Live Action Akira Greenlit
The film's current story according to Variety is the following: "Set in New Manhattan, the cyberpunk sci-fi epic follows the leader of a biker gang who must save his friend, discovered with potentially destructive psychokinetic abilities, from government medical experiments."
Source: Variety
Previous related topic: Akira Live Action Movie Update
20 of 75 Comments Recent Comments
Oct 24, 2011 2:21 AM by bergil
Placing it in "New Manhattan" destroys most of the deep symbolism derived from the manga and original animated movie. It's a deep allusion to the collapse of normalcy in the lives of the survivors of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Way to turn something incredibly deep and beautiful into something shallow and boring.
It wouldn't be the first time. Look at the Silent Hill movie. Based on a game in which people are pulled into the titular town and forced to confront their inner turmoil, it is changed into a save the princess horror story that barely resembles anything from the first game.
This doesn't change the fact it's the best game based movie ever made.
Oct 22, 2011 4:03 PM by Damonashu
Placing it in "New Manhattan" destroys most of the deep symbolism derived from the manga and original animated movie. It's a deep allusion to the collapse of normalcy in the lives of the survivors of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Way to turn something incredibly deep and beautiful into something shallow and boring.
It wouldn't be the first time. Look at the Silent Hill movie. Based on a game in which people are pulled into the titular town and forced to confront their inner turmoil, it is changed into a save the princess horror story that barely resembles anything from the first game.
This doesn't change the fact it's the best game based movie ever made.
Oct 22, 2011 3:06 PM by bergil
Placing it in "New Manhattan" destroys most of the deep symbolism derived from the manga and original animated movie. It's a deep allusion to the collapse of normalcy in the lives of the survivors of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Way to turn something incredibly deep and beautiful into something shallow and boring.
It wouldn't be the first time. Look at the Silent Hill movie. Based on a game in which people are pulled into the titular town and forced to confront their inner turmoil, it is changed into a save the princess horror story that barely resembles anything from the first game.
Oct 22, 2011 2:53 PM by Damonashu
Oct 22, 2011 1:15 PM by StealthUnicycle
I hate america for forcefully localizing everything. Tards.
Oct 22, 2011 8:22 AM by Alcoholicide
But I'd like to see photos of Kaneda's bike when they appear.
Oct 22, 2011 2:19 AM by shakeyourpup45
Oct 22, 2011 1:44 AM by bergil
[LOL'd @ the forum arguments in pages 2 & 3.]
Oct 21, 2011 9:29 PM by Kyon2570
Oct 21, 2011 9:20 PM by Aozure
i hope it fails
Oct 21, 2011 5:31 PM by Mon_Diamond
"Katsuhiro Otomo, who wrote and directed the 1988 Japanese anime pic of the same name, will exec produce "Akira" "
Well,that can only be a good sign, right?
Anyway, it'll probably be bad in comparision etc, but I'll go watch it if it's in cinemas near me. Why not support it, so that better quality adaptions can be made in the future etc.
Agreed on Zac Efron though :P
that only means that he put money up for it. executive producers have little to no say on moviemaking decisions. they just toss out their money for a credit on the film. I don't know why people say that like its a good thing.
Oct 21, 2011 5:22 PM by Algazero
Oct 21, 2011 3:10 PM by Corpse69
Oct 21, 2011 3:00 PM by Forest-kun
NOTHING. The potential is infinite. Anything can be done right if it's done right.
But it won't be done right.
There isn't a trailer yet.
Once THAT exists then opinions can begin to be formed.
I personally highly doubt this will live up to the movie. And it shouldn't be trying to.
Doesn't mean it can't be good, still have soul, and still retain the same feel.
But I won't bother forming an opinion until this thing actually exists soooo.
Okay name one good anime adaptation Hollywood has done? oh right you can't, do you need to be kicked in the balls 10 times before you actually understand you're getting kicked in the balls?
know how I know this movie gonna be bad, the sheer lack of interest in it, This was rumored to be happening YEARS a go it even had some really huge actors trying to push it along but that didn't even get it through. The only reason it got pushed though now was probably a script got shit out that they can make in a month and shove it out so it can make a little money.
It's a crappy adaption of the books but it's an absolutely brilliantly done movie that's going to stand the test of time.
Huge difference, lord of the rings is a well know classic, most people probably knew of it or read it and it had some people attached to it who are proven to do good work and it was pretty obvious the Studio was actually really interested in making it and wasn't gonna force Peter Jackson to do some direct to video level bullshit.
I used Weabos for a clear example.
If you're complaining because it's changed.
You're a fucking weabo.
no your using weaboo as an example of "WELL YOUR NOT RACIST LIKE ME! YOU MUST BE STUPID!"
If I was doing an adaptation about the the plight of black people in the inner city, and then changed all the black characters to white characters and changed the social cometary. The fucking NAACP would be busting down my door with lawsuits.
but because you know I wanna see FUCKING ETHNIC PEOPLE IN ETHNIC ROLES, I'm some kinda of dirty Asian lover or some thing.
I always loved this thought process If this movie was about fighting ethnic people the studio would move mountains to make sure those people are ethnic and demonized
But if the heroes are ethnic fuck you better cast some white people.
You're a fool.
Actually other way around skippy. If you got robbed every single time you walked down a specific dark alley, Do you keep telling your self "hurrr well I shouldn't avoid this dark alley because judging things on past experiences in bad!"
Blindly saying "give it a chance" when you have no indication what so ever it will be even some what decent, when all evidence is pointing to other wise. You're a fool.
Nice sudo philosophy idiot, but the real fool is the one who chooses to ignore the Elephant in the room.
Oct 21, 2011 2:32 PM by Jigero
Not that I love R-rated movies or anything but the fact that Akira will be watered down to PG-13 is possibly a bigger reason for me to not watch this than the "New Manhatta" thing. Or maybe both factors are equally horrible.
Is this something actually confirmed or are you talking out your ass? Because I haven't seen any reason to assume that. Due to the fact that the movie has only just been greenlit, I'll assume the latter.
Albert Hughes had said a few months ago that WB mandated that the adaptation be PG-13. Despite the fact that he won't be the director anymore, I don't see how that would change the studio's stance on a rating. Plenty of links saying so if you googled it but here's a few anyway, about Hughes and the rating.
Oct 21, 2011 2:07 PM by Waffocopter
What the hell is wrong with you people?
What's with all the hate? It's AKIRA. Manga was amazing, anime changed a lot of things but was still great, very few people complain about that. Now, we finally get a live-action adaptation and everyone hates it before the movie even started to film. What the hell? You guys WANT it to fail? You WANT to see Warner Bross burn? Do you even hear yourself?
It's a damn Hollywood movie. Of course that remake will be set in fucking America and have Americans in it, not Japanese. But why does that even matter? Have you guys even read Akira? Neo Tokyo or New Manhatan, it's all the same shit. Why does it even matter if character is called Tetsuo or Travis? It's not like Asian actors are any better than Americans either... because they are not.
I am looking forward to hearing more about this movie, and I am sure it's the same for many Akira fans.
I feel your pain, but this is the anime fanbase. We are one of the greatest examples of Unpleasable Fanbase and They Changed it Now it Sucks to have ever existed. Change something slightly so that it isn't COMPLETELY JAPANESE and you'd better be sleeping with one eye open, cuz they're coming with pitchforks.
...Really? How is that even an argument? How are people like you and him arguing that the only reason most people abhor this news is because they are purist? How are you two ignoring the number of shitty Hollywood adaptations that have been out in the past five years. Those movies that take familiar names and concepts and edit them to the point that they can't even be called the same thing.
Movies, I might add, that aren't just panned by fans but critics alike.
Being worried about it is one thing, but people in here (and other places like CR) are complaining for the most biased reasons and saying the most immature things. Hoping it will fail? Set in New Manhattan, so it's doomed to fail? Because it's not in Japan. No Asian actors, so it has to fail, because only Asians can act. Right.
And for the comparisons, again, I can understand being worried about how it will turn out, but it's also not fair to compare it to something like Dragonball: Evolution, since Dragonball was geared towards a much younger audience from the beginning. The extreme pessimism so early in the game doesn't give us anime fans a very good name.
I don't know what fanbase you think you're a part of. This is the group of people who hear the word "dub" and run for the hills.
Well I can't argue with that. Rather, I won't argue with it. What I was arguing was that pessimism is fair in such a situation, not that it's alright to want the movie to fail.
Oct 21, 2011 1:21 PM by Damonashu
Oct 21, 2011 1:13 PM by unclenekomimi
What the hell is wrong with you people?
What's with all the hate? It's AKIRA. Manga was amazing, anime changed a lot of things but was still great, very few people complain about that. Now, we finally get a live-action adaptation and everyone hates it before the movie even started to film. What the hell? You guys WANT it to fail? You WANT to see Warner Bross burn? Do you even hear yourself?
It's a damn Hollywood movie. Of course that remake will be set in fucking America and have Americans in it, not Japanese. But why does that even matter? Have you guys even read Akira? Neo Tokyo or New Manhatan, it's all the same shit. Why does it even matter if character is called Tetsuo or Travis? It's not like Asian actors are any better than Americans either... because they are not.
I am looking forward to hearing more about this movie, and I am sure it's the same for many Akira fans.
I feel your pain, but this is the anime fanbase. We are one of the greatest examples of Unpleasable Fanbase and They Changed it Now it Sucks to have ever existed. Change something slightly so that it isn't COMPLETELY JAPANESE and you'd better be sleeping with one eye open, cuz they're coming with pitchforks.
...Really? How is that even an argument? How are people like you and him arguing that the only reason most people abhor this news is because they are purist? How are you two ignoring the number of shitty Hollywood adaptations that have been out in the past five years. Those movies that take familiar names and concepts and edit them to the point that they can't even be called the same thing.
Movies, I might add, that aren't just panned by fans but critics alike.
Being worried about it is one thing, but people in here (and other places like CR) are complaining for the most biased reasons and saying the most immature things. Hoping it will fail? Set in New Manhattan, so it's doomed to fail? Because it's not in Japan. No Asian actors, so it has to fail, because only Asians can act. Right.
And for the comparisons, again, I can understand being worried about how it will turn out, but it's also not fair to compare it to something like Dragonball: Evolution, since Dragonball was geared towards a much younger audience from the beginning. The extreme pessimism so early in the game doesn't give us anime fans a very good name.
I don't know what fanbase you think you're a part of. This is the group of people who hear the word "dub" and run for the hills.
Oct 21, 2011 12:45 PM by Florete
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Of course, stupid people will still go watch it. Like they did for Dragonball Evolution and Blood.
Hollywood recently ran out of ideas that they have to steal from others and then transform it into their own??? Shame shame.
Why bother to make a live action when you know it can never beat the anime version?
Why am I so against it? Simple.
When I watch a live action (yes, even Japanese movies/dramas) and it's not up to expectation (as expected always), I get pissed off because the live action not only spoilt the story itself, it also wasted a few irreplaceable hours of my life.
Oct 24, 2011 4:19 AM by icegenie