Manga 'Hybrid Child' To Be Animated
Source: Scan of CIEL cover
Hybrid Child on MAL
20 of 122 Comments Recent Comments
Aug 30, 2013 2:02 PM by Stardew
Looks like Junjou Romantica.
Has the same concepts and principals too even if the plots are different. Hope it is more yaoi than JR this time too ^^
Aug 30, 2013 1:56 PM by KatieMH
If not, just say good mangas/animes Yaoi, beyond these:
- Princess Princess
- Junjou Romantica
- Gravitation
- Sensitive Pornograph
- Sukisyo
- Kirepapa
- Sex Pistols
- Okane ga Nai
- Loveless
- Gakuen Heaven
- Shounen Maid Kuro-kun
- Papa to kiss in the dark
<a href="">lace front wig</a>
Aug 29, 2013 11:34 PM by raftermysty333
Aug 29, 2013 10:31 PM by symbv
Aug 29, 2013 11:12 AM by AbZeroNow
C'mon guys.
I know, i know. Nakamura AGAIN?? Yes, again. I understand they just animate her yaoi mangas, and would be amazing if they animate Seven days, for example. But, they'll animate just what they KNOW Japan is going to buy. Because it's how it works.
Yeah, it would be awesome if they animate Seven Days
Aug 9, 2013 3:42 PM by Lyyu
>same author of Junjou
no thx
Mar 22, 2013 11:36 PM by Figma
I cannot wait for the last bit of this!
Mar 20, 2013 9:17 AM by cherichelly
Guys in kimono are always hawt.
i so agree to that.want mede shireru yoru no junjou (めでしれる夜の純情) as anime QQQQ
I must SO AGREE! I really love, it's good enough to be animated!!
Feb 23, 2013 2:12 PM by Dedere
Guys in kimono are always hawt.
i so agree to that.want mede shireru yoru no junjou (めでしれる夜の純情) as anime QQQQ
Oct 25, 2012 4:54 AM by tsubakix
Oct 24, 2012 6:51 AM by ToG25thBaam
Oct 24, 2012 3:59 AM by tsubakix
edit: nope, even though time has passed some news just came out.
Sep 5, 2012 1:49 PM by EdenBaggins
Aug 15, 2012 3:08 PM by XNezushiX
Why's everyone so negative? I really like her works and yeah it's true that this would be her 3rd work that gets animated but isn't it kinda hypocritical to say that they're simply going to animate everything as long as she's the mangaka? I like the manga a lot, it's cute, had an original story line and a bit drama :)
True there are other manga's that deserve an adaption too but this'll be an OVA (I can't imagine it getting 11/13 episodes) so they aren't ignored, it's just that they have too much material to make an OVA?
As for the shoujo-ai/yuri fans, there are less fans for shoujo-ai compared with the shounen-ai fans so of course they'll make more shounen-ai anime... and isn't the new anime Yuri Yuri (that's the name right?) enough to make you happy?
Thank you.
I was sick of seeing all the haters. :/ If you don't like it, then don't watch it. Period. Why bitch and moan, when 1) It's only a goddamn OVA, 2) Obviously enough people are enjoying her manga's/anime's enough to get another manga of hers animated, and 3) Yes, there are a lot better works out there, but bitching and moaning isn't gonna get them animated. So enjoy what yaoi IS animated. I know I am, though I have my opinions of what is "good" and what isn't, but to each his own. I don't go into the Gravitation discussion and talk about how crappy that yaoi is... I ignore that section altogether.
So suck it.
I agree with this. Also I'm wondering how many of those who want certain manga to be turned into anime have ever bought the manga, drama-CD's or any other merchandise that comes with it? If something isn't selling while its in those stages, then there's little chance of it being picked up by a studio to even warrant an anime adaptation, whatever genre it happens to be. If people don't spread the word and spend some money on the manga, drama-CD's or whatever else there is and every single one of the fans or even just a 1/3 of them do so it's not going to go so well as they'll assume no one wants to buy the anime/OVA adaptation.
According to an investigation by Media Development Research Institute Inc., a 30 minute episode of a TV anime in 2010 that totaled 11,000,000 yen (about US $145,214 at the current exchange rate) ~
So for a 12 episode anime that would be 132,000,000 yen (1,742,568 USD). It might be difficult to make a profit and that's without the cost of marketing factored in.
So how many people would buy the anime/OAV of their preferred genre or preferred manga to anime adaptation? How many have bought anything that would support the manga-ka and make their series even 1 purchase more popular? Think about a single volume costing $10.00 in order to get $150,000 they'd need to sell 15,000 copies, but that's still probably not enough copies sold in their or anime production minds to warrant their taking a risk of turning it into an anime. And as for the art... well it usually resembles whats in the manga. And they work with how much $ they have to spend so of course some anime isn't going to be so well made as another. Quality costs $$$. So better quality episodes would cost more than the aforementioned yen/USD. Maybe a really great quality episode would cost upwards of 33,000,000 yen (300,000 USD) so then 12 episodes would be 396,000,000 yen (3,600,000 USD). Anime production companies are just that, companies. They'll sacrifice some quality in order to make a profit.. they don't want to break even they want to make money.
May 22, 2012 2:39 PM by Trinket
May 15, 2012 5:37 PM by animazed
Jan 29, 2012 5:22 AM by tetsuhiro143
BEST NEWS in 2012 so far!!!
Well, I do hope that the other Manga like Koisuru Boukun will be animated as well (since I Love that series so dam much) but still, I feel grateful with this news. There's no much Shonen-ai manga after Junjou and Sekaiichi... so this is a great news.
Jan 22, 2012 7:46 AM by holyverde
Jan 18, 2012 7:36 PM by DarkRoseOtaku
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Studio: Deen
Director: Hiroshi Nagahama
Character design: Takahiro Kishida
(Source: TresTres 2012.12)
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