New Anime Project 'K' Announced
"K" Project official website
Character Design of "Neko"
Character Design of "Kuroh"
Character Design of "Yashiro"
The producer is Nakanishi Go ("Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor", "Seitokai Yakuindomo", "Yondemasu yo, Azazel-san."). The details of the anime have not been given yet.
K on MAL
20 of 254 Comments Recent Comments
I do not think this anime has BL. I think there are some vibrations BL, but I do not think there romance between boys.
I would beg to differ.
Yatogami's balls visibly shrink and melts at Yashiro's every whims and fancy.
I'm in disgust and have defected to Team Reisi (despite his hipster name spelling)
Oct 11, 2012 8:51 PM by hyschara
I do not think this anime has BL. I think there are some vibrations BL, but I do not think there romance between boys.
Why thank you captain obvious lol.
Oct 5, 2012 1:21 PM by Downgrade355
Oct 5, 2012 5:41 AM by Konja6
From my observation of actually going to the Comiket and doujin bookstores, the BL genre occupies a pretty substantial proportion compared to other niche genres like Yuri for example. I still remember going to the Toranoana bookstore in Akihabara it has TWO full floors for BL doujin and this is something no other niche genre can achieve. So I would not just say that it is profitable just like all the other genres. It seems to me that it is quite a bit above most genres except hentai.
Yuri doesn't have as big of a fanbase as BL. But yeah, since there isn't much other than BL, Yuri, and Hentai, you'd see alot of it compared to the rest, Hentai is especially large in numbers, Melonbooks, Toranoana, DLsite and Day 3 of Comiket has a crapton (Day 3 is pretty much Hentai only, day 1 and 2 is kind of spread evenly), you could say that Hentai stuff makes up 70% (or more) of the doujin products. But then again, it's no surprise, the amount of Non-H OVA's that are published in half a year can easily be outnumbered by the amount of Hentai in just two months (usually 10+ releases each month), and if you add other formats too (manga and visual novels) then you'll have a hard time counting.
I was quite shocked when i realized this, TBH.
Oct 5, 2012 2:00 AM by Downgrade355
Oct 5, 2012 1:36 AM by giantjoebot
Yeah, that's pretty much it, "hugely profitable" it is not, but yes it is to an extent profitable, but like i said, everything is profitable, and all genres have a large amount of doujins, so yeah, there is demand and profit to everything, it's just a matter of how profitable.
From my observation of actually going to the Comiket and doujin bookstores, the BL genre occupies a pretty substantial proportion compared to other niche genres like Yuri for example. I still remember going to the Toranoana bookstore in Akihabara it has TWO full floors for BL doujin and this is something no other niche genre can achieve. So I would not just say that it is profitable just like all the other genres. It seems to me that it is quite a bit above most genres except hentai.
Oct 5, 2012 1:34 AM by symbv
Yeah, that's pretty much it, "hugely profitable" it is not, but yes it is to an extent profitable, but like i said, everything is profitable, and all genres have a large amount of doujins, so yeah, there is demand and profit to everything, it's just a matter of how profitable.
Oct 5, 2012 1:21 AM by Downgrade355
Generally speaking, BL is not profitable, it is a Niche genre for a reason, it's profitable for a specific group of people, sure, but "generally" it's not profitable. giantjoebot didn't explicitly state that what format of BL is profitable.
The demand for any genre and all doujin genres are there, there are large numbers of everything, though Hentai and all that porno stuff is dominating the bookstores and Comiket, but that's beside the point lol
I think we'd better not mix up popularity with profitability. Niche genre is by definition not generally popular, but it can still be profitable. The profit may be not as great as those ranked in the Toranoana doujin sales ranking but I cannot imagine so many doujin would be written for BL genre if there is only loss to be found in the genre either. The same goes with hentai - not all hentai/porn stuff is profitable but definitely there is profit to be found there (as well as demand). I would agree if you say "BL is not hugely profitable" but I would disagree if you say "BL is not profitable".
And symbv, sorry if I misconstrued your post. I really meant no offence. I honestly skimmed this 14 page thread because I don't have all day. SO I took it out of context, and I apologize.
It's fine. I am glad that we have cleared up any misunderstanding. Hope to see you more often in the MAL news section!
Oct 5, 2012 1:14 AM by symbv
Sorry for the double post, but wanted to comment on your post separably. Just because they are males does not mean that they are not into bl. Could be a lot of closet bl watchers out there. I mean there are even bl fans when humanity is in decline. Genshiken is all about the bl now. I could go on and on. I've been watching anime since before DVD's. Surveys don't really matter. What matters is $$$, and bl must be profitable, otherwise you wouldn't see it.
for every million BL female fan there is 1 BL male fan.
Seriously speaking, what i'm trying to say is that BL male fans are rare, some choose to tolerate it, but that doesn't mean they are fans. Genshiken has fujoshi characters, not BL, there's a difference.
BL isn't really profitable, i could be wrong, but if it were, you'd see alot more of it, when was the last BL anime? Sekai ichi, it was last year. so basically there were no BL anime this year, which contradicts the "BL is profitable" argument.
I'm not talking about the anime. Read the manga. Its all about bl now. Well a lot of it is about bl. I still read it because its funny, and interesting to me.
Oct 5, 2012 1:03 AM by giantjoebot
One thing that gives us a glimpse of the male-female anime watchers distribution is the grand anime survey done in Nico Douga. The proportion of male participants is always around 80-85% of all who got surveyed. Of course this may be very different from the actual distribution of the whole fandom in Japan, but it should give some idea as to how many more male watchers of midnight anime compared to female ones.
Sorry for the double post, but wanted to comment on your post separably. Just because they are males does not mean that they are not into bl. Could be a lot of closet bl watchers out there. I mean there are even bl fans when humanity is in decline. Genshiken is all about the bl now. I could go on and on. I've been watching anime since before DVD's. Surveys don't really matter. What matters is $$$, and bl must be profitable, otherwise you wouldn't see it.
I am not sure what you are trying to say. My post above has nothing to do with BL. I was talking about the grand anime survey of ALL midnight anime for a season that is done in Nico Douga and it has absolutely nothing related to BL I wanted to say in that post.
As for the points you mentioned in your post above, I do not deny there are males who are in BL, and of course BL is profitable (as far as a niche genre is concerned). But that does not mean that 1) K is necessarily a BL anime or 2) People watch K only for BL or 3) Most of the male watchers watch BL anime because of BL
I am also not sure what you are trying to say by saying "I've been watching anime since before DVD's". I have been watching anime since early 1970s, but that does not mean much if we want to talk about who make up BL fans.
By the way, according to the twitter by Gora, the overall picture and the relationship between characters will only be fully revealed by ep.6. According to them, they want to disclose the complexity of the world in K gradually, just like how TV drama in the west tends to do.
There is also a relationship diagram posted
Sorry I miss understood. I thought that was why you were pointing out that the majority of watchers were male.
And I think it must becoming more profitable because I am personally seeing it more than I did before. Like I said earlier, I've been watching anime since before DVD's, and maybe I just didn't notice it back then, but I did not see much bl back in the day. At least not like now. Where I did see it is when I was looking for naughty pictures of my favorite anime online, and suddenly got something that I wasn't expecting. No not InuYasha! OMG what is this. Why is this happening to my favorite anime character.
There is a weird relation to doujinshi, manga, and anime. I don't really understand it. They hinted at it in genshiken when the main character interviews for a editors position. I don't really understand it, but it would seem to me that hinting at the idea of something can add to it popularity, and make it more popular. Probably even more than if you just straight up said this was bl. Just hinting at it get people thinking, and excited. But its getting to the point to where at least every season there is at least 1 or 2 show that after watching the first episode I say to my self, "this is gay". Not that there is anything wrong with that, its just not my thing. I would much rather watch harem.
This season K is one of those shows. Last season it was Hakuouki Reimeiroku
niche markets can be very profitable because there is less competition.
And symbv, sorry if I misconstrued your post. I really meant no offence. I honestly skimmed this 14 page thread because I don't have all day. SO I took it out of context, and I apologize.
Oct 5, 2012 12:58 AM by giantjoebot
Sure, the money went to the circles, but since what giantjoebot said was "BL is profitable" not "BL anime is profitable", I just think that as a genre itself the overall picture is that BL can mean profit for some people, even if it is not necessarily the anime producers.
That the rankings do not show BL stuff means that BL is at the end a niche genre. The number of buyers is not enough to push any particular title into the ranking. However, judging from the number of titles being published and the size of BL doujin section in bookstores (and Comiket) I would say that the demand is very much there
Generally speaking, BL is not profitable, it is a Niche genre for a reason, it's profitable for a specific group of people, sure, but "generally" it's not profitable. giantjoebot didn't explicitly state that what format of BL is profitable.
The demand for any genre and all doujin genres are there, there are large numbers of everything, though Hentai and all that porno stuff is dominating the bookstores and Comiket, but that's beside the point lol
What i'm trying to say is if you go by that logic, then everything is profitable.
EDIT: lol i just realized we're talking about some completely irrelevant stuff and it's kind of embarassing (the subject that is lol), lol crap.
Oct 5, 2012 12:36 AM by Downgrade355
Those circles are the ones who get the money, not the producers, which is why it isn't exactly profitable. Also judging from Toranoana's rankings and doujin sections, i doubt it's profitable compared to other doujin genres (That includes Doujin softwares, anime and goodies too, not only books).
Sure, the money went to the circles, but since what giantjoebot said was "BL is profitable" not "BL anime is profitable", I just think that as a genre itself the overall picture is that BL can mean profit for some people, even if it is not necessarily the anime producers.
That the rankings do not show BL stuff means that BL is at the end a niche genre. The number of buyers is not enough to push any particular title into the ranking. However, judging from the number of titles being published and the size of BL doujin section in bookstores (and Comiket) I would say that the demand is very much there
Oct 5, 2012 12:30 AM by symbv
I would say that BL is profitable in doujin circle, judging by the sheer number of BL doujins I see in Comiket and doujin bookstores. It is definitely a niche genre, which is why there are very few strictly BL anime. That said, anime that hint at BL is usually good enough for the fujoshi - so anime like Kuroko no Basuke, Uta Prince or Kimi to Boku serve the needs of BL fans already, while they all keep the appeals to the non-BL fans.
Those circles are the ones who sell the doujins, not the studio who made the anime, which is why it isn't exactly profitable. Plus doujins are sort of illegal (Copyrights issues,etc. there have been studios and companies before who took legal action against doujinshi) Also judging from Toranoana's rankings and doujin sections, i doubt it's profitable compared to other doujin genres (That includes Doujin softwares, anime and goodies too, not only books).
P,S i've watched those three and i didn't see any BL hints or any subtle stuff going on.
Oct 5, 2012 12:24 AM by Downgrade355
BL isn't really profitable, i could be wrong, but if it were, you'd see alot more of it, when was the last BL anime? Sekai ichi, it was last year. so basically there were no BL anime this year, which contradicts the "BL is profitable" argument.
I would say that BL is profitable in doujin circle, judging by the sheer number of BL doujins I see in Comiket and doujin bookstores. It is definitely a niche genre, which is why there are very few strictly BL anime. That said, anime that hint at BL is usually good enough for the fujoshi - so anime like Kuroko no Basuke, Uta Prince or Kimi to Boku serve the needs of BL fans already, while they all keep the appeals to the non-BL fans.
Oct 5, 2012 12:14 AM by symbv
Sorry for the double post, but wanted to comment on your post separably. Just because they are males does not mean that they are not into bl. Could be a lot of closet bl watchers out there. I mean there are even bl fans when humanity is in decline. Genshiken is all about the bl now. I could go on and on. I've been watching anime since before DVD's. Surveys don't really matter. What matters is $$$, and bl must be profitable, otherwise you wouldn't see it.
for every million BL female fan there is 1 BL male fan.
Seriously speaking, what i'm trying to say is that BL male fans are rare, some choose to tolerate it, but that doesn't mean they are fans. Genshiken has fujoshi characters, not BL, there's a difference.
BL isn't really profitable, i could be wrong, but if it were, you'd see alot more of it, when was the last BL anime? Sekai ichi, it was last year. so basically there were no BL anime this year, which contradicts the "BL is profitable" argument.
Oct 5, 2012 12:07 AM by Downgrade355
One thing that gives us a glimpse of the male-female anime watchers distribution is the grand anime survey done in Nico Douga. The proportion of male participants is always around 80-85% of all who got surveyed. Of course this may be very different from the actual distribution of the whole fandom in Japan, but it should give some idea as to how many more male watchers of midnight anime compared to female ones.
Sorry for the double post, but wanted to comment on your post separably. Just because they are males does not mean that they are not into bl. Could be a lot of closet bl watchers out there. I mean there are even bl fans when humanity is in decline. Genshiken is all about the bl now. I could go on and on. I've been watching anime since before DVD's. Surveys don't really matter. What matters is $$$, and bl must be profitable, otherwise you wouldn't see it.
I am not sure what you are trying to say. My post above has nothing to do with BL. I was talking about the grand anime survey of ALL midnight anime for a season that is done in Nico Douga and it has absolutely nothing related to BL I wanted to say in that post.
As for the points you mentioned in your post above, I do not deny there are males who are in BL, and of course BL is profitable (as far as a niche genre is concerned). But that does not mean that 1) K is necessarily a BL anime or 2) People watch K only for BL or 3) Most of the male watchers watch BL anime because of BL
I am also not sure what you are trying to say by saying "I've been watching anime since before DVD's". I have been watching anime since early 1970s, but that does not mean much if we want to talk about who make up BL fans.
By the way, according to the twitter by Gora, the overall picture and the relationship between characters will only be fully revealed by ep.6. According to them, they want to disclose the complexity of the world in K gradually, just like how TV drama in the west tends to do.
There is also a relationship diagram posted
Oct 5, 2012 12:06 AM by symbv
One thing that gives us a glimpse of the male-female anime watchers distribution is the grand anime survey done in Nico Douga. The proportion of male participants is always around 80-85% of all who got surveyed. Of course this may be very different from the actual distribution of the whole fandom in Japan, but it should give some idea as to how many more male watchers of midnight anime compared to female ones.
Sorry for the double post, but wanted to comment on your post separably. Just because they are males does not mean that they are not into bl. Could be a lot of closet bl watchers out there. I mean there are even bl fans when humanity is in decline. Genshiken is all about the bl now. I could go on and on. I've been watching anime since before DVD's. Surveys don't really matter. What matters is $$$, and bl must be profitable, otherwise you wouldn't see it.
Oct 4, 2012 11:35 PM by giantjoebot

he is blushing as a man embraced him, so my guess is that its bl. Plus the main characters voice is kind of feminine.
The art is beautiful, and I had high hopes, but so far I don't care for it. Like someone else said it seemed like nothing happened in the first episode. The art may be beautiful, but so far the story sucks, and there is little to no character development. All the characters are all super trendy and stuff. And if the skater character was trying to catch someone was he doing a bunch of tricks? Wouldn't that be slower than not doing tricks. Does he get a speed boost with every trick like in a video game? That would be cool, but he doesn't so its stupid.
I especially had a hard time watching this after watching the first episode of Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai! the day before, which, by the way, was fantastic.
Oct 4, 2012 11:17 PM by giantjoebot
Oct 4, 2012 10:31 PM by symbv
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