Manga 'To Love-ru Darkness' To Be Animated [Official]

To Love-ru official website
Director: Otsuki Atsushi ("Motto To LOVE-Ru")
Character Design: Oka Yuichi ("To LOVE-Ru")
Production studio : Xebec
According to Anime!Anime!, it will be a TV series. The type of the anime hasn't been announced yet. Anime!Anime! has apologized for reporting wrong information.
Sources: Scan of Jump SQ, Anime!Anime!
To LOVE-Ru Darkness on MAL
20 of 101 Comments Recent Comments
If you're reading TLR, in any form, for the plot, you're reallllly looking in the wrong place.
Actually, I'm not reading TLR for the plot I read for the plot. Period.
Okay, not necessarily but if you don't have a plot, you should have something entertaining in its place. Like comedy, for example. Besides if you're not going to have a plot, why announce in the first chapter(s) that there's going to be a huge plot? That pissed me off.
Complaining about fanservice in To Love-Ru = I've heard everything now.
Not about fanservice. About porn. That's different. Yeah, you can argue that there's no actual sex depicted anywhere but that's like saying it's not an adultery when it's "only" a blowjob.
Okay, I do know de gustibus non est disputandum, but... Damn, is that series dumb. And I think it may actually be dangerous in it's own way. But yeah, as I said above - if you enjoy it, keep doing that.
Jun 6, 2012 7:09 AM by eworm
To-Love Ru manga was okay and even though it was boring and predictable and plotless, it did have some interesting ideas in it at times.
And the sequel started out great. To-Love Ru Darkness seemed to be exactly what I could wish for - MORE PLOT. Heck, scratch that "more" - just plot at last. And yeah, we have a story about a shapeshifting assasin, what could possibly go wro...
And they made a hentai.
I have no idea how they got an anime. I mean, kids are going to watch that, you know? Getting all the chicks just for touching them all over? Creating a harem? This is messed up badly just like all those incest things out there.
BTW - Don't flame me, I respect your opinions - if you like it, good for you, I guess. Just wanted to give my three cents, maybe for you to think about for two seconds if you so wish.
And one more thing: the art IS BEAUTIFUL. That makes me even angrier at the artist though. Such a waste, 'cause for all your incredibly typical shounenness Black Cat was, I really enjoyed the manga.
Jun 5, 2012 8:50 AM by eworm
Recent chapters in the manga have sort of let the story drop off to the side which kind of bothers me. Part of the reason i thought Darkness was doing so well is it seemed to be more on track story wise. Hopefully we get plenty of story to go with the ecchi when the anime hits.
Either way Momo has always been win as far as all the girls go and i can't wait for her to step up to the female lead position. Lala is just too brainless and ditzy. Momo on the other hand is smart, conniving and interesting. Even if Yuuki weren't up to the task of being emperor he could do it with her backing him.
Jun 3, 2012 7:39 PM by Grimtempest
Good, now we don't have to worry about censors (much)
and it was obvious that it'll be an OVA. Current material can hardly make a 4 eps anime.
What? Its got 18 (and likely 24) monthly chapters by the time it comes out. You can easily do 2 chapters with smartly added filler per episode.
I think it's silly that people are saying that there isn't enough content out yet in the manga to adapt TLRD. I think that you could get an easy 17 episodes out of what has already been released without even having to add much or any filler. Trouble quest in the manga ran 6 20 page chapters and TLRD averages 40pages a chapter. I think you can safely say that they cut Trouble Quest up into a third of what it was in the manga, so that comes out fairly closely to one episode being able to be made from 40 pages of manga.
That aside, I also think it's a <i>good</i> thing that they are adapting it into an anime early, rather than way late like they did with the first season (not including that I think they may actually be adapting it ~10 chapters too early, give or take :)). With the manga being this early on, they are restricted to add "filler" (if you want to call it that, I don't). Meaning, they will be able to, or may be forced to, go at a much slower pace, adapting more important points from the manga than they did in the first season. They won't be forced to try and rush the anime to catch up with the manga (which they really weren't in the first place--dumb) like they did before. TLR really has no point other than to enjoy the characters interacting in all the random scenarios they are thrown in, and I think that's something they didn't realize at all when adapting the first season.
I'm glad to see that other people are also saying that the manga was much better than the anime because even though I've only finished the first season and the OVA, that's what I think too.
I think with the scope of a one season, 26 episode, anime adaptation to cover most of the TLR manga that was out at the time, the series was as good as it could have been. The thing that I loved most about the manga TLR was that you got to see the characters have fun and develop, but that isn't really possible in only one season of anime.
I think the idea to stray from the manga was commendable, because there wasn't much you can do while trying to stay completely true to it while compressing it so dramatically. However, the execution, pacing, whichever, was horrendous in the first season (haven't watched motto yet). The OVA got me excited, but it wasn't enough; too little too late.
Honestly, I don't care if every episode in TLRD is full of filler, or if they 1 to 1 with that manga, it doesn't really matter (although I'd prefer 1 to 1 =]). All that matters is that they don't **** it up like they did with the first season. Whatever they do, they have to do it (well) RIGHT because that's all that matters.
May 25, 2012 12:30 PM by Nadrojiskool
May 25, 2012 12:56 AM by notzky
May 15, 2012 10:39 AM by Rezurrekt
May 6, 2012 1:15 PM by gabthegoon
Apr 5, 2012 10:18 AM by SensouNoKami
Apr 5, 2012 5:21 AM by Akosss
It will be nothing but screen flashes on the screen for an entire ep.
Should be more excited for the BDs :p
Apr 4, 2012 9:11 AM by Yvese
Apr 4, 2012 8:37 AM by LoliYandere
Apr 4, 2012 8:28 AM by RandyW88
Apr 3, 2012 10:42 AM by RyanSaotome
Animeanime replaced it by an article for correction...
they say "not TV series"
Yeah, sadly it looks like an OVA instead. Sucks.
Damn :/
Oh well, i'm pretty sure it'll get a TV series later, depending on how well the OVA sells.
Still conflicting reports. Here's one pointing toward TV series.
Hopefully the one saying its a TV series is the one that is correct.It would be fully release and even uncensored released before all the OVAs are released. OVAs tend be released one episode once a month or ounce every two months and sometimes longer assuming there its even a mufti-episode OVA series.
Apr 3, 2012 10:30 AM by ezikialrage
Animeanime replaced it by an article for correction...
they say "not TV series"
Yeah, sadly it looks like an OVA instead. Sucks.
Damn :/
Oh well, i'm pretty sure it'll get a TV series later, depending on how well the OVA sells.
Still conflicting reports. Here's one pointing toward TV series.
Apr 3, 2012 1:39 AM by arsonal
Apr 2, 2012 4:48 PM by RandyW88
Apr 2, 2012 11:49 AM by removed-user
Good, now we don't have to worry about censors (much)
and it was obvious that it'll be an OVA. Current material can hardly make a 4 eps anime.
What? Its got 18 (and likely 24) monthly chapters by the time it comes out. You can easily do 2 chapters with smartly added filler per episode.
Apr 2, 2012 10:33 AM by RyanSaotome
and it was obvious that it'll be an OVA. Current material can hardly make a 4 eps anime.
Apr 2, 2012 7:48 AM by Game_Master
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