New One Piece Film of New World Arc Announced
Box office of One Piece Films (2000 - 2011)
One Piece Film: Strong World in December 2009 has earned a record high box office but the new movie One Piece 3D: Mugiwara Chase in March 2011 has marked the lowest revenue.
Source: Screenshot of the announcement, Screenshot 2
One Piece Film on MAL
20 of 75 Comments Recent Comments
Aug 15, 2012 8:29 PM by SgtKidd
Admirals, shanks or not; whatever they're doing they are HELL BENT on making this work.
Jul 9, 2012 10:45 PM by Thatguy31
Jul 9, 2012 1:54 PM by Wolfenstein
Jul 9, 2012 6:46 AM by asian_rawr
Do you like, hate One Piece then? Because Luffy coming to beat up the villain and save the day is pretty much the highlight of almost every single arc...
The Luffy beating up a bad guy part was not the point.......The reuse of nami's sacrificing herself and luffy saving her like in Arlong was....
Luffy had to save Nami in the Arlong arc and the movie. He also had to save Robin twice (at the Arabasta arc after he defeated Crocodile, and at the Enies Lobby arc) Does that make the Enies Lobby boring? No, it's one of the best arcs there is. Every arc is the same: someone is in trouble, Luffy gets pissed at the bad guy and helps. Why is it bad if he uses the same person?
In the Mermaid Island arc, Arlong came back. Not in person, but his 'legacy' so to speak. That doesn't make it worse or a remake from the Arlong arc.
Just because an idea has been used before, doesn't make it bad or something. Everything has been used before, be it in OP or another series.
Those situations are completely different....Enies lobby didn't merely have him saving Robin. But provided her character with a lot of Character Development. Same with Arlong for Nami. And fishman island having Arlong only serves to tie those arcs together fleshing out the OP world greatly.
Strong World just put Nami in that damsel in distress role but didn't really give any development as a result, since that already happened back in Arlong. And was also much weaker emotionally when Luffy finally does save her.
Was still a good movie, don't get me wrong. But people way overhype it just because it is written by Oda.
Jun 16, 2012 10:52 PM by removed-user
Jun 16, 2012 10:42 PM by IAmEnix
Jun 7, 2012 12:42 AM by Hirieoshi
I dont know if it was mentioned before... but...
Is that Kaido as the cover?
If the first fight in the new world is the one that is currently happening in the manga... and SPOILER- Law and Luffy are going to team to take care of one of the yonko... then the first battle will prob be vers a yonko... if thats the case... looking at the mark on the pics back- its not shanks jolly roger for his crew, nor teach, nor big mom... the only one left is kaido...
any thoughts?
Who knows, what you've said is really interesting and makes sense, I hope is Kaido. We've yet to see him and he's a Younko so obviously he's strong. I still remember when he fought Shanks before he confronted Blackbeard.
May 27, 2012 10:23 PM by TheEyeman
Is that Kaido as the cover?
If the first fight in the new world is the one that is currently happening in the manga... and SPOILER- Law and Luffy are going to team to take care of one of the yonko... then the first battle will prob be vers a yonko... if thats the case... looking at the mark on the pics back- its not shanks jolly roger for his crew, nor teach, nor big mom... the only one left is kaido...
any thoughts?
May 24, 2012 5:09 PM by DarkAngelz
Going to be very tough to surpass strong would though.
May 6, 2012 6:05 AM by Monkey_Professor
i'll look forward it :),
i cant really wait :D
May 6, 2012 1:54 AM by Origin
Do you like, hate One Piece then? Because Luffy coming to beat up the villain and save the day is pretty much the highlight of almost every single arc...
The Luffy beating up a bad guy part was not the point.......The reuse of nami's sacrificing herself and luffy saving her like in Arlong was....
Luffy had to save Nami in the Arlong arc and the movie. He also had to save Robin twice (at the Arabasta arc after he defeated Crocodile, and at the Enies Lobby arc) Does that make the Enies Lobby boring? No, it's one of the best arcs there is. Every arc is the same: someone is in trouble, Luffy gets pissed at the bad guy and helps. Why is it bad if he uses the same person?
In the Mermaid Island arc, Arlong came back. Not in person, but his 'legacy' so to speak. That doesn't make it worse or a remake from the Arlong arc.
Just because an idea has been used before, doesn't make it bad or something. Everything has been used before, be it in OP or another series.
Apr 24, 2012 2:11 PM by siovannie
Apr 21, 2012 10:06 PM by Yanoflies
"The best film of all One piece films surpassing Strong World"
-They are sure confident then i guess i will not doubt .
Apr 21, 2012 12:02 PM by TrOjAnHoRsE
the name's one piece film Z
Apr 20, 2012 2:36 AM by Bakanky
Feb 17, 2012 3:12 AM by guruguru19
Feb 17, 2012 1:47 AM by morshuwarrior
OO another one, but the only way I can see it being the best film is if Oda writes the story again. If not... though the first battle in the new world? Isn't that fishman island?
Oh and your two sources screenshots are for the same screenshot.
looking forward to it. Just hope it doesn't feel like a ripoff of a main series arc like strongworld did.
Strong World wasn't a ripoff... it was canon -.-
Canon and pretty much the same plot as
Dec 1, 2011 10:57 AM by MinimalismGeek
Because the world really needs another One Piece movie.
more moeblobs is the way to go
Nov 25, 2011 10:57 AM by Bakanky
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