared to people from other countries :S). But before that I would like to know if they would be available on dvd (that's going to be the deciding point), because I don't have a Blu-ray player :/
I will probably wait for an answer to this and to see what else they are going to add (stretch goals, new options) before I make my pledge.

Jul 9, 2013 1:44 AM by RazielZero

Well, if we continue in this tempo, we maybe can fund a complete movie or a show :D
(well more a movie, than a show, dunno if we actually can raise millions of dollars)


Jul 9, 2013 1:41 AM by Frontalbrise

We did it! Can't wait to see how much they end up making.

Jul 9, 2013 1:20 AM by NotDolphy

Anime is saved!

Jul 9, 2013 1:14 AM by oijgahkrthnkndc

$150,000 in only four hours. Good lord.

Jul 9, 2013 1:07 AM by Veronin

its funded!!! that was super fast lol -

i wonder what will be the stretch goals now

Jul 9, 2013 1:06 AM by deg

I clicked on the Kickstarter link out of curiousity and I was shocked and excited to see that they're already almost at 140K with only about 24 hours passed. Really looking forward to the second episode (possibly even a movie if it gets enough cash?)

Jul 9, 2013 12:47 AM by Newmn84

It’s time to ditch the text file.
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