Sentai Filmworks Licenses Inu x Boku SS
Inu X Boku SS will be available digitally early this year and on DVD and Blu-ray later in the year.
Source: Press Release
20 of 24 Comments Recent Comments
...Wait. You complain that they do sub-only releases, then complain about their dubs? HUR DUR.
By that I mean they should just quit.
If anyone should quit it should be NIS America nuff said. Worst subs I have ever seen plus they are timed horribly. Why anyone would pay $40~$70 for that ceases to amaze me. Unless someone shows me proof they have improved since Working!! and Pandora Hearts then I might be willing to buy from them. I mean if you are not going to dub at least make your subtitles worth buying. >_>
Jan 7, 2012 4:06 PM by Roloko
...Wait. You complain that they do sub-only releases, then complain about their dubs? HUR DUR.
By that I mean they should just quit.
Jan 7, 2012 3:53 PM by Keirik
Ooh, Mr. Sentai! I loooove your offensively terrible dubs! HOTD's Sarah Palin jokes, anyone? Clannad's hilariously unfitting voices, perhaps?
...Wait. You complain that they do sub-only releases, then complain about their dubs? HUR DUR.
Jan 7, 2012 2:23 PM by DraconisMarch
Jan 7, 2012 1:57 PM by Mr_Gutts
Ooh, Mr. Sentai! I loooove your no-extras sub-only releases! They're soooo sexual!
Ooh, Mr. Sentai! I loooove your offensively terrible dubs! HOTD's Sarah Palin jokes, anyone? Clannad's hilariously unfitting voices, perhaps?
And why do they keep licensing series I want to watch before they start airing? First Persona 4 (poor Persona 4. I'm terrified of what the dub will be) and now this.
Jan 7, 2012 1:29 PM by Keirik
roffle. Dub fans are so hilariously defensive. Just four words and you even got others up in arms. xD
It is not without reason.
Jan 7, 2012 10:53 AM by Florete
sentai filmworks licenses almost everything
Jan 7, 2012 10:15 AM by Qualm
With a bluray release meaning a dub?
Must be one of them people who hate all dubs just cause they seen something from 4Kids. You don't know what real bad dubs are go check out the dubs from Manga Entertainment's early days of dubbing.
Not all dubs are bad and Sentai has been doing a good job imo besides I'd rather buy a DVDs in my native language then to read it. If I want to read I would stick to the manga.
roffle. Dub fans are so hilariously defensive. Just four words and you even got others up in arms. xD
Jan 7, 2012 9:29 AM by outlawauron
Jan 7, 2012 7:54 AM by Bern
With a bluray release meaning a dub?
Not all dubs are bad and Sentai has been doing a good job imo besides I'd rather buy a DVDs in my native language then to read it. If I want to read I would stick to the manga.
...Wait. Isn't this, like, the first time in history we've ever agreed on something?
Jan 7, 2012 2:48 AM by DraconisMarch
With a bluray release meaning a dub?
Must be one of them people who hate all dubs just cause they seen something from 4Kids. You don't know what real bad dubs are go check out the dubs from Manga Entertainment's early days of dubbing.
Not all dubs are bad and Sentai has been doing a good job imo besides I'd rather buy a DVDs in my native language then to read it. If I want to read I would stick to the manga.
Jan 7, 2012 1:45 AM by Roloko
Jan 6, 2012 7:57 PM by Neverarine
With a bluray release meaning a dub?
Jan 6, 2012 3:52 PM by OrochiPL
Doesn't concern my country, but I'm happy for inuboku nevertheless. <333
Same here, the manga is really awesome so hopefully the anime will be as well.
Jan 6, 2012 2:50 PM by Liinah
But it feels like Sentai's been licensing a lot lately. Hope it turns out well.
Jan 6, 2012 2:15 PM by Forest-kun
I'm looking forward to the anime, from what I've read of what's been translated of the manga so far.
Jan 6, 2012 2:01 PM by Salinga
Jan 6, 2012 2:00 PM by Muv-Luv-er
It looks really nice.
Jan 6, 2012 1:36 PM by StreetFighter
Premise also sounds pretty interesting.
Not sure why Sentai keeps agreeing to license anime that aren't even released. But if it ends up being good, will be happy for a BD release.
Jan 6, 2012 1:24 PM by DraconisMarch
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roffle. Dub fans are so hilariously defensive. Just four words and you even got others up in arms. xD
We're not all like that, just the more zealous ones. :(
Jan 7, 2012 7:48 PM by Salinga