Japan's Weekly Blu-ray & CD Rankings for Dec 24 - 30
*1, 25,552 25,552 Sword Art Online vol.3 Limited Edition
*2, *8,358 *8,358 Little Busters! vol.1 Limited Edition
*3, *7,306 *7,306 Hidamari Sketch x Honeycomb vol.1 Limited Edition
*4, *6,969 *6,969 Hyouka vol.7 Limited Edition
*5, *6,148 *6,148 Accel World vol.6 Limited Edition
*6, *5,227 *5,227 Dog Days' vol.4 Limited Edition
*7, *3,992 *3,992 Aquarion Evol vol.9
*8, *3,801 *3,801 Hellsing Ultimate vol.10 Limited Edition
*9, *3,275 18,959 Kyoukaisenjou no Horizon II vol.4 Limited Edition
*1, 9,354 *,*37,520 Kuroko no Basket Fan Disc
*2, 6,172 *,**6,172 Sword Art Online vol.3 Limited Edition
*3, 4,506 *,*19,681 One Piece Log Collection "OHZ"
*4, 4,480 *,*19,588 One Piece Log Collection "BROOK"
*5, 3,155 *,**3,155 Kamisama Hajimemashita vol.1
*6, 2,849 *,**2,849 Hellsing Ultimate vol.10 Limited Edition
*7, 2,803 *,*11,608 Kuroko no Basket vol.6
*8, 1,896 *,**7,095 Pokemon Best Wishes! Season 2: Kyurem vs. Seikenshi
*9, 1,833 *,**1,833 Dog Days' vol.4 Limited Edition
10, 1,782 1,173,842 Tonari no Totoro
11, 1,757 *,**1,757 Little Busters! vol.1 Limited Edition
13, 1,610 *,**1,610 Hidamari Sketch x Honeycomb vol.1 Limited Edition
15, 1,526 *,*11,723 Gintama' Enchousen vol.1 Limited Edition
16, 1,413 *,**1,413 Accel World vol.6 Limited Edition
18, 1,247 *,**4,150 New Prince of Tennis vol.5
20, 1,206 *,**1,206 Aquarion Evol vol.9
22, 1,130 *,**3,558 Hakuouki Reimeiroku vol.4 Limited Edition
23, 1,068 *,**6,180 Sore Ike! Anpanman
25, 1,062 *,**1,062 Arcana Famiglia vol.4 Limited Edition
26, 1,045 *,**1,045 Hyouka vol.7 Limited Edition
29, *,999 *,***,999 Campione!: Matsurowanu Kamigami to Kamigoroshi no Maou vol.4 Limited Edition
30, *,998 *,***,998 Shirokuma Cafe vol.6
Single CD
*2, 40,608 *40,608 Ao no Exorcist Movie "REVERS]"
*6, 20,549 253,510 Magi "Yubi Boenkyo"
22, *2,493 **2,493 Magi Character Song vol.1 Aladdin, Alibaba, Morgiana
26, *2,221 *11,124 Nerawareta Gakuen "Gin-iro Hikosen"
29, *1,995 *32,916 Psycho-Pass "Namae no Nai Kaibutsu"
30, *1,984 **5,077 Ao no Exorcist Character Song Rin & Yukio
34, *1,741 *27,738 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure "Jojo~Sono Chi no Unmei~"
35, *1,704 **5,330 Wooser no Sono Higurashi "Love Me Gimme"
36, *1,681 **1,681 Sword Art Online "Innocence"
38, *1,555 **1,555 Psycho-Pass "abnormalize"
39, *1,487 *29,736 Choujigen Game Neptune The Animation Character Song vol.2 Noir & Black Heart
40, *1,476 **1,476 Sword Art Online "Overfly"
41, *1,467 *29,198 Magi "V.I.P."
42, *1,405 *49,384 Choujigen Game Neptune The Animation Character Song vol.1 Neptune & Purple Heart
Source: Oricon Youtaiju
20 of 131 Comments Recent Comments
Yeah as much as I hate to admit it cause Kyoani fanboys did totally shit on the adaptation before it aired by not being done by their majesties for the most part I do see people actually critiquing it on it's own merits and shortcomings now which is progress as far as I'm concerned. Though I will say I don't think the fact that that Pet no Kanojo show clearly showing more of a budget has helped the matter as Key fans seem pretty butthurt about that.
Jan 15, 2013 12:55 AM by Progeusz
Jan 15, 2013 12:46 AM by Progeusz
You gotta be kidding me. KamiHaji has a male fanbase? B-But it was so shoujo-y! I recall even hearing some shoujo fans saying that it was a tad bit too shoujo-y.
Could you tell me what story elements attract male watchers?
The reviews featured in the article were all written by guys and presented things that they found appealing in the anime.
Jan 8, 2013 6:20 AM by symbv
You gotta be kidding me. KamiHaji has a male fanbase? B-But it was so shoujo-y! I recall even hearing some shoujo fans saying that it was a tad bit too shoujo-y.
Well, not that I mind. I've always felt that good shoujo manga can be enjoyed by both boys and girls.
Could you tell me what story elements attract male watchers?
Jan 8, 2013 5:48 AM by phoenixalia
Jan 8, 2013 4:44 AM by symbv
Oh, okay, separate article. Surprising Oricon doesn't go after them, considering it's a very large site. I guess Oricon doesn't really care about the Youtaiju data, just the more comprehensive Biz data.
*3,155 *1 Kami-sama Hajimemashita [DVD+BD]: 2012/12/28
It's up to 3,873 now. I wonder, it might actually have hit 5k with BDs. We really need that full list from last week.
Jan 8, 2013 4:11 AM by symbv
2012 Fall Vol 1 Rankings
Key: Total - # Weeks Charted - Title - Format - Release Date
Updated as of 2013/01/08 list
16,782 *3 Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai! [DVD+BD]: 2012/12/19
13,550 *1 Girls und Panzer [DVD+BD]: 2012/12/21
11,723 *2 Gintama' Enchousen [DVD]: 2012/12/19
11.036 *2 Little Busters! [DVD+BD]: 2012/12/26
10,214 *1 To LOVE-Ru Darkness [DVD+BD]: 2012/12/21
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10,000 Line - - - - - - - - - - - - -
*9,690 *2 Hidamari Sketch x Honeycomb [DVD+BD]: 2012/12/26
*7,503 *4 K [DVD+BD]: 2012/11/07
*5,659 *1 Psycho-Pass [DVD+BD]: 2012/12/21
*3,155 *1 Kami-sama Hajimemashita [DVD+BD]: 2012/12/28
- - - - - - - - - - - Manabi Line (2,899) - - - - - - - - - - -
*2,494 *1 Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun [DVD+BD]: 2012/11/21
*2,392 *1 Jormungand Perfect Order [DVD+BD]: 2012/12/21
*1,759 *1 Ixion Saga DT [DVD+BD]: 2012/12/05
**,*** ** BTOOOM! [DVD+BD]: 2012/11/21
**,*** ** Shinsekai Yori [DVD+BD]: 2012/11/30
**,*** ** Code:Breaker [DVD+BD]: 2012/12/21
**,*** ** Hayate no Gotoku! Can't Take My Eyes Off You [DVD+BD]: 2012/12/21
**,*** ** Busou Shinki [DVD+BD]: 2012/12/26
**,*** ** Onii-chan Dakedo Ai Sae Areba Kankenai yo ne [DVD+BD]: 2012/12/26
**,*** ** Sukitte Ii na yo [DVD+BD]: 2012/12/26
Jan 8, 2013 3:59 AM by symbv
(yes some of those aren't anime, but the anime are on there)
Jan 8, 2013 3:56 AM by kuuderes_shadow
Jan 8, 2013 3:46 AM by mistress_kisara
I tried Girls Und Panzer but it kind of reminded me of Strike Witches only with tanks. Lost interest pretty quickly. :/
Jan 8, 2013 3:26 AM by symbv
Generally if the obvious moe appeal of a show is it's overwhelming defining feature to me I consider it a moe show. A good example would be just about everything Kyoani has produced since Full Metal Panic The Second Raid. I know it's probably rare but I make a pretty clear distinction between shows with moe in them and shows that are about moe and have my own sets of criteria on where to draw the line. Generally I don't mind shows with moe in them but I do tend to lose interest in shows very fast if I find that they're major appeal appears to be the exploitation of moe tropes.
I'll preface this by noting that you're the one bringing up KyoAni specifically, and I'd be perfectly happy to make this argument on behalf of just about any other studio or show if you'd used something else instead, so if we can sidestep the "KyoAni fans are so defensive" thing that would be awesome - it's about far more than KyoAni. If we can't agree to this, I'd prefer you just pretend I didn't post, because I'm frankly not up for another "KyoAni vs the world" argument I never wanted. I'd actually like to assume this disclaimer is now considered implied going forward.
If we're on the same page there: The "major appeal" is more than "moe tropes". If that's all it were, any old show could be just as successful, and I'd like every show. But that's definitely not the case. I'm sure you'd describe, say, To Love-Ru as a successful show full of moe tropes, and I can't stand that, personally. The appeal of most [insert proper noun here] titles that I enjoy but you classify as just being "about moe tropes" for me is usually not just that. [Though as usual I can only make an educated guess at what someone means, exactly, when they use that vague term, because I've seen it utilized to describe just about everything.]
What I love above all is good writing. Funny comedy. The depth of emotional reaction I have to well-done dramatic or sad scenes. The stellar visual and musical quality. Nicely choreographed action sequences. Frankly, pretty much the same things I like in shows you would not ever classify as about moe. The exact proportion of these changes with each show and genre (gag comedy and romantic drama and violent action won't be measured quite the same), but what it almost always comes down to for me is how interesting and engaging I find the characters to be, and whether the writing utilizes them appropriately for the kind of show being presented.
I don't think most anime fans are all that different. We just have different tastes in what makes a good character or appropriate writing.
Now don't get me wrong, there are shows I like for pure stupid guilty pleasures, but I find that what separates "temporary enjoyable diversions" from the shows I truly love and remember for a long time is whether it's really got feeling, whether it really digs into its material and makes the best of it. Not simply how many shallow surface gimmicks it can employ. And yes, among many other shows from many other studios, I find KyoAni's shows like Hyouka, Clannad, Kanon, Haruhi, K-ON!, Chuunibyou etc really have that depth of feeling and appropriateness of writing that really speak to me beyond any surface glitter.
I can relate to the general idea of what you're presenting if not the examples, but I still can't say theres anything I would say I'm happy to see on the upper end of that list besides maybe Gintama, but then that's sort of to be expected at this point.
Jan 8, 2013 3:21 AM by PeacingOut
Generally if the obvious moe appeal of a show is it's overwhelming defining feature to me I consider it a moe show. A good example would be just about everything Kyoani has produced since Full Metal Panic The Second Raid.
I know it's probably rare but I make a pretty clear distinction between shows with moe in them and shows that are about moe and have my own sets of criteria on where to draw the line.
That said with each passing year or so I become slightly more comfortable with the idea of moe. Initially I was firmly in the moe is the cancer killing anime camp, but now I sort of get the appeal as I get more used to the idea of it and certain shows have helped to slowly bridge the gap. I still can't do the really aggressively cutesy moe stuff or Tsunderes and the like but I don't mind the whole kuudere and Tall Dark and Bishoujo Yamato Nadieshiko thing much possibly cause there the closest thing to how the female characters usually are in the shows I've grown to like most over the years.
Jan 8, 2013 3:17 AM by symbv
Jan 8, 2013 3:16 AM by _liliput
It does things most productions would be too lazy or too unimaginative to do and I suppose in this day and age where I see a lot of laziness and bland presentation of concepts and tropes I consider that a little daring and experimental. Obviously too daring for Japans audience.
Well that says a whole lot about the continuing divergence of Japans and my tastes right there doesn't it. I wonder how things could change so much in so little time. I tried Girls Und Panzer but it kind of reminded me of Strike Witches only with tanks. Lost interest pretty quickly. :/
Jan 8, 2013 3:03 AM by PeacingOut
It does things most productions would be too lazy or too unimaginative to do and I suppose in this day and age where I see a lot of laziness and bland presentation of concepts and tropes I consider that a little daring and experimental. Obviously too daring for Japans audience.
Jan 8, 2013 3:01 AM by symbv
The season has way too much variety for all the money just to go to moe shows.
Generally if the obvious moe appeal of a show is it's overwhelming defining feature to me I consider it a moe show. A good example would be just about everything Kyoani has produced since Full Metal Panic The Second Raid. I know it's probably rare but I make a pretty clear distinction between shows with moe in them and shows that are about moe and have my own sets of criteria on where to draw the line. Generally I don't mind shows with moe in them but I do tend to lose interest in shows very fast if I find that they're major appeal appears to be the exploitation of moe tropes.
That said with each passing year or so I become slightly more comfortable with the idea of moe. Initially I was firmly in the moe is the cancer killing anime camp, but now I sort of get the appeal as I get more used to the idea of it and certain shows have helped to slowly bridge the gap. I still can't do the really aggressively cutesy moe stuff you see in a lot of Kyoani shows or Tsunderes and the like but I don't mind the whole kuudere and Tall Dark and Bishoujo Yamato Nadieshiko thing much possibly cause there the closest thing to how the female characters usually are in the shows I've grown to like most over the years.
Jan 8, 2013 2:52 AM by PeacingOut
We must have a very different perspective on what constitutes experimental or fresh if you consider something like Girls Und Panzer to fit that description. Obviously I'm pretty out of touch with what fans find fascinating and ingenious these days.
Jan 8, 2013 2:46 AM by symbv
The season has way too much variety for all the money just to go to moe shows.
Obviously the shows will get made, I just don't see how it's awesome to keep seeing the same basic kinds of shows and same names
Jan 8, 2013 2:43 AM by symbv
What would be awesome is if some of the shows I actually enjoyed this season like Zetsuen no Tempest were enjoying any success. Too me this is frankly a terrible sign for anybody that isn't a fan of predominantly moe oriented stuff and a warning sign to the industry not to try and branch out to much or be experimental if they want to make money off of Blu-Rays.
We must have a very different perspective on what constitutes experimental or fresh if you consider something like Girls Und Panzer to fit that description. Obviously I'm pretty out of touch with what fans find fascinating and ingenious these days.
Sad thing is shows like Zetsuen no Tempest used to be more the norm for BONES, but now I just see them going back to the likes of Star Driver since it's about the only thing they've had any real success with of late. Imagine from massive success and recognition with FMA and Eureka Seven to borderline irrelevancy in a little over half a decade. Same with A-1 and shows like Shin Sekai Yori, don't see them doing shows like that anymore and just sticking to Shonen and light novel stuff.
Yeah, I personally like Zetsuten, it's got nice Bones production values and an amusing way of presenting itself, but I'm really not seeing what's "experimental" or "branching out" about it. Targeting someone other than (or in conjunction with, rather) male late night anime otaku doesn't make a show special, plenty of shows do that. And it's not like being experimental has anything to do with being inherently enjoyable.
I mostly meant that it was unique and stood out from the pack as too how it portrayed it's scenes and characters. To me it had amongst the best direction of anything to air in the fall and that along with the script greatly elevated what was otherwise some pretty standard if slightly more complex shonen fare to the heights of an engaging puzzler/thriller. It could have very easily have just been another pretty stock portrayal of shonen action like Magi, but instead chose to be visceral, bring in a grandiose soundtrack and just attack it's narrative with all the confidence and bombast of a Shakespearean production. It does things most productions would be too lazy or too unimaginative to do and I suppose in this day and age where I see a lot of laziness and bland presentation of concepts and tropes I consider that a little daring and experimental. Obviously too daring for Japans audience.
Jan 8, 2013 2:37 AM by PeacingOut
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Jan 15, 2013 1:12 AM by symbv