Japan's Weekly Blu-ray & CD Rankings for Jul 23 - 29
*1, 43,358 *43,358 Nisemonogatari vol.4 Limited Edition
*2, 19,372 *19,372 Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2199 vol.2
*3, 15,678 *15,678 Persona 4 The Animation vol.9 Limited Edition
*4, 13,791 *13,791 Code Geass: Nunnally in Wonderland
*5, *7,372 **7,372 Accel World vol.1 Limited Edition
*6, *7,050 **7,050 Hyouka vol.2 Limited Edition
*7, *6,543 **6,543 Scryed Alteration II: Quan Limited Edition
*8, *6,532 **6,532 Highschool DxD vol.5
*9, *6,247 102,677 K-On! (Movie) Limited Edition
10, *5,626 **5,626 Kuroko no Basket vol.1
11, *5,599 **5,599 Haiyore! Nyaruko-san vol.2 Limited Edition
12, *5,575 **5,575 Ano Natsu de Matteru vol.5 Limited Edition
13, *4,726 **4,726 Guilty Crown vol.7 Limited Edition
14, *4,718 **4,718 Saki: Achiga-hen - Episode of Side-A vol.2
15, *4,676 **4,676 Aquarion Evol vol.4
16, *4,444 **4,444 Inu x Boku SS vol.5 Limited Edition
17, *4,027 **4,027 Hidamari Sketch Blu-ray Box
18, *3,733 **3,733 Eureka Seven AO vol.2 Limited Edition
*1, 18,972 *,*18,972 One Piece Log Collection "Nico Robin"
*2, 18,833 *,*18,833 One Piece Log Collection "CP9"
*3, 10,235 *,*10,235 Gintama' vol.13 Limited Edition
*4, *7,737 *,**7,737 Nisemonogatari vol.4 Limited Edition
*5, *7,444 *,**7,444 Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2199 vol.2
*6, *6,984 *,**6,984 Kuroko no Basket vol.1
*7, *6,399 *,**6,399 Persona 4 The Animation vol.9 Limited Edition
*8, *5,941 *,**5,941 Code Geass: Nunnally in Wonderland
*9, *4,430 *,*10,261 Summer Wars Reprint Edition
10, *3,864 *,**3,864 Inu x Boku SS vol.5 Limited Edition
11, *3,069 *,*31,098 K-On! (Movie) Limited Edition
12, *2,846 *,*15,741 K-On! (Movie) Standard Edition
13, *2,193 *,**2,193 Highschool DxD vol.5
14, *2,150 *,**2,150 Bleach Gotei 13 Tai Shingun Hen vol.6
15, *2,008 1,148,464 My Neighbor Totoro
16, *1,786 *,**1,786 Tsuritama vol.2 Limited Edition
17, *1,766 *,**1,766 Accel World vol.1 Limited Edition
18, *1,663 *,*50,297 Kokurikozaka Kara Standard Edition
19, *1,637 *,**1,637 Hiiro no Kakera vol.2
20, *1,340 *,**1,340 Brave 10 vol.5
21, *1,332 *,**1,332 Guilty Crown vol.7 Limited Edition
22, *1,322 *,**1,322 Aquarion Evol vol.4
23, *1,190 *,**1,190 Haiyore! Nyaruko-san vol.2 Limited Edition
24, *1,187 *,**6,665 Precure All Stars New Stage: Mirai no Tomodachi Special Edition
25, *1,160 *,**1,160 Smile Precure! vol.2
26, *1,133 *,**1,133 Shirokuma Cafe vol.1
Single CD
*5, 35,015 *35,015 Uta no☆Prince-sama♪ Maji Love 1000% "Shining All Star CD"
*6, 22,503 *22,503 Arashi no Yoru ni "Dear My Friend"
11, 17,307 *17,307 Naruto: Shippuuden Movie 6 - Road to Ninja "Soredewa, Mata Asu"
12, 13,378 *13,378 Dog Days' "Natsu no Yakusoku"
13, 12,955 *12,955 Sword Art Online "Yume no Sekai"
16, 10,722 *10,722 Code Geass Gaiden: Boukoku no Akito "More Than Words"
22, *5,773 **5,773 Sword Art Online "Burst The Gravity"
24, *4,004 138,460 Toriko "Love Chase"
25, *3,794 **3,794 Danball Senki W "Sanmi Ittai"
26, *3,666 **3,666 Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita "Real World"
32, *2,743 **2,743 Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon II Character Song Margot
33, *2,737 *14,943 Kuroko no Basket "Rimfire"
39, *2,136 **2,136 Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate "Signal Graph"
40, *2,105 **2,105 Imai Asami "Limited Love"
43, *2,061 *13,855 Campione! "Raise"
45, *1,992 **1,992 Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai. "Reason why XXX"
46, *1,969 *16,891 Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon II "Zone//Alone"
49, *1,768 *16,096 Hanazawa Kana "Hatsukoi no Oto"
Source: Oricon Youtaiju
20 of 64 Comments Recent Comments
Aug 2, 2012 11:38 AM by Yumekichi11
I never thought that Nunally spin off have good sales.
Its an OVA based off of one of the best selling late night anime series ever. I'm actually disappointed it didn't do more since Stalker projected it for significantly more.
Aug 2, 2012 10:40 AM by RyanSaotome
Kuroko doing well good job! I only started read the manga so I will watch the anime later.
Nise still beating the others as usual lol. I never thought that Nunally spin off have good sales.
Really impressed with P4's consistent sales, Vol 10's sales will be very interesting since there is director's cut for ep 25, true end OVA & P4 movie in it.
Gahh Atlus have good run this year with P4G & P4U sell really well there. I guess their hardwork are paid off.
Aug 2, 2012 10:38 AM by arena149
Kuroko yay! Both the manga and DVD BD did well, I hope this won't affect the mangaka to change/extend the storyline. There have been some cases in the manga industry where when certain anime gets popular, its quality goes down until it's irreparable. Especially considering Kuroko's popularity with girl fans, there's a chance that it will go down the same path like Get Backers did. Hope that won't happen to Kuroko, Kuroko is fine as it is.
Surprised that Nyaruko sells well. Fanservice factor, I guess.
Aug 1, 2012 11:16 PM by Reim_Seranth
Aug 1, 2012 9:18 AM by RyanSaotome
How is Sankarea doing so bad o_o
1487 XO
I think DEEN animated this one and Hiiro for Spring right? lololol both series are bombs...well not THAT bad but bad all the same.
Sankarea was good from all the reviews I saw on MAL though. Hiiro, I can understand. Even Crunchy reported that fans were shocked at what they did.
Aug 1, 2012 9:16 AM by phoenixalia
1487 XO
Aug 1, 2012 2:12 AM by Shih
Jul 31, 2012 11:05 PM by SomaHeir
But I'm not sure if Inu x Boku SS went into a different ending or it followed the manga, if it did follow a different ending, I'm sure they won't make a second season, if they didn't and this is how the story went, well, if you say there are enough sales.
Nope. They followed and ended the anime how the manga went. In fact, I'd say the anime stopped just before a very important arc started. SO I'm sure there'll be a second season.
I don't know about DxD but I'm pretty sure that will get one too.
Jul 31, 2012 10:02 PM by phoenixalia
Jul 31, 2012 8:33 PM by flaxman85
Jul 31, 2012 6:16 PM by Hikarusuke
Jul 31, 2012 2:10 PM by Ahmer
Jul 31, 2012 12:21 PM by HollowV2
Hey Jmal, with everything that sold until now, do you think Highschool DxD, Inu x Boku SS and Kore wa Zombie desu ka might get second seasons?
DxD and Inu x Boku, almost definitely if there's enough material left. Although Inu x Boku's ending was so perfect I almost don't feel the need (...though I'd gladly watch the hell out of a sequel anyway).
KoreZom already has had a second season. The anime doesn't sell very well but Kadokawa has said it increased novel sales very significantly, so that's probably the only reason we got a second season. I don't expect a third, but I expect we'll see a couple more OADs to boost print sales as long as the novels keep getting published. In fact I think that's why the TV broadcast was only an abbreviated 10 episodes and they announced a few OADs instead to bring it up to a more normal episode count.
Dunno. I'd say odds less than 50% since it's an original anime and any sequel would probably start out closer to 6-8k than 12k and average about 5-6k - might not be worth it for the animation budget the show must have had. Sequels often pick up where the later volumes of the previous iteration sold, not back at the height of the first volume. Still, supercell's music has sold extremely well and I'm guessing Inori and friends move a decent number of figures and other merch. But my answer is still, "dunno".
Thanks, and also there is a lot of material for Inu x Boku SS and Highschool DxD. But I'm not sure if Inu x Boku SS went into a different ending or it followed the manga, if it did follow a different ending, I'm sure they won't make a second season, if they didn't and this is how the story went, well, if you say there are enough sales.
Jul 31, 2012 12:07 PM by Immahnoob
i'm really shocked that hyouka sells 7k actually
Jul 31, 2012 12:03 PM by Regicide
Also, Guilty Crown seems to sell pretty well (does it sell pretty well?), is there a possibility of anything coming in the future for GC (even with what happened in the ending)?
D: I'm not good at this stuff.
Jul 31, 2012 11:57 AM by Immahnoob
Yay! really nice to see Persona and Gintama here, selling not bad.
Jul 31, 2012 11:46 AM by incompleteAEGIS
While I'm not surprised by Kuroko no Basket selling 12k, I am somewhat noticing a trend that fujoshi shows tend to have a very high first volume followed by a rather steep drop afterward. Just look at Inu X Boku for example. Yeah, I know the first volume was discounted but it still sold 15k copies. And now the 4th volume is a little above 8k. Ao no Exorcist also had a big drop if I remember right. Basically, while fujoshi are definitely a huge force for sales at the moment, they don't seem to be consistent. Will be curious to follow Kuroko's numbers and see if it has the more common 15-20% sales declination or if it'll be closer to the 40-50% that other fujoshi series have seen.
but this is only the first week. Inu Boku will probably get more DVDs sold next week. I've noticed on Amazon Rankings that the DVDs stay higher than the BDs even after 2-3 days after its sold.Should come up to 9k in the second and third week. though third week won't chart. And Inu Boku's first volume did not do 15k. It did just above 14k.And Inu Boku has a significant male fanbase too so you have them to blame as well. Not to mention, we got to see the 1st volume's DVDs chart mainly because the second and third weeks' DVD threshold was so low...the highest for the third week was ~2.5k. Not much. While from 14k to 9k is a big drop, you gotta remember that the BDs didn't chart because the second week had a high threshold for BD sales...undoubtedly BDs were sold but they didn't chart. Besides that was only the first week.
I dunno about Ao no Exorcist though.
Jul 31, 2012 11:25 AM by phoenixalia
Yeah to bad not many fujoshi knows about Tsuritama. They turn to Kuroko no Basket for hot guys.
That and KuroBas has more possibility of yaoi....the shadow and the light, 'you are my light and I am your shadow', overpossessive Kise going 'Kurokocchi~~~' with a rape face in one instance I remember lol, the angst with Aomine and Kuroko with the whole 'Old Light' 'Previous Partners' thing, Akashi X Kuroko being popular due to the whole Akashi yandere aspect, MidorimaXTakao: 'Shin-chan~~~~' Tsundere Kasamatsu and Kise....
need I say more? :/ Its obvious what yaoi fangirls will prefer. Not bashing Tsuritama...I liked that show. :( but it was pretty obvious which show fangirls would prefer.
Same to Tsuritama. But not sure which have more since i still on epi 14.
Actually I was try to say is that lot fujoshi these days like hot guys and when it come lot hot guys, there's lot of fujoshi to ship the guys.
Now I think about it - it's very common to have hot guys in yaoi & subtext stories, so i can see why girls prefer that over Tsuritama
Though I wish fujoshi enjoy the stories than fangirling over yaoi subtext. lot people are missing out on Tsuritama.
Jul 31, 2012 11:20 AM by AutumnDream
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