Release of Hellsing Ultimate To Be Resumed in July [Update May 25]

Trailer of Hellsing Ultimate vol.8 at Comiket 79 (Youtube)
According to the official website, the OVA series will be concluded by the tenth volume. Volumes 8 - 10 will be produced by two studios; Graphinica (the former digital section of GONZO) and studio Kelmadick (the subcontractor of "Shugo Chara!" series and "Genshiken 2").
The changes of the production studios of Hellsing:
TV Series: GONZO
OVA vol.1 - 4: Satelight
OVA vol.5 - 7: Madhouse
OVA vol.8 - 10: Graphinica & Kelmadick
Sources: Scan of YK Ours, Hellsing OVA official website
Story by [profile=peroxid]peroxid[/profile]
Update on May 25th
According to the official website, the release of the eighth volume will be postponed until July 27th. An extra short anime titled "Hellsing: The Dawn" will be included in the volume.
Source: Geneon, Amazon Japan
Hellsing: The Dawn on MAL
20 of 63 Comments Recent Comments
This is just getting ridiculous...
After the delay we just went through, it gets postponed another month? Common sense would dictate that doing this is a horrible idea for them. I believe the OP said this was a new company or something (I don't pay too much attention to those things)? Well if that's the case they're making a poor first impression on the fan base. The shows been on hold for a good 2-ish years, so this isn't like any other show getting postponed, and there's no way they couldn't see that. At the moment I'm more interested in actually finding out what their reasons are for this, because I'm drawing a blank.
Reasons are really simple, I can help you to understand here if you were not following the deal from the very beginning.
Normal Hellsing OVA schedule is something around two volumes per year. It all started in 2006 and back there OVAs were a DVD only product, but nowadays DVD video is a thing of a past with a new awesome Blu-ray technology. So what was ok in 2006 is not ok in 2011. According to this Hellsing OVA went HD since the sixth episode, but still there were episodes 1-5 left. So fans were promised with a Blu-ray box of Hellsing OVA 1-5 HD remastered. OVA 6 came out following by OVA 7 and still there were no sighs of the BD-box which was painful for those waiting for it. So it was after OVA 7 release when creators decided to focus on 1-5 HD. And remastering something that was originally SD into full-HD is not an easy task you know. OVA 5 was ready from the day one I guess, they just originally decided to release it only on DVD to include an HD version into the big package later, OVA 4 was something in-between and OVAs from 1 to 3 were a total disaster, so the team had to rescan and repaint every single frame from the scratch. Some frames were not even rescanned and recolored, but totally redrawn. This work took the whole year 2010 and sadly was not completed fully, so there are some ugly upscales in HD versions of OVA 2, OVA 3 and a little bit in the beginning of OVA 4 (especially OVA 2). OVA 1 now looks gorgeous in every single frame. I wish they had decided to release Hellsing BD-box flawless and took even more time, but well.
So they actually start working on OVA 8 in the beginning of 2011. June release was a tribute to the original two episodes per year plan, but that plan originally was not 100% accurate either for it was actually two episodes per 12-14 months or even more sometimes. Postpone practice was also there since 2006. No single Hellsing OVA episode was ever released according to the initial schedule, some episodes were actually delayed up to three times if not more. So this new postpone is not something you can blame the new studios for. It is a usual thing every fan with some knowledge on topic was expecting anyway. Studios can change but the core team (producers, directors, scriptwriters, managers, VAs etc) are the same guys and girls anyway.
Jun 27, 2011 3:57 AM by Klimat
Jun 26, 2011 1:30 PM by loghneckbeard
After the delay we just went through, it gets postponed another month? Common sense would dictate that doing this is a horrible idea for them. I believe the OP said this was a new company or something (I don't pay too much attention to those things)? Well if that's the case they're making a poor first impression on the fan base. The shows been on hold for a good 2-ish years, so this isn't like any other show getting postponed, and there's no way they couldn't see that. At the moment I'm more interested in actually finding out what their reasons are for this, because I'm drawing a blank.
Jun 10, 2011 11:38 PM by Makicide
Ugh *calms down* I really hope this is THE final date.
Jun 9, 2011 6:43 AM by metamorphius
I thought this was gonna be released at my birthday lol. but then I hoped -_-
again it is DELAYED #$&* it been 1yr of waiting huh better be worth the wait :)
Jun 3, 2011 3:32 PM by Xynz01
Jun 3, 2011 9:18 AM by Lonepanda
Jun 1, 2011 3:43 PM by Shidoshi
May 24, 2011 2:52 PM by CyborgNinja
May 12, 2011 9:36 PM by BlackSnake56
This will make me a happy pony.
Ehem. Well, I am excited. But, I'll try not to get my hopes up just in case.
May 12, 2011 9:34 PM by NightGaze
And what does HOTD and Hellsing have in common?
Madhouse Studios, Kouta Hirano and some VAs.
May 12, 2011 2:00 AM by Klimat
May 11, 2011 1:31 PM by hardnyasha
May 6, 2011 9:16 PM by MusashiRose
Apr 27, 2011 7:16 AM by Shidoshi
I cant wait!
Apr 26, 2011 1:54 PM by JeTa
Does anybody know if the release date was delayed, put on hold or rescheduled due to the March 11 earthquake/tsunami?
It was not.
Still it can always be delayed in the future due to the common creators-are-not-ready-on time-again problem. But for now it still is June 22, which was recently confirmed by and some other online shops.
Apr 25, 2011 1:22 AM by Klimat
Apr 24, 2011 2:31 PM by NeoFireHawk
Apr 15, 2011 1:37 AM by FireHeart
Apr 14, 2011 7:18 PM by loghneckbeard
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Just drop it... or others will rage. Oh yeah I am one of them... ^^
??! o_O
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