Light Novels 'Accel World' and 'Sword Art Online' To Be Animated [Update Dec 10]
Sources: Dengeki, MyCom Journal
Accel World on MAL
Sword Art Online on MAL
Updated on December 10th
Accel World official website
To Be aired from April till September 2012
Director: Ohara Masakazu
Series Composition: Yoshino Hiroyuki
Haruyuki: Kaji Yuki
Kuroyukihime: Misawa Sachika
Chiyuri: Toyosaki Aki
Takumu: Asanuma Shintaro
Sword Art Online official website
To be aired from July till December 2012
Director: Ito Tomohiko
Character Design: Adachi Shingo ("Working!!")
Kirito: Matsuoka Yoshitsugu
Asuna: Tomatsu Haruka
Lifa: Taketatsu Ayana
Yui: Ito Kanae
Source: Dengeki
20 of 117 Comments Recent Comments
Oct 4, 2012 10:27 AM by animewatcher123
Apr 3, 2012 12:48 PM by ZeroKamikaze
Just realised, every main female character was seen in their underwear at least once lol.
kirito never see suguha's. that's only the illustration.
Well, I was referring to the reader. But I think it's pretty likely that he did get a peak at some point living together in a house.
Mar 17, 2012 6:16 PM by Yanoflies
Mar 17, 2012 9:17 AM by hnryirawan
Just realised, every main female character was seen in their underwear at least once lol.
kirito never see suguha's. that's only the illustration.
Mar 14, 2012 6:38 AM by hnryirawan
I think 26 episodes over volume 1 and 2 would be nice. I wouldn't mind some fillers if the author helped with the storyboarding.
An other 26 episodes for 3 and 4 would be also nice :).
26 episodes on 3 alone I think would be fine In my opinion with added bits of filler.
1 and 2 is fine since volume 2 is just side stories, perfect extra content that can be added in.
then whatever comes to volume 4. I haven't gotten that far in my reading yet so xD
Mar 6, 2012 3:12 PM by RyuKirin
An other 26 episodes for 3 and 4 would be also nice :).
Mar 4, 2012 10:59 PM by Yanoflies
“…so…in the options menu, all the way on the bottom…there's an option called «Ethic Code Off».”
Mar 2, 2012 4:47 AM by Yanoflies
The reason for GGO was because the author wanted to recreate the death in game = death in real life scenario, which is definitely the selling point of the series.
As for ALO, I enjoyed it, but it didn't have the life or death aspect so it was a bit of a turn off. And really, the ending wasn't the most convincing.
Mar 1, 2012 6:38 PM by Yanoflies
Feb 29, 2012 12:41 AM by hnryirawan
Feb 22, 2012 9:36 AM by Daimyo
My guess is they might make the anime on volume 1 and 2. Since the casts are decided for most of the female characters except for Sinon. But the thing that I am going "ugh..." about is the fact that Suguha is also in the cast...meaning there might be chance of them squeezing in volume 3 and 4... I don't want it to be rushed... I want them to make it good instead of rushing as many volumes as they can. D; But if they are really planing to do the adaptation from volume 1 to 4 (if it's fillers free) then 6 episodes per volume still seems short in my opinion.
ANYWAY! Let's just hope for the best. ><
Feb 21, 2012 9:43 PM by iSupercell
Feb 18, 2012 12:23 PM by Avid_Existence
Well, SAO airing between July and December means it's going to have 24 episodes. Between 2-3 chapters per episode is a leisure pace. I think they can even make fillers, lol.
I'm afraid SAO is too awesome to get a satisfactory adaptation. I'm still pondering whether I should watch it or stick to novels without raging over poorly made anime...
It could have 25 or 26. which I hope it does go for (26). 2-3 chapters does sound a fair rate. If I remember right the first book had a bit over 20+ chapters so they could manage to get 2 books done in the 2 seasons it airs...but what makes me worried is that, since the series isn't done yet, nor is to early, Im worried that they are going to change up the story and possibly ruin it like they sorta did with Ao no Exorcist. I honestly hope that they just cover the first book and get multiple seasons so ensure that we get a good ending ya know. Tell me what you think? am I missing any key pieces of info here =o.
Jan 9, 2012 2:32 PM by RyuKirin
I'm afraid SAO is too awesome to get a satisfactory adaptation. I'm still pondering whether I should watch it or stick to novels without raging over poorly made anime...
Jan 6, 2012 1:05 PM by koleare
Cool. I can't wait anymore for SAO..
i wish they cover the volume 1 and Volume 2 of SAO...
I kinda hope that they just cover the first volume since it pretty much covered one large entire goal of beating the game.
They managed to do that at the very end of the book. I don't think it would be best to shove everything from the first book into the first half of the series and the other book into the next one. Things would seem really rushed since alot did happen in the first book along. and it wouldn't be best to have cover book 1 and have like maybe 7-8 episodes and jam rush the second I would like them to take their time. Ya know :). I really enjoyed reading the books and I hope to GOD that they do not change the story... I HOPE TO GOD O_O.
Jan 6, 2012 12:52 PM by RyuKirin
i wish they cover the volume 1 and Volume 2 of SAO...
Jan 5, 2012 4:21 AM by Croissant07
Jan 5, 2012 12:31 AM by hnryirawan
As for AW... Fat shrimp, huh. I'm not too fond of lame ducks as main characters. And based on novel illustrations he seems to be quite popular with girls...
Jan 3, 2012 2:53 AM by Antanaru
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