Production Studio of Little Busters! Anime is J.C. Staff
Executive Producer: Kawase Kohei ("Toaru Majutsu no Index" series, "Shakugan no Shana" series)
Director: Yamakawa Yoshiki
Series Composition: Shimada Michiru ("Shugo Chara!", "Jewelpet Tinkle")
Character Design: Iizuka Haruko
Producer Company: Warner Entertainment Japan
Sources: Scan of Dengeki Visual Arts, Scan 2, Scan 3
20 of 442 Comments Recent Comments
>Comparing Little Busters! to Harry Potter
So you are saying no one has a right to complain because we don't live in Japan?
And when did Key tell you that we don't exist? Are you their PR guy?
but are you buying their stuff? because if not than fact is that you don't exist to them
they are making money and if you don't bring it to them why should they care about what you say?
I think not at all
I import their VNs.
Apr 8, 2012 10:40 AM by mitch3315
I can understand why Japanese fans will complain but for us to complain about anime that only legally reach us if it gets a license is to me very funny. This isn't like say the Harry Potter movie franchise which had global expectations because of the success of the books all over the world. The Little Busters anime has national expectations from its success in Japan most outside of Japan don't know what the fuck Little Busters is let alone that there is an anime coming out. Since this does have a cult following outside of Japan because of the fan created English translation the visual novel but as far as Key is concern you guys don't even exist.
>Comparing Little Busters! to Harry Potter
So you are saying no one has a right to complain because we don't live in Japan?
And when did Key tell you that we don't exist? Are you their PR guy?
Everyone knows Little Busters! > Harry Potter.
Apr 8, 2012 10:39 AM by mitch3315
>Comparing Little Busters! to Harry Potter
So you are saying no one has a right to complain because we don't live in Japan?
And when did Key tell you that we don't exist? Are you their PR guy?
but are you buying their stuff? because if not than fact is that you don't exist to them
they are making money and if you don't bring it to them why should they care about what you say?
I think not at all
Apr 8, 2012 10:37 AM by Dalek-baka
Apr 8, 2012 10:01 AM by jmc234
Hopefully Jun and the Key Stuff will keep a watchful eye on J.C.'s production so that it stays faithful to the source material as possible.
Apr 8, 2012 9:57 AM by Nara-Sama
God this reminds me of the Gundam AGE thread all over again where people were bashing on Level 5 and Hino solely because of the character designs. Then when it aired guess what IT WAS NOT THAT BAD especially if you made it to the current episode that is out. Sure it may not be the best Gundam series, but its still a pretty damn good watch.
The point is give these people a chance before you start grabbing the pitchforks and torches.
It actually was quite bad... and it ended up as the worst selling Gundam ever.
Seems people were right there.
Actually wasn't SD Gundam since it was aired in the morning time slot?
Oh well haters gonna hate AGE is great and I'm sure Little Busters! will be great too.
also i dont think sales can ever reflect how good or bad something is, like christ look at bleach or call of duty, yah they moves ridiculous amounts of copies but they are still atrocious excuses at entertainment. Then you can look at great stuff selling horribly like valkyria chronicles which absolutely bombed despite being considered one of the best rpg's this gen or how baccano absolutely bombed despite being.....well baccano and all its awesomeness
sales dont reflect the quality of the product as they should, it more so reflects just how retarded or not the consumers are(oh for the record, i mean consumers as a whole)
Apr 8, 2012 9:06 AM by JizzyHitler
It actually was quite bad... and it ended up as the worst selling Gundam ever.
Seems people were right there.
Actually wasn't SD Gundam since it was aired in the morning time slot?
Oh well haters gonna hate AGE is great and I'm sure Little Busters! will be great too.
Well according to DVD Sales wiki, SD did 3500 with a standalone boxset, while Gundam AGE has averaged 2k sales per volume so far... so yeah, Gundam AGE is worse.
Apr 8, 2012 9:00 AM by RyanSaotome
a jc staff little busters - great maybe..could be lame too
Well i know LBs great story plot. I just hope, jc staff will deliver the expected and right quality animation. But if not, i might just wait for rewrite adaptation and ignore this.
Great story great animation equals win.
Great story, unrelated no quality animation equals good luck.
Apr 8, 2012 8:59 AM by MasterPogi
God this reminds me of the Gundam AGE thread all over again where people were bashing on Level 5 and Hino solely because of the character designs. Then when it aired guess what IT WAS NOT THAT BAD especially if you made it to the current episode that is out. Sure it may not be the best Gundam series, but its still a pretty damn good watch.
The point is give these people a chance before you start grabbing the pitchforks and torches.
It actually was quite bad... and it ended up as the worst selling Gundam ever.
Seems people were right there.
Actually wasn't SD Gundam since it was aired in the morning time slot?
Oh well haters gonna hate AGE is great and I'm sure Little Busters! will be great too.
Apr 8, 2012 8:47 AM by Roloko
God forbid people have taste in anime.
Liking CLANNAD means you have taste? Good lord, are you backwards.
CLANNAD is not a masterpiece, nor is it good, it is only 'decent'.
And this is only your opinion. What is a masterpiece to some might be crap to others.
insulting someones tastes because you dont like what they like is absolutely pathetic, and the people who fight back by doing the same thing is equally as pathetic
Apr 8, 2012 8:42 AM by JizzyHitler
Apr 8, 2012 8:33 AM by KingCez
BTW why does ANN did not release a news about this?
to wait till the official release of the magazine it's in i suppose.
and to check if it isn't fake.
They do news stories about leaks all the time
I think you're right about the 2nd point though... it just sounds fake so they are waiting for more official confirmation.
God this reminds me of the Gundam AGE thread all over again where people were bashing on Level 5 and Hino solely because of the character designs. Then when it aired guess what IT WAS NOT THAT BAD especially if you made it to the current episode that is out. Sure it may not be the best Gundam series, but its still a pretty damn good watch.
The point is give these people a chance before you start grabbing the pitchforks and torches.
It actually was quite bad... and it ended up as the worst selling Gundam ever.
Seems people were right there.
Apr 8, 2012 8:21 AM by RyanSaotome
BTW why does ANN did not release a news about this?
to wait till the official release of the magazine it's in i suppose.
and to check if it isn't fake.
Apr 8, 2012 8:03 AM by Millhi
sorry fo typos im using my galaxy y to post here
Apr 8, 2012 7:55 AM by MasterPogi
Apr 8, 2012 7:23 AM by jugann
BTW why does ANN did not release a news about this?
ummm perhaps they want to delay the bad news? lolz.
Apr 8, 2012 7:02 AM by phoenixalia
Apr 8, 2012 6:26 AM by Selphie-
Apr 8, 2012 5:46 AM by LoneWolf1028
Apr 8, 2012 5:37 AM by LoneWolf1028
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