Anime & Manga News

New Anime of Soukyuu no Fafner Announced

by dtshyk
Jul 9, 2011 3:54 AM | 50 Comments
According to the twit video account of angela, a new anime of Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor was announced at the live event "Soukyuu Sakusen" held on July 9th. It will be a sequel to the movie Heaven and Earth. The title is "Soukyuu no Fafner: EXODUS" and the story takes place two years after the end of "Heven and Earth". The Blu-ray and DVD of Heaven and Earth will be released on September 21st.

Key illustration of the new Fafner anime

Sources: Atsuko's Visual Tweet, Screenshot of the live program

Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor - Exodus on MAL

20 of 50 Comments Recent Comments

Taoziee said:
@symbv : Oh man, to think that ANN is one of my primary source for anime news... I must be more careful at taking information, then. Thanks for pointing it out!
Well, I guess ANN is kind of "authoritative by default" because there is not really much competition in terms of getting anime/manga news from Japan. I do hope that they can raise their news report standard and quality though, if only for the sake of the many anime/manga fans in the west who are desperate for news from Japan.

Granted, the original ANN article only said that the plan was to air this in fall, so it was not a firm commitment of date. Delay is always possible.

Sep 18, 2013 7:40 AM by symbv

@symbv : Oh man, to think that ANN is one of my primary source for anime news... I must be more careful at taking information, then. Thanks for pointing it out!

Sep 18, 2013 7:37 AM by Taoziee

^ Seems that ANN did not get its source right then. This is not unheard of though. I have seen cases when it reported on something (often without giving its source) and then had to retract or modify it later.

Sep 18, 2013 7:29 AM by symbv

symbv said:
^ That ANN news site, which quoted a 2ch summary site, only said it is a 26 episode TV series. Nothing about that it is coming in fall though.

I thought they stated it at the end.

Or did they define another title? Correct me if I'm wrong.

I just checked another old source (from the same site, though) regarding exodus. But woah, it had been edited.

Felt like I've been trolled, so yeah. Green-lit for next year they said, but what year and what season? It remains mystery.

Sep 18, 2013 7:25 AM by Taoziee

^ That ANN news site, which quoted a 2ch summary site, only said it is a 26 episode TV series. Nothing about that it is coming in fall though.

Sep 18, 2013 5:32 AM by symbv

symbv said:
masserati94 said:
symbv said:
Taoziee said:
What is the actual airing date for Exodus?
I heard it's listed for fall anime, yet I don't see this in fall chart.
I wonder where it is listed that this is a fall anime because as far as I know no airing date has been released yet.
It was on the list, but it was taken off - which is something that really annoyed me to no end.
On what list? In MAL?

As for me, I read the news here
They planned to release exodus in summer/fall. Since it didn't appear in summer chart, I thought the date changed to fall. But still none.

So it was taken off, huh... I hope they can make it for winter list, though.

Sep 18, 2013 4:26 AM by Taoziee

masserati94 said:
symbv said:
Taoziee said:
What is the actual airing date for Exodus?
I heard it's listed for fall anime, yet I don't see this in fall chart.
I wonder where it is listed that this is a fall anime because as far as I know no airing date has been released yet.
It was on the list, but it was taken off - which is something that really annoyed me to no end.
On what list? In MAL?

Sep 17, 2013 11:08 PM by symbv

symbv said:
Taoziee said:
What is the actual airing date for Exodus?
I heard it's listed for fall anime, yet I don't see this in fall chart.
I wonder where it is listed that this is a fall anime because as far as I know no airing date has been released yet.

It was on the list, but it was taken off - which is something that really annoyed me to no end.

Sep 17, 2013 5:02 PM by Masserati_

Taoziee said:
What is the actual airing date for Exodus?
I heard it's listed for fall anime, yet I don't see this in fall chart.
I wonder where it is listed that this is a fall anime because as far as I know no airing date has been released yet.

Sep 17, 2013 7:56 AM by symbv

What is the actual airing date for Exodus?
I heard it's listed for fall anime, yet I don't see this in fall chart.

Sep 17, 2013 6:12 AM by Taoziee

Website is up:

Aug 9, 2013 9:16 AM by Stark700

Still looking forward to this after all this time since the announcement.

Jul 20, 2013 1:49 PM by DangerMouseDM

New info released on July 4th, 2013... anyone care to translate?

Jul 12, 2013 1:57 PM by KaminaKai

cant wait much longer must seeeee

Jul 10, 2013 12:14 AM by Corpse69

awesome! another 26 episodes of goodness!

judging from how much time they have put into this (announcement was in 2011 about exodus), we should have a good plot coming our way!

May 9, 2013 10:23 AM by KaminaKai

_Crystal_ said:
what does it say? i can't read japanese T.T is it the fafner exodus site?
Yeah it is. And it is on the Xebec Zwei site. Basically the main information there is a TV series of 26 episodes is being made. That's it.

Apr 24, 2013 8:38 AM by symbv

what does it say? i can't read japanese T.T is it the fafner exodus site?

Apr 24, 2013 8:09 AM by _Crystal_

This interests me, I've yet to see the first season or the movie but the Seed character designs might put me off. I liked Seed a lot, I hated Destiny but watching the same characters in a different anime is going to be weird as hell.

Seeing Shinn in the picture for the movie was already pushing it for me. Well, a second season will push me to watch the series.

Jul 16, 2012 8:48 PM by InfiniteGenesis

So I finished watching the anime series, OVA and the movie. I'm still finding a hard time in the movie who lived and died in the movie.

Jul 6, 2012 3:15 PM by LigerZero248

Personally, I didn't get it... O_O
They just place you in the middle of everything and expect you to understand what they mean by Core, Fafner, and so on...
Who the hellio is Soshi anyways?
All the characters are hard to distinguish from one another. They all look similar. D:
Maybe it's just cuz I normally don't watch mecha stuffz.

May 7, 2012 10:22 PM by TaeLeaves

It’s time to ditch the text file.
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