First Dubbed Episode of Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica to be Streamed in 6 Countries
Also included will be a special feature with English voice-actresses Christine Marie Cabanos (Madoka Kaname), Cristina Valenzuela (Homura Akemi), and Cassandra Lee (Kyuubey).
Source: Presepe
20 of 56 Comments Recent Comments
That being said, I don't know who any of these english VAs are, (I have heard *of* crisvee, but still don't hear any of her work.)
Jun 19, 2012 8:01 AM by highfyrebright
Kyuubey - Bad. Baaaaaaaadddd. Bad.
Madoka - Really hit and miss. Sometimes, she seems alright. But most of them, no. Her voice got too high at points.
Sayaka - Seems alright. Want to hear more, but I approve for now.
Homura - Undecided. Seems a little better than my first impression, but I'll withhold a final judgment.
Mami - Her voice seems like she's trying to hard; it sounds fake and forced.
Side characters - Good. Especially the teacher and Madoka's brother.
All in all: Will undoubtedly stick with Japanese. Not as terrible as I thought, but still not very good. Not worth watching.
Feb 11, 2012 11:57 PM by DraconisMarch
Might as well wait until Monday since I pre-ordered the DVD a while back and it's being delivered to me on that day.
Feb 11, 2012 11:00 PM by animelly
Personally I think these are all top-notch dubs, both by translations and voices. There's a lot more I enjoy, but it could just be personal preference in some cases.
Eden of the East
Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
Ouran High School Host Club
Fullmetal Alchemist (not Brotherhood)
Darker Than Black
Black Lagoon
Golden Boy (more of a joke dub, but it's a comedy, so it makes it even more hysterical)
Feb 7, 2012 3:56 AM by Salinga
This is rather interesting since most people think Clannad's dub is bad, even dub fans. I myself think it's somewhat mediocre and disappointing from Sentai.
I thought it was actually great. Although I didn't really like this one characters voice, but she was only in one episode so it was alright. Another problem is that they pronounced names wrong here and there. Despite its flaws the dub overall is great and it still made me cry just as much as the Japanese version so Sentai must have done something right also David Matranga's voice for Tomoya is hgggggnnn. I have no regrets for refusing to buy the subbed version and waiting patiently and hopefully for the dub.
Feb 6, 2012 12:26 AM by Roloko
Define "new dub."
Dub comes out for a show you've previously seen subbed.
This is good news for me, I was interested in the series and prefer the dubs to subs so I'll be checking this out. Thanks for sharing. :)
No problem.
Feb 5, 2012 11:51 PM by Florete
lol dub hating in here
This is why I was hesitant to post it. It always happens at a place like MAL.
This is good news for me, I was interested in the series and prefer the dubs to subs so I'll be checking this out. Thanks for sharing. :)
Feb 5, 2012 11:30 PM by Skirt
New =/= bad, not necessarily. It may even be a good thing because we've never heard the voice and have no other character to connect it to.
And come on, Kyouko had like one line in that trailer. Withhold judgement for now, sheesh.
You've made your point that you support dubs, but one thing you have in common with the anti-dub fanbase is this obvious pessimism for a new dub.
Would you like me to list these minor problems or leave it be?
Ah, that would do it. I had some fun over there, too.
Feb 5, 2012 11:06 PM by DraconisMarch
]Well, none yet. Because I just recently got really into anime this summer, so I haven't really been around long enough to watch something as it aired in Japan and then be released in English later.
Well then, consider that a likely possibility.
New =/= bad, not necessarily. It may even be a good thing because we've never heard the voice and have no other character to connect it to. Only if it's good, of course. And come on, Kyouko had like one line in that trailer. Withhold judgement for now, sheesh.
You've made your point that you support dubs, but one thing you have in common with the anti-dub fanbase is this obvious pessimism for a new dub.
Would you like me to list these minor problems or leave it be?
Ah, that would do it. I had some fun over there, too.
Feb 5, 2012 10:35 PM by Florete
How often do you watch - and like - a dub after having already seen the show subbed? Because I find that's most of the reason people think dubs sounds terrible. They are too used to the Japanese voices. It happens to me, too. I thought the trailer sounded weird/bad at first, but the more I listened to it, the more it grew on me and now I think the dub ought to reasonably good.
But I hope you don't think you can judge the whole thing based on the trailer. Not that I'm saying you are.
It's true. I mean I love Clannad (It's only my #1 favorite anything entertainment of all time), and there are no major problems, it's just a bunch of little things that add up.
Btw, I recognize your name. Did you post regularly in the Sub vs. Dub topics?
Lol no. You probably just recognize me from the Guilty Crown forum. I became rather infamous over there.
Feb 5, 2012 10:26 PM by DraconisMarch
You obviously missed the part where I said I'm for English dubs. To expound upon that, I'll pretty much always watch in English if it's available. So no, I'm not "anti-dub."
How often do you watch - and like - a dub after having already seen the show subbed? Because I find that's most of the reason people think dubs sounds terrible. They are too used to the Japanese voices. It happens to me, too. I thought the trailer sounded weird/bad at first, but the more I listened to it, the more it grew on me and now I think the dub ought to reasonably good.
But I hope you don't think you can judge the whole thing based on the trailer. Not that I'm saying you are.
It's true. I mean I love Clannad (It's only my #1 favorite anything entertainment of all time), and there are no major problems, it's just a bunch of little things that add up.
The other dubs you listed are all good, though.
Btw, I recognize your name. Did you post regularly in the Sub vs. Dub topics?
Feb 5, 2012 9:34 PM by Florete
It doesn't sound amazing, but terrible? That's overreacting (but normal for anti-dub fans). And it's just a trailer anyway. It doesn't have any of the "big" scenes.

Feb 5, 2012 8:55 PM by DraconisMarch
I'm normally all for English dubs, but this sounds fucking terrible.
It doesn't sound amazing, but terrible? That's overreacting (but normal for anti-dub fans). And it's just a trailer anyway. It doesn't have any of the "big" scenes.
This is rather interesting since most people think Clannad's dub is bad, even dub fans. I myself think it's somewhat mediocre and disappointing from Sentai.
Feb 5, 2012 7:58 PM by Florete
lol dub hating in here
lol dub hating in here
This is why I was hesitant to post it. It always happens at a place like MAL.
Anyway, ANN's early review gave the dub a pretty good score, so I'll do my best to go in with an open mind. It won't be easy after having already watched it subbed twice.
I'm normally all for English dubs, but this sounds fucking terrible.
Good blog post about the R1 release in general.
It sounds like you're watching mediocre dubs.
Final Fantasy Advent Children
Code Geass
Spice and Wolf
Lucky Star
Haruhi Suzumiya
Just to get you started.
Feb 5, 2012 7:34 PM by DraconisMarch
Feb 5, 2012 7:19 PM by funkotaku
That very well might be the case. Can you point me to some good ones?
These don't work well coming from the same person. One thing is true: most dubs these days are average-good; most people on the internet just won't see them that way because the internet is heavily biased towards weeaboos and anti-dub fans. Someone like you can usually be shown a legitimately good/decent dub and you'd call it crap just because it's in English. And I don't mean that offensively (though it obviously isn't very flattering), it's just what I've come to know from my years on the internet. Anti-dub fans always go in already believing it's bad and just don't let it be good.
Feb 5, 2012 6:11 PM by Florete
I'm sorry. But I'm just against dubs. It's not that the American voice actresses don't try, but they just can't pull off the same character vibe as their Japanese counterparts. What irks me the most is how the say Japanese names in English phonemes and it just sounds so unnatural...
Frankly, the Japanese voice actors convey far more emotion in their scenes. It's OK for anime like K-ON, but it destroys the atmosphere in a more plot-oriented, serious anime like Madoka.
It sounds like you're watching mediocre dubs.
That very well might be the case. Can you point me to some good ones?
It's OK for anime like K-ON, but it destroys the atmosphere in a more plot-oriented, serious anime like Madoka.
If the K-ON! dub was ok by your standards I'd hate to hear a dub you think is bad.
Sorry, I need to correct myself here. I meant that for animes without much emotional pull to them, the quality of the voice work in my opinion is less important. It's hard to feel emotionally engaged in a scene when they say it in the most monotonous voices..
What irks me the most is how the say Japanese names in English phonemes and it just sounds so unnatural...
Frankly, the Japanese voice actors convey far more emotion in their scenes. It's OK for anime like K-ON, but it destroys the atmosphere in a more plot-oriented, serious anime like Madoka.
Just like how Japanese VAs almost always screw up english names right????
And Sometimes they convey TOO MUCH emotion. For example HOTD. The japanese VA try to make it way too serious for an anime that isn't in the slightest "serious". The english dub made it way more funnier and laid back which suited HOTD much better. There's a lot more examples like this.
Some people are way to bias and think most dubs suck because they pail in comparison to the original, without comparing them on their own. Dubs are for most of the time average to good, and most people complaining about that they suck haven't seen a badly dubbed anime before lol.
For instance I remember on Fairy tail scene, a guy complained saying that Erza said ""Ahhhaa" instead of "Kya", and another person came and said who says "Kya" in english, on top of that the whole entire scene was pretty much the same. But he focus on that one aspect saying that the dubbed suck. See what I mean, bias for no reason whatsoever.
Yes, most Japanese VAs make me cringe when they speak in English. But, often times, as we are watching Japanese anime, it is done for a particular reason such as highlighting a particular character trait, situation or simply for laughs. Also, we are talking about Madoka, an anime which has some pretty heavy emotions and themes. How the story is conveyed is important. Voice work is as important as anything else to pull the viewer into the world and to make it believable. In an anime like HOTD (ugh...), it was meant to be a giant joke so the VAs could do whatever voice they wanted to and it would not have detracted from it a single bit. I'd assume poor voice work made the anime "more funny" in this degree as you have mentioned.
I will have to poke your argument that most dubs are average-good. Most of the mainstream anime series not on American television have dubs that want to bash your head into the wall and keep your head in there.
Feb 5, 2012 5:23 PM by Omniknight
Feb 3, 2012 1:03 PM by soulless4now
totally agree - h.o.t.d. seiyuu were amazing! one of the best anime in recent history - great mix of sexy, funny, and scary as hell!!!
I didn't say the weren't amazing. I'm just saying in some ways english dubs are superior especially during the funny scenes such as the bath scene in hotd lol. The only way in my opinion a dub is going to suck is when they completely change the animation, use VAs that wouldn't suit a paper bag or change the story *cough* 4kids *cough*
And I have been saying that for years, that we should have an anime channel dedicated to subs, I don't like watching them online because of the subpar quality (streaming), and I don't like downloading either lol. Takes me about 17 minutes to dl 1 ep on an average connect, which just sucks because I could have the whole ep by then.
totally agree - h.o.t.d. seiyuu were amazing! one of the best anime in recent history - great mix of sexy, funny, and scary as hell!!!
I didn't say the weren't amazing. I'm just saying in some ways english dubs are superior especially during the funny scenes such as the bath scene in hotd lol. The only way in my opinion a dub is going to suck is when they completely change the animation, use VAs that wouldn't suit a paper bag or change the story *cough* 4kids *cough*
And I have been saying that for years, that we should have an anime channel dedicated to subs, I don't like watching them online because of the subpar quality (streaming), and I don't like downloading either lol. Takes me about 17 minutes to dl 1 ep on an average connect, which just sucks because I could have the whole ep by then.
Feb 3, 2012 9:06 AM by octal9
Related Database Entries
Anime: | Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica |
People: | Cabanos, Christine Marie, Valenzuela, Cristina, Morris, Cassandra Lee |
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No matter how good or bad a dub is, if you hear the subbed over and over, you're more likely to hate it just because it's different.
Jun 22, 2012 8:07 PM by Zfish9