Japan's Weekly Blu-ray & CD Rankings for Jul 16 - 22
*1, 96,430 96,430 K-On! (Movie) Limited Edition
*2, *8,093 *8,093 My Neighbor Totoro
*3, *4,934 *4,934 Precure All Stars New Stage: Mirai no Tomodachi Special Edition
*4, *2,952 *2,952 K-On! (Movie) Standard Edition
*5, *2,109 *2,109 My Neighbor Totoro & Grave of the Fireflies Combo
*6, *1,889 *1,889 Chihayafuru vol.8
*7, *1,333 *5,967 Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo Reprint Edition
*8, *1,024 *1,024 Grave of the Fireflies
*1, 28,029 *,*28,029 K-On! (Movie) Limited Edition
*2, 12,895 *,*12,895 K-On! (Movie) Standard Edition
*3, *5,478 *,**5,478 Precure All Stars New Stage: Mirai no Tomodachi Special Edition
*4, *2,815 *,**5,831 Summer Wars Reprint Edition
*5, *2,306 *,**2,306 Sengoku Collection vol.3
*6, *2,256 *,*48,634 Kokurikozaka Kara Standard Edition
*7, *2,134 1,146,456 My Neighbor Totoro
*8, *1,643 *,**1,645 Precure All Stars New Stage: Mirai no Tomodachi Standard Edition
*9, *1,289 *,*34,562 Kokurikozaka Kara Special Edition
10, *1,010 *,**1,010 Spice and Wolf DVD Box
11, **,966 *,***,966 Cardfight!! Vanguard vol.12
12, **,847 *,**2,019 Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo Reprint Edition
13, **,740 *,*63,090 Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn vol.5
14, **,583 2,373,501 Spirited Away
15, **,570 *,484,189 Kiki's Delivery Service
Single CD
*4, 14,328 *14,328 Hanazawa Kana "Hatsukoi no Oto"
*7, 12,206 *12,206 Kuroko no Basket "Rimfire"
*8, 11,794 *11,794 Campione! "Raise"
11, *7,728 **7,729 Kalafina "moonfesta"
21, *3,631 **3,631 Yuru Yuri ♪♪ Character Song vol.1 Akari
22, *3,524 134,456 Toriko "Love Chase"
23, *3,492 **3,492 Kokoro Connect "Paradigm"
25, *3,455 **3,455 Yuru Yuri ♪♪ Character Song vol.2 Chinatsu
28, *3,312 *14,922 Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon II "Zone//Alone"
30, *3,115 **3,115 Hunter x Hunter (2011) "Hunting for your dream"
33, *2,588 **2,588 Kingdom "Pride"
36, *2,076 **2,076 Oda Nobuna no Yabou "Link"
38, *1,954 **7,126 Pokemon Best Wishes!: Kyurem vs. Seikenshi "Memories"
49, *1,571 **1,571 Shirokuma Cafe "Grizzly-san no G★Rock"
50, *1,529 *34,849 Yuru Yuri ♪♪ "Yes! Yuyuyu☆Yuruyuri♪♪"
Source: Oricon Youtaiju
20 of 47 Comments Recent Comments
Jul 25, 2012 10:20 AM by Ahmer
*4, 14,328 *14,328 Hanazawa Kana "Hatsukoi no Oto"
*8, 11,794 *11,794 Campione! "Raise"
If it's Kana, it can't go wrong. Glad that Yui Ogura's "Raise" is selling, one of my favourite OP/ED songs from this season of anime. Plus the other track, Pon de Fighting, is just as awesome. I guess the AW OP2 Burst The Gravity CD will be on the next chart, looking forward to seeing the results for that.
Jul 25, 2012 6:17 AM by Airi
Jul 25, 2012 4:54 AM by pattyhentaimoe
Jul 25, 2012 12:44 AM by pewpewk
How this LN named in english? Could I find it ot MAL?
The problem is that KyoAni never makes more than one series per season so making one delays all other at least till it ends airing.
I'm hoping KyoAni adapts it. Their upcoming anime Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! was from a novel that received an honorable mention by KyoAni in 2010, and Beyond the Boundary also received an honorable mention last year.
They're also the ones that released the novel itself so I'm hoping that increases its chance it will get animated by them just like Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!.
Waiting (too long) is very risky. Interest fades fast when fans have a hundred or more new shows to watch every year, because brains (not to mention wallets) can only process so much. If you wait, you have to count on the fandom staying stable or increasing during that time, and that's not true for many franchises. Particularly when the original source material has dried up, as it has in K-ON!'s case.
Of course it all comes down to how long "too long" is. K-ON! is undoubtedly far more resilient than most late night anime, both in the size and fervor of its fanbase.
Heck, Haruhi's second season released 3 years later yet still managed to sell 20k avg ( Even with EE lol ) so I wouldn't be too surprised if they came out with a season 3 of K-ON 2-3 years from now and it still managed to sell 20k+.
They're still a small studio by industry standards, and still don't work on more than one or two projects at a time. And they put everything they've got into giving each series they animate the highest possible production values. Whether that's three people talking in a room or a massive battle, the craftsmanship is evident.
Jul 24, 2012 9:39 PM by Yvese
How this LN named in english? Could I find it ot MAL?
The problem is that KyoAni never makes more than one series per season so making one delays all other at least till it ends airing.
Jul 24, 2012 9:17 PM by Nachtwandler_21
Totoro and Grave of the Fireflies up there though. WOOT.
Grave of the Fireflies came out on Blu-ray? I wonder if any fansub will pick it up... I'm quite curious about how it looks, there are some remasters of old movies that look quite phenomenal all things considered.
Jul 24, 2012 1:24 PM by DraconisMarch
Jul 24, 2012 1:12 PM by NoBleachNoLife
Movie was much better that S2. And I know that it would get this much sales. Just that I don't really like K-On. It's only "medicore" for me so I feel bad that it could make KyoAni wish to make more K-On while there are a lot of better thing they could continue or make.
With the way the movie ended and its huge success, I wouldn't expect another season ( If any ) for 2-3 years. Many consider the movie a solid ending to the series despite the manga continuing on to their university lives, so KyoAni would be wise to not 'milk' the franchise further until hype dies down a bit.
You're right about one thing though; there are a lot of better things they could make. KyoAni has so much talent and quality in their projects and I really want to see them branch out. Take this video for example:
That was just a commercial to promote a LN. Whether it's an actual series they're making remains to be seen, but as you can see from that video they have SO MUCH potential to make EPIC anime.
Jul 24, 2012 12:31 PM by Yvese
Movie was much better that S2. And I know that it would get this much sales. Just that I don't really like K-On. It's only "medicore" for me so I feel bad that it could make KyoAni wish to make more K-On while there are a lot of better thing they could continue or make.
Jul 24, 2012 12:07 PM by Nachtwandler_21
Jul 24, 2012 10:43 AM by Mr_Gutts
Jul 24, 2012 9:53 AM by Vylash
Is this K on movie the same as The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya.You know like both animes have two season and they only show character development in movies?
nope there's basically no character development in anything of k-on.
Wrong. There's MUCH character development in movie and mainly at the end of the second season.
Jul 24, 2012 9:42 AM by -Yumaol-
Jul 24, 2012 9:33 AM by yu3
Jul 24, 2012 9:19 AM by Hoppy
any news about Nazo no Kanojo X?
Jul 24, 2012 9:19 AM by Yvese
Jul 24, 2012 9:11 AM by motrya
Jul 24, 2012 9:00 AM by CapnDavid
None on my side
Jul 24, 2012 8:53 AM by Nachtwandler_21
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