Anime & Manga News

Youtube Removes Official Trailer of Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi

by dtshyk
Jun 20, 2011 9:13 AM | 84 Comments
According to the twitter of Hachiya Seiichi, the producer of Kadokawa Shoten, the first trailer of Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi was removed by Youtube administrators due to the violation of the guidelines. The trailer was posted on Kadokawa's official anime channel.

Removed video
Itsu Ten Trailer re-uploaded by a user (Youtube)

Hachiya said ecchi and violent factors were indispensable for the entertainment of Itsu Ten anime. He also revealed that the first episode of the anime was rejected by the TV company because of sexual and violent scenes. The staff are now editing the episode to meet the regulation of the TV channel. The uncensored edition will be released in the Blu-ray & DVD.

Source: Hachiya's twitter

20 of 84 Comments Recent Comments

RyanSaotome said:
I'm not trying to say the best selling shows are fanservice ridden... just that if you look over all the sales, more often than not a fanservice show will make profit by being in the 5-7k range. So adding fanservice is a low risk + high reward kind of venture, since it'll guarantee extra sales with little drawbacks.

Which is something a show like Tenma needs. Legend of the Legendary Heroes, which is the same author and studio, sold about 1k per volume. Thats absolutely horrible. So the obvious solution for a show similar to it is to add stuff that'll help the overall sales... like fanservice and uncensored BD episodes. With those, it may be able to get over the manabi line and be a profitable show.

It's notable that now that the sale numbers of Tenma are out, it shows how utterly ridiculous your whole argument is:

Legend of the Legendary Heroes: 1,480 BD copies sold
Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi: 774 BD copies sold

As jmal already pointed out, "fanservice" shows rarely are top tier hits. I have no idea where you got the idea that "adding fanservice is a low risk + high reward kind of venture, guaranteeing extra sales with little drawbacks." If something, it's the complete opposite, as Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi already showed us.

Nov 14, 2011 10:24 PM by NeoFireHawk

well i was planning to watch this anime sooner or later, though it wasnt high on my list. now knowing its from the same guy who made LOL heroes, i'm just gonna have to see what this is about.

and also a lot of you guys are actually making som decent points.
whatever the case may be, the anime/manga industry is changing. fanservice will literally always sell, their just exploiting that.
and like some1 else said; its a business, every business will do whatever it takes to make more profit. some care about what you think, others dont give a shit. unless the whole anime/manga community does somthing, everything will be the same.

Nov 14, 2011 9:52 AM by supermegasonic

Because the English narrator is awesome.
No idea, really.
What I'd like to think though, is that they use this English narrator for the sole purpose of later releasing the DVD/BDs in America.
And well, it's got fanservice and all, so I bet it'll sell better than LOLHeroes.

Jul 11, 2011 12:49 AM by Oosran

Why is it in english in the first place?

Jul 10, 2011 9:28 PM by guantanamobay

The narrator is hilarious. Most English studios can at least hire a competent narrator.

Jul 10, 2011 8:18 PM by no-thanks

This is just ridiculous... What is it with the jap gov and this nonsensical censorship...its really begining to grate on my nerves.. Its not enough we need to wait some 2 weeks after each cencored episode is uploaded for the uncesored with seikon no qwaser...and now there doing the same thing for the smallest things... i mean wtf there just that really considered nudity... and how in the hells is this supposed to be harmful to the japanese youth so as to warrant for government bans and regulation.. it keeps getting worse and worse.. wtf are we supposed to do to be able to watch some decent anime in peace.... and its not enough that the anime industry reels in around 60% of the economies wealth... Will there be an uncensored version, does it already exist and if so where can we find it.

Jul 10, 2011 7:55 PM by RoyalyScrewed

Damn it, YouTube!
I'm getting really annoyed by them with the stupid copyright thing!

Jun 30, 2011 12:07 AM by animelly

"Remove" is just the dislike button for Youtube admins.

Jun 25, 2011 2:39 PM by ukonkivi

RyanSaotome said:
Which is something a show like Tenma needs. Legend of the Legendary Heroes, which is the same author and studio, sold about 1k per volume. Thats absolutely horrible. So the obvious solution for a show similar to it is to add stuff that'll help the overall sales... like fanservice and uncensored BD episodes. With those, it may be able to get over the manabi line and be a profitable show.

Y'know, the reason why LOL Heroes sold so terribly isn't because it didn't have any fanservice, it's mostly because of its incomprehensible story at times because they tried to adapt 11 novels in 24 episodes of 20 minutes, which is impossible. Absolutely impossible, I don't know what the hell they were thinking. They even decided to add an incredibly rushed version of the first few chapters of the sequel novels in the last episode.
They just completely raped the source material. The novels were actually selling very well, and apparently the anime also increased the sales of the sequel novels.
If ZEXCS wants better sales, they should put some more effort into adapting the source material into a good anime that both the anime-only viewers and the original light novel reads will appreciate.
But I agree that it's easier to just add panty shots to every scene. That hardly takes any effort.

Jun 25, 2011 2:14 PM by Samu-tan

RyanSaotome said:
I'm not trying to say the best selling shows are fanservice ridden... just that if you look over all the sales, more often than not a fanservice show will make profit by being in the 5-7k range. So adding fanservice is a low risk + high reward kind of venture, since it'll guarantee extra sales with little drawbacks.

Which is something a show like Tenma needs. Legend of the Legendary Heroes, which is the same author and studio, sold about 1k per volume. Thats absolutely horrible. So the obvious solution for a show similar to it is to add stuff that'll help the overall sales... like fanservice and uncensored BD episodes. With those, it may be able to get over the manabi line and be a profitable show.

I'd like to hear just how you think "Itsuka Tenma" and "Legend of the Legendary Heroes" are similar, because from where I'm standing, other than being works by the same author, the stories themselves are near completely different.

Bearing this in mind, it would seem to me that they're simply taking a new initiative on a work by the same author simply because another didn't do near as well as they hoped. Presumptuous, to say the least.

Jun 21, 2011 9:35 PM by ShinnKamiyra

I'm not trying to say the best selling shows are fanservice ridden... just that if you look over all the sales, more often than not a fanservice show will make profit by being in the 5-7k range. So adding fanservice is a low risk + high reward kind of venture, since it'll guarantee extra sales with little drawbacks.

Which is something a show like Tenma needs. Legend of the Legendary Heroes, which is the same author and studio, sold about 1k per volume. Thats absolutely horrible. So the obvious solution for a show similar to it is to add stuff that'll help the overall sales... like fanservice and uncensored BD episodes. With those, it may be able to get over the manabi line and be a profitable show.

Jun 21, 2011 12:30 PM by RyanSaotome

Confucius said:
I am not a bit shocked because YouTube removes just about everything nowadays


I don't really like the ecchi stuff, but I might take a look at it because of the bishie(s)... xD

Jun 21, 2011 12:08 PM by Face_Faith

seriously.... how bad will the ecchi and violent factors get to violent the 'guideline', with this anime of this level

Jun 21, 2011 3:39 AM by guruguru19

Oosran said:
RyanSaotome said:
But of course, people never understand the financial situations behind the anime, and just like to find stuff to cry about without understanding why its like that.
Actually, it is perfectly understandable that they'd need to get some money.
What I don't understand is why people would sooner buy a show so full of fanservice that the plit can hardly be seen at all, rather than buying a show with an amazing plot.
There've been way too many good shows that sold like crap simply because they didn't have enough fanservice.

The current person who is willing to shell out 80 dollars for 2 episodes is the hardcore otaku. They don't watch anime for deep plots or anything. These are the people who have their 2D waifus and tons of figurines, posters and body pillows of anime girls. So they are the ones who are buying anime, and they want cute girls and fanservice more than deep plots.

In any industry, you need to pander to the people who are your main customers. For anime, its the otaku.

Jun 21, 2011 3:35 AM by RyanSaotome

RyanSaotome said:
But of course, people never understand the financial situations behind the anime, and just like to find stuff to cry about without understanding why its like that.
Actually, it is perfectly understandable that they'd need to get some money.
What I don't understand is why people would sooner buy a show so full of fanservice that the plit can hardly be seen at all, rather than buying a show with an amazing plot.
There've been way too many good shows that sold like crap simply because they didn't have enough fanservice.

Jun 21, 2011 2:57 AM by Oosran

itsthatguy said:
Personally I had no idea what this was beforehand but it looks awesome.

Basically this. It was the loli pantsu from the trailer that interested me in it.

And remember people, Legend of the Legendary Heroes sold like SHIT. It lost them money, so if they did another adaption similar to it, they needed to throw in stuff that'll help it sell... like fanservice.

But of course, people never understand the financial situations behind the anime, and just like to find stuff to cry about without understanding why its like that.

Jun 20, 2011 11:00 PM by RyanSaotome

What a shame. :(

Jun 20, 2011 10:28 PM by guantanamobay

Personally I had no idea what this was beforehand but it looks awesome.

Jun 20, 2011 9:44 PM by itsthatguy

SaiAkuto said:
Say whatever you want but you cannot deny the fact that reproduction is the sole biological purpose of living.

That's subjective interpretation, nothing more and nothing less. It's true that humanity is instilled with a biological desire to reproduce, however that does not mean it is our sole purpose in living.

We're all humans and fully capable of making our own decisions in life, and if I don't feel like I want to have a child, then it's damn well within my rights to follow through with that decision.

jmal said:

Oh please. As a species, humanity has hit a point where procreation can be a choice, not a fundamental biological necessity that every individual must engage in. Really, the last thing we want (given overpopulation and limited resources) is every single person on this planet reproducing. Spare me this "lol genetic imperative, if you don't make babies you're defective" bullshit like something you just heard in some conservative high school freshmen biology class.

Well said.

Jun 20, 2011 8:50 PM by ShinnKamiyra

ChronosXIII said:

his controversy only made me notice it and immediately like it.

this if someone makes a cotroversy over something itll immediatly get attention and people will watch it...

Jun 20, 2011 8:18 PM by Denmark-Chan

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