Statistics of Anime Fans: What's So Special About K-ON?
The sex ratio of anime fans of four titles
37% of K-ON! fans are women while women make up only 10% of Strike Witches 2 fans.
Percentage of people who don't watch anime frequently
15% of the audience of K-ON! anime don't watch other anime frequently, while all the audience of Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica anime watch other anime as well.
Age distribution of K-ON! fans
K-ON! fans show a wide range of age distribution. People in their 20s have the largest population both in male and female fans.
Source: Scan of UrePia, Scan 2
20 of 104 Comments Recent Comments
Anyway, I still remember bashing this show last year when I have absolutely no idea what kind of show K-ON! is.
Eh? Aria sold quite well:
Aria the Animation: 10,025 avg singles | 7,839 boxset
Aria the Natural: 9,240 avg singles | 6,763 boxset
Aria the Origination: 13,200 avg singles | 7,142 boxset
(Aria the OVA Arietta: 16,892)
Any franchise that does 9-13k over three seasons (four cour total) is a very successful franchise, not to mention those boxset sales are remarkably high for a ~10k franchise.
I didn't say anything regarding the sales.
Well you could, you know, elaborate a little bit then.
Dec 12, 2011 7:46 PM by Ston3_FreeN7
Anyway, I still remember bashing this show last year when I have absolutely no idea what kind of show K-ON! is.
Eh? Aria sold quite well:
Aria the Animation: 10,025 avg singles | 7,839 boxset
Aria the Natural: 9,240 avg singles | 6,763 boxset
Aria the Origination: 13,200 avg singles | 7,142 boxset
(Aria the OVA Arietta: 16,892)
Any franchise that does 9-13k over three seasons (four cour total) is a very successful franchise, not to mention those boxset sales are remarkably high for a ~10k franchise.
I didn't say anything regarding the sales.
Dec 12, 2011 7:17 PM by allflying
K-ON! was good, although i think it quikly grows boring as the series preced, must be the same thing with other slice of life animes in my opinion.
Ah yeas, its pretty boring. It don't have any boobgrab, panty shots (only a striped bowl shot), no wiggly boobs, or any other guilty pleasure fanservice. :))
Anyway, I still remember bashing this show last year when I have absolutely no idea what kind of show K-ON! is.
but, one question is, why ARIA didn't works like K-ON! did?
Dec 12, 2011 4:32 PM by allflying
Nov 28, 2011 11:23 AM by Aiyele_Ahiru
Nov 27, 2011 5:43 PM by bwub
Well duh, they made it for pedophiles ofc
As a lolicon I take offense to this. The blob like animation of K-ON gave me horrible....
Nov 27, 2011 2:25 PM by VioLink
[Statistics is a lot of work. Trust me, I took it last year in college and loved it. One thing for sure is that statistics is a mathematical science--meaning this is not made up.
Right, statistics are generally not made up, the question comes down to whether the inquire was designed well. How big a sample size, how representative or random, how were the questions worded, blah blah.
Anyway it's not like this should be taken as absolute 100% representative truth, but then it's just a survey about some anime... but the idea that women could like K-ON! shouldn't be shocking to anyone who is actually familiar with K-ON!'s content (and not just their trololol preconceptions of it).
As one who's focus was statistics, it is a lot of work. But at the same time you can bias the data so it can be skewed. For it to be truely unbiased, they poll needed to have a minumum of 320 (I forget the exact number) from a cross-section of those polled. That alone is a lot of work. Then add to it questions that don't show any biasness.
Nov 27, 2011 12:47 PM by Dodecahedron-O24
First, including you and me, no-one knows whether it is Madoka fans that posted questions to survey and showed poor logics. No-one in this thread revealed their fandom to Madoka before the first post you made... Second, questioning the survey due to not meeting the expectation does not necessarily mean it is being defensive, at least for me. Third, 'especially' is the word that is specialised in 'targeting'. That's all I guess...
God, you just don't stop digging yourself in deeper, do you?
Nov 27, 2011 6:48 AM by ringoo4
First, including you and me, no-one knows whether it is Madoka fans that posted questions to survey and showed poor logics. No-one in this thread revealed their fandom to Madoka before the first post you made... Second, questioning the survey due to not meeting the expectation does not necessarily mean it is being defensive, at least for me. Third, 'especially' is the word that is specialised in 'targeting'. That's all I guess...
God, you just don't stop digging yourself in deeper, do you?
Nov 27, 2011 5:34 AM by AnnoKano
Edited: @Anno: Yes. You bolded the part that I was mentioning, except the Madoka fan part, which is probably the most important one... And?
It means I wasn't attacking "all Madoka fans"; just the ones who posted outraged responses to this thread.
Your definition of outraged was... I guess this;
First, including you and me, no-one knows whether it is Madoka fans that posted questions to survey and showed poor logics. No-one in this thread revealed their fandom to Madoka before the first post you made... Second, questioning the survey due to not meeting the expectation does not necessarily mean it is being defensive, at least for me. Third, 'especially' is the word that is specialised in 'targeting'. That's all I guess...
Nov 27, 2011 4:51 AM by ringoo4
Edited: @Anno: Yes. You bolded the part that I was mentioning, except the Madoka fan part, which is probably the most important one... And?
It means I wasn't attacking "all Madoka fans"; just the ones who posted outraged responses to this thread.
Nov 27, 2011 4:43 AM by AnnoKano
It's all kind of moot. I have no doubt there is massive overlap between the K-ON! and Madoka fanbases, especially in Japan, and doubly so when it comes to people who bought the BDs (like me, I own both). Westerners fighting over Otaku Show A vs Otaky Show B are wasting their time. People did the same shit when it was Bake and K-ON! even though I'd bet anything a huge percentage of people were buying both.
When there is really nothing wrong with anything that AnnoKano said about the flaws of questioning survey and things (I'm not really good with all those fallacy things anyway, so I merely posted refute for the sake of... refuting I guess.), the only thing I just can't stand how he thinks he did no attack to Madoka fandom when I clearly see it in the response...
Edited: @Anno: Yes. You bolded the part that I was mentioning, except the Madoka fan part, which is probably the most important one... And?
Nov 27, 2011 4:38 AM by ringoo4
^... You must look back to your first post, as I'm constantly saying.
Though I have to say, the replies to this thread are pretty hillarious. Especially those from outraged Madoka fans, and from those who think a show like K-ON!! could only appeal to lonely guys.
Though I have to say, the replies to this thread are pretty hillarious. Especially those from outraged Madoka fans, and from those who think a show like K-ON!! could only appeal to lonely guys.
Though I have to say, the replies to this thread are pretty hillarious. Especially those from outraged Madoka fans
the replies to this thread are pretty hillarious. Especially those from outraged Madoka fans
Nov 27, 2011 4:37 AM by AnnoKano
Though I have to say, the replies to this thread are pretty hillarious. Especially those from outraged Madoka fans, and from those who think a show like K-ON!! could only appeal to lonely guys.
Nov 27, 2011 4:11 AM by ringoo4
I don't think it is absurd at all.
Well it is.
People question when things don't match with what they think. It is just so natural, especially with fandom, I don't even think it is criticism material.
Well it is.
I also do questioning all the time when poll does not meet with expectation - when accepting - I try to find out possible flaws or reasons that lead to the wrong expectation.
When you have no legitimate grounds to dismiss the poll (which you don't), you should assume you are the one that is wrong.
At the end, the reason that people can actually call this data - WRONG- is solely due to the fact it is 'survey'. If it wasn't, that post was not even there at all.
Surveys cannot be wrong, which is precisely why people arguing about it is funny.
"Outraging" conveys "emotion". Wrong reasoning is 'product' of 'outraging emotion'. The post you mentioned, had tone that is definitely not up to the point of raging and it looked like just questioning the validity of the poll. When yourself can call it 'silly', it is definitely not outrageous.
What is and is not 'outrageous' is entirely open to interpretation. I interpreted that way because of poor reasoning on the part of people of this thread, and defensive reactions about Madoka.
The term 'raging' is one of the most repetitively used criticism for any fandom, but it is definitely not suiting with this thread.
Who am I criticising here?
The people who responded to this thread in an unreasonable manner, or Madoka fans in general?
Nov 27, 2011 3:30 AM by AnnoKano
Fingerfood, it is just a random sample. It may be a small sample size as well, which would make it less accurate. And how they gathered the data could be flawed too (like if they just randomly asked people to take part in a survey about anime, people who watch it frequently are more likely to agree to take the survey than those that don't). In fact, I'd bet it is flawed in methodology in some way.
It doesn't mean there aren't people who have watched Madoka but don't watch anime frequently. In statistics, you'll actually get more varied results (variance) with things that occur infrequently. So if 1 in 100 people who have seen Madoka are people who would say they don't watch anime frequently, there's actually a 36.6% chance that a survey of 100 people won't find any such person that says that.
I'd guess there are 2 major factors at work in this statistic of what percentage of people who have seen a particular anime are frequent anime watchers. Those 2 factors are the overall popularity of the anime, and time it's been in existence (or how long it has been popular). A popular anime starts to draw the infrequent anime watchers. Their proportion increases over time. Frequent watchers are the first ones to see it, so only dwindle over time. If it never is popular, it never really spreads to the infrequent watchers.
Just by looking at their anime pages, I see Kuroshitsuji and K-On are a bit older and are near the top in popularity, so that explains the comparatively high % of infrequent anime watchers that have seen those. Strike Witches 2 is a bit newer, but not nearly as popular, which may explain the low %. And Modoka is in between in popularity, but still pretty new. I'd bet that in a few years that Modaka passes Strike Witches in that percentage.
Nov 27, 2011 12:17 AM by Timofmars
Nov 26, 2011 9:05 PM by Ston3_FreeN7
Nov 26, 2011 9:02 PM by supermegasonic
Nov 26, 2011 8:33 PM by Forest-kun
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I didn't say anything regarding the sales.
Not sure what else you could have meant, then. "Didn't works" isn't too descriptive.
well, you get the point. The some fresh, clear, well seasoned perspective. :D
Dec 13, 2011 1:07 AM by allflying