Sentai Filmworks Licenses Angel Beats! [Update April 3]

Update on April 3rd
According to Otaku Review's twitter, Section 23 (Sentai Filmworks' distribution company) will leave Angel Beats!' music in its original Japanese.
Source: official website, Otaku Review's twitter
20 of 75 Comments Recent Comments
Aug 1, 2011 4:50 PM by kirby_422
I like it better than what Bandai did to K-On.
Jul 14, 2011 9:12 PM by Sly-Guy
I'm somewhat disappointed with Sentai right now because I just realized that they mostly dub fanservice, moe, and ecchi anime. Plus, they hardly dub the good ones! (mostly romance anime like Special A and Maid-Sama)
Jun 29, 2011 10:20 PM by animelly
Jun 26, 2011 10:57 PM by removed-user
Jun 9, 2011 8:54 AM by Roloko!+complete+collection+dvd+box+set/
can't wait for its release.
Jun 9, 2011 7:16 AM by ArtemisOrion
I'm definitely gonna get the Bluray once it comes out. I'll just watch the subs I guess.
Jun 9, 2011 12:29 AM by Exiledraven
Jun 7, 2011 7:06 PM by Isaac0
Not to mention TK, there's no easy way to dub his voice while keeping any trueness to the original.
Make him Portuguese or something. :P
I might watch the dub for fun, but I'm not expecting anything good. Clannad was a disaster after all.
Haha that would really be something. A portuguese TK would be so awesome.
Apr 7, 2011 8:50 PM by chocolaetmaelk
Not to mention TK, there's no easy way to dub his voice while keeping any trueness to the original.
Make him Portuguese or something. :P
I might watch the dub for fun, but I'm not expecting anything good. Clannad was a disaster after all.
Apr 4, 2011 10:41 AM by notnishiura
That's not to say they should make english versions of all the songs, I'd just prefer if they just didn't dub it at all. Not because I'm a weeaboo, but it just doesn't make sense.
Oh, um, hey. I guess you must have been a bit out of it for the last decade or so, but in the current time that's not an all uncommon practise. No one has really complained about it, but all the weeaboos sure likes to complain when a dubbing company actually does go and do the vocals for an insert song. Japanese songs have been left intact in anime for a long time now.
Also, no, Sentai Filmworks was never cool. They're probably my least favourite licensor, considering their releases are pretty basic (production standards and misc. wise). But, I guess that's what happens when your old company (ADV) is ripped apart due to a botched deal, the quality of your releases suffer due to lower budgets and less connections.
Apr 4, 2011 12:51 AM by no-thanks
Now this is a series I would love to own on DVD. YES.
Apr 4, 2011 12:49 AM by Numi
Sentai, I am disapoint. You used to be cool.
Apr 3, 2011 11:57 PM by kingw0rm
According to Otaku Review's twitter, Section 23 (Sentai Filmworks' distribution company) will leave Angel Beats!' music in its original Japanese.
Apr 3, 2011 11:31 PM by Naruleach
Oh noes...
They added English audio.
They ruined the anime, don't touch that shit it's infested!
People who hate dubs for no reason whatsoever make me laugh
Because obviously dubbing the voice track absolutely ruins the anime, right? Never mind the quality of the voices nor how much they matched the character, it's in English so it must be bad. I'll then go ahead and base my opinion on 15-year-old productions, because they're entirely relevant to the current case.
shh, stop making sense
Mar 28, 2011 9:06 PM by kkslider5552000
Lol geez, good fucking luck matching the amazing job the seiyuus did.
Because yelling is hard? Yeah, sure is an amazing job there.
Mar 28, 2011 6:47 PM by no-thanks
Mar 28, 2011 6:45 PM by Yanoflies
Oh noes...
They added English audio.
They ruined the anime, don't touch that shit it's infested!
People who hate dubs for no reason whatsoever make me laugh
Because obviously dubbing the voice track absolutely ruins the anime, right? Never mind the quality of the voices nor how much they matched the character, it's in English so it must be bad. I'll then go ahead and base my opinion on 15-year-old productions, because they're entirely relevant to the current case.
Mar 28, 2011 6:36 PM by no-thanks
They added English audio.
They ruined the anime, don't touch that shit it's infested!
People who hate dubs for no reason whatsoever make me laugh
Mar 28, 2011 6:07 PM by SuperSaiyen
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Even though I've seen Angel Beats when it was airing last year, I'm thinking of getting it on DVD. But I'm kinda broke right now. :P So I'm interested in watching it in English.
I'm somewhat disappointed with Sentai right now because I just realized that they mostly dub fanservice, moe, and ecchi anime. Plus, they hardly dub the good ones! (mostly romance anime like Special A and Maid-Sama)
Special A, and Maid-Sama were shit! Thank god they didn't dub it. And they dub a variety of anime, from Caanan, to Clannad, all the way to Shigofumi. And of course they dub some ecchi (and I emphasize "some"), because god knows how much weaboo's love that shit, and are willing to shell out their moneyz for it. Oh the horror, a business trying to cater to the demand. Woe is I.
Aug 3, 2011 8:55 AM by lucjan