Japan's Weekly DVD & CD Rankings for Aug 8 - 14
*1, 4,756 *,*16,891 Hakuouki Sekkaroku
*2, 3,915 *,244,164 Karigurashi no Arrietty
*3, 1,984 1,089,823 My Neighbor Totoro
**, 1,232 *,**6,870 (K-ON!! Live Event ~ Come with Me!! ~)
*4, *,994 *,**8,499 One Piece 3D: Mugiwara Chase
*5, *,933 *,***,933 Redline Collector's Edition
*6, *,909 *,733,102 Castle in the Sky
*7, *,865 *,***,865 Katte ni Kaizou vol.2
*8, *,815 *,**4,804 Manga Nihon Mukashi Banashi DVD Box vol.3
*9, *,812 *,463,487 Kiki's Delivery Service
10, *,802 *,*26,760 One Piece Log Collection "God"
11, *,736 *,*10,967 Eiga Precure All Stars DX3: Mirai ni Todoke! Sekai wo Tsunagu Niji-iro no Hana Special Edition
12, *,625 *,*16,519 Gintama'
13, *,566 *,642,761 Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind
14, *,530 *,333,200 Princess Mononoke
15, *,502 *,***,502 Redline Standard Edition
16, *,494 *,**3,813 Nintama Rantarou Movie: Ninjutsu Gakuen Zenin Shutsudou! no Dan
17, *,480 2,362,464 Spirited Away
*1, 2,851 *2,851 Katte ni Kaizou vol.2 Limited Edition
**, 2,489 34,294 (K-ON!! Live Event ~ Come with Me!! ~)
*2, 1,988 *1,988 Redline Collector's Edition
*3, *,846 **,846 Appleseed XIII vol.2
*4, *,668 54,621 Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica vol.4 Limited Edition
*5, *,644 **,644 Redline Standard Edition
*6, *,598 26,309 Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai vol.2 Limited Edition
Single CD
*4, 26,446 26,446 The iDOLM@STER "Ready!!"
13, *9,520 60,331 Blood-C "Junketsu Paradox"
14, *8,997 *8,997 Mayo Chiki! "Be Starters!"
21, *6,896 81,521 One Piece "Fight Together"
22, *6,280 *6,280 Uta no☆Prince-sama♪ Maji Love 1000% Character Song by Ren
27, *3,450 10,931 Uta no☆Prince-sama♪ Maji Love 1000% Character Song by Masato
28, *3,289 *3,289 Mayo Chiki! "Kimi ni Gohoshi"
37, *2,939 38,399 Uta no☆Prince-sama♪ Maji Love 1000% "Maji Love 1000%"
38, *2,711 45,831 Pokemon Best Wishes! "Pokemon Ierukana? BW"
40, *2,579 20,203 Kokurikozaka Kara "Sayonara no Natsu ~Kokurikozaka Kara~"
45, *2,304 *2,304 Hakuouki Sekkaroku "Yume no Ukibune"
46, *2,286 *2,286 Natsume Yuujinchou San "Kimi no Kakera"
48, *2,216 *9,898 Sacred Seven "stone cold"
49, *2,143 *8,412 Nichijou "Hyadain no Jo Jo Yujo"
Source: Oricon Youtaiju
20 of 37 Comments Recent Comments
In Japan, Idol is a profession, meaning all have gone to "Idol school" and undergone some form of basic training in all fields, and depending on your talent, you specialize (singer, voice actor, performer). The there are those who are scouted to do a particular job.
Basically in their free time, they train and when they get assignments they go if to try out or qualify for. Its more of a progression approach, rather then a talent approach. Its a system that rewards both those who have talent, and those who just work hard and go through the training. If you have no talent...it will be difficult though and if you're extremely talented, you can probably bypass the system and jump straight into whatever profession you want.
Aug 19, 2011 6:43 AM by taj69
It's a live concert. The characters' seiyuu (Toyosaki, Taketatsu, Kotobuki and so forth) are on stage singing the songs from the series (yes singing, not lip synching). And occasionally even playing the instruments for real for a song or three. They're not trained musicians of course, so they're not expected to sound like pros, and don't (though it's fun to see them give it a go). There are also some MCing segments and other bits of role-acting fun.
Aug 17, 2011 12:54 PM by Leon-Gun
Now that I think of it Idolmaster is most likely a 13 vol series as well
It's been confirmed at 9 discs.
So 2 cour has been confirmed? I've heard it rumored that Idolmaster is 25 but never seen any actual confirmation. It worried me when I saw first volume only had 2 episodes though
Aug 17, 2011 10:53 AM by RyanSaotome
Seiyuu concerts are a somewhat common thing for anime to do. What's uncommon is massive sales of over 40k, but that's the power of K-ON!.
I won't be surprised when a survey in Japan concludes that men prefer K-ON! over sex. Many people in the US prefer their cell phones over sex.
Aug 17, 2011 10:04 AM by Hoppy
I guess I wait for season sets when buying DVDs anyways, so perhaps that's what everyone in Japan's doing.
Japan is totally different from R1 - there are no cheap season sets in Japan. Or virtually none.
Most shows just get their initial run of 1-3 episode single discs at full ¥5000-9000 per disc prices.
Some shows then get a DVD or more commonly now BD boxset, usually after a year or more, which is cheaper than the singles but still usually in the ¥20000-50000 range (so often at least $300 USD). But most shows never get even this second release.
There are a small number of shows from Geneon Universal and Bandai Visual that have gotten priced down (but still more than Americans would be used to paying) DVD-only bare bones sets. But this only started in the past year or so, most of the titles getting the releases are a few years old. And while it may herald a significant change in the market - maaaaybe - it's slow moving and still very atypical for the Japanese anime market. And these cheap sets generally don't sell much either. Many move under 1,000 units.
In other words, no, it's unlikely we'll see a JP boxset of Nichijou any time soon, let alone a remotely cheap one. The initial release *is* ¥103,740 (~$1,300 USD) at MSRP after all... A "cheap" boxset would still probably be $600 USD.
Manga costs between 800-2000 yen (~11-25 US), LNs are a little cheaper but don't go less than 500 yen.
The moral of the story is there really isn't any cheap stuff in Japan even when I say something is cheap or cheaper, it's only by Japanese standards only, so save up and prepare to fork over an arm, leg, and first born.
Aug 17, 2011 9:44 AM by Hoppy
Now that I think of it Idolmaster is most likely a 13 vol series as well
It's been confirmed at 9 discs.
Sweet thanks, well at least it won't be a $1000 cost, but it's a few hundred close to it.
Aug 17, 2011 9:07 AM by Hoppy
I guess I wait for season sets when buying DVDs anyways, so perhaps that's what everyone in Japan's doing.
Japan is totally different from R1 - there are no cheap season sets in Japan. Or virtually none.
Most shows just get their initial run of 1-3 episode single discs at full ¥5000-9000 per disc prices.
Some shows then get a DVD or more commonly now BD boxset, usually after a year or more, which is cheaper than the singles but still usually in the ¥20000-50000 range (so often at least $300 USD). But most shows never get even this second release.
There are a small number of shows from Geneon Universal and Bandai Visual that have gotten priced down (but still more than Americans would be used to paying) DVD-only bare bones sets. But this only started in the past year or so, most of the titles getting the releases are a few years old. And while it may herald a significant change in the market - maaaaybe - it's slow moving and still very atypical for the Japanese anime market. And these cheap sets generally don't sell much either. Many move under 1,000 units.
In other words, no, it's unlikely we'll see a JP boxset of Nichijou any time soon, let alone a remotely cheap one. The initial release *is* ¥103,740 (~$1,300 USD) at MSRP after all... A "cheap" boxset would still probably be $600 USD.
Now that I think of it Idolmaster is most likely a 13 vol series as well, I can imagine it being no less than $900 if it ever gets a boxset (it could be over $1000 easy), I also figured out how much it would cost and it's a little over $1100 for the entire set if you buy volumes and that's not figuring in shipping if you are importing the series and if you are like me and got the PS3 boxset which is around $216 US.
Aug 17, 2011 7:07 AM by Hoppy
Holy shit Redline did bad. Wasn't that supposed to be some super hyped movie?
Most people probably had seizures from watching it (I'm not making this up btw, there were reported cases) cause the visuals are real brain-killer.
couldn't agree with u more man i saw it like 3 days ago and damn the visuals were bad
I'm disappointed that it sold so little in Japan.
I'd say not bad visual. but not Japanese style.
I only give this anime 7/10.
cool but not really something great...
Aug 17, 2011 4:17 AM by IZUMI64
Holy shit Redline did bad. Wasn't that supposed to be some super hyped movie?
Most people probably had seizures from watching it (I'm not making this up btw, there were reported cases) cause the visuals are real brain-killer.
couldn't agree with u more man i saw it like 3 days ago and damn the visuals were bad
I'm disappointed that it sold so little in Japan.
Aug 17, 2011 4:02 AM by stAtic91
The otaku want cute lolis and hot chicks and then there's the Fujoshi issue.
Oh, there's plenty of cute characters though, with top kawaii award going to Nano.

And hey, Mio's awesome!!! Especially when:
Plus the fact it took far too long for the show to become funny and entertaining. I had a lot of trouble getting into the show for the first 5 or so episodes and even then, it still took twice as more episodes to slowly become interesting. By the time we got into the second cour, it had finally become what I expected of it when it was first announced. IOW, that's pretty much 13 out of 26 episodes wasted.
Expect sales for this show to be low for quite some time. I'm not expecting any improvement before volume 6 or 7.
Eeeehhhh?! Your mileage may vary I guess--I was laughing from the very first episode. =/
I guess I wait for season sets when buying DVDs anyways, so perhaps that's what everyone in Japan's doing.
Aug 16, 2011 10:53 PM by Cho_Desu
Aug 16, 2011 10:43 PM by IZUMI64
Damn, 7 hand-drawn years of production, yet Redline is doing bad in sales.
Don't reinforce negative stereotypes by oversimplifying the situation. There are enough people who will bitch about it in those terms and actually mean it.
I wasn't being serious regarding Redline.
Aug 16, 2011 9:23 PM by RyanSaotome
Damn, 7 hand-drawn years of production, yet Redline is doing bad in sales.
Don't reinforce negative stereotypes by oversimplifying the situation. There are enough people who will bitch about it in those terms and actually mean it.
Aug 16, 2011 6:50 PM by Leon-Gun
Damn, 7 hand-drawn years of production, yet Redline is doing bad in sales.
Its not kawaii uguu enough.
Aug 16, 2011 12:22 PM by RyanSaotome
Aug 16, 2011 12:15 PM by Riga92
Don't really wanna get a Pokemon Seizure Attack over it though.
Aug 16, 2011 12:02 PM by StreetFighter
Aug 16, 2011 9:30 AM by Sanguis
Dang, I wish Nichijou was selling like ten times this.
The otaku want cute lolis and hot chicks and then there's the Fujoshi issue.
Plus the fact it took far too long for the show to become funny and entertaining. I had a lot of trouble getting into the show for the first 5 or so episodes and even then, it still took twice as more episodes to slowly become interesting. By the time we got into the second cour, it had finally become what I expected of it when it was first announced. IOW, that's pretty much 13 out of 26 episodes wasted.
Expect sales for this show to be low for quite some time. I'm not expecting any improvement before volume 6 or 7.
Aug 16, 2011 9:23 AM by Firelord76
Dang, I wish Nichijou was selling like ten times this.
The otaku want cute lolis and hot chicks and then there's the Fujoshi issue.
Aug 16, 2011 9:04 AM by Hoppy
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