38-Year-Old Policeman Arrested For Illegal Recording of Nanoha 2nd A's Movie
Source: Mainichi
20 of 100 Comments Recent Comments
Mar 28, 2013 11:55 PM by FALLOUT4
Feb 14, 2013 4:37 PM by lickoniichan
Feb 14, 2013 3:36 PM by CrossRyuu
Feb 13, 2013 4:50 PM by Kaiburr
Respect the hero. Faith in policeman restored.
Watching Nanoha... at 40? Great
Pretty sure Nanoha is a seinen, though. So, I'm not sure what you see wrong here?
Don't try to deny it...
because your parents never watch those Disney movies with you.
also lets not forget the people making these movies are adults to
also nanoha's origins are far from pg-13 *cough* triangle hearts 3 *cough*
Feb 13, 2013 4:35 PM by GrimAtrament
Just read a SDF was caught stealing Precure's Stamp sets in convenient store.
Feb 7, 2013 11:32 PM by symbv
Feb 7, 2013 10:20 PM by bottle
And he didnt have the decency of uploading it for us to watch it? GIVE HIM LIFE IN PRISON
Feb 7, 2013 9:16 PM by GrimAtrament
Whats more damaging to this guys reputation? The fact he committed a crime, or that now everyone knows hes a near 40 year old guy watching anime about little girls?
And what is so damaging about being 40 and liking anime? Don't speak nonsense, so what, at certain age you will automatically stop liking anime or feel ashamed to dare watch it? And no , what genre or what kind of anime does not matter either.
Some of you speak like those ignorant newscasters that attack us anime fans in the same fashion or general population that knows no better and attacks the anime/manga community. INCREDIBLE.
It does damage to the reputation. In the eyes of general population anime with little girls are watched by children, otaku and pedophiles.
Just imagine a respectable 40 years old man with a family and a career, whose friends, neighbors and coworkers suddenly find out that he is a huge My Little Pony fan, has bought all the DVDs and regularly rewatches them.
I don't think it's much different in Japan.
Jan 4, 2013 1:04 AM by mado_2ki
Dec 20, 2012 10:38 AM by Muzer
Whats more damaging to this guys reputation? The fact he committed a crime, or that now everyone knows hes a near 40 year old guy watching anime about little girls?
From your profile, you are 27 year old male and you are commenting in a anime forum about said Magical Girls...
I never understood why people need to insult others that like similar things. Does it make you feel like you are cool? Because it makes me wonder why Mr. Cool took time out of his busy social life to post on these anime forums.
Might want to read this.
Certain words can't be taken back .
Dec 19, 2012 3:25 PM by FALLOUT4
I remember watching those bootlegs bought in the fairs during my childhood days - you'd always see someone get up infront of the camera.
Dec 19, 2012 3:00 PM by Gleam_Queen
Whats more damaging to this guys reputation? The fact he committed a crime, or that now everyone knows hes a near 40 year old guy watching anime about little girls?
From your profile, you are 27 year old male and you are commenting in a anime forum about said Magical Girls...
I never understood why people need to insult others that like similar things. Does it make you feel like you are cool? Because it makes me wonder why Mr. Cool took time out of his busy social life to post on these anime forums.
he saw the title, and it catched his attention?? in his defense, he's only half the age of the policeman, and it really doesnt matter about the age, a guy watching a show about magical girls will destroy all reputation he once had. that's why you keep such interests private. atleast until you either dont care about said reputation anymore or everyone is ok with magical loli's being watched by old men
Dec 17, 2012 11:15 PM by supermegasonic
Whats more damaging to this guys reputation? The fact he committed a crime, or that now everyone knows hes a near 40 year old guy watching anime about little girls?
From your profile, you are 27 year old male and you are commenting in a anime forum about said Magical Girls...
I never understood why people need to insult others that like similar things. Does it make you feel like you are cool? Because it makes me wonder why Mr. Cool took time out of his busy social life to post on these anime forums.
Dec 17, 2012 9:50 PM by Omniknight
I'm not the one denying that it is a crime though. Whether or not I choose to partake in the crime does not make it any less illegal.
That's what makes it dumb though. Nearly everyone pirates(those with at least a little computer knowledge), yet the select few who are actually caught face severe punishment. It doesn't even serve as a warning, because it does little to stop people from actually doing it. The only thing the man is really guilty of is being so obvious about it.
tl;dr you wouldn't be spouting such nonsense if you got caught in the act.
They are taking the risk though, they know well enough it is a crime and are doing it anyway. Of course anyone would be pissed if they got caught, but I'd be more like thinking "Shit, I got caught" or "shit I shouldn't have tried that."
Just because "everyone does it" doesn't make it any less illegal or a crime. No warning is given because if someone is videotaping it, that's already illegal enough, but who knows what they may do after. I've had people walk up to me and try to sell me bootleg dvds of some movie in a theater, so it's quite normal to just punish them versus warning them.
This is what people don't understand it's the little crimes that can make larger crimes arise. People go like "wtf, someone is robbing a bank and you arrest the guy recording a video?" Did you know that areas with large amount of graffiti tend to be areas where larger crimes happen? So while people think "forget the graffiti go after the crooks!" it's actually the graffiti's fault for that. Essentially the concept is that little crimes make way for bigger crimes in those types of scenarios. Of course this is different, but a crime is a crime no matter what.
Read "The Tipping Point" by Malcolm Gladwell.
Yes, ideally we should always enforce the rules, but certainly the law is enforced more tightly around more severe crimes such as murder. Sure I understand that if the law is never enforced than people may just do whatever and break them. However, it's a huge leap to jump from stealing something to killing someone. So what the issue here is the degree of punishment and I feel that said crimes are more for fining than actually tossing people in jail. This is why the cops don't and shouldn't go around arresting people for jaywalking.
Of course the guy was stupid and you can be like "well he had it coming". This much is what it is and there's little left to say about it.
Dec 16, 2012 4:07 PM by Archon_Wing
I'm not the one denying that it is a crime though. Whether or not I choose to partake in the crime does not make it any less illegal.
That's what makes it dumb though. Nearly everyone pirates(those with at least a little computer knowledge), yet the select few who are actually caught face severe punishment. It doesn't even serve as a warning, because it does little to stop people from actually doing it. The only thing the man is really guilty of is being so obvious about it.
tl;dr you wouldn't be spouting such nonsense if you got caught in the act.
They are taking the risk though, they know well enough it is a crime and are doing it anyway. Of course anyone would be pissed if they got caught, but I'd be more like thinking "Shit, I got caught" or "shit I shouldn't have tried that."
Just because "everyone does it" doesn't make it any less illegal or a crime. No warning is given because if someone is videotaping it, that's already illegal enough, but who knows what they may do after. I've had people walk up to me and try to sell me bootleg dvds of some movie in a theater, so it's quite normal to just punish them versus warning them.
This is what people don't understand it's the little crimes that can make larger crimes arise. People go like "wtf, someone is robbing a bank and you arrest the guy recording a video?" Did you know that areas with large amount of graffiti tend to be areas where larger crimes happen? So while people think "forget the graffiti go after the crooks!" it's actually the graffiti's fault for that. Essentially the concept is that little crimes make way for bigger crimes in those types of scenarios. Of course this is different, but a crime is a crime no matter what.
Read "The Tipping Point" by Malcolm Gladwell.
Of course it's illegal, that's why it's dumb to do it publicly, but whether or not all laws are right and just is the main point. In Singapore, you can't chew gum (considering it's no longer available to buy, foreigners cant even import it) and the consequences are rather brutal, yet is this a fair and just law?
Of course, little crimes lead to larger crimes, but we're referring to something where most people have done at least once in their life (not usually at theaters, but it's of a similar consequence) so we're almost all subject to turn to larger crimes under that idea. Yet there is a difference between harmless crimes, and harmful crimes. It's obviously harmful to pirate something and then try to sell it for profit. But a large majority of piraters use the content for personal use only. We cant punish people based on "what if"-- this sort of reminds me of Psycho Pass and it's whole latent criminal ideology.
Graffiti in general is a means to defy authority. Anarchy usually plays a large role in why it takes place, and I can see why it's particularly harmful to leave unchecked. Especially considering they're damaging government or individually owned property. Just as petty theft can later lead to grand theft, robbery, or even murder; Graffiti is capable of leading to something similar.
Personally I think any crime where the majority of people take part in said action, should not be considered illegal. It's just dumb. Regardless, the whole point is that it's just not right to think of this guy as a bad person who should be punished, when you're (not you in particular) doing the same thing. It's hypocritical, in my opinion.
Dec 16, 2012 3:51 PM by Killuan
I'm not the one denying that it is a crime though. Whether or not I choose to partake in the crime does not make it any less illegal.
That's what makes it dumb though. Nearly everyone pirates(those with at least a little computer knowledge), yet the select few who are actually caught face severe punishment. It doesn't even serve as a warning, because it does little to stop people from actually doing it. The only thing the man is really guilty of is being so obvious about it.
tl;dr you wouldn't be spouting such nonsense if you got caught in the act.
They are taking the risk though, they know well enough it is a crime and are doing it anyway. Of course anyone would be pissed if they got caught, but I'd be more like thinking "Shit, I got caught" or "shit I shouldn't have tried that."
Just because "everyone does it" doesn't make it any less illegal or a crime. No warning is given because if someone is videotaping it, that's already illegal enough, but who knows what they may do after. I've had people walk up to me and try to sell me bootleg dvds of some movie in a theater, so it's quite normal to just punish them versus warning them.
This is what people don't understand it's the little crimes that can make larger crimes arise. People go like "wtf, someone is robbing a bank and you arrest the guy recording a video?" Did you know that areas with large amount of graffiti tend to be areas where larger crimes happen? So while people think "forget the graffiti go after the crooks!" it's actually the graffiti's fault for that. Essentially the concept is that little crimes make way for bigger crimes in those types of scenarios. Of course this is different, but a crime is a crime no matter what.
Read "The Tipping Point" by Malcolm Gladwell.
Dec 16, 2012 3:29 PM by Ragix
I'm not the one denying that it is a crime though. Whether or not I choose to partake in the crime does not make it any less illegal.
That's what makes it dumb though. Nearly everyone pirates(those with at least a little computer knowledge), yet the select few who are actually caught face severe punishment. It doesn't even serve as a warning, because it does little to stop people from actually doing it. The only thing the man is really guilty of is being so obvious about it.
tl;dr you wouldn't be spouting such nonsense if you were the one caught in the act.
Now if the guy tried to profit off of it, then that's an entirely different story. But for personal use? Please. That's better than us pirates, at least he payed to see it at the movies first. Multiple times.
Dec 16, 2012 3:23 PM by Killuan
Respect the hero. Faith in policeman restored.
Watching Nanoha... at 40? Great
Pretty sure Nanoha is a seinen, though. So, I'm not sure what you see wrong here?
Don't try to deny it...
Seinen it may not be, but the show definitely is not Shoujo. First of all, the character of Nanoha is taken from an 18+ Visual novel called Triangle Heart 3 ~Sweet Songs Forever~ and she actually stars in a spin off that is also 18+.
Here is the wiki page:
Now, I know Wiki isn't the most trust worthy source, but this is the best I could come up with the little effort I felt like putting in. Hopefully, someone with more knowledge on this kind of stuff could clear it up a bit.
Edit: Appreciate it Jmal. Though it seems both me and YorozuyaGinSan were wrong here.
Dec 16, 2012 2:33 PM by Ston3_FreeN7
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Many anime is actually produced to target adult audience, so it's not really surprising.
What is surprising in the news is that he is a policeman who commits a crime publicly.
Mar 30, 2013 8:02 AM by animan7