VA Hirano Aya Quits Her Management Office and Closes Official Fan Club [Update Aug 21]
Hirano posted in her official blog that she had been negotiating with Spacecraft agency over the termination of the contract with them since last year. She said her new management office has already been decided.
Update August 21st
Hirano has launched a new official website and announced that she entered a new agency "Grick", which mainly does the management of TV personalities and idols. No seiyu other than Hirano belongs to the office.
Sources: Natalie, Cyzo, Hirano's official blog
Related topic: Hirano Aya Banned From Appearing in Newly Started Anime By Her Manager
20 of 265 Comments Recent Comments
Just a few days ago it was announced she is cast in the main role of Elizabeth in the Japanese production of "Lady Bess", a musical about Elizabeth I before she became queen of England.
And check the gorgeous dress Hirano wears
Nov 21, 2013 10:38 AM by symbv
Here's to hoping for Suzumiya Haruhi Season 3 then~
Nov 21, 2013 3:40 AM by Nikko_ni_ni
I never knew anything about the controversies surrounding her, and I've enjoyed her voice acting work enough. After skimming this thread and seeing the choices she's made, I hope she can talk to a psychologist or something, at least. I understand that kind of thing is looked down on in Japan, though. (Or at the very least "not talked about"?)
Damn, she really screwed up with that "creepy otaku" thing though!
Jun 22, 2013 4:23 PM by urobutcher
Jun 19, 2013 8:26 AM by hinata3487
They need to find a new seiyuu for Lucy.
No, they don't. She did Lucy from the first episode to the last, all 175 of them. And if the series comes back for a sequel or a movie, she'll still do Lucy. The issues covered in this thread have absolutely no bearing on Fairy Tail or her role in it.
Yeah I hope so, she's expert VA XD
I guess she doesn't deserve treatment like this :(
Apr 18, 2013 7:38 AM by Rayl1ght
Apr 14, 2013 3:21 PM by Hachibei
I think it is not a good idea to just treat silence as admission of fault. There are many other reasons why people choose not to fight an allegation. As I said, the potential cost on time, effort, resource and reputation in order to fight is just one possible reason.
> This is the internet, you cannot hope people not talk about her, negatively or positively however.
No, I never dispute that. I am fully aware that once things get into internet they will get circulated and get discussed, which is one reason why I said creating a joke based on a tabloid report can also mean helping the circulation of the report.
Apr 12, 2013 1:34 PM by symbv
So you are not a fan of her. Note it, Its just that your vehemently defense made me believe otherwise.
Cannot say that what you said is not possible. I find it very hard to believe that she would remain silent if it was totally untrue, will someone permit a career to end because a lie? So this suggest some part of it is true. Maybe not as bad, possible, yes.
This is the internet, you cannot hope people not talk about her, negatively or positively however.
Apr 12, 2013 1:18 PM by 9988
So before making a joke, one must not only make sure there is no possibility of misunderstanding or abuse in the context spoken/written, but also in any possible repetition that may or may not occur in the future. Also, it must not be based on challenged reports, especially those considered slanderous, because it might promote them. Finally, one cannot rely on sensible discretion on part of the readers/listeners and is responsible if somebody does misunderstand or abuse the joke.
Apr 12, 2013 1:08 PM by symbv
Its very interesting that your apparent love for her makes you only think she could have sex with just one band member (sex photo and all, at least one is for sure) but you conveniently dont mention the other possibility .... for all we know (or dont) she could have had sex with ALL band members and wjo knows many more coworkers.
We have after sex photo, at least one is for sure, irrefutable evidence, and no, if it was a fake, she would have promptly said so, considering it was gonna end her career, like it did.
Apr 12, 2013 1:00 PM by symbv
*gags own mouth, no other words spoken, no other words written*
Apr 12, 2013 12:56 PM by hentai_proxy
So you also buy the allegation that she was slutting around then, as you said they are "facts". As I said time and again, we do not know how much of the tabloid report are "facts". She could have had sex with just one coworker which would make the premises of the joke incorrect already. Or she could have had none.
Its very interesting that your apparent love for her makes you only think she could have sex with just one band member, but you conveniently dont mention the other possibility .... for all we know (or dont) she could have had sex with ALL band members and who knows many more coworkers.
We have after sex photo, at least one is for sure, irrefutable evidence, and no, if it was a fake, she would have promptly said so, considering it was gonna end her career, like it did.
We have seen tabloids putting alien abduction and lake monster on front page. .
Sure, except they dont give irrefutable photographically evidence that suggest otherwise and that at the least some part of the story is absolutely truth. Also Nessie does not have the option to say, hey, that a fake, it is not me.
And way to go for someone suggesting closing this thread. Let the censorship reign over MAL at the sight of someone telling /negatively or positively) something we dont like to hear/read. NICE.
Seems the truth is so hard for some to digest. If she did it with one or all 4 matters little, fact remains her image is ruined forever in the eyes of her fans. The result is as we know. She wanted attention and she got it. She should have not permitted after sex photos to be taken of her.
Apr 12, 2013 12:54 PM by 9988
Anyway, to conclude, to me jokes is just one form of speech and if speech can be slanderous, jokes can also be slanderous, either because of its direct influence or because it helps to spread the background slander story.
Apr 12, 2013 12:43 PM by symbv
And even if we take that aside, your joke also spreads awareness the existence of the tabloid report. So your jokes are helping the tabloid reports to spread.
I see; actually I don't, since my joke was at the end of a page completely clarifying the situation and meant primarily for those readers (both sides of the argument), to break all the seriousness. Somehow, it became a vehicle to promote slanderous reports even though it is not referencing anything so nobody unfamiliar with the story would get it. All of it is a moot worry now. My joke is completely inaccessible now to anyone without the patience to flip through endless pages to locate it. I guess that's one less thing for Aya to worry about.
Apr 12, 2013 12:34 PM by hentai_proxy
And even if we take that aside, your joke also spreads awareness of the existence of the tabloid report as people who did not know about the original tabloid report may try to find it and read it later. So your jokes are helping the tabloid reports to spread. Viewed in this way, your jokes can even be said to serve a marketing purpose for the tabloid.
Apr 12, 2013 12:26 PM by symbv
You can say whatever you like about people should not take a joke seriously but the reality is joke can influence people's opinion too. In cold war there were Russian jokes that portrayed America as hell on Earth and this actually served as propaganda tools to get people to believe that America is an evil place. Should we blame those people who heard this joke and started to think America is a bad place? The fact is, people are constantly being influenced by stream of information they heard. Even though they may claim that they do not take jokes seriously, consciously or unconsciously their view may be shaped by what they heard. This is why jokes have been used in propaganda, insinuation and subtle marketing purpose. And even if a listener managed to indeed reject being influenced by the subject of your jokes, he may still get curious about the backstory of your jokes and check about it later, thus exposing himself to the slanderous material. Even if your jokes are not a tabloid report, the end effect could be similar.
I am very well aware of the use of jokes in propaganda; my joke was not crafted for such purposes. Someone might decide to think bad of Aya after reading it. Someone else might decide to think bad of the story after reading it. A third person may decide to think good of Aya after reading it. All of these possibilities and countless others are beyond my control (unlike a propagandist's machinery, by the way). I just wanted some people to laugh, if they found it funny.
Apr 12, 2013 12:20 PM by hentai_proxy
Apr 12, 2013 12:09 PM by symbv
^ Then I guess I don't need to repeat myself that your jokes can also serve the same effect as those tabloid report on which your jokes are based.
No, you don't, I have understood your claim perfectly well. I simply cannot see how the person who will be fooled by the slanderous tabloid report, deliberately crafted to destroy a reputation, will be fooled by a clowny joke based on the story, a joke that obviously mocks itself. I do not see how the comparison is being made that, if a person is vulnerable to an insidiously written paper, they are vulnerable to my Q&A. Do you really see insidiousness, malice, an underhanded attempt to slander in the joke? I don't. These are characteristics of the tabloid stories, not my joke. I am sorry you think otherwise.
Apr 12, 2013 11:59 AM by hentai_proxy
Apr 12, 2013 11:49 AM by symbv
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Well she is definitely moving to new areas and getting some success there.
Just a few days ago it was announced she is cast in the main role of Elizabeth in the Japanese production of "Lady Bess", a musical about Elizabeth I before she became queen of England.
And check the gorgeous dress Hirano wears
She's looking fabulous in that dress.Hopefully she's happy.Im not gonna lie tho, i would love her to get some major anime role once again.
Nov 21, 2013 11:59 AM by incompleteAEGIS