Online Episodes of OreImo To Be Streamed Late in February [Update Feb 23]
Streaming sites:
OreImo official website
NicoNico Douga
Movie Gate (for mobile phones)
Source: OreImo official website
Updated on February 23rd
According to the official website, the special episodes will be released monthly.
Episode 13: Late in March
Episode 14: April
Episode 15: May
Source: Ore Imo official website
20 of 75 Comments Recent Comments
May 8, 2011 10:17 PM by ska-cze
and even though many of you dislike Kirino I kinda miss her in this anime .. At first I thought it was okay without her, but now..I feel like there's something big missing in the show.. After all she is the "little sister" here..
Apr 27, 2011 9:36 AM by notzky
Apr 26, 2011 5:51 AM by DrNick
any exact date for 14? is this gonna be late april cause of 13 was in late march?
I'm guessing by epi. 13's release date, they're pushing them back to the end of each month.
Apr 21, 2011 4:37 AM by tangytangerine
Apr 20, 2011 9:13 PM by mococomono
Apr 5, 2011 7:37 PM by ska-cze
Apr 5, 2011 2:51 AM by Leonard93
Mar 25, 2011 6:04 AM by zimno
Woo, people be hatin' on me.
Anyway, I should be heading off to America as planned. That's a good thing for Kuroneko and Saori fans, by the way.
You made my day.
Mar 24, 2011 10:34 AM by Nao-stani
fk you want to go america for?? still wont win any medals at the track where the blacks live. :D prolly get hit from behind by a black
She wouldn't win anything short of a honorable mention in the US, and her getting mugged won't be too likely, she'll most likely will get lured into a car by some dirty old man, raped, and never heard from again, if not that some highschooler or college student will date her, get her pregnant, and break her heart in a hundred different ways. That or some Manson class coot wants her to join his "group". Kirino should have watched Azumanga Daioh and she would have thought twice about going to the US at her age.
Feb 23, 2011 8:49 AM by Hoppy
Feb 23, 2011 6:29 AM by dewert
Feb 22, 2011 5:39 AM by ForsakenArcher
Anyway, I should be heading off to America as planned. That's a good thing for Kuroneko and Saori fans, by the way.
Feb 22, 2011 4:52 AM by -Kirino-
but at any rate, from what I've gathered of what I saw throughout the series and took note of, I think the true end will be more involving the fact that Kirino will leave for America episode 12... and then there should be some sort of time skip and it'll focus on Kuroneko and Kyosuke interaction when she moves into his school and such... Then the final episode, 14, will be a particular awesome moment before a certain plane trip? That's my take on things. If it ends that way, a second season is sure to be properly set up...
...unless they pull a Clannad and put so much insane amounts of content into one episode at a time like they did for the Tomoyo and Kyou OVAs...
Feb 20, 2011 6:42 AM by ShadowOfThePast
Feb 9, 2011 5:10 PM by waalex11
I hope the last episode of the True Ending is called, "My little sister can't be knocked up!" That would be hot!
Also, "Going sister and my sister's friend" is probably the best Oreimo Doujin out there and is in color.
Feb 6, 2011 10:39 PM by Loco50
AND i definitely would like it if there is season 2!
Good to see the episodes will be earlier streamed than I expected <3
Christ, so many Kirino haters in this thread. The Kuroneko worshippers are all rejoicing. Well, allow me to ruin your expectations and tell you right now that Kuroneko won't be the focus of this true end. She will get more screentime, yes, but that's just it. The main girl is still Kirino and at the end of these specials, the spotlight will still be hers.
Will it be an incest ending? Of course not. OreImo isn't the "boy gets girl at the end" kind of story. And before you folks mention the whole...
...let me remind you that the anime so far has only covered four light novel volumes worth of plot. There's three more before we get to that. It's very unlikely they'll be able to cover it all in 4 episodes, so don't expect it to happen.
So, what can you expect from the True End? Better closure than the Good End, that's for sure, while still keeping things open for a second season. Doesn't seem appealing to you? Here's my suggestion, then: disconsider watching this and go look for Kuroneko doujinshis. Comic Market 79 happened a few weeks ago in Japan, and there should be enough of them around to keep you from ruining the discussion threads with your bitching and moaning about how you didn't get your Kuroneko end.
With all these Kirino haters, I appreciate this post a lot XD
yeah i wonder why kirino haters and "nice boat ending on oreimo" fans got concentrated together on MAL.. lol..
IMO nice boat ending is impossible and i wish all the best for kirino lol..
Feb 6, 2011 3:20 AM by greenboy27
Feb 5, 2011 10:39 AM by geno93n0
Feb 3, 2011 1:11 PM by waalex11
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