Manga Author Quits Production Staff of Hyouge Mono Anime

Taku Takahashi's song 'Ebi Sukui' has been used for the OP since the arrest of Kosuga Tsuyoshi.
Source: Hyougemono Facebook
Related topic: Theme Song Musician of Hyouge Mono Arrested for Possessing Marijuana
20 of 60 Comments Recent Comments
Just released ch 4 the other day
Apr 5, 2012 4:29 PM by itsleviheichou
Does this mean some production company starting the the dubbing or did Huzzah just stop subbing
They just released a new episode back on the 19th.
Mar 27, 2012 4:21 PM by nx6
Mar 27, 2012 4:11 PM by Keyota14
Jan 24, 2012 7:21 AM by Pessoa
Jan 11, 2012 9:22 AM by Raitei_Dono
These comments are fucking depressing.
Seriously. Its only one of the best shows of the season and one of the few anime I have enjoyed that much in such a long time.
Sep 16, 2011 9:13 AM by Jingorou
Sep 7, 2011 10:53 AM by Yae-Yae
Aug 9, 2011 5:50 PM by geneonline
Love the look of it.
But the manga author leaving leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
That usually signals creative differences which usually means source material is raped anally.
Jun 25, 2011 10:27 AM by Sabinlerose
Jun 20, 2011 7:35 PM by Mormegil
All main characters and supporting characters are all balding old man? Wut?
It's a sengoku period drama(I shouldn't even say drama since it has a bizarre sense of humor), that was the style during that time.
They didn't have Yu-Gi-Oh-esque hair, deal with it.
Seriously though, I really wish there were consistent sub releases of this show. It's the only one(aside from Kaiji 2) show of the season that I've given a shit about, for good reason too.
Jun 20, 2011 4:27 PM by Hias
This would be annoying, but at this rate it's not as if we'll ever get to see the effects it has. Subs where?
Jun 20, 2011 1:19 PM by alchemist11
The Mangaka probably didn't see any profit.
Not true. My guess is, from the first ep I saw and the first 2 chapters I read, the adaption stuck to the basics of the manga but changed some of the scenes; and I think the differences between the two might have widened with time.
Besides, the director sucks. He has a reputation for bad adaptions
I hope this show is what finally sends bee train down the drain.
PS: lol @ retarded comments...
Jun 19, 2011 3:40 AM by eyerok
Congratulations, you've provided a crystal-clear illustration of what is so wrong with so much of anime fandom.
You are right, the guy is an moron (and probably a troll), but people who like to smell their own farts are also a big problem in anime fandom. Don't be one of those stuck-up fans. Take a step back and calm down, it was just one sentence and it, while ignorant, it was pretty harmless and inconsequential. There's no need to blow up or tout your superior intellect by typing out a "dissection of logic." Come on bro. You are better than that but there's no need to be a showoff. Don't feed the trolls.
Everyone watching/waiting for Hyouge Mono subs: Please settle the fuck down and don't bristle at every little comment by people who have no interest anyway. You're embarrassing yourselves.
Everyone who doesn't watch Hyouge Mono: Why even post in this thread? Just go watch whatever moe show is popular this week and keep your comments about stuff you don't even care about to yourselves...
Jun 19, 2011 2:20 AM by zeon
...I honestly never even heard of this show until now.
Never even heard of this anime....oh well....
All main characters and supporting characters are all balding old man? Wut?
These comments are fucking depressing.
Who gives a shit if it's popular or not? I certainly don't and I've been enjoying the show regardless. I hope Huzzah hasn't given up subbing it entirely.
I give a shit, because if it were more popular it would have more subs and this shit like people quitting wouldn't even be happening!
Jun 18, 2011 10:41 PM by simo000
This would be annoying, but at this rate it's not as if we'll ever get to see the effects it has. Subs where?
Yeah. i didn't bother starting this because of the subs issue.
Well the anime may not be for the average fan, it looks to be something for the 30-40 year old demographic which most of us aren't that age.
Jun 18, 2011 11:19 AM by Hoppy
This would be annoying, but at this rate it's not as if we'll ever get to see the effects it has. Subs where?
Yeah. i didn't bother starting this because of the subs issue.
Jun 18, 2011 11:07 AM by removed-user
I see those Hyouge Mono episodes when I look for raws, I heard it was boring so I avoid the series.
Jun 18, 2011 11:03 AM by llxwarbirdxll
Jun 18, 2011 10:54 AM by Hoppy
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